Master of Great Calamity Chapter 235: Mr. Array Skill


The little prince hesitated for a while, but had to agree first. For him, it was natural to hold Fang Yuan to his side and deal with the enchanting concubine in the palace together, but Fang Yuan disagreed, and he had nothing to do. After all, he could see that even though Fang Yuan was building the foundation of Heavenly Dao, his cultivation base was not very high, and he knew the thunder method, and he might not be able to take advantage of that enchanting concubine.

If you can get this person’s help, you will first get the treasure in the ancestral temple.

“Okay, it’s time to sign this contract!”

When Fang Yuan saw his promise, he took out a deed and handed it over.

The little prince stayed for a while: “I need to sign the contract?”

Fang Yuan did not answer, but his attitude was very clear. He was not very trustworthy of the little prince.

The little prince was helpless, so he had to sign the contract and used his insignificant mana to imprint the seal.

This contract is not a blood contract, etc., but a book of vows. Once stamped with the seal, it will affect the vitality and blood of both parties. It will have a great impact on each other’s cultivation and mind, although it will not be fatal. , But it still has a great restrictive effect.

“Walking around in a big circle, somehow please move you to help me!”

The little prince also breathed a sigh of relief, a little more sure of entering the ancestral hall.

“Go back first!”

Fang Yuan put away the deed, then withdrew the surrounding large formation, a mana frightened the little prince and Guan Ao and rose into the sky.

The matter is over, and he doesn’t want to delay too much.

Before the little prince forced him to submit, he was puzzled by his internal situation, so naturally he would not agree casually. Forced to have no alternative, he took the little prince hostage and escaped. I also knew that Huoyunling would be implicated in this matter, so he could only use the little prince’s life as a threat. But now, since he has signed a contract with the little prince and turned the enemy into an alliance, he does not need to let Huo again. Yunling took the risk.

This time, stepping on the silver shuttle, flew away, but most of the time, he had reached the sky above Huoyunling.

Looking down from afar, I saw that the Huoyun Ridge was full of murderous intent. On the top of the mountain, all the people kneeling are all Huoyunling disciples, and around the hundred thousand wild mountains, the little prince has been abducted, and the cultivators who came to help, the giant floodgate and The concubines around the little prince are all among them, discussing whether to use torture to force Huo Yunling to hand over people.

“This time…but you have suffered a lot, right?”

In front of the Huoyunling disciples, it was Elder Li and Xu Qingying who were kneeling.

They are all tied together and become prisoners. They are desperate when they hear those people try to search for their souls.

Xu Qingying was also very helpless, wanted to say something, but finally held back.

The young formation master is naturally very capable, otherwise he would not have the courage to tie up the young prince of Wuchi country, but he walked in such a way, but Huoyunling How can you jump out of this muddy water?

Strictly speaking, Huoyunling would have been broken without the appearance of this division. The situation may not be any better than it is now, but after all, it was because this division had given her too many surprises before. However, it is inevitable that there will be some hope that she will not die in her heart, and she is faintly looking forward to it. Maybe the formation master can show up at the last minute and save herself…

But this thought just passed by, and she herself found it absurd.

No matter how strong the formation master is, how can he dare to face the royal family of Uchi?

At this time, he probably has escaped thousands of miles away…


The thought didn’t fall away, and she suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air, which came from afar.

Then she raised her head in astonishment, and suddenly saw a blue shadow falling from the sky, landing on the roof of the main hall of Huoyunling. At this time, the night had just passed, the sun was rising, and the red light came from the east. Illuminated behind this person, he was calm and calm, with a giant man and a child beside him, but who was the formation master who had just escaped last night?

“He… is he coming to save me?”

Xu Qingying was almost dizzy with joy and a little panic.

“His Royal Highness…”

Up and down Huoyunling, when Fang Yuan came back with the little prince again, he was surprised and surprised one by one. After staying for a long time, he suddenly reacted and hurriedly shouted. Everyone rushed up, and Fang Yuan was surrounded by the three inner and outer layers, and countless magical instruments were directly raised in the air, ready to smash them at any time…

While surrounded by so many people, Fang Yuan remained calm and turned his head to look at the little prince.

The little prince looked a little displeased, coughed coldly, put on the pretending to be calm, looked coldly across the surroundings, and shouted in a low voice: “Don’t be so rude to my husband, give it to me quickly Get out, pack up a clean place, and let Mr. rest!”


The people around Fang Yuan were taken aback, staring at each other in awe.

But I was still on guard against Fang Yuan in my heart, and didn’t dare to take away the magic weapon he had sacrificed.

“This dog… didn’t hurt the little majesty, right?”

The master of the giant floodgate was loyal and loyal. He stepped forward and stopped in front of the little prince. He said awe-inspiringly: “Your Majesty, rest assured, with my giant floodgate, no one can hurt him anymore. Your Royal Highness has half a sweat, I will take this roe and give it to Your Royal Highness…”

“Did you not hear what I said?”

Before he finished speaking, the little prince became annoyed, kicked the **** of the master of the giant floodgate, and shouted: “I am the little prince of Wu Chiguo, how could he hurt him? Me? Just take me out to talk about things. Now his old man has promised to teach me the art of formation. He is my elder. If you dare to be rude, when I dare not kill?”


This time everyone was completely stunned.

The footprints on the buttocks of the giant floodgate sect master didn’t dare to brush them off, but he kept away the magical artifact in his hand.

Others also looked at each other, but they could see that what the little prince said was not fake, nor did he seem to be controlled by others. Seeing that he was angry again, he could only put away the magic weapon in his hand, but felt that The lunatic who took the little prince hostage just now, and now he has turned into the little prince’s formation teacher, is extremely bizarre, and for a while, I can’t understand the way!

Xu Qingying and Elder Li of Huoyunling were even more dumbfounded, staring blankly at this scene.

“Release all the disciples in Huo Yunling. They introduced the Master for me. Not only are they innocent, but they have merit!”

The little prince took a peek at Fang Yuan’s face, apparently trying to draw him in.

It’s just that a group of Huoyunling disciples heard this, and there is no need to say more about the surprise in their hearts.

Until everyone from all sides set foot on the little prince’s Sendai, after seated, Elder Li was still in a dream, completely wondering how he became a guest of the little prince from a prisoner, and the order in which he was seated, Actually still in front of the master of the giant floodgate…

Xu Qingying laughed in a low voice, looked at Fang Yuan and said: “He didn’t make us suffer!”



“His Royal Highness, we saw that you were killed before, and we have rushed to send letters to all parties for help, but we did not expect it to be a false alarm…”

After being seated, the elder waiter hurriedly returned to give details.

The little prince listened, and waved his hand indifferently, saying: “Tell them not to come, make a false alarm, don’t bother!”

Speaking, I suddenly remembered something, staring at the Jiao waiter and said: “You didn’t tell my mother, did you?”

The Jiao waiter hurriedly said: “The maidservant is afraid that the palace is worried, so I haven’t told her the old man!”

The little prince heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and said: “That’s good, it won’t cause her to worry in vain!” After saying that, he said to the others: “I have met a good teacher so easily. Yunling stayed for a while and learned the art of formation from him. You should promptly inform the Sifang guards and order them to prepare gifts for me. In order to thank Shien, I fell into the face of my royal family. This is not going to happen…”

When the subordinates listened, they nodded in agreement.

Fang Yuan nodded secretly while listening.

This little prince deserves to be from the royal family, although sometimes he is a little childish, but he does everything without leaking.

I didn’t promise to accept him as a disciple, but he had put in this heavy preparation, and he remembered this name anyway.

Besides, he made a lot of noise about preparing gifts, and he must be sending a message to the palace, that is, he is really ready to learn the art of formation, and formation is difficult to learn. The teacher is usually not strong. It can be said that he has made this decision. At least ten years, the strength will not be greatly improved, which will make the opponents less afraid of him.

However, Fang Yuan would naturally not stop anything from all this.

Since he agreed to the little prince to help him enter the ancestral hall of the Uchi Kingdom, he would do his best to help him.

As for other things, he still won’t intervene indiscriminately.

At the moment, the little prince arranged everything, and he really stayed in this Huoyunling. Even the Sendai on the other side stayed directly in the back mountain, and the main halls of Huoyunling were naturally exhausted. Occupied by him, Elder Li was sent to live with ordinary disciples, but Xu Qingying was a daughter anyway, and he suspected that this was Fang Yuan’s concubine, so he specifically allowed her to stay!

On the second day, all the apprenticeships prepared for Fang Yuan were completed, and they were presented to Fang Yuan respectfully.

The two formation masters of the Shumen saw that day, they were very jealous, and sighed in their hearts, why this young formation master is the offer of various rare and ancient treasures, and the two of us are also formations. Teacher, it’s just a thousand taels of spirit for everyone…

On the surface, the little prince is hard to learn. Every morning and evening, he holds his disciple to ask Fang Yuan for peace, and then follows him to learn the introductory knowledge of way of calculation, secretly, but Fang Yuan discussed how to enter the ancestral hall, and Fang Yuan asked him in detail, and after understanding the various layouts of the ancestral temple as much as possible, he began to make various preparations.

Fortunately, Huoyunling’s large formation has been destroyed in this chaos, and needs to be re-arranged. Therefore, Fang Yuan needs to go to the ancestral hall to break the formation. Bao, taking advantage of the opportunity of arranging the necessary materials for the mountain protection formation, he quietly bought it back, and he didn’t need to spend money on Huoyunling. The mountain protection formation was destroyed by the giant floodgate, so the giant floodgate must pay for it.

“Your Highness…”

The master of the giant Jiaomen held the list and complained repeatedly: “This jade seal fire amulet, spiritual jade carvings, array flags, fire bricks, etc., are all used for array formation. I can understand, but these What do you buy for Qitan Yinshui Stone, Tier 3 fire beast bones?”

The little prince listened, but gave him a sideways look: “Do you think you know better than my husband?”

The master of the giant floodgate immediately looked embarrassed, and was speechless.

It was Elder Li who was passing by when he heard this sentence and suddenly laughed happily…

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