Master of Great Calamity Chapter 364: One way to travel together

Because Guan Ao’s prestige in these tribes is too high, people in these tribes naturally don’t dare to procrastinate. Everything has been packed in one day and night, and some of them are a little nostalgic for their homeland. The slapped lady was also slapped by the old priest in the tribe and dared not howl in mourning. The brigade carried the children on their backs, shouted at the mother and carried the carts, and set off on the road mightily.

Although driving in the deep mountains, it is not easy for mortals. Snakes, insects, beasts, and thorns and poison ivy are all problems, but with the help of spiritual practitioners, it is different from one another. , Wherever he went, the group of beasts dared to block the road and hurt others.

And Guan Ao is holding a big knife, splitting the tree and opening the mountain, wicked flames billowing, abruptly born in the deep mountain and walked out a wide road.

Fang Yuan didn’t get involved with these things, and carried the white cat on the carriage of the owner of the Zixiao Cave.

I have to say that the owner of the Zixiao Cave Master knows how to care for dignity. From the outside, this carriage looks more than three times larger than an ordinary carriage in the mundane world, but the space inside is more spacious. It has a radius of seven or eight feet, exquisite and elegant. There are several spaces separated by screens. Inside, there are no furnaces, bookshelves, and even some fine wines in the cellar, just like a small palace.

Fang Yuan only secretly evaluated it, and then he knew that such a carriage would not be able to get it without thirty thousand liang.

The owner of Zixiao Cave rushed to Zhongzhou Wendao Mountain on this trip, but he was contracted by the Immortal Alliance to help take care of the six major exams. The six major exams officially started, three or four months later, so He didn’t dare to time. In order to **** these people through the most dangerous place in the deep mountains, he decided to go slowly in the early stage. Fang Yuan was also very satisfied with such a comfortable carriage, and he thought that he could always Ask the owner of the Zixiao Cave’s pill method, there are so many books on the car, and I feel even better.

“Hehe, you don’t have to be polite, Fang Xiaoyou, these alchemy scriptures are collected and sorted by old men who have nothing to do with them. If you want to read it, read it, but if you don’t understand it, you can ask. Old man, you and I met by chance, I don’t know how to hide privately!”

As soon as the owner of the Zixiao Cavern saw Fang Yuan getting on the carriage, he stared at the book shelf and he smiled and said generously.

“It’s better to be respectful!”

Fang Yuan replied with a smile, asking the child of the owner of Zixiao Cave to take a basin of water and wash his hands before going to fetch and look through the dictionaries.

Seeing that he loves and respects books, this Zixiao Cave Master feels even more cheerful.

Now, the more I look at it, the more I feel that although this junior has not achieved much, he is a likable temper.

This Long Sleeping Mountain Range is extremely vast, and it will take more than half a month for practitioners to travel through this mountain. For the people of these tribes, they are even more afraid to cross this mountain. It’s been several years, but fortunately, they don’t need to pass through this mountain range completely. They just need to move forward. When there are more and more practitioners and people gather, they can stop.

There is only a mountain away, but Zhongzhou and Huangzhou have very different attitudes towards mortal people. Zhongzhou is a hometown of Taoism, where immortals are prosperous and have a long heritage. Treating mortals has always been regarded as fish and water, and people who are most afraid of practicing It is said that a mortal life is like an ant. It is said that a long time ago, there was an old thing that a practitioner killed a mortal and paid for it.

These things are of course not very common nowadays, but practitioners and mortals are also mostly respecting each other. It is not strictly legal, but the general trend of Zhongzhou, but there is practice. When a person flaunts his might and shows off his supernatural powers in front of mortals, he will not only have no face, but will be ridiculed by other practitioners, who think that this is an expression of no foundation.

So, as long as the people of these tribes clearly enter the boundary of the Central State, the people of the Huangzhou Plague Department will not dare to go crazy.

In addition to the relative arrogance and support, these tribes have been on their way much faster. They can be escorted to the realm in a month or so, and then they can part ways, and this journey is exactly Fang Yuan Time spent studying alchemy.

In the past few days, this Zixiao cave master looked smiling, but in fact he was always very vigilant. Fang Yuan knew that he was worried that people from the Nineth Heaven Plague Department would catch up and cause chaos. He also felt funny in his heart, but also Never said it, let him worry…

In this way, it took more than seven or eight days before the Zixiao Cave Master gradually let go of his heart, quite a bit proud.

“It seems that the old man is still somewhat dignified, and he will deter the Nine Heavens Plagues with a single sword, and he will become a big white!”

After all the worries in my heart, I paid attention to Fang Yuan again. The more I felt that this young monk who accidentally ran into the mountains in the mountains was quite interesting. He got on his carriage and read a book all day long. , Actually seemed not to worry that the Nineth Heaven Plague Department would come to trouble, smiled in his heart: “He is a studious idiot, but he is too vigilant, how to walk the rivers and lakes…”

On a whim, he ordered Tong’er to gather at the chess scales and greeted Fang Yuan: “Reading all the time, I’m also bored. Come and talk to the old man!”

Fang Yuan put down the book and smiled: “Okay!”

An hour later, the owner of the Zixiao Cave wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: “Little friend Fang, please read the alchemy, let me think about it…”



Zixiao Dongzhu is also famous in the East China Sea. He has always been known as “one good pill, two good wines, three good chess”, but now he is considering whether to change his third best, because of his chess skills. This thing is really unreasonable…

How can a young man who keeps saying that he only “knows a little” about chess, can win ten games in a row?

The more you lose, the more you want to win. Three hours later, he thought he had a wonderful deal, and he asked Fangyuan to talk.

Then he waved his hand to let Fang Yuan read the book.

Thus, after three days passed, he put the chess scale away.

“Young people, still have to focus on righteousness!”

The Master of Zixiao Cave said with a serious face: “How do you read your alchemy now?”

“Senior taught me!”

Fang Yuan replied with a smile, and said: “Senior has already seen most of the alchemy codes saved by the younger generation!”

“Watched most of it?”

The host of Zixiaodong’s expression was a little surprised. He glanced at his row full of dangdang, thick allusions, and put on an elder’s frame, saying: “Reading is the most greedy, you already After passing the age of not asking for intelligibility, you have to read and understand. The old man collected these allusions, which contain some profound principles of alchemy, you can swallow dates, but you can’t…”

Fang Yuan smiled, and replied: “The juniors also seek to understand as much as possible before considering the next step!”


The master of Zixiao Cave said: “Then why don’t you come to ask the old man to solve problems?”

Fang Yuan said with a smile: “In the first few days, I saw that my senior was upset, so I wouldn’t be bothered. In the next few days, after playing chess, my senior was always in a bad mood, so I didn’t dare to ask. I have a lot of questions, and I want to wait for the seniors to ask if they are free!”

The owner of Zixiao Cave was a little red when he said, “How can there be so much attention, let’s talk about it!”

Fang Yuan smiled, and asked some incomprehensible points in his heart: “Senior, it is said from the alchemy that the refining of the three-turning treasure pill requires nine times of fire. For fear of harming the pharmacology, We can’t use martial fire, but the impurities in the pill are difficult to remove, and we need martial fire to temper, so…”

“Already saw the Three-turn Baodan Roll?”

The owner of Zixiaodong was also a little surprised when he heard this, but he cleared his throat and explained with all his heart.

This one came and went, and I explained the distinctions and usages of civil and military fire, yin-yang fire, samādhi fire, etc. in detail. Fang Yuan, who spoke frankly, respected him with awe and respectfully filled him with tea and water, confident Xin found it, and sighed with satisfaction.

“You still have a lot to learn, go!”

Finally waved his hand, let Fang Yuan go to continue reading, and he took the root bird to tease the sleeping white cat to relieve his boredom.

Fang Yuan glanced at him with some worry, and he wanted to persuade him, but finally gave up.



The journey was long, and day after day passed so peacefully. Fang Yuan is now deeply involved in the alchemy. After several days of research, he gradually understands that this alchemy is far more than he thought. It is also profound, from the casting and adjustment of the pill furnace, to the changes of different types of fire, and to the influence of factors such as time, weather, and feng shui on the pill. Every aspect has great knowledge…

And this does not include the final distinction and utilization of the properties of various elixir and precious medicines. That is an indescribable knowledge that has not been accumulated for hundreds of years.

It’s no wonder that this Zixiao Cave Master is just a white pill, he can become the overlord of one party, and the interactions are the reason for the powerful figures of all sects.

Because to a certain extent, he is above the alchemy and has such accomplishments, in fact, he is not inferior to the strenuous pursuit of the practitioner on the road to immortality…

“Three thousand avenues in the world, as expected, each has its own universe…”

From this time on, whenever he encountered a problem, he would sincerely consult with the owner of Zixiao Cave. From the beginning, the owner of Zixiao Cave answered casually to solve any doubts, and then later, he was concerned about some of his concerns. The problem is that even the owner of Zixiao Cave can’t explain it directly. Sometimes he hesitated for a while before telling Fang Yuan, but after speaking, he couldn’t help but sigh…

“I was only thinking about on this road, casually tapping his alchemy, so that he can become an alchemist, and he can live in this spiritual world. I didn’t expect this kid to be in the alchemy. With such a talent, I learned too fast, and I asked some questions more and more advanced. Before I knew it, I had already told him many of my secrets…”

The owner of Zixiao Cave is also a little These unspoken secrets are not available in all kinds of scriptures. They are the unique methods he has accumulated as a great alchemist himself. Come on, distressed, let’s not say, and can’t bear to blow Fang Yuan’s heart to study!

Fang Yuan also saw the thoughts of the master of Zixiao Dong. He was overwhelmed. He occasionally provoked a conversation with the master of Zixiao Dong. He wanted to discuss some magical powers, martial arts, swordsmanship, and generals. I taught something to the owner of the Zixiao Cave, but he didn’t expect that once the owner of the Zixiao Cave encountered these problems, he immediately opened his mouth quietly, and never gave him this opportunity to talk.

He felt a little helpless in his heart.

But I don’t know what Zixiao Dong’s master thought was: “It’s all about learning pill, this kid still wants to learn my magical powers?”

“…no way!”


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