The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 4303: Excalibur? Scepter?

This idea is a bit narcissistic, but Jiang Chen inevitably thinks this way.

Since he soared up, the reason why the Taihuangtian was broken seems to have never been touched.

He has been thinking about the reason.

For three epochs, Taihuangtian collapsed and became a world of countless fragments, and the laws of heaven and earth became chaotic.

The people who come out of it are far less than those from other celestial realms.

But it also created some people, such as Jiang Chen.

As well as Zixia and others, the future can be expected, and they will even be far ahead of the Sanqingtian people.

So from this perspective, the breaking of the Emperor Heaven is beneficial to them.

Jiang Chen, as the biggest beneficiary, after understanding this, this idea naturally burst out.

Seeing Jiang Chen sinking into thought, Ye Ying and the others dare not act rashly.

At the same time, I was a little anxious. I have already said everything that should be said, and I have won more than ten minutes. Why hasn’t their president been down?

Isn’t their president in the black box still Jiang Chen’s opponent?

The time is set back to the killer guild leader to enter the black box.

He came in alone and didn’t need other people’s help.

You don’t need to take any measures by the Tiandao League, just make sure that Jiang Chen can’t escape.

Next, in a square world, Jiang Chen and the president of the Killing God met.

“You are not from the Heavenly Alliance.”

Jiang Chen can see the difference between each other at a glance.

“You shouldn’t kill our people just now, otherwise you can talk to us. You are too impulsive, and you will pay the price if you do not consider the consequences.”

“So you are the one who kills the gods? Do you really think that if I don’t kill your people, you will be arrested? In fact, only killing can solve this matter, but you think I’m not hurt enough, but I After killing you, you won’t think so.” Jiang Chen said.

The Killing God will grow up confused, shouldn’t he say this?

Such murderous aura fits his god, that is, the **** of murder.

I wrote down this sentence silently in my heart, thinking that I can also use it to bluff people when I have the opportunity to face other goals in the future.

“It depends on whether you have this ability.”

After speaking, the Killing God Guild Leader began to attack.

The people of the Tiandao League outside were energetic, and they could all see the situation inside.

It is clear that the strength of the guild leader of the killing **** is the real god, and he is good at killing and mastering the magic skills handed down by their gods.

Great killing technique!

The killing **** in their eyes, the guild leader is like a golden light, invincible and unbreakable.

Jiang Chen also has to avoid his sharp edge and avoid the opponent’s attack, which invigorated these people.

Because this is not in line with Jiang Chen’s style, it means that his situation is not very good.

This is what everyone in the Tiandao League wants to see.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly in the black box.

On the contrary, it made the attacking president puzzled.

“Speaking of which, I am also a real god.”

Through this brief confrontation, he learned about his current strength and realm. Although he hasn’t mastered the magic arts, he can compare them.


The president of the Killing God snorted coldly, and he was too lazy to say something and displayed his magical magic.

Suddenly, the air of killing filled the black box.

Even if Jiang Chen enters the state of killing, it can’t compare to the cold killing intent.

This killing intent is not derived from anger or hatred, but a real killing.

Unreasonable killing is the most terrible.

The opponent uses the knife in his hand to show the power of this magical technique

One cut, the space inside the black box is divided into countless pieces.

It’s a bit similar to Jiang Chen using the power of time and space to change space and trap a person alive.

Jiang Chen’s expression sternly turned on the Tyrant Body Art.

With the demon armor on his body, his breath is like a mountain.

Perfectly resist the opponent’s attack, and resist the opponent’s blade with the sword in his hand.

“Hmph, you are far from reaching the real wonderland, because you have not mastered the magic arts.

You are at the mercy of me in front of me.

Also, don’t forget to tell you that people related to you at this moment are paying for your actions. “

The last sentence can make Jiang Chen’s expression change drastically, but Jiang Chen laughed instead, unexpectedly.

“Your people are waiting for your rescue. I will also give you a time. If you can kill me within a quarter of an hour, I will not trouble them.”

Hearing this, the president’s face couldn’t help but change.

He thinks Jiang Chen is lying.

However, tell him directly that’s not the case.

“The demon armor has been displayed, which means that my attack has threatened you. If I can’t fight back, my next attack will undoubtedly die.

Come on, I will give you a chance. I am here to let you perform a trick, so that you can see the gap between you and me. “

The opponent stood motionless.

Jiang Chen was taken aback, is there such a good thing?

He didn’t waste this opportunity, and directly displayed Wan Jian to One, and tens of thousands of flying swords hit the opponent.

“Is that enough?”

Seeing so many flying swords hitting him, the Killing God Guildmaster was very disdainful.

Jiang Chen has seen his reaction like this in many people.

Often opponents will pay a heavy price.

But this time it seemed different, after a flying sword showed sufficient power.

The President of Killing God only changed his face slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to perform divine spells calmly.

Under the majestic murderous aura, Jiang Chen’s flying sword can’t show coherent power unexpectedly.

Finally, the flying sword was destroyed by this supernatural power.

It is not to crack, but to destroy the principle of returning ten thousand swords to the sect.

“In front of the magic arts, your moves appear weak and incompetent. The magic arts are higher levels of strength.”

Jiang Cheng was slightly surprised, but he didn’t make any excessive moves, just thought it was interesting.

Originally, he didn’t plan to learn magic arts, because he had never learned immortal arts when he was in the clear sky. It was a magical arts that he mastered at the end.

He didn’t take it seriously when he learned about magic, but now it seems that magic has surpassed his previous knowledge of any moves~ magic is like the law of heaven and earth, but It is temporary.

“It seems that you have no other means, so you can die.”

Guild Master Killing God is to solve Jiangcheng.

“Isn’t it a coincidence that you said? If I don’t go to the endless desert, there is really no way to face you.”

Speaking, Jiang Chen took out the sword of fire.

Suddenly, the space of the black box became extremely hot, and the outside became extremely hot, and even showed signs of melting.

“The Scepter of God?!”

People inside and out were shocked.

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