Master of Great Calamity Chapter 434: Please open your eyes, baby


Under the countless blood chase of the little lord Xinze, or the blood messenger, most cultivators have almost no counterattack.

Masters like Li Hongxiao and Li Baihu have also raised their minds to the extreme, so beware.

At this moment, there was a mess around, screaming in horror, but Li Hongyu clenched his teeth, waved his sleeves, and the stars were spreading in front of and behind him, and he kept leaning towards him. In order to cut off her own blood line, blocking, and even rushing towards the little lord Xinze, but unfortunately, every time she cut a piece, more blood line rushed to her, and she couldn’t get rid of it.

At this time, Li Baihu’s figure is almost becoming a line, rushing from east to west on this high platform, flying around.

Countless blood lines cut and chase after, but they can’t keep up with him and can’t entangle him.

However, anyone can see that as the little lord Xinze draws more and more blood from the crowd, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger, but their mana is consumed more and more seriously, To be entangled by this bloodline is just a matter of time…

In the chaos, there is only one person, or one thing, not entangled by this bloodline.

That is the toad that Fang Yuan summoned. It wasn’t that it flew towards it without blood, but when it touched its golden skin, it was bounced back by an invisible force. After going out, it could not hurt it, and this toad slowly jumped in the crowd with this effort, swallowing a person for a while, and finally came behind Li Hongxiao who was fighting hard.

“What the hell?”

Li Hongxiao’s heart was cruel, and he wanted to cut the little lord Xinze, but he couldn’t do anything with him. Instead, he was gradually forced into a disadvantage. When he was anxious, he turned his head and saw such an ugly thing. , I was taken aback.

The toad just looked at her blankly without speaking, but inside the toad, a voice came out: “Come in!”

As he spoke, Toad opened his mouth, as if to gesture to Li Hongxiao.

“Are you really a toad?”

Li Hongxiao heard Fang Yuan’s voice, but he was shocked, his eyes were very strange.

I thought: “What evil magic power is this?”

“Just come in!”

Fang Yuan’s voice was somewhat helpless, and Toad’s mouth opened wider.

However, Li Hongxiao hesitated. She is a royal noble, a majestic princess of the nine heavens, and a noble blood. This is the reason why she was eager to fight against the little prince Xinze, even though she knew the situation. It’s not good. It’s probably bad to keep going like this, but if you want to get into the stomach of a toad to save your life, wouldn’t it be a shame if you pass it out?

…not to mention that this toad is really not pretty!

But just when she hesitated for a while, another voice rang out in a hurry: “What are you hesitating, come on!”


With that voice, a sword light circulated, hurriedly fleeing in this direction.

It was Li Baihu. He flew around between the courts. His consciousness was extremely sensitive. Naturally, in this chaos, he discovered a special existence like the toad, so he flew away without hesitation and turned into a Jian Guang escaped straight into Toad’s mouth.

With such a move, he has been doing his best to capture his blood messenger, and these strange phenomena have appeared.

“To this day, are you still trying to save your life?”

The more blood that the little prince Xinze **** from the surrounding cultivators, the crazier the whole person becomes. As soon as he notices this, he immediately becomes furious, and his blood vigorously shakes up, suddenly turning into a large area of ​​sharpness. Bloodshot, swept straight here.

Boom! boom! boom!

Facing his crazy offensive, Li Hongxiao also felt that he could not resist, and finally did not dare to drag it any more. He sighed and waved his hand to sweep out a piece of starlight on the top of his head. Then he flew in and turned into a red Ying, went straight into Toad’s mouth!


I thought that so many people would get squeezed when they got into the belly of a toad that was as tall as a person. This was also the reason why Li Hongxiao had hesitated before. She didn’t want to collide with so many fleshy faces. Crowded into a ball, but after entering, he found that he had actually entered a strange world, like being in a Dongfu, about ten zhang squares.

The whole space looks very spacious and the layout is strange. There is a thick white mist around, and I don’t know what is behind the white mist. The area in the middle is empty. Only one side is shrouded in green mist. Several defensive formations were laid around the pond, and Fang Yuan, Li Baihu, and several other monks were already waiting in this cave at this time.


It’s Li Hongxiao’s identity. Seeing such a space, I can’t help but be slightly surprised.

“Can’t tell, you actually have a magic weapon of space?”

When he said this, he didn’t mean to look down on Fang Yuan, but he was a little surprised.

Think about how precious the space magic weapon is. Don’t look at the practitioners in the world. Most of them have a universe bag with their hands. It seems that these magic weapons are not valuable, but in fact, the space is not large and the structure is simple. It is easy to refine, but the space inside is more difficult for every major point. It is even more difficult to refine the magic weapon of space that can accommodate people in and out…

This kind of magic weapon that allows people to enter and exit, the lowest, can be regarded as the category of artifacts.

Furthermore, the space of this divine tool is generally small and pitiful, two or three zhang is good, ten zhang is already huge.

Further up, if you can construct laws and exist independently, then this is a small world, and it can already be regarded as a fairy!

Li Hongxiao, as the Emperor of the Nine Heavens, does not have such magic weapons, how can he expect Fang Yuan to have it?

However, seeing her unseen look, Fang Yuan could only sigh in a low voice and said: “It’s a long story!”

I was anxious, but didn’t know how to explain it.

This small world, he also got inexplicable, he can only figure out the approximate cause…

This toad is naturally his fourth golden thunder spirit.

When this toad appeared at the beginning, it was difficult for Fang Yuan to understand the principle of it. He could only guess that it might be affected by the blood sea demon seal, but if we say that by this time, it is still acceptable. Then, afterwards, this toad inadvertently swallowed the essence of the small world of the Jin Family of Heavenly City, and it was even more shocking.

At the very beginning, Fang Yuan just thought that since the cultivation base has reached the Golden Core Realm, he can understand the mystery of this toad and defeat the enemy. At first, he was going to use it as a shield, but he tried a method. At that moment, the toad accidentally swallowed Guan Aotun in, but Fang Yuan was taken aback, and rushed in immediately. At this time, it was discovered that the toad had actually refined the origin of the small world. , The belly formed such a weird space, it was like a moving cave.

Through this point, Fang Yuan realized a powerful defense method.

That’s also simple, just summon this toad and swallow yourself.

Hiding in this cave, as long as the toad is not broken by anyone, of course he can sit back and relax.

And this toad is so heavy, what are you worried about?

Of course, the series of changes inside are extremely complicated, and even if they are said, they are not easy to explain.

“I asked a lot!”

Li Hongxiao also woke up, he shouldn’t ask about this, the timing was wrong, and it’s not easy to inquire other people’s secrets, so he simply walked in and glanced, only to see Wei Yuzi, Wei Longjue, Fang Yuan, Xu Yuren, Song Longzhu, who was first nailed to the ground with a spear by the little lord Xinze, and a few others, have been rescued by Fang Yuan, and then said: “Can you save more people?” /

“It’s probably hard to save!”

Fang Yuan shook his head, and said: “I… is a magic weapon. I move slowly. Just now I was able to save a few when the monster did not notice. Now he has been watching I’m afraid it’s not easy to grab someone from him.”

When I was speaking, my mind moved slightly, and the surrounding scene changed suddenly.

He can still control the toad to a large extent. Before, there was a thick mist wrapped in mist, like a strange space wrapped in mist, but when his mind moved, he saw it above his head. Above, the thick fog began to disperse, allowing them to see the outside scene, but from their outside perspective, it seemed that they were much smaller.


When I looked outside, my first sight was that Xiao Wang Xinze was so crazy, a blood knife slashed straight over.

In this space, they seemed to be at the brunt, and they trembled in shock.

However, the sword was so powerful that it shocked them with such strength, but it was firmly blocked by the toad, and the water-like power spread from the place where the blade fell. Going, it seems to have transferred and disassembled that power, and finally rushed to a mysterious place, but this violent knife didn’t work, and it was slowly resolved…

And they were in the belly of this toad, but they didn’t suffer any injuries!

It’s just that the power of the little lord Xinze at this time is already indescribable. Without stopping, another slash fell. In succession, the toad seemed to be reaching its limit, and he could feel the trembling around him.

“How long can you…How long can the toad last?”

Li Baihu suddenly spoke, looking around, frowning slightly.

“I don’t know…”

Fang Yuan sensed his surroundings, sighed, and said: “But I guess it should be reaching the limit…”

The other people who entered the toad’s stomach all smiled bitterly when they heard that, and said helplessly: “That’s still not hiding!”

It’s understandable in my heart.

The monster used this evil method, and the power is incredible. It is the Nascent Soul master. I am afraid that it is nothing more than that. How can his offensive be so easily resisted? They can hide in the belly of this toad. It’s a blessing to hold on for a while, the more blood qi absorbed by the little lord Xinze ~ the stronger the strength, sooner or later, the toad’s endurance limit will be reached!

“However, what I am waiting for is the moment when this limit comes!”

But at this time, Fang Yuan exhaled suddenly and said in a low voice.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at him in disbelief, not knowing what they meant.

Fang principle stopped to say much, got up and walked to the center of this cave, waved away the green mist around, but saw that there was a pool of blood here, and the blood was sparkling inside. In the blood water, a blue lotus was born, extremely clean, with no buds in bloom. Now, he has quietly poked his head out of the blood pool and gently shook it.

“What do you mean?”

By Fang Yuan’s side, Xu Yuren looked dazed and seemed to feel something.

Soon, the other people also felt the sense, and they all looked at this blood pool in a little surprise.

It became more and more obvious to them that, every time the little lord Xinze from the outside hit the toad, a strange power spread throughout the toad, and then after a week of operation, finally concentrated When they arrived in the blood pool, after that, the blood pool rolled slightly, like boiling. They stood several feet away, and they could feel the violent power.

Under that power, the toad was hit a few times, and the power in this cave was approaching its limit.

Fang Yuan also raised his breath and looked solemnly, looking at the green lotus in the blood pool. When it was confirmed that the time had come, he suddenly straightened his clothes and respectfully turned towards the blood pool. After a goodbye, he whispered: “Please open your eyes, baby…”


Everyone hadn’t reacted yet, the green lotus on the blood pool suddenly bloomed, and a white light flew out of the lotus.

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