Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 1: Terror Radio

   crimson lips, blurred night;


   is indulgence;

In the center of the    ballroom, men and women shake their bodies to their heart’s content, dancing together to the beat of the music. Snow-white thighs, sweaty chest muscles, feminine charm, and male hormones interweave a crazy and intoxicating whirlpool.

   On the corner of the dance floor, a man in Nike sportswear is sitting there, with cigarettes and alcohol in front of him. The surrounding heat waves and dust sounds seem to have no effect on him. He just subconsciously His face was hidden in the blind spot of the dark light.

   It’s not that there are no hot dancers who came to ask him to dance, but he was automatically turned down by his cold attitude. His whole person, and this place, are really out of tune;

  A woman in white-collar overalls covered her mouth and rushed out of the dance floor and went to the toilet;

   At this time, the man picked up the cigarette on the table, put it in his pocket, got up, and walked to the toilet, like a hunter waiting for the prey, and now he is looking for the trail of the prey.

  After the woman rushed into the toilet, she started to vomit directly at the washbasin. The toilet immediately filled with a sour smell. The woman turned on the faucet and slapped a handful of water while flushing the dirt in the washbasin. On his face.

   The cold water hit her face, making her mood ignited on the dance floor awake for a moment, but when she opened her eyes again, she was startled by the figure behind herself in the mirror.


   The woman wanted to talk, but she couldn’t. The other party’s **** had locked her neck, and she couldn’t make a sound at all. The other party’s movements were too familiar to me, as if she was doing something often What you are doing does not need to be deliberate, it is just a natural thing.

   At the same time, the other hand raised his other hand, holding a knife in his hand.

   “Although I don’t like talking nonsense, this is the club’s rules. I have to say: Your sins have escaped secular sanctions, but you can’t escape our verdict.”


   did not have too many preludes, the knife edge quickly pierced the woman’s chest and turned clockwise;

   The man’s palm was pressed against the wound to prevent blood from splashing out.

   After the woman’s body trembled twice, she fell to the ground as the man let go.

   The man began to wash his knives with the water in the washbasin, washing his hands, and then looking at the mirror and tidying up his clothes.

  , he did all this carefully and organized;

   A young but pale face appeared in the mirror, handsome, with a strange excitement. This should be the reason for killing someone just now. Killing can always bring this to oneself. Pleasure.

  He is also obsessed with this kind of murderous feeling, even, as if he is addicted to drugs, he can’t help himself.

   The female corpse on the ground still keeps her eyes open, not looking at her;

   The man took out a small bag from his pocket, and inside it was all Hai, Luo, Yin;

  He doesn’t take this, because the pleasure of drugs is far inferior to the intense stimulation caused by killing.


   The small bag was torn open, and Hai, Luo, and Yin were scattered around the female body.

   Then, the small bag was also thrown by the man next to the female body.

   This nightclub is not clean. The man believes that the owner of this shop will never think about protecting the scene and dial 110 after discovering a female corpse strewn with drugs.

   Finally, I looked at the female corpse deeply, took a deep breath, and felt the last aftermath of the murder. The man’s face finally returned to normal. He looked into the mirror, smiled, and confirmed his smile. After becoming natural and not so contrived, he pushed open the door of the women’s bathroom, removed the sign that was being cleaned, and walked out.

   From beginning to end, he was convinced that he avoided all corners of the camera, and that he was not noticed by people around him. Of course, he must have left a lot of traces when killing people, but he believed that he was worried about being involved The nightclub owner will help him with the aftermath, and at the worst, he will also dispose of the body, so that he can rest assured.

   walked out of the nightclub, the cold wind hit outside, the man shivered, as if he had just returned to the world from heaven, yes, the nightclub, the toilet, the female body, for him, it is heaven , Because he experienced the warm and comfortable feeling that can only be experienced in heaven.

   “Life is beautiful.”

   The man muttered to himself, his voice a little hoarse.

   took out his cell phone, the man opened the taxi-hailing app and called for a taxi.

   Soon, a driver took the order, and the other party quickly called.

  ”Hey, is it Mr. Su Bai? Is your positioning correct? It’s on the side of the road behind the side entrance of Burning Love Nightclub, right?”

   Su Bai frowned slightly. This taxi-hailing software will automatically show all his registered names to the driver, which makes him a little disgusted. Now he has become very unhappy after releasing his depressed emotions. Sober, he knew that his name, tonight, the farther away from this place, the better.

   “Yes, I am here.”

   Su Bai replied, paying attention to the time at the same time, and pulled up the collar of the sportswear, and put on the back hat, so that his entire face, except for a pair of eyes, was hidden. stand up.

   “Okay, I’ll come right now.”

   The driver hung up the phone, but Su Bai’s eyes narrowed slightly.

   When the driver spoke just now, his tone was very rapid. This is not the kind of shortness of breath just after exercise, but a natural out-of-control emotional reaction after experiencing a terrible thing.

   After killing someone, my mind has cooled;

  Su Bai seems very sensitive now.

  Three minutes later, a black Audi stopped over;

   The driver is only 30 years old, his hair is a bit messy, and his clothes are crumbly residue. A typical private car owner who makes money by driving late at night, but Su Bai sees through the car window under the driver’s driving position. Several cigarette butts that have not been trampled are flickering.

  A private car owner came out late at night to do work, but he didn’t care about his car. Most people smoked in their car and couldn’t bear to let the smoke get into the car, but he didn’t put it out. Cigarette butts were dropped under the seat so casually.

   “Get in the car, boy.” The driver smiled and waved to Su Bai.

   Su Bai nodded. Instead of going directly to the back, he chose to bypass the front of the car and sit in the passenger seat.

   “You have reached the designated location, the passengers have boarded the car, and now the navigation begins.”

   The driver skillfully started the car, and at the same time handed a pack of cigarettes.

  ”Smoker, buddy?”

   Su Bai shook his head and took out his cigarette.

   “I have.”

   “It’s like smoking mine.” The driver was very enthusiastic.

   “No need.”

  ”Pick it, you are welcome, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump!”

   The driver’s tone began to rush, but he didn’t seem to realize his gaffe.

   Su Bai nodded, and drew a cigarette from the opponent’s cigarette pack.

  The driver happily regained his sight to the front and continued driving.

   The car radio was playing a Midnight Golden Melody program, singing “Sweet Honey” by Teresa Teng. However, halfway through the song, noise suddenly appeared.

  [“Welcome to the horror radio show, I am the host of the show, and I don’t have a name, because here, the name is meaningless.”]

   The driver slammed the display screen, “What kind of brain-dead thing, fool the children.”

   The driver was going to change the channel. However, although the finger kept pointing down, the touch screen surface did not respond at all, and he was still fixed on that channel segment.

  ”Broken? Dead?”

   The driver kept tapping the touch screen while muttering, and he even started smashing with his fists.

   Su Bai slowly squeezed the cigarette up next to him, and his other hand silently gripped the knife in his pocket that had just killed someone. The driver was obviously in an inexplicable emotional state. Among them, this reminded him of himself when he murdered for the first time.

  ”This is a ghost story today. I hope the audience can calm down and listen to it carefully;

   In a private car, there are two people sitting together. They got together through taxi software. The owner is a 31-year-old man engaged in insurance work, and the passenger in the passenger seat is a 22 Year old college student.

   This is nothing, it’s normal, isn’t it?

   There are a lot of people doing insurance now, and they are very leisurely. Even if they don’t run business, they can get a monthly report every day. Of course, if there is no performance, the money will not be much, so this driver I can only drive at night to subsidize income;

   college student, can explain his excellence, but it is not too special.

   However, the turning point of the story happened here.

   This driver just ran away after hitting the accident. He just killed a girl who was crossing the road, and then drove away. He took the order when he was still in shock. “

   The driver was stunned~ IndoMTL.com~ looked at the touch screen with a face of disbelief, then twisted his head with difficulty, looking at Su Bai sitting in the passenger seat;

   Su Bai saw shock, panic, and hysteria hidden in the deepest part of his pupils.

  The sound of the radio station continues:

  ”The college student sitting in the co-pilot position is a homicidal patient. He must kill someone every once in a while to get rid of the depression accumulated in his heart. Just now, he was called ‘ A dancing female white-collar worker was killed in the toilet of the’Ranqing Nightclub’.”

   The driver immediately retreated to the side of the car door, looking at Su Bai’s eyes as if he was looking at a murderer,

   Yes, he escaped after hitting the accident, but he didn’t intend to kill someone, and the passenger he had pulled was a murderer!

   The sound of the radio station paused for a while, and then deliberately lowered the voice:

  ”Next, let this story enter the high,,,, and tide…”


   Both the driver and Su Bai looked at the front window together. On the windshield, a girl with a distorted face was lying there, half of her face collapsed, but she still stared at the only one left. With her eyes on the person in the car window, she was giggling.

   Immediately afterwards, Su Bai felt a chill coming from behind him. He turned his head silently and saw a woman sitting in the back of the car. There was a **** incision on the woman’s chest, and it continued. Dark blood was flowing out from the ground.

   seems to see Su Bai’s gaze, the woman cracked her mouth and began to laugh:

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