Swallowed Star Chapter 11: Archaeological ruin

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Chapter eleven Archaeological ruin

Hong Ning base city, Dojo Of Limits Global Headquarters is an ancient giant spaceship-like huge building. On the apron next to the giant spaceship building, a dark blue triangular fighter plane slowly landed.

Auto Jet.

“There is no way to use ‘Black God Set equipment’ in Archaeological ruin. You can only put it here.” Luo Feng stretched out his right hand, and soon the black film gathered on his right hand, forming a black glove.

As long as the Black God Set device absorbs Master blood, it will mutate and become compatible with the body Never before of Master, just like the skin. Can be Ten Thousands Transformation or even hidden under the skin! But there is a disadvantage … once it is upper body, it is difficult to take off the body again.

There are two ways to get out of the body. First, Master is dead!

Second, actively control the Black God Set equipment to force the absorbed blood out, and the Black God Set equipment will automatically break away from the body.

“Now, let the Black God Set out of the body. Turn back and let it **** blood again.” Luo Feng smiled helplessly.

For a moment, the black gloves dropped onto the Auto Jet seat.

“No. 1, pack Black God Set.” Luo Feng left Auto Jet.

In the giant spaceship building, Luo Feng has just been greeted by a certain lounge. There are dozens of seats in the spacious lounge.

There are six people in already. Looking at their looks, Luo Feng judges at a glance that there is a pair of men and women who should be of Chinese descent, and one who is sitting there with eyes closed should be an Indian. The other three are two black men who are also sitting quietly. There is also a white man with blond curly hair.

“Hello, Luo Feng, I’m Tuobayan, from the base city of Kyoto.” Chinese men came and introduced, “As far as I know, of the eight of us in this wave of set off, from Chinese State That is you and me. Oh, Li Young Lady who talked to me just now is from Hong Ning base city. “

“Oh.” Luo Feng nodded slightly, after just a few words, I sat down and meditated.

Preparing for the ancient Archaeological ruin

Soon, the last eighth member has arrived. Dojo Of Limits This time all Wargod heading to No. 9 ancient Archaeological ruin are here.

“Follow me, everyone.”

Led by a man in a loose red robe, eight Wargods from all over the world, including Luo Feng, came to the quiet room made of strange purple wood, which forms the purple wood of the quiet room, not Luo Feng. Any kind of purple wood you have seen, not only has a strange fragrance, but also can make Never before calm and spiritual cohesion.

black clothed man is standing in the quiet room with his back to Luo Feng group.

Hall Master!”

Luo Feng All eight bowed slightly.

The black clothed man turned around, glanced over the group of Luo Feng, and said indifferently: “No. 9 ancient Archaeological ruin, although the degree of danger is lower than that of Archaeological ruin, but the death rate is still high. If you regret it now, You can say it now if you quit. Otherwise, you will be late when you enter the ancient Archaeological ruin.

Everyone is silent.

“Very good.” black clothed men indifferently spoke, “alluring, come in.”

The voice spreads.


A blurred figure condenses outside the door. Correct is wearing a black robe with a golden mask and a mysterious woman with long black hair. Because the mask covers the face, only the eyes, nose, and mouth can be seen, but This alone can determine that this is absolutely a peerless beauty.

Especially that two eyes eye, it’s almost inspiring.

“It’s a mixed race.” Luo Feng judged from the eyes of the mysterious woman, “alluring, one of Three Great Guard, deserves the nickname alluring.”

Three Great Guard is the most loyal subordinate of Hall MasterHong‘!

Because they have been following Hong, the strength of these three is slightly higher than the average strength of five Overseer.

“Eight of you, wait for set off to go to ancient Archaeological ruin on the 9th, alluring will lead the team.” black clothed man commanded.


Everyone is called.

Luo Feng stays, others back down.” black clothed man ordered.

There are only Luo Feng and black clothed men ‘Hong‘ in the quiet room.

black clothed man indifferently spoke: “Luo Feng, have you asked about the ancient Archaeological ruin via interior phone? You don’t want to go?”

Hall Master.”

Luo Feng bowed slightly, “I have called and asked before. At that time, I thought that entering” Ancient Archaeological ruin “was risking my life. In the end, I only wanted to get a set of” Black God Set equipment. ” The gains … not worth it. So I was hesitant at the time. “

“Have you changed your mind?” The black clothed man looked at Luo Feng with a little surprise.


Luo Feng nod, “The pursuit of the limit of life is full of difficulties. Let us go against the current!”

“A normal person may be involved in a car accident while walking.”

“In the community, you will be hit by a falling vase. Nothing is 100% safe!”

“I choose this path, I must have the courage to work hard. If I am 100% safe, I will not choose fighting intent. Correct has some dangers, which will make me enthusiastic and full of fighting spirit! And all said that the success rate is over 80% What fear do I have? “Luo Feng’s eyes were very bright.

black clothed man watched in his heart secretly from nod.

The young man innate talent is good at present, but to achieve great achievements, innate talent alone is not enough.

This young man, this time, obviously has more perseverance than he did when he first saw him! It’s a kind of fighting spirit that the hammer can’t bend, the rapids are not exaggerated! If you want to truly break the limit of life and become the pinnacle expert on Earth, you must have such a fighting spirit that no one else can obstruct it!

“Very good. I just want to tell you … when you enter the” advanced Psycher Master “of the ancient Archaeological ruin of 9th, some people failure, but no one died.” The black clothed man said.

Luo Feng in his heart moved slightly, so it turned out …

No wonder Hong was letting itself in at first, it was quite certain.

“Of course, advanced Psycher Master is originally small. There are not enough examples, so you ca n’t be 100% safe.” The black clothed man said, “Go and join them.”

“Yes, curator.”

Luo Feng left immediately.


The Qiankun-class Auto Jet is flying at an amazing speed.

In the cabin, Correct guard alluring and eight Wargod.

“You can call me Representative Young Lady.” alluring‘s voice was very comfortable, heart tickled, “This time we head to the destination, it is the 9th ancient Archaeological ruin. This 9th ancient Archaeological ruin is located in South America Somewhere deep in the Amazon jungle is one of the less dangerous ones in ancient Archaeological ruin. “

Suddenly the white said curiously: “Representative Young Lady, are there any other ancient Archaeological ruin?”

“Of course!”

No one can see the detailed facial expression of alluring, but she can also see the corner of her mouth slightly up, “I can tell you one, No. 1 ancient Archaeological ruin, is the earliest ancient Archaeological ruin we found on Earth. At the bottom of the sea around Bermuda, Earth ‘North Atlantic’. “

Everyone can’t help but be surprised, including Luo Feng.

No. 1 ancient Archaeological ruin? First discovered?

“However, there is currently no way for the entire Earth to enter the entrance of ancient Archaeological ruin.” alluring sounds a bit evil, “No matter how powerful expert, then hard metal weapons … just stepped into the entrance, it will be destroyed! “

Luo Feng and the others is dumb.

This old Archaeological ruin, the entire Earth and all the Humanitys today, can’t even enter the entrance.

You can’t even enter ‘HongThunder Godand the others. It seems that even’ ss-grade materials’ or some harder materials will be destroyed at the entrance … “Don’t even think about this place. First Peace of mind cultivation is. “Luo Feng thought to himself.

“Everybody, listen carefully. I will only say it once!”

alluring The voice became slightly louder.

“Ancient Archaeological ruin No. 9 is an ancient type used to ‘select and eliminate’ trial qualitative Archaeological Ruin. When you enter, Fighter will generally enter the depth of Archaeological Ruin along the ‘a model channel’. And Psycher Master, will be Archaeological Ruin Arrange to enter the depth of Archaeological Ruin along the “b-type channel.” When alluring came out, everyone listened carefully with their ears raised.

It seems …

Psycher Master and Fighter are treated differently.

“After entering the depths of Archaeological ruin, everyone’s experience will be different.”

“Different difficulties!”

“But those who succeed can get the reward of Archaeological Ruin, a set of” Black God Set equipment “. failure people will die or die!”

alluring suddenly stood up and said to the Qiankun-level Auto Jet console: “Password … Archaeological Ruin No. 9.”


Xiū! Xiū! Xiū!

The eight red lights emerged from Auto Jet *** and shot directly at the communication wristwatch on the wrists of eight Wargods such as Luo Feng, and everyone was confused.

“Don’t be nervous.” alluring‘s mouth slightly tilted, as if smiling.

“There is a language in the ancient Archaeological ruin on the 9th, but it is different from any of the languages ​​on our Earth.” alluring said, “I can’t understand the language in Archaeological Ruin, I can’t understand the text. Waste your time. In the early days, when no one understood the language, there was a time when Wargod stayed in Archaeological Ruin for more than seven months before coming out.

“Understanding the language of words will make you do more with less.”

“So before entering, I will install a set of translation software in your communication wristwatch! This set of translation software can translate the text language of ancient Archaeological ruin No. 9 into Chinese and English. After you come out, I will be responsible for uninstalling this No. 9 Archaeological Ruin language translation software. “

After five minutes, the installation process ends.

South America Amazon jungle, night, Qiankun class Auto Jet is quickly diving down from high altitude, and then slowly landing.


The hatch is open.

Luo Feng and eight other Wargods came out together with alluring. It turned out to be a wasteland, and there was an endless jungle around the wasteland. There were also some monsters, but no monster dared to approach it. I saw the sound of snoring, and the soil on the ground was shaking, and the ground was separated directly to the sides, creating a five-meter wide passage to the ground.


The silver-gray elevator actually rose directly to the ground, the elevator door opened, and an old man in a red robe appeared.

alluring Representative.” The old man in the red robe bowed slightly.


alluring looked at eight people such as Luo Feng, and the corners of their mouths were slightly upturned. “Okay, you hurry in and then enter the ancient Archaeological ruin! Each of you will encounter different situations, and I wish you all alive!” Immediately, alluring Representative entered the Qiankun-class fighter directly, and the fighter quickly flew away.

“Please hurry up, everyone, the ancient Archaeological ruin on the 9th, this year, only the last two hours left.” The old man in red robe reminded.

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