Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 7: The crisis is hidden

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Qing Cang Shen ruled in July of the sixty-third year, the far north.

The morning sun rises, reflecting the continuous snow-capped mountains with brilliant light, and the thick snow refracts the sunlight, forming a cloud-like aerosol, reflecting the layers of the top of the snow-capped mountains, looking from a distance, like Lin Jiuxiao.

The palace is like a city, proudly above the clouds, looking huge and magnificent from a distance, the overall cyan color, the color is simple and solemn, but the structure is gorgeous and exquisite, the floating clouds between the palaces are endless like strands, those faintly mixed with snow Clouds condensed into six-pointed plum-like snow in extremely high and extremely cold places, and flowers flew down, three thousand jade ranks, all in a chaotic jade.

Changyan Feixue solitary city is closed, only for people to worship from afar, and enjoy the red dust and fireworks in a place outside the world.

Evergreen Temple.

The temple is actually a city, a city with no guards, but the sky is difficult to overcome.

There are several halls in the city, distributed in a circle, guarding the glorious hall in the middle. The lone city is covered with snow all year round, but the side of the hall is full of flowers, beautiful like spring, and lavender tung flowers float by. In the depths of Xuyun, floating endlessly.

The large hall with a radius of one hundred meters is silent. In the center is a peculiar idol, without a crown and no foot on the throne. It turned out to be a half-sleeved and looking back posture, wearing a large robe, flying around the clothes, and holding the sword with his left hand. Yin, the palm of his right hand behind his back, but a lotus blossomed.

The statues are extremely exquisite, and the clothes and belts are lifelike, especially the eyebrows, even though they are only the profile of looking back, they can still be seen brilliantly and beautifully, with a beautiful jade appearance and a cool Xiao.

People who came and went in robes of various colors, after passing the idol, all bowed respectfully.

This is the statue of the founder of the Temple of Evergreen, the supreme **** of Evergreen Temple.

Three hundred years ago, when the ancestor of the Evergreen Temple was soaring, he gave an decree: “From my beginning, from my life.”

Many people are puzzled by these simple six words, but they are sure that the omnipotent Lord Master will understand the ancestral oracle and lead the Evergreen Temple, eternally evergreen.

Many people came and went in the temple, but they were silent, especially when they passed the inner temple with a deep curtain, the steps became lighter and quieter, for fear that one breath would become heavier, and it would disturb the gods in the temple.

The gods are arguing.

There is a long table in the inner hall with a row on the left and right sides. Everyone looks calm, as if sleeping but not sleeping, but the words popping out of their teeth are like electric sparks, and they shook.

“I don’t understand why the lord insists on doing this?” The middle-aged man in blue clothes and high bun on the left side of the upper seat looked upset, “I have been a Skywalker for many years. I am good at temple affairs and know the world, why can’t I be promoted Sandian? Why can’t King Kinara be in charge of Yasha?”

“It doesn’t matter if Jinnaluo is in charge of the Yasha.” An old man with a high crown on the right side of the upper seat looked open and closed, and said indifferently: “I’m afraid that if you hold the palm, the upper three halls will all belong to you Skywalker One Pulse.”

“The words of the three elders are wrong.” The old man in the same costume on the fourth right immediately retorted, “King Jialouluo only meant that King Naluo was in charge of the Yasha, so why did the three elders get involved in the third hall? The Heaven is under the direct control of the Lord, the Dragon is under the command of the Holy Lord, and the Yasha has been led by the Seven Elders. The Seven Elders have been very energetic in old age. Now, why not promote young people?”

“Yes, yes.” Immediately the old man answered, “I don’t have any opinion on King Kinara’s leadership of the Yasha Department. I just disagree with King Garuda’s reason for promotion. There are many skywalkers, but King Jinnaruo himself has very little experience. King Garuda, don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous to promote King Jinnaruo with this as a reason?”

“You’re ridiculous!” The blue-clothed high-bun man who spoke at the beginning raised his eyebrows. “King Naluo is not a Skywalker and he cannot be in charge of the Yasha Department. Why can the Holy Lord be in charge of the Dragon Department if he is not in the temple all the year round. ?”

Several opposition elders all sneered, and immediately showed an expression of “I know you are coveting the Three Halls”.

“Why are you laughing?” The man in blue shirt also sneered, “According to my position, I can’t say that the Lord Lord, but at any rate, I am also his elder, and today I arrogantly say that you are holding him because of him. Tianzong Wizard, just because he is the most capable person in the temple for three hundred years, and because of his God-given God…” He just said this, suddenly heard a cough from above, stopped immediately, snorted and continued. “Whether it is a wizard, it can be a big task, what use is it if you don’t have an important task at all? What is the use of what you offer is not rare at all? A careless His Royal Highness can take the dragon’s part, so he will always be loyal King Kinara, who is so heartbroken, why can’t he promote Yasha?”

His words seemed to hit the sore spot. Several sneer opposition elders remained silent, a few support elders looked ridiculously, and the others who had not spoken showed thoughtful expressions. The high-bun man turned his eyes and proud. With a smile, he cast his gaze upwards except for a cough, the old man who had been silent for a while.

Above, the old man with a plumed robe and a high crown, has been sitting calmly with his eyes closed, his wrinkled pale golden complexion is calm, he hasn’t heard the disputes of everyone, and the eager gaze of everyone, this supreme and powerful master of the temple, But even the eyebrows did not tremble a bit, and his unmoving posture was hidden in the light blue mist, which looked more like a **** than a person.

There is a breath-holding silence on all sides. Although these eight heavenly kings and temple elders are all superbly respected, they have absolute authority and have firmly ruled the Evergreen Temple and even the sky for more than 60 years. In front of the old man who will be born with the immortal body and consciousness, he still dares not to be presumptuous, even the middle-aged man in blue clothes with a high bun who looks the most shameless, also narrowed his proud gaze a little.

Until I was sure that the silence had suppressed the turmoil just now, the lord did not speak lightly, but he said something irrelevant to the topic just now: “If there is a strong man coming south, why didn’t the Kinnaruo report?”

One sentence caused the blue-clothed middle-aged men to change their colors immediately. The Kinnaruo Department is responsible for collecting and reporting information across the country, and those who can be called the “strong man” by the temple master go north to the sky, they must be extremely strong. When a person enters the realm of the firmament, the Jinna Luo family has failed to report it in time. Isn’t it a major negligence?

With this sentence, the attitude of the lord is already clear, but even King Garuda, a blue man who wants to fight for the power of the Yasha for King Kinara, has nothing to say for a while — Kinara If the ministry is negligent, what qualifications does King Kinara have to compete for King Yasha?

Several elders who originally supported King Jinnaruo immediately fell silent, the blue-clothed middle-aged man’s face changed, and he gritted his teeth for a while.

In a word, the Lord of Evergreen no longer gives the opportunity to discuss this matter, and directly changes the subject: “This seat is closed the day before, and the immortal has been heard. The time of ascent is just around the corner.”

Everyone was startled, they all showed joy, stood up and bowed: “Congratulations to the lord!”

The blue-clothed middle-aged man was full of joy, but he didn’t seem to be happy for the lord, his eyes flickered, as if he couldn’t help thinking.

However, the second sentence of the Lord immediately dispelled his joy.

“Recall the Lord.”

“The Holy Lord is still in the homeland, just…” A man just said a few words, and the old man has already got up.

Everyone was silent immediately, bowed down, and listened to the old man’s tone lightly, beyond doubt.



“Old faint!”

In the inner hall, the members of the highest ruling class of the Evergreen Temple gradually dispersed. If several elders looked deeply at the blue-clothed middle-aged man and left one after another, leaving him alone, angrily and angrily, strode away Inner temple.

He kept his face calm all the way without saying a word, and went straight into his Garuda Temple amidst the silence of the disciples on all sides. Until he entered the inner hall, he suddenly overthrew the book case in the hall.


The scrolls on the book table smashed all over the floor, and the man still angered himself and roared: “Old fool!”

The people all over the hall bowed their heads to the ground tremblingly, even the books scattered on the ground did not dare to pick.

“…It’s him! It has to be him! Why must it be him anyway! We have worked so hard to travel the world and suffered from the wind and frost. He stands on the lotus platform easily, and if you don’t want it, you have to give it to him!” The man turned around like a trapped animal, kicked away the kneeling man in front of him for a while, cursing, “Get out!”

Everyone retired, and the man fell into a chair and sighed silently toward the sky, as if he wanted to vomit out the full of depression.

Under the bluestone ground, suddenly there was a faint knocking sound, which sounded a little dull and a little far away.

The blue-clothed man King Garuda was stunned for a moment. He frowned, holding his chin in thought for a while, suddenly raised his foot and kicked the table.

There was a continuous sound, and the carpet under the desk cracked, revealing a downward staircase, deep and dark without lights.

King Jialoulu walked down the steps, walked a long way, then turned right, and stopped in front of a crypt.

The ground room is small and the ground is full of grass. If someone with a tall body enters, it will be difficult to turn around, sleep, can’t sleep straight, stand, can’t stand, it’s purely a torture place.

But someone is lying soundly, and the voice is loud.

“Dead ghost!” King Garuda cursed in a low voice, squatting down in front of the crypt, calling, “Hey! Get up!”

The man turned over and pointed his **** at him.

“What pretend to be!” King Garuda cursed, “You didn’t knock on the bottom just now?”

The man didn’t move and slept very comfortably.

King Jialouluo cursed again, and simply sat down in front of the prison door, and said helplessly: “Old ghost, anyway, you and I have known each other for many years, and it’s not me who shut you here. Just take care of me. “

Probably the person eats soft or hard, for a long while, a black crow’s paw stretched out of the haystack and waved it to signal him to “reason”.

“Do you want to go out?” King Garuda asked thoughtfully while sitting in front of the crypt.

The man turned over on the haystack and turned to King Jialoulu. He couldn’t see his eyebrows clearly in the dark crypt. Even if there was light, the dirt on his face was enough to make people unclear.

“What are you doing?”

The voice was a little hoarse, the man coughed, and spit out a thick sputum without paying attention to hygiene. He was vomiting under the luxurious clothes of King Jialouluo.

King Jialoulu raised his eyebrows with anger, but he smiled bitterly for a while, endured it, turned his head and stared at a certain direction above, and said sharply: “If you want to go out, do me a favor.”


The more you go north, the colder the wind becomes. At first, it looked like ice water, but later it became ice skates. Those ice skates swept across the frozen ground, cutting vertical and horizontal knife marks, and the horses’ hoofs creaked when they stepped on. Sliding one step at a time, those bashing snow foam fell on the eyelashes, and they did not melt for a long time. After a long time, they condensed into ice beads, blinking and making a “ding”.

On this day, Meng Fu shook his head and suddenly found that the distant snow-capped mountains had pounced on the horizon.

“We are really fast on this road.” Ten feet away in front of him, Tuoba Mingzhu leaned close to Changsun Wuji, and smiled at him, “It turns out to be the Evergreen Mountain.”

“You and I are away for one day, and one day is responsible for the temple.” Changsun Wuji smiled, “It’s better to go back earlier and hand over the task, so it’s easy.”

The Tuoba Pearl is full of excitement, “Let’s fall in love easily,” and smiled: “So, it’s all up to you.”

They kept whispering here, while the uncle Di Feitian glanced at them, got close to Meng Fuyao, and said, “Hey, you see, some people have transferred and don’t fall in love, so don’t you too?”

“Okay.” Meng Fuyao agreed readily, and raised his hand to try to embrace the Lord Yuanbao on his shoulder, “I decided to love my family Yuanbao, and return my love to me.”

The emperor gave a cold snort and turned his head away.

Master Yuan Bao made a proud “squeak”, folded his arms and turned his head in disdain. Meng Fuyao was too lazy to pay attention to it, looking at the back of the two in front, thinking that she was ready to go all the way from entering the sky. He didn’t want to use the “beautiful men’s strategy” along the way, and under the guise of the Pearl of Tuoba, relying on the protection of the Jinnaruo Divine Envoy, to go through most of the sky smoothly and smoothly, it is really rare fortunate.

In the meantime, I have also met some subordinates of the temple who seem to have tasks, but their status is lower than that of Tuoba Pearl, and the temple has a strict hierarchy. These people have avoided far away and never came to inquire.

The only thing that felt strange was that on the day they entered the port of the sky, there was a lot of noise, but the temple did not seem to respond. This is really unreasonable.

Is it because of… him?

Meng Fuyao looked at the back of Longsun Wuji, sighed silently, and murmured: “Well, the journey is going well…”

“What’s going on?” Di Feitian on her side heard it, and sneered: “Do you think you are really lucky?”

Meng Fuyao looked at him questioningly.

The emperor faced her with his noble nostrils, and said proudly: “From the moment I entered the firmament, every time I passed through a city, there was a magic formation, but it was all solved silently for the uncle. “

Meng Fuyao carefully recalled the experience of passing through the gates of the cities in the past few days. She really didn’t think of any formations. However, the look of Emperor Feitian did not seem to be false. She also knew that although this is not a good person, she never disdains Lie, it seems that the decision of Changsun Wuji to abduct this animal is really wise. The mystery of the kingdom of the gods of the sky is no less than that of Fufeng. If you rashly break in, I am afraid that you will be discovered when you enter the country. ?

This place is close to the far north, and the temperature is extremely low. Meng Fuyao raised his collar and went to the cart behind to see the condition of the cloud mark with a little worry. He fell asleep peacefully, although he had not been awake. But he could see that he was improving, and Meng Fuyao even felt that the flow of light on his face became more apparent, as if there was something in his body to break through.

Meng Fuyao is a bit surprised. She knows that Yun Hen and herself are considered masters. The essence of this kung fu lies in the experience of life and death. Once the ghost gate is walked, the skill will increase. The heavier the better, the better. If Yun Hen had a breakthrough because of this disaster, it would be a blessing in disguise.

Putting down the car curtain, Meng Fuyao turned around and brushed past a servant carrying a basin. The servant was a passing altar master who was sent to serve Tuoba Mingzhu to please her. He just went The river was fetching water for the Tuoba Pearl, the road was slippery in cold weather, the pace was a little unstable, and he walked fast, and collided with Meng Fuyao, and the edge of the copper basin was rubbed by Meng Fuyao’s hand.

Meng Fuyao only felt a pain in his finger, and a drop of blood came out from the tip of the finger, fell on the edge of the copper basin, and slowly slipped off. The young man hurriedly said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” , Meng Fu waved his hand and glanced carelessly. He saw that the copper basin was not polished very smoothly, and the edge was a little sharp. He smiled and said, “The edge of this basin is not neat. When I handle it, please be careful.” /

The young man thanked him, and took the water to give Tuoba Pearl. Long Sun Wuji looked over. Tuoba Pearl smiled and said: “Did you get some water? Just so, my boots are dirty. Wipe the mud.”

She stretched out her hand to scoop the water, glanced at the red marks on the side of the basin, and was furious. She raised her hand and overturned the basin, her eyebrows were erected: “You bastard, I used this kind of dirty water to God. Use it!”

The young man kowtows in a hurry, but Changsun Wou-ki didn’t see what was going on with the water and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know where this **** got the dirty water!” Tuoba Mingzhu was still angry, kicked the pot away, and kicked the boy, the boy is so clever, hurry up and go with him Climbing escaped.

“The servants have rough hands and feet, so why not have general knowledge.” Changsun Wuji looked at the clear water on the ground, smiled and exhorted, Tuoba Mingzhu’s temper came and went quickly, especially when he met Chang Sun Wuji, he immediately smiled.” Naturally, it’s up to you.” Raising her hand to adjust the rein, her fingers seemed to wipe the hand of Sun Wuji, but Sun Wuji suddenly leaned over to the saddle to fetch the water bag. Intentionally or unintentionally, her hand fell through again.

Tuoba Mingzhu raised her brows and was about to speak, and suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in front of him, a group of people galloping from a distance, the black flag embroidered with golden pythons, the pythons are huge and hideous, this group is not like before When the team met Tuoba Mingzhu’s guard of honor, they avoided the way, but rushed straight forward, and one of them called from a distance: “Is the envoy of Jinna Luobe ahead?”

“Ah, the God Envoy of Mahuragya.” Tuoba Mingzhu looked at the banner and greeted with a smile, “Are you going back to the temple too?”

“Not for the time being.” The other party strangled his horse, “Tianbu’s order should be received by the God Envoy of Jinna, right? Is there anyone who has found an order to investigate?”

Meng Fuyao felt wrong when he heard this sentence, and looked at Longsun Wuji in his heart. Long Sun Wuji didn’t change his expression, but slowly moved the horse back by one horse, wrongly opening up the eyes of Pearl Pearl.

“Ah, ashamed, the envoy hasn’t found it yet.” Tuoba Mingzhu said, “The envoy has ordered his subordinates to look for it in many ways, and there is still no trace of the other party.”

“Yes.” The middle-aged man Mahuraga sighed, “We couldn’t find it, too. There were clues that we found traces of the suspected person in several places, but they were not found in the past… …It’s weird.”

“Those people who entered from the west had a bad intention to go to our country, and they must have taken a mountain road.” Tuoba Mingzhu suggested, “Looking at the direction your envoy came from, it seems to be coming from the sea. The direction is wrong, you probably can’t find it? “

“Western?” The God Envoy of Mohulaka raised his eyebrows in surprise, staring at Tuoba Pearl, “Western? Where is the Western? That person is from the port——”


Well, what? This chapter seems to be flat, but I want to say that it is still very important. There are many clues…

Also, let me know, it’s about to be abused, but I’m not sure if it is abuse? Maybe…

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