Master of Great Calamity Chapter 137: 10 steps and 1 kill, 0 steps and 1 battle

After the Dark Demon Tide, the monsters in this area were obviously tyrannical.

This is also expected. For all the monsters in this Demon Breath Lake, the Dark Demon Tide is more than ten times the richness of the Dark Demon Breath, even if it is swept away by the aftermath of the Dark Demon Tide, right Their power is blessed. It’s like a person in spiritual practice, encountering the legendary grand and purple energy. Being swept by that kind of fairy qi, as long as the physical body is not torn, the improvement of the cultivation level is simply something that should be done. This kind of dark demonic wave is a catastrophe for living beings, and it is great luck for monsters!

And this also makes Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling’s road to survival more dangerous.

When I went out to ask for help, I originally rushed out alone to prevent the entire army from being annihilated, but by this time, Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling, two of them, did not ask for a diversion, so they subconsciously walked together. Fang Yuan didn’t plan to go back to his original direction anymore. He didn’t know how far he was being swept by the dark demonic wave. At this time, he could only follow Luo Feiling’s path.

“You have injuries on your feet, and the impact on your actions is unavoidable, but if we really want to break through, we must not slow down too much, so just bear with me, follow me closely, you don’t have to deal with it. Monster, just protect yourself!”

Fang Yuan mentioned the Demon Seal Sword and walked in the forefront, urging Luo Feiling without looking back.

“Hmm, thank you, Master Fang…”

Luo Feiling nodded as if the chicken was pecking at the rice. At this time, her right leg was still a little awkward, and she was leaning on a crutches cut from a branch that was chopped from nowhere, crooked and honest. Following Fang Yuan’s back, he didn’t leave every step of the way!


Fang Yuan strode out, his nerves tense to the extreme, wherever he traveled, from time to time there were monsters rushing out from various unexpected places, all of which he noticed in advance, or dodged. Or shot to death, while he and Luo Feiling were erratic in shape, marching fast among the monsters, fleeing if they could escape, or hiding if they could hide, they killed them directly when they encountered something difficult to deal with.

At this time, Luo Feiling’s legs and feet are inconvenient, his speed will not be very fast, and his body style will be greatly affected. This is a big loss in the Demon Breath Lake where monsters are rampant, but this girl is very clever and tight. Following Fang Yuan, he helped himself resist most of the monsters’ impact. Occasionally, Fang Yuan missed it for a while, and the red knife in his hand flew out and was also easily killed.

This made Fang Yuan look a little bit off. He only felt that the red knife looked like an extraordinary thing, and even he couldn’t see its rank for a while. Not to mention its amazing power. This girl is also handy when he can control it. It is not short. It can be achieved within time!

“These nasty monsters have all gathered in the territory of our Qingyang Sect, right?”

Along the way, I don’t know how many monsters they have encountered, and it is not easy for Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling to rush.

Now that the dark magic wind raging everywhere has gradually disappeared, but the monsters they have encountered are more and more. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ten steps to kill, and a hundred steps to fight. Go, there are shadows everywhere, countless strange and greedy eyes!

At this time, it is almost impossible to kill with a sword in the palm.

However, it is also fortunate that Fang Yuan has practiced the Purple Flow Cloud Jue. This method is mysterious and unpredictable. Apart from the Xuanhuang Yi Qi Jue, it has always been hailed as the first of the four profound arts of the Qingyang School. There are certain restraint effects, and it can even help people hide their aura. Now Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling have borrowed the magical effects of this profound art to rush forward with difficulty step by step…

While rushing to kill, one day passed…

They also don’t know how many monsters have been chased and killed, and the wind is attacked, but the surrounding is still demonic, like a ghost domain.

“This…how far is it?”

Luo Feiling, who was under less pressure, couldn’t help asking even if he was just following Fang Yuan.

She didn’t make many shots along the way, but she needed to do her best to follow Fang Yuan, and she also needed to observe the movements of the monsters for Fang Yuan. It was not easy to limp. After such a day, her little face was full It was sweat, and his face turned pale.

“It should be coming soon…”

Fang Yuan was also extremely heavy, wiped a sweat, and said in a low voice: “Our speed is actually not slow anymore, and it is obvious that the darkness and demon aura where we are now is not as strong as before. It can be seen that we are in the right direction. It’s just that the monsters in the entire Demon Breath Lake are now migrating here, which makes us difficult. The road below is not easy…”

“Then…can you still hold it?”

Luo Feiling looked at Fang Yuan with some worry, but stopped talking.

On her way, she only occasionally makes a few shots to kill the monsters that slip through the net. Most of her energy is spent on rushing and fighting against the dark magic breath. Even so, she feels that the mana consumption is severe, let alone Fang Yuan, who has been beheading monsters…

“I have no problem, but let’s find a place to rest for a while…”

Fang Yuan’s face was also a little pale at this time, sweat wetted the hair on both temples, and his chest was slightly undulating. Even if it was him, the black and yellow energy was extremely condensed, but under such a strong overdraft , I’m also a little bit tired, it’s impossible to go straight out in one breath. I can only find a slightly safer place temporarily, take a breather, and restore the mana!

However, in this Demon Breath Lake, it is impossible to restore vitality through spitting and meditation.

Although the darkness demon aura around them is thinner than before, it is still very terrifying. If they breathe in and meditate, they will be more likely to be attacked by the darkness demon aura, so they can only rely on some pills to recover The vitality, it’s just that if the pill is used to replenish the mana, it will take a certain amount of time to refine, but they don’t have this time at all now, they can only barely stick to it.

“Are you all right?”

Luo Feiling glanced at Fang Yuan.

At this time, Fang Yuan’s back was already wet with sweat, but he still sat upright, looking around with alert.

Hearing Luo Feiling’s words, Fang Yuan just waved his hand gently, without saying much.

At this time, they leaned behind a rock. Above their heads, magic clouds were densely covered. Not far away, there were monsters running back and forth, which made people feel a sincere sense of terror. Luo Feiling was chasing along the way. Fang Yuan was tired and not light, and his small face looked very pale at this time, but at this time he was guarding Fang Yuan, but he was a little uneasy. After a while, he had to see if Fang Yuan was there.

“Are you scared?”

Fang Yuan knew that she was looking at herself, and after resting for a while, he couldn’t help asking softly.


Luo Feiling was surprised, and smiled: “No, I’m so brave…”


A piece of soil peeled off from the side. She was taken aback and jumped to the side.

Seeing that Fang Yuan looked at her in surprise, he blushed suddenly, and said embarrassedly: “Well, I’m still a little scared. Actually, I…I was psychologically prepared before, but I didn’t expect it to happen. Seriously, I thought that if I escaped from the darkest place with the strongest aura, I would be safer and safer, but I didn’t expect that the more the monsters go out, the more dangerous it will be…”

Fang Yuan took a few breaths and said softly: “This actually shows that we are going in the right direction, because the more we go out, the darker the demon aura becomes, and the more eager the surrounding monsters are to enter the dark demon aura. Place, we caught up with them head-on!”

“Oh, will it be more dangerous in the future?”

Luo Feiling listened to Fang Yuan’s words, and suddenly looked around with some worry.

Fang Yuan shook his head slightly. He actually had a terrible guess, but he didn’t want to scare Luo Feiling.

“If…I mean if…”

Luo Feiling observed Fang Yuan’s face, and seemed to hesitate for a long time before whispering in a low voice: “If you are in danger, you don’t think you can protect me. If you want to leave me, then let’s go. It will be sad, but I still…”


Suddenly a piece of soil fell next to her, and she shivered with fright.

She found the mud debris that had fallen only because of the tremor of the cliff, and she smiled awkwardly.

But Fang Yuan didn’t seem to notice her embarrassment, but his face was solemn and his ears were tilted.

Luo Feiling also stayed for a while, only then realized something. The surrounding ground was trembling non-stop. That piece of mud was shaken by this shock. She stayed for a while. , Hurriedly got up, looked forward, and saw the dust flying ahead, a large swarm of indescribable monsters rushing over, the number is endless, like a tide, a huge wave rolled over!


Luo Feiling’s voice trembled a little.

Fang Yuan also sighed softly: “This should be a monster that has been attracted from the farthest point. They are chasing the changes in the dark magic breath. They rushed over from all directions, and they happened to gather together. After a wave of monsters, I don’t know how many of them are, but I think if we can kill them, it will be safe…”

“But…can you kill it?”

Luo Feiling stared blankly at the tide of monsters like black clouds sticking to the ground, and his voice changed a little.

“Is what you said just now true?”

Fang Yuan smiled at her suddenly and said: “Even if I leave you behind, you won’t blame me?”

Luo Feiling suddenly changed his face: “Of course it’s fake. If you dare to leave me, I must hate you…”


Fang Yuan feels relaxed at this said: “Even if I don’t leave you behind, you won’t be able to follow the road behind!”

Luo Feiling’s face suddenly became a little horrified. Looking at the large black line coming from the south, she knew that Fang Yuan was telling the truth. There were too many monsters, it was like a tide, and her legs and feet hurt. She is very powerful, her body is inconvenient, and she can’t lift her speed. It is impossible to keep up with Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan doesn’t have to drop her, just rush forward at the previous speed to let her go.

Looking at her horrified eyes, Fang Principle sighed for a long time, turned around, turned his back to Luo Feiling.

“So there is only one way, come up, I will carry you!”


Hearing this, Luo Feiling was immediately taken aback, looking at Fang Yuan with complicated eyes.

“Mr. Zhu said to me before that if you have grudges, you will not avenge your husband, and you will not avenge yourselves!”

Fang Yuan’s voice is very calm and calm: “You saved my life yesterday, so I won’t leave you anyway!”

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