Master of Great Calamity Chapter 125: Heart is a warning sign

“Brother Fang Yuan, this time we can make a lot of money…”

In the Demon Breath Lake, beside a short mountain, Xiao Zhufeng’s group of disciples in charge of statistical resources all smiled and said: “This time the Demon Breath Lake trial is easier than what you previously calculated. In a few days, although I encountered a few monsters, they were also cut off without danger. In this period of time, even fewer monsters have been encountered. I think we and the monsters in the territory of Shenxiao Peak should be eliminated. Clean it up, and more importantly, there are all kinds of treasure medicines, fairy flowers and different fruits, but there are a lot of them, and they have gained more than those who entered the Moxi Lake trial several times before. Peak can get a lot more…”

Listening to what he said, all the little Zhufeng disciples couldn’t help but beam with joy.

Not only must this trial be passed smoothly, but their gains are far beyond anyone’s imagination!

It seems that after this trial, Xiao Zhufeng’s disciple, no matter who it is, will make a fortune…

It makes them feel like smoke is coming from their ancestral graves!

Don’t talk about the ordinary disciples, even the more prudent sister Xiao Qiao, as well as the idiots like Guan Ao, who are recovering from serious injuries, know that they are about to get rich, and their faces are full of smiles. The excitement almost overflowed from the bones!

It’s just that Fang Yuan didn’t feel happy after hearing these words.

He is standing on a barren mountain, looking up at the sky, for a long time.

Sister Xiao Qiao felt a little surprised. At first, she thought Fang Yuan was thinking about how to proceed with the following trials, but now the general plan has been set, and there is no need to be so distracted to deduct it. Besides, Fang Yuan was thinking about what things were before. , I usually wander around with my hands on my back, and I have cares in my heart. I look at the sky in a daze like I do now. It’s too rare to see it for half an hour.

“Brother Fang Yuan, did something happen?”

She couldn’t help but approached Fang Yuan and asked in a low voice.

Fang Yuan was silent for a while before repliing: “Do you think…this Demon Breath Lake is different?”

Senior Sister Xiao Qiao stunned for a moment, and looked around. The sky was still the same day. There was black mist everywhere. Those black mists were all traces of heavy demon breath, all relying on the disciples of the immortals. Mind-stimulating auras can resist, but although this black fog is terrifying, it also exists from the beginning. Occasionally, it is the most common, which makes her suspicious…

“…Did you find something?”

She couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t know either!”

Fang Yuan pondered for a while before he said: “But I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. This Demon Breath Lake seems to be different from when we first entered. The sky is darker, and the overcast wind appears more often. The important thing is… there are fewer monsters!”

“The sky is darker? More cloudy and windy?”

Sister Xiao Qiao thought about these two issues, but did not think about it. Above the Demon Breath Lake, after all, there is Demon Breath that obscures the sky. It is normal that it is darker than other places. Fang Yuan feels darker than before. , That should be because they had gone deep into the Demon Breath Lake. As for the increase in yin wind, it might just be that the terrain was different from before. As for the decrease in monsters… She couldn’t help but smile.

“Don’t you think it’s a good thing that there are fewer monsters?”

Fang Yuan was still frowning, thinking about it, and then said: “Before entering the Demon Breath Lake, I made a lot of preparations, including some of the means to deal with the most difficult and powerful monsters, but I did not expect that After the Lake Breathing, none of this kind of methods were used. The most powerful monster we encountered was only the demon bear we encountered when we discovered Garan Grass…”

“…It’s really strong, but it still didn’t meet my expectations!”

Senior Sister Xiao Qiao was also a little suspicious by him just now, and she laughed after hearing this: “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, you saw it on the verses recorded by the former Xianmen Senior, but you Maybe I think too much. In the past, there were few immortal disciples and few people entering the Demon Breath Lake. The monsters they could kill were limited. After every trial, some monsters remained. After another ten years of growth, they naturally changed. It’s more powerful, which is why they always encountered monsters that were difficult to deal with before!”

“But now it’s different. Over the past three hundred years, Xianmen disciples have collected a batch every three years, more and more, and more and more have entered the Demon Breath Lake trial, and even the resources are not enough. That’s right, this has divided the territory. In this case, once every ten years, the monsters are also killed cleanly. This is the cheapness of our ancestors. Of course, we will not encounter those powerful monsters. Now, because these monsters have been killed by their ancestors long before they grow up…”

“What you said makes sense!”

Fang Yuan nodded after hearing what Xiao Qiao said.

He didn’t say much any more, so he asked Junior Sister Xiao Qiao to do his business.

But he is still a little dull in his heart.

Sister Xiao Qiao said the truth, he naturally understands, in fact, he also thinks so, but somehow, the longer he stays in this magic breath lake, the more he feels something is wrong, there seems to be something The danger is coming…

…but he doesn’t know what danger it will be, how to deal with it!

Especially, although he felt that way, he couldn’t find any signs to confirm this feeling!

“Is it true that I am so worried?”

Even Fang Yuan couldn’t help feeling a little shaken at this moment, asking himself inwardly.

“Fang…Senior Brother Fang Yuan…”

At this moment, Fang Yuan heard a trembling voice.

He turned around in a hurry and saw Hou Gui’er. This servant didn’t actually squat at the foot of the mountain and looked like a female disciple who was coming and going. Instead, he didn’t know when he climbed the mountain. At this time, his eyes flickered. At Fang Yuan, the expression on his face was both frightened and worried.

Fang Yuan moved in his heart and hurriedly asked: “What do you have to say?”

Hou Guier swallowed a big mouthful of water, and then said a little hardly: “I…I’m a little scared!”

Fang Yuan’s face sank: “What are you afraid of?”

Hou Guier was a little afraid of Fang Yuan, but still tremblingly said: “I don’t know, but I…I…I’m afraid!”

When Fang Yuan heard the words, he took a breath, and made a decision in his heart.

“Senior brothers follow the order and leave!”

He suddenly shouted: “Whether it is a disciple of Xiaozhufeng or a disciple of Shenxiaofeng, leave immediately!”

This sudden order made the disciples of Xiaozhufeng and Shenxiaofeng both startled. They were puzzled and puzzled, and they rushed over and surrounded Fang Yuan’s questions. Writing: “Brother Fang Yuan, why do you want to go if you are good?”

“There are so many elixir in this area, I haven’t finished collecting them yet…”

“Where did you panic? But what happened?”

Faced with the confusion of the disciples, Fang Yuan knew it was too late to explain anything.

He didn’t know how to explain it. He and Hou Guier were just instinctively worried. They were afraid of dissatisfaction with the disciples. Instead of this, he might as well just stop explaining, so he just said with a cold face. : “Don’t ask too much, go to Yahuang Yuntai immediately!”

“What? Why are you rushing to Yahuang Yuntai now?”

Fang Yuan’s command surprised all the disciples.

Only ten days later, at the end of the trial, will they rush to the Bahuang Yuntai, and from there will leave the Demon Breath Lake with the help of the teleportation array, but it is still early, and the territory of Xiaozhufeng, although it is already The suppression is clean, and there is still a large area of ​​Shenxiaofeng’s territory that has not been cleared. What does it mean to rush to the Yahuang Yuntai at this time? Is it that the task of Shenxiaofeng is ignored?

“You… don’t you still hate our **** Xiaofeng, don’t you want us to complete the trial?”

Some people even had such thoughts in their hearts, and looked at Fang Yuan secretly with some hatred.

“I didn’t have the time to explain so much to you…”

Fang Yuan slowly rubbed the center of his eyebrows. At the center of his eyebrows, Elder Yun once placed a talisman seal on him. It is usually invisible, but in times of crisis, he can protect Fang Yuan. I fate, and now, for some reason, this talisman is faintly manifested. It is a little hot, but it is not fully manifested. It is a strange thing that has never been seen before…

And this feeling made Fang Yuan’s heart heavier.

“I just want to tell you that there may be a crisis soon. I can’t take care of any tasks now. I will rush to the Yahuang Yuntai immediately. If you believe me, follow me. If you don’t believe me I will stay here to continue the trial. I will not accompany you!”

Fang Yuan’s words caused an uproar.

The disciple Xiaozhufeng had no objection to and no one dared to raise an objection to Fang Yuan. Whether he knew it or not, he immediately started to pack things up.

The disciples of Shen Xiaofeng were a bit angry, and some even directly said loudly: “What does it mean that there may be a crisis? This Demon Breath Lake is extremely dangerous. Isn’t it possible that there may be a crisis at any time? Xiaofeng’s trial is not over yet, how can you just leave? If they don’t accompany them, let them go. The good fortune we found alone will never be divided into 30% for them, right?”

“But… Look at his appearance, it doesn’t seem to be fake, in case something really happens…”

“Our Shenxiao Peak has a rich background, what dangers can’t be dealt with?”

“Yes, just take some risks and complete the trial…”

Just before the disciples of Shenxiaofeng had yet to discuss a result, the disciple Xiaozhufeng led by Fang Yuan had packed his things and was ready to set off. At this time, even the leader of the disciples of Shenxiaofeng, Ling Hongbo, I couldn’t say to convince the disciples of Xiaofeng, just when she was about to force them to obey with strong means, one of Xiaozhufeng’s disciples hurriedly sent a message!

“Senior Brother Yan Ji said, Shenxiao Peak is looking forward to the head of Senior Brother Fangyuan, and those who violate orders will be dealt with according to the rules of the door!”

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