Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 51: Blood and tears!

Su Bai took a few deep breaths, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he stepped back subconsciously. At this moment, a nurse came over and saw Su Bai standing in the service station. He asked in a puzzled manner:

“Hello, what’s the matter?”

“Pour me a glass of water.|Chinese|Fiction.” Su Bai said.

“Okay.” The nurse seemed to encounter this situation often, so she immediately poured a glass of water for Su Bai from a disposable plastic cup.

Perhaps, it is also because the hospital is large, but the basic service facilities are relatively poor. There are drinking fountains in the service station and office on the first floor, and the patients in the rest of the ward must be family members or take it by themselves. The hot water bottle distributed by the hospital to fetch water.

Holding the paper cup, he drank the cool water in it, and Su Bai reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“Is there anything else?” The nurse asked when Su Bai was standing here after drinking water.

“I want to see how much money I have here.” Su Bai pointed to himself and asked.

Generally speaking, when you are hospitalized, you will pay a deposit, etc., more refunds and less supplements. Since the surveillance camera shows that you have left the hospital and have also completed the discharge procedures, can you continue to live in that ward?

“Name.” The nurse sat down in front of the computer to help Su Bai look it up.

“Su Bai.” Su Bai hesitated, but still said the name: “Su of Jiangsu, white white.”

After the nurse entered the name, she smiled and said: “You still have more than eight thousand deposits in your card.”

For a while, Su Bai felt a little pain in his head. Looking at the nurse’s face, it was also a little distorted. He subconsciously supported the table with one hand, and slowly squatted down.

“Sir, sir, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?

Doctor, doctor, there is something wrong with a patient here, please come to the service station! “

This was the last voice Su Bai heard in a trance, and immediately felt a little confused and unconscious.


About half a day later, it was dark outside the window. Su Bai opened his eyes slightly and found that he was lying on the original hospital bed, still infusion, and still aching in his head.

Sit up subconsciously, but suddenly there was a feeling of emptiness in his body. Su Bai stretched out his palm and squeezed it slightly, but couldn’t feel that kind of power. More precisely, it was his own. Strength is being constantly weakened.

The palm keeps shrinking, but it keeps recovering. Now there is no way to switch the zombie state.


Is constantly changing to an ordinary person?

A huge panic suddenly enveloped his heart, and Su Bai’s mind immediately appeared in the scene he saw during the surveillance. In the picture, he had been discharged from the hospital with the fat man. Does that mean, The true self has indeed been discharged from the hospital. The self that remains is just a spiritually branded existence, similar to a puppet?

Pull out his needle, Su Bai put his hands on his face,

Is your current self actually fake?

I’m not really myself at all?

I just thought I was the real me?

For a time, a lot of thoughts kept circling in Su Bai’s mind, making his mood a little bit frizzy.

No matter who encounters this kind of thing, the reaction is probably the same.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open,

Su Bai was stunned for a moment and looked up,

Not the nurse who estimated the time to remove the needle, but the patient with a bandage on her face. The patient looked at Su Bai with dark eyes, then grinned and smiled,

“Are you awake?”

For a time, a shuddering feeling rose from the bottom of Su Bai’s heart;

Before, Su Bai was able to face this patient indifferently, even when he saw the corpse ring on the other’s wrist, he did not panic at all. The fundamental reason was that Su Bai was confident that he could easily deal with these things in front of him. Miscellaneous things, but when Su Bai found that his strength was constantly weakening, it meant that the biggest reliance in his heart was gone.

“Hey, you have something wrong today. Is your condition worsening?”

The patient walked in front of Su Bai. He was still walking very slowly, and with some lameness. When he kept approaching Su Bai, Su Bai subconsciously began to lean behind the bed.

The patient still came to Su Bai, with a bandaged face just looking at Su Bai with a smile. This smile was very strange and seemed to hide a touch of sarcasm.

It’s like, you also have today, didn’t you calm down yesterday?

Su Bai’s hands began to tremble uncontrollably,

The patient’s hand stretched out, and the hand with the corpse ring on the wrist was slowly placed on Su Bai’s forehead.

“It’s a bit hot, do you have a fever?”

Su Bai’s body began to tremble uncontrollably. When you suddenly find that you have become an ordinary person, the capital before, everything before, and a lot of confidence before, are all gone in an instant. , The fear of this kind of thing instantly fills your heart, filling every part and every detail of your body, and the fear that comes from the weakening of strength is already deep. In addition, in this environment, facing such a person and thing, this kind of fear has been greatly increased.

At this time, a nurse came in. She was holding a plate in her hand with tape and cotton swabs on it. It should have come to pull out the needle for Su Bai. There was also a blue on the nurse’s wrist. The color of the corpse ring, when she walked in, the temperature in the ward dropped again.

“Why are you so unbehaved.”

The nurse comes step by step,

“How can you pull out the needle before I come?”

The nurse walked to Su Bai and didn’t even look at the patient who was also standing on the other side of Su Bai’s bed. Instead, she reached out and grabbed Su Bai’s wrist.


It’s cold,

This is the kind of icy cold like in a freezer,

Su Bai shivered subconsciously,

“It’s not good, you have to insert the needle again, and finish the fluid infusion.”

Speaking, the nurse picked up the needle, without the slightest expression on her face, even showing a very unnatural subway blue.

“No, don’t…”

Subconsciously, Su Bai retracted his hand, his body began to struggle, and he began to curl up his legs.

“Don’t, don’t approach me, don’t approach me.”

“You are sick, you have to listen to the nurse.” The patient reached out to grab Su Bai, so that Su Bai did not struggle, his hand was stuck on Su Bai’s shoulder, and Su Bai was pressed on the bed;

The nurse started to put the needle into the back of Su Bai’s hand, and a tingling pain came.

“Yeah, it didn’t penetrate the blood vessel.”

The nurse pulled out the needle again.

As soon as he pulled it in, a lot of sweat dripped down Su Bai’s face, and his breathing began to become quicker.

“Do it again.”

“Yeah, it didn’t penetrate the blood vessel.”

“Don’t worry, not next time.”

“Ah, it’s still wrong, come again.”

Su Bai’s eyes began to turn white, and under this torture, the whole person’s spirit has reached the critical point of collapse.

The patient continued to hold Su Bai with his hands, but when he found that Su Bai’s struggle was getting weaker and weaker, his strength was also weaker.

However, at this moment, Su Bai’s face was flushed,

Su Bai’s eyes suddenly regained focus,

The whole face showed a distorted and fierce expression:

“Fuck you!”

Su Bai put his foot on the patient’s chest, kicked him back and fell to the ground. At the same time, Su Bai grabbed the nurse’s hand and grabbed the needle from the nurse’s hand. He grabbed the nurse’s neck with one hand and pierced the needle severely into the nurse’s eye.


The stench of black liquid splashed out of the nurse’s eyes.

“You are a patient, you have to listen to the nurse.”

“The needle is inserted into your hand for infusion, how can you put it in my eyes, goodbye…”

The patient and nurse didn’t seem to see Su Bai’s counterattack at all, but moved closer to Su Bai again.

The tide of fear seems to be swept in once again.

Su Bai smiled suddenly, like crazy,

He thought of a lot of pictures in his mind, what he saw before and what he saw now,

Patients with bandages, patients with cadaver rings,

The power I lost,

Image of leaving in the surveillance screen~IndoMTL.com~His discharge record,

When everything, when all the details and all the things, are constantly pushing themselves into the abyss of fear,

There must be a problem here,


Too deliberate,

Too deliberate means too fake!

Every detail is designed, every character that appears, every factor of fear, is arranged, just waiting for myself to walk along this road step by step, step on it,


Fall down!

“Want to scare me to collapse? Come on.” Su Bai muttered to himself, and the picture in the painting Ji Jixiang showed him originally appeared in his mind,

The torture frame,


The Knights Templar,


The Pope,


When Su Bai began to constantly recall and substitute that picture, there was a fire beside his bed, and at the same time, there was a sound of poetry chanting from the depths of the Holy See,

The nurse’s face began to twist and change constantly, and she began to become a Templar knight crawling on the ground,

The bandage patient started to become a cardinal,

The picture of the entire ward at this time seems to be a piece of crumpled paper, beginning to become pitted and fragmented,



As the sound of broken glass comes,

Su Bai rolled down from the bed, but what he landed on was not on the cold floor tiles, but on a piece of grass. He did not fall off the bed, but from the back of the lying rockery.

In front of Su Bai, the female doctor who was smoking the second cigarette let out a muffled snort. The second cigarette burned for a long time, and finally fell to the ground. At the same time, her face was full of disbelief. ,

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the female doctor’s pupils.

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