Master of Great Calamity Chapter 447: How would you choose

“The top three formations…”

“Fang Yuan, the chief leader, got the name of the great formation master, gave a pattern robe, a box of profound wood and purple jade chips, a 20-volume map of the gods, and ten pieces of jade carvings, and a hundred Ten pieces of Huangxuan Mojing, and a special license from Langya Pavilion, can enter the Tibetan Scripture Hall to enlighten the Three Months…”

“The second person, Duanmuxing, won the name of the great formation master, gave a pattern robe, a box of mysterious iron flying ice chips, a god-level formation with 20 volumes, and a jade carving formation with seven pieces. He was given seven pieces of Hundred Huangxuan Mojing, and was granted a special license from Langya Pavilion to enter the Langya Pavilion library for enlightenment in January…”

“The third person, the flying towel, won the name of the Great Formation Master, and give me a pattern robe…”



“The top three alchemy…”

“Fang Yuan, the chief alchemist, was given the name of a great alchemy master. He gave a pill robe, nine fires attached to a furnace, twelve elixir recipes for gods, one magic medicine, and ten precious medicines. Thirty treasure pills, and another special permission from Langya Pavilion, can enter the Tibetan Scriptures Hall to enlighten the Three Months…”



“Fang Yuan, the leader of Fu Dao Kui, won the name of the Great Master of Talisman. He was given a robe with a pattern, a set of four treasures of pen and ink, and another…”



The purple list that Taoist Taikun gave Fang Yuan pointed out otherwise, and for this six-door test, the overall rewards are not small. Soon, a complete list of rewards was released. It was not too cumbersome. It recorded all the rewards Fang Yuan deserved during the six major exams. Afterwards, someone will naturally send it to Chishuidan. In the stream.

Faced with this list, there are almost innumerable rewards, and the practitioners are naturally envious.

Fang Yuan feels simple, he only has two ideas…

First, I am finally satisfied, and I am allowed to enter Langya Pavilion to study for 18 months!

The other is that I won’t be short of clothes to wear in the future, and I just sent out three pieces of robes at once!

But I really want to talk about it, all the rewards, including the 18-month charter to study in Langya Pavilion, are not as important as the purple list that Taoist Taikun gave Fang Yuan. This purple list is very ordinary. Only Fang Yuan’s name and teacher’s door were written, and he was stamped with his seal. Besides, there was almost nothing. It seemed to be just a token to enter a certain place…

But Fang Yuan understands that this purple list is by no means simple, because Li Baihu and Li Hongxiao almost ignored everything else, but when they got this purple list, They all put it away solemnly, with unexpected attention.

After all the rewards of the six big exams were announced, this kind of purple list only issued a total of less than 30. Among them, the monks who participated in the Taoist war won the most. Among the other tests, But there are very few, and Fang Yuan has also seen the one that Guan Ao got. The rune pattern on it does not seem to be more refined than his own purple list…

“What exactly does this represent?”

Fang Yuan asked Li Baihu and Li Hongxiao, but they both laughed and said nothing.

When I asked Song Longzhu, this guy just winked and said that he was going to heaven soon…

For this, Fang Yuan had no choice but to properly accept the Purple List. Three months later, he arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain and he knew it at a glance.

“Walk around, drink, go drink!”

Not far away, Song Longzhu was drinking happily, calling out to everyone.

Now these six big exams are over, but none of them intends to leave. They have an appointment to take a swig. For such occasions, Fang Yuan himself is not interested in it, and it has rarely been in the past. Participate, but can’t refuse this time.

The reason is very simple. These people want Fang to be the host because he gets the most rewards.

Fang Yuan is helpless, he shouldn’t let his hostess not show up, right?

So he graciously placed the banquet in the Chishui Danxi, asked Qingfeng Xiaotong to bring a few jars of wine over, and let Guan Ao take a scorpion, ran into the nearby deep mountain and beat a wild boar. Just put some fruits and vegetables, it’s almost the same…

…This is not stingy, a wild boar is enough!

“Hahahaha, we Xiaoqijun became famous together, and we will fight together in the future, especially after we arrive at Kunlun Mountain. Don’t be underestimated. I’ve heard that those people have eyes The back of the head, but based on our ability, the envoys of the Dark Demon Lord have been cut off. As long as the group is held together, those people will not be a problem. Sooner or later, we will have to convince us one by one…”

However, this little Qijun didn’t care about it, he came happily, and had a drink in Fangyuan’s Chishui Danxi courtyard, especially Song Longzhu, holding a wine jar in his arms, not too long. I just drank it, stood up, patted my chest and yelled: “Although I am a casual cultivator, Song Longzhu, but I am loyal, whoever wants to recruit you in the future, as long as I send a letter, I Arrived immediately, even if the other party is Yuan Ying, I will also clean up him. After all, I haven’t never cleaned Yuan Ying before, I am very skilled…”

A few people around looked at him coldly, as if they were too lazy to pay attention to him.

He got more excited as he talked, and laughed: “It’s really not possible, let’s take a hand, I am the oldest…”

While talking about it, he wanted to reach out and take Li Hongxiao’s shoulder, Li Hongxiao glared at him.

Song Longzhu’s head shrank, most of the time he woke up from alcohol, he turned around to embrace Wei Longjue, and whispered: “So should I be the boss?”

Wei Long said: “Go away!”

Song Longzhu raised his head and looked at Wei Yuzi. Wei Yuzi lowered his head and did not look at him, so he looked at Song Yuren again.

Song Yuren said: “Don’t come here!”

Song Longzhu helplessly sighed and sighed. After a blink of an eye, he saw the white cat lying on a wicker chair in the small courtyard under the big locust tree, sleeping loudly. He smiled and leaned forward and said: ” Don’t we both worship the handle, I call you big brother?”



“Fang Daoyou, why don’t you come over and talk together?”

Fang Yuan is on the west side of the small courtyard, leaning on a railing, looking far away, looking at the moonlight covered with the earth, calculating his plans after the six big exams in his heart, thinking about his mind, suddenly he heard a voice behind him, and turned When I got around, I saw Li Baihu holding a hip flask in his hand and two cups in his left hand. He slowly walked over, stood still thirty feet away, and asked with a faint smile.

“Thinking about something!”

Fang Yuan answered and turned around: “Brother Li Dao invited…”

Li Baihu put the wine glass on the railing, filled two glasses of wine, and smiled: “Why don’t you think about it later, drink two glasses first?”

Fang Yuan nodded, took a glass of wine, and drank it all.

Li Baihu also drank the wine, sighed, and said: “Your kendo is very good!”

Fang Yuan glanced at him, and said, “I also know that my kendo is good!”

Li Baihu glanced at him, as if observing something intently. After a long while, he smiled softly and said, “If I saw it well, you should be about to cultivate to the point of perfecting sword intent now. According to the realm defined in the sword scriptures of our washing sword pond, after you have cultivated to the great perfection of sword intent, you should enter the realm of sword heart cultivation…”

“Cultivating Jianxin?”

Fang Yuan didn’t say anything after hearing this, but he secretly recalled the meaning of these two words.

The Wuxia Sword Classic he cultivated has three volumes, but Fang Yuan has only practiced to the second volume now, because his sword intent has not yet reached the perfection, so he can’t comprehend the third volume, so naturally he doesn’t. Knowing what a realm is after the sword intent is, after all, kendo is not like magical powers. Everyone has their own understanding. Few people can accurately describe the characteristics of each realm…

Li Baihu smiled and said: “Yes, after Jianyi, it is Jianxin, but in this world, at our age and in the Jindan realm, there is hope to break through to Jianxin realm. , If you are full of calculations, there will be no more than ten people, and among these ten people, at least four people are in my sword washing pond, and you should have become one of these ten people!”

Fang Yuan noticed the word “original” in his words, and he still remembers that this sword-washing pool white-robed sword master once said that if they could not die during the Dao war, he would tell himself to wash The reason why Jianchi didn’t want to let himself continue to use the sword…

He groaned slightly in his heart, but understood why he wanted to find himself to drink.

So, he simply asked directly: “I have been raising sword intent for almost three years, and I have never been consummated. Do you know why?”

Li Baihu was silent for a while, turned his head to look at him, and said: “If you let me tell the truth, I hope you never enter the country again!”

Fang Yuan frowned slightly.

If he had heard this before, he would have been very unhappy in his heart, but now, he has seen that Li Baihu has something to say, so he just fell silent and didn’t rush to answer. In any case, Li Baihu said that he hoped that his sword realm cultivation would never enter the realm again. It was better than the original sword washing pond that he hoped that he would never make the sword sound much better…

Sure enough, Li Baihu saw that Fang Yuan was not angry, so he slowly continued, saying: “If you are dissatisfied with the sword intent, you will not go to cultivate Jianxin. If you never get to the step of practicing Jianxin, I can guarantee that Washing the Sword Pool will not trouble you!”

Fang Yuan thought about it, and said directly: “Tell me why!”

Li Baihu was silent for a while, then slowly said: “Because you are cultivating evil swords!”

Fang Yuan looked up faintly at and said: “I am not practicing evil swords!”



The problem seems to have come to a tit-for-tat place again. After setting it aside, naturally, there is no other choice but to do it. But this time, Li Baihu obviously did not want to do it. He just sighed, lifted the hip flask, and poured it to Fang Yuan. A cup, said: “You are naturally not cultivating evil swords now, and this is one of the reasons why your sword intent has never been successful, but in the future…”

He poured a glass himself, drank it, then pinched the jug between his fingers, turned it slowly, pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: “If your sword intent has been If you can’t succeed, are you sure you won’t follow the evil sword?”

Fang Yuan heard that he meant something, was slightly startled, and looked at him intently.

“Or let me put it another way…”

Li Baihu met his gaze and said lightly: “If you only rely on a certain evil method to achieve great sword intent, how would you choose?”

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