Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 51: There are ghosts

Chu Zhao saw that Su Bai returned to the room babblingly, his eyes showed a little suspiciousness, and then he smiled, “Pretending to be crazy, interesting.”

Su Bai, who returned to the room, sat on a chair and began to empty his brain. Based on the clues he had obtained before, Su Bai now considered the specific aspects of the voting game clearly.

The voting game is still a voting game. It is divided into two game circles, each of which is 10 men and 10 women, but according to the words of the host of the horror broadcast at the beginning of the story world:

“20 young people, all between the ages of 20 and 30, 10 men and 10 women, are average, aren’t they?

At this time, they were all lying on their bed and preparing to go to bed, but suddenly they found that their bedroom room had changed its appearance,

A **** game of order and choice,

It’s a prelude…”

The 20 young people are what the horror radio host said. Do these 20 young people really just refer to a game circle?


It should refer to two game circles!

From the very beginning, it is impossible to deceive. If even the host of the terrorist radio talks at the beginning, and the information given at the beginning is a scam, then it will be too low for the b box of the terrorist radio.

So, to make a reverse reasoning, it is absolutely correct to implement the horror broadcast sentence 10 men and 10 women. Then, it means that no matter how many game circles there are, there are still 20 people in total!

There are now two game circles, 20 people on each side, and 40 people in total. According to the previous inference, it means that only half of these 40 people are real listeners.

And there is only half left, that is, 20 people,



This kind of ghost is not a ghost that people become after death in the ordinary sense, but is more similar to a computer player in a game battle. For example, a battle game requires 5v5, but there are only four players. Finally, 2 real players on each side and 3 game players on each side can join.

Here, the rules of the story world should also use the same technique. The audience is only 20 people, and it has to be divided into two game circles. The real gamers are actually two people who can shuttle back and forth between the two sides of the game circle each time. , Then, this will cause a huge waste. The rest of the audience, or the rest of the players, when they do not have the qualifications, can it be said that they can only die without restriction?

This is obviously impossible!

If this is the case, the fun of the game and the principle of unfairness will be completely broken. Therefore, the rules of this story world have also produced ghosts, which are equivalent to computers that accompany the prince to read books. Players, they don’t know they are computer players, they don’t know they are fake, and they don’t know they are ghosts. They regard themselves as real listeners, they think they are also a member of the story, and they also have the desire to survive. impulse.

However, because they were created by the story rules of this story world, their final interpretation rights belong to the rules of this story world, some of their behaviors, some of their existence, and even whether they Existence can be changed, modified, and adapted by the rules of the story according to their needs, but they can’t do it at all, and they don’t even know it.

Su Bai has been struggling with a problem before, that is, if people can shuttle back and forth between the two game circles, how does the head count, the number of voters, voting rules, etc., will appear because of changes in personnel. However, it now appears that Horror Broadcasting has actually solved this kind of bugs and bugs. The method is very simple. You must know that in the game circles on both sides, each side has its own 10 ghosts. , It’s really a simple matter to make tricks in terms of the number of people, voting rules, etc., to make their own backdoor arrangements.

For example, when Su Bai entered this game circle, a certain ghost disappeared directly? It just so happens that the total number of people and the total number of votes remain the same, right?

This can perfectly solve this logical problem. Of course, the world rules of this story have one of the biggest weapons, that is, people who shuttle back and forth, and people who don’t know him feel that he is always there. , It’s just very low-key.

With this terrible ability to modify people’s cognition of things, and 20 ghosts to help themselves solve inherent loopholes in logic, this voting game with such complexity can truly run perfectly.

Only horror broadcasting can organize such a game.

Su Bai silently kneaded his eyebrows. To be honest, he felt very depressing for this kind of game. There was no atmosphere like a game at all. Instead, it lifted the intrigue from many levels.

The two people in each circle who can shuttle freely are under much greater pressure than ordinary listeners. They are equivalent to the people elected by the two game circles, forced to the duel arena, and won. Win, complete the mission, return to the real world, and die, fall here forever, accompanied by the undead.

Qin Yang is the person recommended by the game circle. After he came to the game circle of Su Bai, he has been observing and looking for someone who has the ability to shuttle back and forth between two game circles like himself.

Of course he found it in the end,

It is Chen Yixin.

It’s just that, what caught Qin Yang off guard was that Chen Yixin was actually dragged by Su Bai’s mental illness to increase her exposure. In the end, she was inexplicably voted for the highest death, and Qin Yang’s character was dumbfounded. One way to complete.

Afterwards, he succeeded in retreating, and the rules of this story world began to deal with the traces he left behind, such as in the scene, die in full view, and continue to ensure that the rhythm of the game continues.


Su Bai kept taking deep breaths. Now, he wants to understand one thing, that is, Zhao Zhen at the beginning and Qian Lan later. What does their behavior mean?

Actually, there is a knot in Su Bai’s heart, that is, when I just came to this story world, opened the door of my room and Zhao Zhen was facing each other across the corridor, he deliberately made an attacking posture. , Zhao Zhen took a knife and stabbed Su Bai in the thigh, but Zhao Zhen could continue to go out like a okay person and be brave. Shouldn’t he have some injuries?

At that time, he was injured. No matter how stupid he is, he should know what it is, but he has always perfectly explained what the highest state of mindlessness is, until he was voted to death.

Now it seems that it’s actually very simple. Zhao Zhen is actually a ghost. His task arranged by the world rules of this story is to attract attention before the first round of voting, and then become the first round of The voter became an example to familiarize everyone with the rules of the game and did a set of demonstration actions that couldn’t be more standard.

Zhao Zhen himself may not know these things, but in the future, his fate is already doomed. Even without Su Bai, he will provoke others or deliberately find something to come out.

After all, from the perspective of game fairness, it’s too unfair if the person who died as a demonstration is the audience, so it’s great to take a ghost out as a demonstration and an example. As for Qian Lan, whether she is a ghost or not, Su Bai doesn’t know, nor can he analyze it, but Zhao Zhen must be a ghost!

Su Bai walked into the bathroom, and began to take cold water at his face, and now all kinds of thoughts were constantly anxious in his mind, constantly stirring in his consciousness, he knew that he must quickly Straighten everything out and understand the rules, because I don’t have much time.

In each round, two listeners are selected for a duel. At what level does this duel exist?

Go to the other side to make waves and then vote to cast people to death?

Did you deliberately fan the flames?

To deliberately provoke discord?

Su Bai spread a wet towel on his face,



It shouldn’t be like this. If you do it this way, everything will be too complicated, incredibly complicated, and it’s definitely not something that can be done in one voting interval overnight, even within five or six voting hours. It may be done, if the rules of this story are arranged like this,

Then the difficulty has risen from elementary school math problems to college advanced math problems, and two people who can shuttle spend a lot of time with each other to provoke discords and vote for each other to die. What about the others? Other listeners have been making soy sauce there?

Should… there is a more direct way.

Chen Yixin was voted to die~IndoMTL.com~Qin Yang has completed the task, in fact, as long as one of the other shuttlers…death, it will be fine,


In the hotel, in the scene,

Just use your own way to kill him!

If Qin Yang kills Chen Yixin in the scene, he will also die, but Chen Yixin is really dead, he is liberated, and successfully completed the task, but because Chen Yixin was voted to die, Qin Yang had to Then he was killed in a cutscene by the terrorist broadcast.


Su Bai kept gasping for breath, and finally got the idea. The problem now is,

Qin Yanggang completed the task and left the story world,


In this game circle, who is the next shuttler?

How should I find him?


“Here, your coffee.” Chu Zhao delivered a cup of coffee to Xun’er’s desk.

On Xun’er’s desktop is a piece of white paper with many things drawn in circles, as well as many analyses and notes.

“How is it, have you figured it out?” Chu Zhao sat down on a bed, looking a little unnatural.

“I figured out many of the rules on the bright side, but there are some things that I didn’t figure out. I always feel that something is missing. The environment we are encountering now is more complicated than that of “Another Dimension” Much more, this environment and this world cannot be created by humans at all.”

“Do you mean that we were drawn to this place when we met a god?” Chu Zhao stood up, “By the way, Xun’er, come here for a minute, I feel itchy here.”

Xun’er stood up and walked to Chu Zhao’s side, “What’s the matter?”

“You scratch me, it’s kind of itchy.”

Xun’er put her hand on Chu Zhao’s neck and scratched it, then tore off a large piece of tangerine peel. (To be continued.)

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