Master of Great Calamity Chapter 247: Spirit of Water Vein

“Seven treasures thunder tree, such a god, definitely cannot grow easily!”

Fang Yuan thought to himself, stretched out his palm, and sensed the thunder pool of that side.

Within the Daoji, the power of water travel slowly increased, making him extremely sensitive to the surrounding water veins, and then slowly moving his palm, he quickly determined that there was an extremely active water vein with aura. , From under this thunder pond, winding straight to the distance.

“Sure enough!”

Fang Yuan confirmed this, then slowly got up and walked forward.

The little prince only knew the preciousness of the Qibao Thunder Tree, but Fang Yuan knew more. The imperial family of the Uchi Kingdom cultivated the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, but with great effort, except for the emperors of the past dynasties, they willingly dedicated their remnants to this Seven Treasure Thunder Tree to nourish its thunderous nature. The environment, soil and veins of this Qibao Thunder Tree have been selected by thousands of choices!

Since the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree can grow, it means that there must be a water-based spiritual vein under the tomb.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to feed the horrific needs of this Seven Treasure Thunder Tree.

And what Fang Yuan was looking for was this water-based spiritual vein.

He wants to practice Tiangang Five Thunder Leading, in addition to Thunder Dao resources, he also needs the essence of the Five Elements.

He has cultivated into a fire-walking thunder spirit, and obtained it as an underground fire. Although the thunder spirit has been cultivated, it still needs to be slowly nourished in order for this thunder spirit to grow up and possess truly powerful and boundless power. Like a cub growing into a giant!

And Jin Xing Lei Ling took the Demon Seal Sword as a guide. Now that the sword has not been raised, the Jin Xing Lei Ling has not yet been born, and I do not know its power.

Now he is planning to cultivate the third Thunder Spirit, the water phase Thunder Spirit!

If he casually finds the essence of water and refines it into a water phase thunder spirit, it is like cultivating a fire phase thunder spirit. First let the water phase thunder spirit be born, and then slowly make it stronger through practice. No, but Fang Yuan already has a fire-element Thunder Spirit that he needs to cultivate and grow. If the water-element Thunder Spirit does the same, the pressure on future cultivation will be much greater and it will be a little difficult!

Therefore, Fang Yuan wanted to find a water movement spirit vein and directly cultivated into a more powerful water movement thunder spirit…

The higher the quality of the five elements, the stronger the thunder spirit he cultivates!

The water movement spirit veins under the tomb is exactly what Fang Yuan needs.

He didn’t break the ground and directly fetched water, but walked forward step by step along the spiritual vein.

He wants to find the source of this spiritual vein and get the essence of the water vein there.

In this way, he naturally needs to pass through many passages and tombs, and there are naturally many prohibitions in the middle. However, most of the prohibitions on this imperial tomb have been restrained, but there are less troubles, and occasionally some hidden in them Fang Yuan also found out in advance of the drug prohibition, and walked around. Slowly, he had already crossed the entire imperial tomb and reached the foot of a green hill behind the tomb.

Fang Yuan then looked at it for a while, and went up the mountain, and finally found an ancient formation in a secret place behind the mountain.

The ancient formation is vast, even more powerful than the formation in the imperial tomb.

Fang Yuan moved in his heart, knowing that he was right

Sitting cross-legged in front of the ancient formation, Fang Yuan began to deduce quickly.

In order to leave safely, the little prince has already used his royal blood to close the large formations around this ancestral hall. The ancient formations that involve this back mountain have also been affected, and their power has at least decreased by seven or eight. To succeed, Fang Yuan just meditationally deduced for about half an hour, and then he had the experience, broke the ancient formation, walked inside, and then his eyes lit up and he laughed in a low voice.

In the ancient formation, there is a side rock.

Under the rock, there is a gurgling spring, forming a pool of three feet square under the rock.

The color of the lake is clear and clear, and when I look at it, I can feel the cold and abundant spiritual energy rushing over my face.

Around the pool, some wild plants and trees grow extremely vigorously, and their full vitality seems to overflow. This is due to the suppression of the forces of the ancient formation to prevent the spiritual overflow of the water veins. Otherwise, spirits and monsters have long been born in these wooden values.

“It looks like this Fang Lingquan is better than I thought…”

Fang Yuan sighed secretly, with a smile on his face.

The royal family of the Uchi Kingdom also had superiors. They chose to build the ancestral hall here, probably because of this Fang Lingquan, and only these spiritual springs can nourish the Qibao Thunder Tree. The treasures of the Uchi Kingdom, and the royal family of the Uchi Kingdom was obviously worried that the Yin Qi in the ancestral hall would contaminate such a spiritual spring, so they deliberately built the ancestral hall downstream.

If you take the water from this spring, the water-phase Thunder Spirit you cultivated will be ten times stronger than the fire-phase Thunder Spirit you cultivated before, so you don’t have to pass it. To grow through cultivation, you are born strong!

“Having this spiritual spring water is a worthwhile trip!”

Fang Yuan sighed, then wondered how to get water.

The water of this spiritual spring is naturally precious, but how to prevent the spiritual loss of it after taking the water is also a problem.

After thinking about several containers in a row, Fang Yuan didn’t do anything else.

At the end, there was a sudden movement in my heart and took out a green-skin gourd.

This gourd was given to him by Luo Feiling when he left. It was originally filled with half of the gourd wine, but Fang Yuan has slowly finished drinking it. Now it’s empty, just staying around and thinking about it. Now he wanted to take the spirit spring water, but he suddenly thought that this gourd itself is also very good, otherwise Luo Feiling would not look up to it, and now it is more appropriate to use the spirit spring water.

Unplugging the gourd plug, Fang Yuan reached out to the vicinity of the Lingquan, trying to fill a gourd.

He is not very greedy, so he is satisfied with a gourd spring.

But what he didn’t expect was that the gourd had just been placed in the spirit spring, and the vision rose sharply.

Even his calm temper was taken aback by this scene!


In the gourd, there seems to be a bottomless pit, frantically sucking in the spring water of this spiritual spring.

A huge whirlpool appeared in the entire Lingquan performance.

The center of the whirlpool is the position of the gourd mouth, and all the spiritual spring water is poured into the gourd like crazy.

A pool of spiritual spring water was full, and it disappeared completely in an instant, and even the water marks on the bottom of the pool became light.

At this time, the gourd was still not over, and he took off Fang Yuan’s hand and flew into the air.

The mouth of the gourd faces the Lingquan, just like a long whale sucking water, directly pulling a water vein out of the Lingquan…

A water drill was like an arrow, and was pulled straight into the gourd.


Fang Yuan stayed for a while, a little dumbfounded.

He knew that the gourd that Luo Feiling gave him was not a mortal thing, but he had never thought it was so powerful!

I just want to pour a gourd spring, but now it looks like this, I’m afraid that a water vein will be torn away?

He got a little excited, but he got excited.

Of course he won’t stop this gourd.

This eye of the spirit spring, but among the imperial tombs of the Uchi Kingdom, the treasure second only to the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, if it weren’t for the spring water that couldn’t be taken away, I’m afraid the little prince would not let it go. Fang Yuan also felt the spring water before. It can’t be taken away, but now it’s not like that…


The gourd is still absorbing the water of the spirit spring, one after another.

Fang Yuan guessed that he had already sucked the spring water from a small lake, but it still seemed to be completely empty.


At this moment, suddenly a blue light flashed at the mouth of the spirit spring, and from the spring water, a blue fish flew out. If the fish is really empty, it is a foot long and full of blue scales. , On the scales, there are exquisite and mysterious runes growing, and the mouth has a beard, which looks like a carp. Now it is shaking in the air, seeming to be against the attraction of the gourd.

In Fang Yuan’s induction, the green carp had no flesh and blood, just a cloud of extremely rich water vapor.


Fang Yuan’s eyes suddenly widened: “This is the spirit of water veins?”

For a while, I was excited, even his calm temperament wanted to jump up and cheer.

There are countless spiritual veins in the world, belonging to the five elements, and each spiritual vein has a different quality. Some spiritual veins of extremely high quality can even give birth to some spirits. Every spirit is A rare treasure!

This eye spring is now.

Even Fang Yuan hadn’t expected that a water veined spirit was born in Lingquan!

To some extent, this herring is the essence of this spiritual spring.

“If this water vein spirit can be used to directly refine my Thunder Spirit, then how powerful should this power… be?”

Fang Yuan’s eyes widened, and he could hardly imagine such great things.

It’s like trying to pick up a sesame, suddenly picking up a watermelon…

The water spirit green carp is obviously not a mortal thing. The gourd is so powerful, but it has been supported for a long time before it finally exhausted, and it waved its tail in despair, and then was sucked into the gourd, whirled, The last water line flew out of the spirit spring, and the gourd was also suspended in the air. It took a big glance at the spirit spring, and it was actually filled in by the gourd…

Fang Yuan didn’t dare to neglect, so he hurried forward and inserted the plug into the mouth of the gourd.

At this time, when I looked around, I saw that all the trees and weeds on the entire green hills were slightly yellowed, and there was no sense of vigor before, because the gourd took away the spirit spring, they There is no longer the nourishment of spiritual spring water vapor!

And looking down at the gourd, I found that the green-skinned gourd has become You can see the water of half gourd in the gourd, and in the water, a herring swims slowly Moving, it is the spirit of the water vein that was sucked in just now.

Fang Yuan shook the gourd, only to feel as light as before, but when he placed the gourd on the ground, the ground shook slightly.

Fang Yuan immediately understood in his heart that that was the weight of the entire Lingquan.

This gourd recognized himself, so he held it to keep its weight unchanged.

But if it is given to someone else, unless that person has the strength to move the entire spiritual spring, it will definitely not be able to move it.

“I thought you just gave me a thought, but I didn’t expect it to be such a strange treasure…”

Fang Yuan thought of Luo Feiling and couldn’t help but sigh, but soon he gave a bitter smile again.

Perhaps this kind of strange treasure is a normal thought in her eyes?

I have to step up a bit. When I go to see her again, it’s too shabby!

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