The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 929: Methods

? Jiang Chen thought at first that someone else had come to break into the Nine Palaces, trying to get ahead of him and become the world master. 81 Chinese Network


   But that is obviously unrealistic, Jiang Chen holding the Tianque sword in his hand, cautiously walked up.


  As his vision changed along the corner, a figure rushed towards him, and a pair of iron fists screamed.


   Jiang Chen had long been on guard, avoided calmly, and clearly saw the person who did it.


  ”Xihai Dragon Fist?”


   Jiang Chen was taken aback after seeing that face.


   This is a person who has been dead for almost a hundred years, and he was a famous person in the Nine Heavens.


When    Jiang Chen came, he asked Nan Gong who had entered the Ninth Palace, had seen their portraits, and understood their past.


   Each era has its own protagonist, and Xihai Longquan was the most popular figure at that time.


   A pair of iron fists beat invincible hands all over the world.


   was the youngest star at the time, in his forties, and he was very good at that time.


   It’s a pity that he is too pushy, pursues the highest, and entered the Nine Palaces, but unfortunately he never went out again.


   People who should have died appear in front of him, Jiang Chen will inevitably be surprised.


   took a closer look, only to discover that the other party was left with only the body, a walking dead.


   Those opened eyes glowed red, his face was pale, his skin was the same, his clothes were in tatters, like a beggar.


   But every move still exudes the domineering Xihai Dragon Fist.


   He had no consciousness, he just regarded Jiang Chen as an intruder, and made a vicious attack, killing humans.


  ”Will those who die in the Nine Palaces be part of the test?”


   Jiang Chen couldn’t help thinking of what would happen if he had become like this, then shook his head and took the initiative to shoot out the sword.


   “Senior, I am offended.”


   Xihai Longquan is indeed extraordinary, but time has changed, martial arts is constantly improving, and the definition of the strong is constantly being refreshed.


   Jiang Chen can easily hold his fist and subdue it.


  While Jiang Chen hesitated to destroy this body, the immobile Xihai Longquan lowered his head, closed his eyes, and remained motionless.


  ”Has the Nine Palaces already produced creatures? Otherwise, how could it be so fast?”


   Jiang Chen is proficient in making all kinds of gadgets, so he knows that it is not easy to stop at the right time like Xihai Longquan.


   There are too many factors to consider, unless someone is watching and acting as a referee.


   Jiang Chen yelled a few words to the empty space, but unfortunately there was no response.


   He turned the corner and saw that an iron door appeared in front of him, which could be opened with a light push.


   After a person walked in, the iron door closed automatically.


   This time Jiang Chen didn’t even turn his head. He looked at him. It was no longer a long passage. There was a space similar to a square, and his sight was extremely wide.


   After he came in, the flames flickered, illuminating every corner.


   You can also see that the square is a circle, composed of stones of different shapes and sizes. These stones are very regular, either geometric or symmetrical.


   In the sky in the middle of the square, a huge compass hangs.


   Jiang Chen was confused and didn’t understand what he was going to do.


   When he stepped onto the square, it seemed that something was activated. The stones were constantly changing and piecing together, and light came out from the grooves between the stones.


   The hanging compass is also spinning fast.


   After reaching a certain level, the frantically spinning pointer stopped.


   Suddenly, the square turned into a sea of ​​flames, engulfing him.


  ”This is also a different fire!”


   Jiang Chen didn’t take it seriously at first, but his face changed drastically when he realized that it was a different fire with the same refining effect.


   He tried to summon the burning sky demon flame to resist, but the demon flame was uncontrollable and hid deep in his body.


   Jiang Chen wants to exit the square, but there is no doubt that he will not do what he wants.


  ”This is?”


   Jiang Chen knows that the test will not deliberately play dead people, there must be rules in it, so keep a cool head.


   Soon, he found a strange place, the whole square and the compass formed an ancient formation!


   There was a bluestone shining not far in front of him, and he stepped on it as quickly as possible.


The moment    settled down, the strange fire disappeared, but before he was happy, the temperature in the square dropped sharply and soon dropped to freezing point.


   Jiang Chen saw that the stone wall was covered by profound ice, and then spread towards the square.


   With the experience just now, he searched for the light stone, but nothing was gained.


   He thought suddenly, looking down at the shape of the stone he was standing on and the weird text on it, and jumped onto the same stone.


   Xuan Bing didn’t stop, but the stones in the square changed again and again, faster and faster.


   The shining stone appeared. After Jiang Chen stood up, Xuan Bing stopped.




   Jiang Chen took a long sigh. I used a different fire just now. It is not as simple as it seems to come to Xuan Bing. It can make him feel cold and can freeze people in the three realms to death.


  ”This is teaching me the knowledge of the ancient formation.”


   Jiang Chen reacted, the light stone is a reminder. As you step down, the difficulty will get higher and higher, and you must remember the rules.


   This is his strength, he never forgets, he has a lot of experience in the formation, recalling the two changes before and after, keep it in mind.


   The compass needle turned again, and there was no obvious change in the square, but invisibly there was a sharp breaking sound, grazing his body.


   Even though it is a divine body, it has been cut out of the wound, blood flowing.


   Jiang Chen couldn’t take care of it, and moved quickly among the stones.


   At the same time, all the stones move in a more complicated way. The further you go, the more knowledge of the ancient formation becomes.


   Almost half an hour later, Jiang Chen was sweating profusely and was very tired.


   After the last stop, he lay on the ground with a face of contentment.


   After such an appearance, his formation attainment reached a whole new field. It was not how much he improved, but a door was opened.


   For the ancient formation, he no longer scrutinizes from the skin, but is grasped by him to the inner principle.


  The role of the ancient formation is also far from the formation.


  He can build ancient formations that teleport thousands of miles away, as well as killing formations that involve spatial levels.


   Most importantly, he only touched the fur.


   “Are these all the knowledge that the master once needed to master?” Jiang Chen thought.


  He stood up looking forward to the back of Jiuzhonggong.


   Jiang Chen quickly found the stone gate at the other end, and after pushing it in, the huge space was built into a palace.


  Here, he saw the seniors who had come to pass the test of the Nine Heavens.


   This time there are more than three, and their strength is much stronger than Xihai Longquan.


   Jiang Chen used double swords and sky thunder to solve it.


   went further, and encountered various tests, and the difficulty gradually increased.


  When he pushed open the eighth door, Jiang Chen realized that his injuries were considered serious injuries.


   When he was about to take a break, something shocked him again.


  Four Qi practice method!


   This is undoubtedly what he needs most at the moment, and it can be said to be a help in the snow.

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