Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 20: Female Emperor Feng Lin

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In the main hall, Feng Xuan opened his arms and embraced Meng Fuyao with an invitation and hug as a perfect father.

On the top of the main hall, Meng Fuyao leaned on Yingliang, folded his hands on his chest, bent one leg and straightened one, sitting blankly, looking down at Fengxuan blankly.

She smiled slowly for a while, and said: “Father?”

Feng Xuan’s eyes brightened, and Feng Jingfan’s expression changed.

Not waiting for Feng Xuan to rejoice, Meng Fuyao has slowly continued, and continued: “Zhong Zening’s husband, Feng Jingfan and her father, how can he be the father of Meng Fuyao?”

Feng Xuan’s face twitched, and the five senses seemed to shift in an instant. After a while, he barely recovered his facial expression, and said with a smile: “Fuyao, I know you hate me, but I have a last resort. Now that the queen is killed by you, kill her. I immediately abolished her. All the members of the Zhong family were punished with conspiracy. Everyone in the Zhong family, you can deal with it as you want, until you are relieved.”

“And this.” Feng Xuan raised his hand to pass the edict to Meng Fuyao’s seductive move, “Xuanji’s throne, I have determined to pass it on to you, from now on you will be the queen, and you will win the power of the world. In your hands, the pinnacle of human glory and power is under your feet, okay? Do you like it?”


A scream cut through the strange silence at this moment, and Feng Jingfan, who had been leaning on the side of the couch to barely support his body, suddenly rushed over, split his hand and grabbed the edict.

Feng Xuan’s face changed and her hands were removed. Feng Jingfan’s five fingers were slender like ghost claws, and her nails flashed with poisonous light blue fluorescence. She acted like the wind, no matter the nails cut Feng Xuan’s oily skin. It would take his life, so he snatched it over with murderous aura without scruples.

At the top of the hall, Changsun Wuji and Meng Fuyao remained motionless, watching indifferently, Tang Yizhong had already evaded suspicion and stepped back to command the counterattack.

Feng Jing grabbed it like a fan, and Feng Xuan let out a cold snort, then suddenly slapped the edict on the table, and leaned back.

The edict was slapped on the table, and the long roll was dragged down. Feng Jingfan reached out and grabbed the edict, then raised his hand to tear it.


There was a very slight sharp sound, and suddenly it sounded under the table that was pulled from the end of the edict. In the dimly lit hall, only a light green short light flashed, like the starlight in the sky. There was a scream of lightning.


Blood spurted out, but it was light green, not like blood, but like two small weird blue flowers.

The last flower of light.

The short nails in the organ under the table table were activated the moment Feng Jingfan quickly grabbed the edict. The spring was strong at a very close distance, and it shot into Feng Jingfan’s eyes, who was tearing the edict with his head down!

One went straight into the eye, one went through the bridge of the nose into the corner of the eye, and both eyes were ruined!

Feng Jingfan’s screams seemed to collapse the entire hall, and he put it on so stern and high, straight up like a thread of steel needles, and up and up again, as if not calling himself a broken soul or calling his own heart Do not give up.

The youngest princess who was spoiled and pampered since childhood, she has been cared for all her life. She has never touched her noble jade hands. She has not even broken her nails, because she is afraid of suffering and injury, and because of her natural physical limitations. On the other hand, Feng Jingfan failed to learn one-half of Yuheng. He only practiced the light skills to save his life in times of crisis. Now, how do you endure the pain of ruining your eyes?

She screamed frantically, with blood flowing over her face, and the sticky blood stuck to her face the long and short black hair that had been cut apart. Black, black, white, white, red and red could not be distinguished, but only the pink lips She was already bruised, she only saw her mouth open like that, screaming dripping blood from the depths of her throat.

Meng Fuyao closed her eyes, and she was expressionless in the light of Chen An’s roof.

Fourteen years ago, the golden red hibiscus flower skirt flashed through my mind, and there was a “click” in my ear.

The click of the lock.

And today, change yourself to drop the lock of your life.

A self-inflicted person cannot live.

Feng Jingfan yelled like that, suddenly closing in, it seemed that he could no longer scream, his body tilted and suddenly looked back, his blood-filled eye sockets fiercely “looking” in Feng Xuan’s direction.

Her eyes are no longer eyes, just two fuzzy masses of flesh and blood. The flesh and blood are burned by that violent crazy hatred, trembling and beating, being “watched” by such “eyes”, and the blood and blood After passing by, Feng Xuan, who was extremely ambitious, couldn’t help but tremble and shrank on the couch.

Feng Jingfan jumped over.

She rushed over, so violently, blood was splashing in her eyes, and a crimson line stretched out. The trail of that line was not broken, she was already at Feng Xuan’s side.

Feng Xuan did not expect that if she was seriously injured, if she still had the strength to attack herself, she yelled in panic: “Fuyao save me——Fuyao save me——”

Meng Fuyao immediately lay down, lying on top of the beam, very good and comfortable.

Feng Xuan’s plea for help was fruitless. Seeing Feng Jingfan’s ferociousness, he leaped towards him as he wanted to die, and in a blink of an eye he screamed and hit his chest.

He was hit to a sweet throat, his eyes suddenly blacked, and a fierce light flashed. Suddenly when Feng Jingfan raised his hands again, he slammed a brass dragon head on the side of the couch!


Dozens of sounds are like one sound, and the four corners of the bed suddenly shoot out countless flying knives!

The sword shines like electricity, shooting Feng Jingfan’s body directly!

Feng Jingfan heard the sound of the wind retreating rapidly, and she was extremely light-hearted. This light-work has saved her life countless times. There was still a distance between the flying knife and her, and she had time to retreat.

On the top of the hall, Meng Fuyao suddenly flicked his finger.

Feng Jingfan only felt obstructed behind her, as if a wall suddenly appeared on the ground behind her, and her final retreat was blocked by life, even if she felt cold all over.

The whole body is cold, and countless places are suddenly empty, like a tightly woven and smooth brocade, suddenly punctured by countless holes, turning into a ragged net, the tattered net swaying in the wind , Through the wave of blood with the smell of blood.

Thousand swords pierced the body, the punishment of heavenly condemnation.

At this time, Feng Jingfan stopped screaming. He couldn’t scream anymore, and there was no need to scream. The blood all over his body was spilled uncovered, and all the language in his life was poured out. Take it out.

She just whirled, turning the moon white skirt into **** flowers, the last sorrowful flower, the crimson blood falling on that bluish white, bright and dazzling,…moon white…moon White… annoying moon white… an annoying desolate color… Once upon a time, she only liked golden red, big hibiscus flowers, colorful bead jewelry, those emerald-cast emerald opal topaz crystal glass, Those bright and flamboyantly beautiful colors that are sharp and intriguing…for him, for the damned lotus flower, she always wore moonwhite plain clothes, took off the jewellery, and replaced all the related utensils. Become big and small lotus, study those boring Buddhist scriptures day and night…that painstaking…that painstaking…the love since the age of seven…to now…to now…

She suddenly raised her head and laughed frantically. She was still smiling silently, and she couldn’t see what the smile looked like.

She smiled, stumbled, and rushed towards the direction of the long-term Sun Wuji in her memory with a full body of knives. She didn’t know what she was going to do, did she want to die with him? Do you want to tell him about his life’s obsession, or is it just because of the endless obsession and vain in his life? Obsessiveness… Obsessiveness… Feng Jingfan, who has been asking and asking since childhood, does not know the taste of rejection, and will never accept rejection, so he has become her obsession. In the end, he does not know whether it is hate or love. Knowing to get to get, until today, it has become vain.

It turns out that everything in the world is vain…Jiaojiao young man is vain…The legend of Hanlian’s birth is vain…The inheritance of the throne is vain…The patronage of the father is vain…All hate and love are vain …

It turns out that she came here just for the blurred fantasy in her life. In this fantasy, she was endlessly struggling and exhausted, and she was not herself for a lifetime.

Why bother? Why bother?

She laughed, seeming to see through, but she didn’t see through at all, and the direction she struggled against for the last time in her life was still in his direction.

The eldest grandson Wu Gao was on the top of the hall, and looked at the woman who threw at him to death again and again with expressionless expressions. His eyes were full of hatred… If it weren’t for her, Xu Wan and Fuyao would have had time to wait for him to go back and save. If it weren’t for her, Fuyao wouldn’t have been tortured in the locker, and she would be forced to block her memory for many years, and suffered all the hardships and sufferings in 19 years; if it weren’t for her, how could Fuyao get hurt? Therefore, the gap between the man-made and him has not yet been able to fill?

He calmly flicked his sleeves.

A vigorous force surged on the flat ground, and Feng Jingfan, who was about to pounce, was blocked, and he stayed three feet away. He would not even allow her to approach three feet below him.

Huge force stopped, Feng Jingfan’s body was like hitting the wall. Previously, his back hit and blocked the way. Now he hits his front heart. The wound of the steel knife all over his body instantly hits, and then hits three points. Excited, a pink blood mist sprayed in the air.

She fell slowly. Before she fell, she was scratching with her fingers desperately. She seemed to want to grab the invisible wall between Changsun Wuji and her forever, and she seemed to want to catch the phantoms of the enemies who appeared in front of her—— Longsun Wuji, Meng Fuyao, Feng Xuan…these words about the fate that she has entangled in her whole life, giving her the beginning and the end.

She scratched, slower and slower, and finally stopped in the air.

She failed to lie down comfortably and died forever-there were too many knives on her body, she was put on the ground and put in the cracks of the gold bricks, and her body was raised high, becoming a very tired man who was inclined 30 degrees posture.

Her hands are still held high, an eternal scratching gesture.

Learn the holy and elegant fake lotus in my life, and die in the ugliest posture.

The crimson blood flowed all over the hall, and flowed down the blade along the countless cutting edges, wandering and sketching crookedly on the ground, drawing a mysterious fate that no one could understand.

Feng Xuan kept coughing on the couch and curled up into a ball. He had run out of oil and the lamp was dry. He had been dealing with the empress Yu Heng Feng Jing Fan for a long time, and he had to take care of the situation abroad. It was indeed nearing the end. Just now, he was just supporting him, and when he was hit by Feng Jingfan again, he only felt that his whole body was going to disperse.

He coughed, but showed a smug smile. What if he died? He was the last winner after all. After all, he chose the most ruthless ruler. Seeing Fuyao just fell asleep just now. Decisively; see Fuyao blocking Jingfan’s finger, how crisp and neat, if she didn’t sleep with that finger, he might have to hesitate-Xuanji doesn’t need the emperor who is bad, good, and undecided!

Thirty years ago, when his own father gave him the edict, he was also covered in blood, blood of brothers and sisters.

The emperor said to him like that-it’s okay to have more children, and there will be choices in the future. My first generation Xuanji had too few children, and the two children were not very qualified. Finally, I reluctantly chose one and ruled China for ten years. Decline, if it were not for the prosperous generation of the British Lord, the country might have been destroyed a hundred years ago.

Father said to him like that–but don’t love it too much, love it so hard that you will not bear it in the future.

So there is no love. Those tender affections are only needed, just like to the queen. The Wuzhou Continent knows that he fears his wife like a tiger and becomes a laughing stock, but he fears his wife because he loves his wife, and he doesn’t love it at all. Where is that counterfeit?

Fearful, but the man who is as powerful as a god.

He thought that there is always a way to solve it—Zening is young, Yuheng is strong, and lonely men and widows get along all the year round, it is inevitable*, as long as they have adultery, they will break Yuheng’s martial arts and her pride. , Where are they showing off their power?

For this reason, he calculated that for many years, those heart-cutting medicines were applied to the food and drink in tiny amounts, applied in the palace, and even applied to the people near him, wanting him Chaos wants him to throw his wife down, but what I never expected is that the shrew would be so polite, remembering her noble status, and never let Yuheng get close to her body, and Yuheng was that way. Formidable, such long-term calm calculations were actually suppressed by his powerful force.

However, suppression is only suppression after all. The flames have been suppressed for a long time. Once it erupts, it will burn more fiercely. Isn’t it all right now? Look, his daughter, and he actually chose a way to settle the couple happily.

*Like hate, the double-edged sword is the best weapon when used well.

Just like Meng Fuyao, who is not driven by hatred, can he do so decisively?

However, her hatred must be kept within a certain limit. Don’t let her hate the fire and start a prairie fire, take Xuanji to burn it.

Feng Xuan coughed and coughed up a mouthful of **** sputum, picked up the edict, and showed an inviting smile to Meng Fuyao.

His face was pale and his eyes were dark, and under the **** and dim light of the hall, he shook the golden edict that he thought was alluring, and gave Meng Fuyao a ghostly smile.

Meng Fuyao looked at that smile, just like looking at a murderous ghost that emerged from the ground with a right hand and a machete in his left hand. There is definitely no human nature, and his birth mission is to devour the flesh and blood that fell from his body.

She was silent, silent for a long time.

Feng Xuan is not in a hurry. He is very patient. He doesn’t believe that someone will be unwilling to face this world of supreme power. She Meng Fuyao is the general of Promise, the king of Dahan Meng, and the teacher of Xuanyuan. She So interested in participating in political disputes in various countries, she is born a cunning and changeable politician, so why does she not accept a broader world? What generals, princes, national teachers, no matter how one person is below ten thousand people, after all, they are other officials, worthy of the lord of a country, Queen Xuanji?

The hall is full of blood, the candlelight is flickering, and the darkness seems to be too thick. Outside the hall, a long line of windows has been slightly whitened, and the east is gradually showing dawn, the dark night will eventually pass, and the sky is about to brighten Up.

After daybreak, it was Feng Xuan, who was painstakingly lonely, tested the queen’s succession ceremony at the last moment.

The queen who is about to succeed, is still squatting on the top of the palace, looking indifferently at the succession edict that countless lives are fighting for.

The edict is soft and smooth, shining in the dark, looking holy and solemn, with no blood on all sides.

Meng Fuyao finally moved.

She floated down from the top of Yingliang and floated to Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan narrowed his eyes and smiled, triumphantly and contentedly.

He held the edict tightly, waiting for Meng Fuyao to reach out and fetch it, and then he would shrink back and make a condition to Meng Fuyao first.

His wishful thinking failed.

Meng Fuyao put his hands behind him, did not take the edict at all, just looked at him intently, and said directly: “Conditions.”

Feng Xuan was startled, and then smiled more satisfied. Okay, this is the style of the empress. It doesn’t matter if he is scorned, as long as the successor is strong and smart, he will be happy.

It seems that it is right not to look for her for so many years. Meng Fuyao, who has experienced in the blood and rain of the courts and courts, is obviously more experienced and powerful than his children raised in Xuanji’s court.

“You swear.” With a flick of his finger, the wall behind him rolled open, revealing a shrine, enshrining the beast with the bird’s head, “You swear to my ancestor of the Feng family, you, the daughter of the Feng family, Feng Fuyao, forever Loyal to the Feng clan, loyal to the Xuanji Zongyi, overcoming the great unification, acting on behalf of the heavenly things, nurturing the Li Shu, breaking the earth and observing the distance, protecting the Xuanji country forever, if there is a violation, the heaven and the earth will not tolerate, and the bones will be destroyed by the thunder! “

He stayed slowly on his own, kowtow to the totem, and turned his back to Meng Fuyao. He said meaningfully: “I, the ancestor of the origin of the Phoenix family, Xuanji, is the ancient phoenix god. Xiang has miracles and is very effective.”

Immediately he turned around and looked at Meng Fuyao hopefully-there is nothing wrong with the oath in front of the Wuzhou Continental God. As long as Meng Fuyao dared to swear in front of this god, it shows that she has no intention of embarrassing Xuanji and take revenge on the throne. Fuyao’s last test was also his last killer. Although he himself felt that a Xuanji throne was enough to offset Meng Fuyao’s suffering and anger, this oath must be taken in order to guard against any accidents.

Meng Fuyao met his gaze, smiled indifferently, and said: “Feng Fuyao?”

“You can never give your last name to Meng.” Feng Xuan said, “This last name is the real noble last name.”

“You finally decided to pass the throne to Feng Fuyao? The lowest emperor Feng Fuyao born to you and court lady Xu Wan?” Meng Fuyao asked again.

Feng Xuan thinks this sentence is nonsense. I think it’s probably because the child was too excited and couldn’t help being verbose. He smiled and said, “Yes, it’s your mother. You can give her a title after you succeed. Zigui, you will be the queen mother in the future and no longer a lowly court lady. If you are happy, you can change her background when you study history. It’s up to you.”

Meng Fuyao nodded, strode forward to take the incense and three respects, and said in one word: “Feng’s daughter Feng Fuyao, the daughter of Emperor Xuanji Tiancheng Fengxuan and the daughter of Qingze County’s daughter Xu Wan, now inherits his father Huang Zongzhen , Yongzhongfeng family, Yongzhong Xuanji, overcoming the great unification, taking the place of the heavenly things, nurturing the Li Shu, breaking the earth and serving the world, protecting the Xuanji country for all generations, if there is a violation, the world will not tolerate it, and there will be no bones left!”

She spoke clearly and fluently, without ambiguity, Feng Xuan listened carefully, smiled satisfied, and offered the edict.

Meng Fuyao took it casually.

The edict is in my hand, like holding a map of a country soaked in blood, among the few figures, I seem to hear the crying of those who have died wrongly, the four princesses, the fifth princess, the sixth princess, the seventh prince, and the eighth prince are in a long time. The dead princes and princes, oh, and the great prince, I heard that the purple cloak she led was retreating steadily and was forced by the three princes to the Duxiu Peak on the outskirts of Beijing. The purple cloak was scattered, and the unruly grand prince was unwilling to fail and was angry. And suicide… another one died.

This is the Xuanji royal family, this is the Xuanji Jiangshan, this is the inheritance of Xuanji, the light and fluttering edict is soaked in the blood of golden branches and jade leaves, and is held up respectfully by the old man exuding the smell of fishy and decay, and handed it to her.

Meng Fuyao was holding the edict, without the joy of climbing to the top of the world, and could not imagine what is worthy of such a throne, she suddenly wanted to laugh, laughed happily, laughed at the darkness and desolation of this world, laughed at this The red dust was bloody, laughing at the group of idiots fighting for this **** thing, not knowing who the power and desire are like a net of knives, who is caught in the net, who is being delayed.

So she laughed. She laughed happily and soundly towards the sky. She laughed for a full quarter of an hour. At first, Feng Xuan thought she was a happy smile, and laughed with her, and gradually felt something wrong. Her complexion slowly changed. Just when Feng Xuan thought she was going to laugh crazy, Meng Fuyao suddenly stopped, as if he hadn’t laughed so crazy just now. He grabbed the edict and ignored Feng Xuan again, very calm. Turned around.

In front, a ray of sunlight rose, glowing like gold, and a huge sword split through heavy haze and blood, filling the empty hall in an instant.

Under the thousand-layer jade steps, after a night of fighting on the square, the blood has been exchanged for peace. The Royal Forest Army who received the order from His Majesty finally retreated, and the Tang family’s Chang Yong Army was originally Feng Xuan in his hands. , Used to preserve the strength to control the overall situation at the end of the battle for throne. Of course, for the flexible and cunning Tang family, your majesty is past tense. Now he only needs to be loyal to the queen to ensure that his Tang family will be wealthy forever.

The army withdrew, hundreds of officials marched forward, civil and military divisions, stepped on the bloodstains in the gap between the marble ground, and knelt neatly, waiting for today’s succession ceremony.

All preparations have been made, but the last name is waiting.

The prime minister led a hundred officials to kneel under his Dan, anxiously waiting for the result that determines their future destiny. He doesn’t know who it will be. He only knows that his Majesty has said that and finally walked out of the hall. Who is the new emperor.

The sun rises, the rosy clouds are thousands of feet tall, and the jade and white long steps are thousands of high, like the end of the nine heavens in the cloud.

At the end of the Nine Heavens, the closed door of the temple slowly opened in the eyes of all people’s expectations, a slender figure in black, holding a scroll of edicts, slowly walked out of the temple.

She came in the backlight, wearing a colorful haze and shining gold, her body was straight and her gaze was far-reaching, like a **** overlooking the mortal world from above.

The officials worked hard to hold their heads up, intent on seeing the face of the fresh Lord.

There was a sudden bang in the Prime Minister’s head.

Why is King Dahanmeng!

He raised his head in amazement, staring blankly at the girl dressed as a boy who was expressionless, looking down coldly, seeing her sharp-eyed, seemingly familiar.

Suddenly remembered that a long time ago, His Majesty called him to discuss matters, and said meaningfully: “Don’t worry, I will find a strong and promising master for you.”

At that time, he boldly said: “Your Majesty, wise, I am insecure in governance today. I really need the Lord of fortitude and sharpness to rule with an iron fist. It’s just that… among the heirs of the emperor today, there seems to be no… fortitude.”

His Majesty laughed but did not answer, and it took a long time to say: “Maybe, then there will be.”

To this day, I just understand!

To this day, I really understand the meaning of the imperial decree that “greets with ceremonies, nothing should be done”!

Your Majesty’s Sacred Heart works silently, and the line is thousands of miles away. It is not a courtier who can guess!

He hurriedly straightened up, raised his forehead with both hands, filled with awe-inspiring admiration for the old emperor and fear for the new emperor, and took the lead in leading the hundred officials, screaming and bowing deeply.

“Knock on my lord!”


On the sixth day of April in the thirtieth year of Xuanji Tiancheng, the mysterious queen of Xuanji, who was followed by the Seven Kingdoms, finally appeared. The legendary woman who served as General Wuji, Prince Dahan, and Xuanyuan Guoshi once again opened up the shocking history of the seven kingdoms’ royal family. New chapter.

At noon on the sixth day of April, the new empress Meng Fuyao ascended to the throne at the Longquan Palace in the main hall of Xuanji. The noon sun shines almost warmly on the bright yellow and crimson hall, and she wears a twelve-chapter pattern in the sea. The five-color cloud-patterned phoenix robe, the queen with a golden silk crown of seven treasures stands on top of the throne, and under the jade steps, a long cloud-like skirt spreads out. The 19-year-old woman is just right, with red lips and plain teeth, black hair and moths, and white forehead Jintian is brilliant, like this royal wealth, luxurious, splendid, and bright.

It was just the glamorous and compelling gaze of the queen, but it was as sharp as a knife. When she looked down from the top of the dragon seat with dark eyes, all the princes and officials bowed their heads deeply like grass blown by the wind. .

The long horn, the honorable Shao Le, and the deafening sound of firecrackers are intertwined with the loud sound of the ceremonial officials praise, sing rehearsal, the civil and military officials are in their positions, the music will rise again, all four worship, the reading officer and Exhibit and read the case of official promotion, read out Feng Xuan’s other prepared edict written specifically to pass the position to Meng Fuyao, which provides a beautifying explanation of Meng Fuyao’s life experience, and affectionately depicts how Feng Fuyao was born and how noble The child’s court training, how to get out of the palace early to experience, what kind of character is precious, and what kind of weather vane she can’t be the emperor, and she utters tens of thousands of words.

The ministers and envoys of various countries noticed that the empress before the Jin case was indifferent and seemed impatient when reading the edict. She tapped her fingers on the throne, seeing the ups and downs seem to have a melody, but not Know what song it is.

Only Meng Fuyao knew that she was knocking a song. In her previous life, one of her professors who was obsessed with Yuanqu had composed some famous Xiaolings. Among them was Zhang Kejiu’s [Zhonglu ·Red embroidered shoes].

“The peaks gather snow swords, the cliffs are hung with ice curtains, and the trees are leaning against the mourning apes and the clouds are pointed. The blood is screaming at Du Yu, the caves are roaring and flying, and it is less dangerous than the human heart!”

The danger of people’s hearts will win!

After reading the edict, the seal was awarded. Feng Xuan supported him and gave the “Jade Seal” to Meng Fuyao before retreating into the harem. Naturally, the jade seal was gone, but it was destroyed by Meng Fuyao. There was no jade seal in the ceremony but it was impossible. Grabbing a hair cake, wrapped it in a bright yellow satin and stuffed it in Feng Xuan’s hand, so Feng Xuan had to solemnly hand over the “fa cake jade seal” to the courtesy officer, then the courtesy officer solemnly delivered it, and then solemnly handed it to Meng Fuyao. During the period, Feng Xuan’s face kept twitching, and Meng Fuyao seemed to have nothing to do-if she didn’t think she might get her hands dirty, she originally planned to send someone to dig a pile of **** and wrap it in bright yellow satin as a jade seal.

As for the appearance of the jade seal, the hundred officials dare not say that the princes and princes who were supposed to watch the ceremony are not there-they were tricked into the apse when they entered the palace, and they were told that the new emperor had ordered them not to participate in the ceremony. Please go to the front of the ancestor’s spiritual card to pray for incense, pray for the prosperity of the country, the door of the temple is locked, and the army is guarded outside, and there is no one to scold the sky inside. Meng Fuyao authorized Ji Yu to smash his mouth into the gutter and mud when he sees scolding. Wei was filled with the hall full of princes and grandchildren, and they finally became quiet.

Feng Xuan had no objection to this. To be honest, after he took the throne, all his brothers and sisters were killed and they were afraid of eating mud.

When Meng Fuyao sat down on the throne inlaid with gold and jade, and accepted the congratulations from the officials and envoys of various countries, she suddenly stiffened.

Zong Yue and Changsun Wuji are both here.

The emperor of Xuanyuan and the prince of the Wuji country could have congratulated them with envoys without having to be in the hall, but they didn’t seem to mind being unruly or igniting disputes between the Seven Kingdoms. They both sat calmly.

Seeing her look down, both of them raised their heads, Changsun Wuji smiled at her, his eyes were full of comfort-he knew that for Meng Fuyao, this moment was not the glory of her life, she must have a heart for these etiquette It’s full of disgust.

Zong Yue looked straight at her, his eyes no longer drifting away from the original, his eyes were a bit painful and anxious, Meng Fuyao met that look, and for a long while, he smiled faintly.

According to the etiquette, Zong Yue is Emperor Xuanyuan. Among the guests, he has the highest status. He is the first to congratulate him. The slender and crystal-clear man bowed gently under His Majesty Dan and said: “Your Majesty Empress He is on the throne. Success, Ye Chengxi negotiates, our country is willing to establish business with Xuanji, and the two countries are mutually beneficial.”

Meng Fuyao stood up and returned the gift. Xuanji’s all the officials showed joy. Xuanyuanhang is the best merchant in the world, and the land is vast and the population is large. It is just that there has been no state exchanges in the past, and there is no mutual benefit in trade. If the two countries continue to conduct business, Xuanji is a famous craftsman. Xuanyuan’s various novelty products have a stable and huge sales channel, and Xuanyuan is rich in minerals, transported to Xuanji, which is also very helpful for the development of Xuanji’s weapons. Emperor Xuanyuan took the initiative to show good, and it is true for Xuanji in the current economic recession. No less than timely rain.

Meng Fuyao looked at Zong Yue’s painful eyes, and suddenly the light and shadow came back, trance under the cypress on the lonely cliff 14 years ago, the young man in white gently stroked his mouth with loose teeth, like that Lowly said: “But I hope you forget…but I hope you forget…Don’t be like me, remembering every day…”

What’s wrong with him? A young man with a deep hatred, others brutally strangled his father in front of him, forcing him to flee for thousands of miles in the face of him. What reason does he have for not being hard and indifferent?

Others had never saved him who had relatives or cause, but he saved her who had no relatives or cause.

He was suffering from that kind of pain, and he had lost the joy of life since he was a teenager, and he was tortured day by day, so he could not sleep well, so he hoped that she would avoid that kind of pain and grow up briskly and brightly.

He gave her a fresh start in this life.

He created the original meaning of Meng Fuyao. Without the Meng Fuyao who had forgotten everything, there would be no Meng Fuyao who had the courage to face today.

Meng Fuyao made up for him before he finished saying that sentence.

He is your… benefactor.

Yes, benefactor.

For Xu Wan, it may be merciless, but for her Meng Fuyao, he has never owed anything to her.

She raised her eyelashes, looked at Zong Yue deeply, smiled lightly for a long while, and said: “Yes, Your Majesty is kind, Fu Yao has always been deeply grateful.”

Zong Yue’s eyes lit up and he wanted to say something. Changsun Wuji suddenly took a step forward and smiled: “Wuji is willing to be in harmony with your majesty’s dynasty Yongxiu, and beg your majesty for perfection.”

Meng Fuyao glanced at him, thinking that this person can hurry up and play puns in the context of this occasion. It is really natural to die.

“Thank you, the prince,” Meng Fuyao smiled falsely, “it is too serious to say Chengquan, I dare not dare.”

Changsun Wuji retreated happily. It was good. At any rate, it was a smile. He hadn’t seen her smile for a long time. It added up to 116 hours and three quarters.

Xuanji’s hundreds of officials are overjoyed at this time. They all know that your Majesty and Wuji Xuanyuan have a good relationship. He was originally Prince Dahan. Now it seems to be true. With these three kingdoms, Xuanji has no worries about destroying the country!

The envoys met one by one, but Meng Fuyao suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The woman who walked up, dressed in indigo and crimson, the color is bright but not obtrusive, and her honey-like translucent skin is lined with a strange and charming style. She has a swan that is longer than ordinary people. The outline of the neck is pale gold and velvet under the sunlight, the facial features are beautiful and deep, the eye sockets are deep, and there is a dazzling light, like a flowing abyss or a floating night.

It’s her.

It was the mysterious woman I met at the restaurant that day.

Because of a piece of her talisman, she knocked on the door of the old thing in advance, pushed open the deep palace door, and saw the most unbearable memory in her life.

Meng Fuyao had an indescribable feeling towards this person. She felt that her manners were very natural and kind, but she also found it strange.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Zong Yue’s expression. Zong Yuezheng frowned and looked at the woman’s back. They know?

The woman came up gently and made a few gestures. The girl with the golden ring next to her also followed her steps, facing the staring ceremonial officer. Translation: “Fufeng Thar, Shenkong Saint Feiyan, congratulations to Emperor Xuanji Your Majesty has a long life.”


It turned out to be the saint of the Fufeng tribe. Meng Fuyao heard that Yao Xun said that the status of the saint of the Fufeng tribe is not lower than the king of the clan, but the name Feiyan seems to have been heard somewhere. Meng Fuyao thought about it. When I think about it, forget it, but Feiyan has already waved with a smile, and the golden ring girl presented a snow-white box, and said: “I would like to offer my majesty, the sea pearl of the Rakshasa sea, which is well known in the world. It can nourish the skin and calm the nerves, stabilize the meridians, consolidate the essence and cultivate the vitality. If supplemented with the dragon oil from the deep sea, it will have a miraculous effect on all internal and external bruises in the world, and can enhance the skill.”

Meng Fuyao’s eyes brightened, and he smiled and asked: “Oh? Jiaoyou?”

The golden ring girl nodded triumphantly, and said: “I help the wind and other treasures the most, and most of them are beneficial to the martial arts tempering, but the oil is only one of them.”

Meng Fuyao smiled and said: “It’s fascinating.” She raised her head and touched the silent non-smoke gaze.

The latter gave her a faint, bewildering smile.

Behind her, Changsun Wuji suddenly frowned slightly.

Before the end of the enthronement ceremony, the ceremonial officer asked Meng Fuyao to set the name of the year. Meng Fuyao thought about it for a moment and said casually: “Just Duanming.”

“The rule of Strict Sage Ming, I Sage Ming!” All the subjects obeyed, only Meng Fuyao on the seat showed an ambiguous smile, and several distinguished guests suddenly couldn’t help but shook their heads.


In the first year of the Ming Dynasty, the new emperor succeeded to the throne. The first thing was that the Supreme Emperor moved to the palace from Yongchang Hall to Chengxing Hall. It was facing the ancestral hall where the Xuanji imperial family enshrined the gods of various emperors. Secluded, after Feng Xuan passed, Meng Fuyao never asked for peace, but only ordered the guards to guard. Feng Xuan wanted to see her several times, but she said that she was not free, but Meng Fuyao still said she was not free to see other children.

There is no time. The princes and princes of Xuanji are still locked in that hall. They are not allowed to go home, noisy, or make any requests. Meng Fuyao didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, and left them boring.

On April 16, the rebellious three princes were defeated by the Changyong Army. The three princes were placed under house arrest in the Fujing Palace. The female emperor went to see in person. The three princes debated in court, alluding to the improper position of the female emperor. The ruler of the world should be won by those who have both ability and political integrity. The empress listened without a smile, and finally she slapped her palm and praised: “What a beautiful article!”

Immediately got up and said, “Making an essay is like embroidering. It requires meditation. How can you invade power struggles and filthy things? From then on, the three majesty will slowly make essays here. Also, you claim to have both virtue and ability, I I will give you a topic related to politics, and if I can do it, I will let you out and make you the regent.”

“Really?” The third prince’s eyes lit up.

“You have no jokes.” The empress was solemn.

“What topic?”

The empress touched her chin and looked at the three princes with a smile. She kept seeing him hairy and said: “Looking at the United States in the World Financial Crisis from the Rising Corn Price.


On April 18th, the female emperor took back all her appointments to the princes and princes during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. Among them, the eleven princes who were in the northern territory violently resisted the decree and secretly drove the combined green forest forces of their subordinates to assassinate the officials in the northern territory with the intention of giving the The enthroned female emperor caused an unfavorable situation. However, she was intercepted by the Northland Greenwood Alliance, which had been against her endlessly. The eleventh prince fled to the North in a hurry and took shelter in the North’s largest force. The Heavenly Gang, but because he had intervened in the ownership of the new Changtian Gang leader, he was assassinated with hatred by the deputy gang leader who was able to compete for the position of the gang leader but failed.

Those who play with the rivers and lakes die in the rivers and lakes.

On April 20, the female emperor launched the New Deal, abolished the purple cloak and the iron guard, unified the power of detection and arrest to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the punishment was severely regulated. The Ministry of Justice was subject to criminal names in the world, picked up by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Dali Temple refuted and reformed. The military system implements the replacement of frontier troops, unified the power of soldiers and horses in the world, reforms taxes and re-determinations, checks the national treasury and local deficits, and lists penalties, justice, household registration, military services, agricultural mulberry, imperial examination, cultural governance, economy, etc. Article 28 of the New Deal was promulgated and issued, and severe penal laws were specifically formulated to back up the implementation of the new law. Officials in various places and those who did not implement the New Deal well, cut it! Those who corrupt and accept bribes up to a hundred taels of silver, cut it! Intervene in criminal names and cause unjust, false and wrongful cases, cut! If Yin Fengyang deceives the upper and lower, cut! Those who form parties and engage in private affairs and even chaos, kill! To prevent the royal family from discussing the power of relatives, those who have committed the above crimes, cut! With eighteen cuts in a row, the eunuch’s mouth and legs were soft while holding the imperial edict.

And there are many more heads, cut them without hesitation! Outside the Meridian Gate, there are heads to kill every day, and there are too many officials to kill, and some people say that it is not enough. The female emperor immediately changed the nine-rank Zhongzheng system to the imperial examination system, opening the door for national elections. The sons of the poor family can also serve as ministers in the Golden Palace. It is said that the empress smiled at the Yushi amiably and said: “Huh? Too many kills? It’s okay, the officials. Don’t be afraid of others. Don’t be afraid, kill me. Make up one to make sure that every radish has a hole. Oh, this radish in your pit has been planted for a long time, do you want to change it?

Since then, Yu Shi shut up, so as not to be replaced by a carrot in her pit by the empress one day.

The scattered government in the last years of Tiancheng cannot be clarified in one day, but in any case, the iron-handed methods of the female emperor and the emperor’s different styles still caused Xuanji to be poked in awe, and the state departments and systems began to slowly Normal operation, the New Deal is also slowly implemented in an orderly manner.

The government affairs came to an end. Meng Fuyao pulled back to care about the brothers and sisters who were in confinement. On the first day, she asked each brother and sister to write a political commentary.

There are so many things that I handed in, and there is actually an “I’m So Stupid”.

“I’m so stupid, really. I only know that the father has 14 children. I don’t know that there is still one out there. I discussed with my staff that night about whether to do it, so I almost did it. I told Jiu Jie to know, probably because I was afraid that I would make a mistake, so I asked me not to do it. I refused. I wanted to be the emperor. Jiu Jie shouldn’t. After several persuasion, I looked back and saw people dead. , There is no chance for me, and my chance will not be gone like this. I went to ask everywhere, but it was really gone. I was anxious. I ordered my house and I would go out of the city, running and running until In the middle of the night, many people were waiting and saw knives and guns flashing in the col. I said, okay, it’s finally over. With a knife and a slash, the fight is a joy, and the throne has no share. , I’m still locked here in the end, my hemorrhoids have developed and there is no cure…I’m so stupid, really.”

Meng Fuyao immediately looked at the spray, and solemnly picked up a pen to write on the answer sheet of the twelve princes: “plagiarism is shameful, zero points.”

She then took a close look at several political papers and put them aside.

On the second day, she ordered people not to provide food in the hall. They were hungry for three days. On the third day, she sent in ten steamed buns. There were twenty people from the royal family, Fengsun, Xuanji. One, of course, whether the two will be divided into one, it is difficult to say, she ordered Ji Yu to send the steamed buns in and record the performance of everyone separately and give it to her.

The next day, Ji Yu handed in the record. She looked at it and took out the previous political theory. It was correct with this record, and she drew out three copies and set aside.

The next day, she ordered Ji Yu to talk to people quietly, calling out one by one, returning back one by one, and then asking Ji Yu to record their reactions. This time, she only took out one record. .

After all these things were done, she had been on the throne for a while, and suddenly wanted to relax, so she went out and wandered, without any guards, and only brought a Master Yuanbao.

Between Changsun Wuji and Meng Fuyao, they have been in a tepid state recently, probably the kind of “Good morning, ah, hello, have you eaten? Have you eaten, what did you eat? Ah forgot” Status-Actually, I can’t blame the slow progress. Meng Fuyao was too busy when he became the president of the country, and he was getting together with His Royal Highness. The only progress between the two is that Master Yuan Bao was approved to accompany him.

Zong Yue had already returned to China, and he walked sadly and at ease. In any case, Meng Fuyao expressed that forgiveness is the greatest luck. As for the pain frozen in memory, it can only be left for time to slowly dissipate.

Meng Fuyao wore a mask and wandered around with Master Yuan Bao. Master Yuan Bao couldn’t walk when he saw the candied haws. He crawled out and asked for it. Just as Meng Fuyao was about to buy money, someone suddenly said strangely, “Ooo, fool. Oh Ooo, mice eat candied haws too!”

Meng Fuyao looked back in astonishment, but saw a fancy parrot jumping around on the gourd shelf, laughing loudly at Master Yuanbao: “Ooo, white mouse, ah, eating candied gourd. The white mouse!”

Master Yuan Bao’s hairs all over stood up, yelling “Squeak!”

On the parrot’s head is a cluster of weirdly shaped vertical yellow hairs. It looks like yellow smoke is coming from the top of the head. The green eyes are closed and one leg is squinted. Understand people?”

Master Yuan Bao just got a proud chest, and he listened to it very contemptuously: “Ooo, what’s so great about understanding people? Ooo, it’s rare to be able to speak human words. Say something to the Lord? You say it, you say it—” It suddenly stunned its wings, raised its head, and looked like Master Yuanbao’s **** and full belly, raised its neck, stopped, learned Yuanbao, “Squeak,” Squeak!”

Master Yuanbao, who has never received such contempt, gave a “bang”, the small universe burst out, and rushed over and “bounced and kicked after three hundred and sixty degrees.” The parrot jumped away lightly and continued to despise: “Ao Ou , Rat, what’s so great about being white? What’s so great about being able to understand words? Master is still a flower. Master not only understands, but Master can also tell that Master is ten thousand times more noble than you! Ooo!”

Master Yuan Bao is on the verge of madness…

It flicked its head with its teeth and claws, grabbed Meng Fuyao’s knife, and tried to use Meng Fuyao’s knife to chop off the yellow feathers of the damned parrot. The parrot flew up and down and smiled triumphantly: “Oh. Oh… Squeak! Squeak!”

“King Kong, you are naughty again!”

A somewhat familiar female voice sounded, and then the parrot was caught by someone raising his hand, and Meng Fuyao also grabbed the desperate Ingot Master, and turned his head to see that it was the little girl with the golden ring, the non-smoking maid.

The girl smiled at Meng Fuyao and walked away, patted the parrot, and said, “Go, why are you still dawdling? Didn’t you say that the things in our house are just for your appetite? Go back and get Wansheng Dan for you. Hmm…it’s the treasure hunt season in our clan…”

She said she was walking away, Meng Fuyao stood in the crowd, looking thoughtfully at her back, suddenly someone approaching her side, faintly fragrant, and asked: “Who did you see?”

Meng Fuyao turned around, smiled at Changsun Wuji, and said, “A bird.”

“It didn’t lend you wings, did it?” Changsun Wuji raised his head and looked in that direction.

Meng Fu swayed straight away and said lightly: “Who knows?”

The grandson Wuji did not move, and sighed softly for a long while.


Xuanji was on May 18th of the first year of Ming Dynasty, a hot and rainless day.

Feng Xuan woke up early in the morning, and felt dull in his heart, like this gray cloud in the first summer, and the weather was hazy. He stared at the water droplets on the wall condensed because of moisture, and he remembered that it had not been for a long time. People came to see him.

Then I thought again, my imperial doctor had said that he would not live in April, why is he still okay now? However, the recent prescriptions are really good, and I feel better, especially the eyes, which have long been blurred and unable to see things. Recently, they have become clear day by day.

He felt amused when he thought about it this way, he abdicated, and he still needs to have a clear eye to do. Is there anything else he needs to see with his own eyes?

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard the noise from the other side. I staggered to the window and looked at it. My palace door was open, and the ancestor hall door was also open. Many craftsmen came and were in the eunuch. Moving something out of the temple under his command.

Ordinarily, he should not be able to see clearly, but he really saw clearly today that they moved to the position of God.

It is the divine prominence of the former emperor of the Xuanjifeng clan in the past!

Those rough people who don’t know the big words casually took out those sacred and inviolable gods that even he had to kowtow, and threw them on the shelf outside the temple, which quickly piled up a layer of blue on the shelf. The emperor’s **** status cards with gold characters on the bottom are arranged in a mess, like a mess of firewood.

Feng Xuan was like being chopped by a knife. He suddenly jumped up. He panted with chuckles, straightened his neck and desperately called the court lady eunuch, but the court lady **** who came on weekdays disappeared today. He had to He supported the wall and moved forward step by step, trying to get out of the palace to stop those pariahs who should be punishable by the Nine Clan.

But someone suddenly said: “Where are you going?”

Feng Xuan raised his head, and saw a team of guards rushing into the palace, and the Nine Dragons imperial court drove in. Meng Fuyao, who was crowned with a phoenix robe and crowned, walked down from the guard and looked at her lightly.

“Fuyao, you came right!” Feng Xuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly came up to try to grab her sleeve and pointed to the other side, “Look at those rebels…Look at those rebels… unexpectedly…” He was angry. His face was flushed and trembling, and he couldn’t even speak clearly.

“Oh.” Meng Fuyao let go of his hand, turned around and took a light look, “That…”

She walked into the hall, and Feng Xuan followed in anxiously: “You stop them… stop them…”

“Have you seen it?” Meng Fu shook his head and looked at him.

“I saw it! What’s going on!” Feng Xuan clutched his chest, coughing, “…they…”

“They are moving the Feng’s royal deity, it’s that simple.”

“You–” Feng Xuan listened to her voice, suddenly flashed in his mind, raised his head and said in amazement, “You…you let them…”

“Of course.” Meng Fuyao smiled and looked at him, thinking that he had become stupid. “It’s not my decreed, anyone dare to move there?”

“You’re crazy!” Feng Xuan stepped back, bumped into the couch and didn’t sit still, and collapsed directly on the ground. She tried to climb but couldn’t get up. He tried several times without success.

“I don’t know if I’m crazy or not.” Meng Fuyao looked at him coldly, without going to help, and said lightly, “But I think maybe you are going crazy.”

She strode over, sat on the couch, pressed her hands on her knees and coldly looked down at Feng Xuan who was struggling under her feet, and said: “I have come to inform you about this. I have just issued a decree. From today onwards, Xuanji will change the country name to Wan, and the reign name is Changsheng. All the Xuanji imperial clan will be abolished as ordinary people, and the Xuanji imperial clan will no longer exist!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Feng Xuan rolled her eyes and fainted without a word.

Meng Fuyao looked at him calmly, his eyes as dark as the clouds, Xuanji, Xuanji, from today onwards, there will be no such **** royal family, Xu Wan, Xu Wan, from today in the palace , Only your **** position!

Feng Xuan woke up a long time later.

When he woke up, there was darkness in front of him. He first thought he was blind, and then he saw two faint flashes on the opposite side. Only then did he realize that it was dark.

The faint flashes are human eyes, Meng Fuyao who has not gone.

Feng Xuan lay on the ground, still in the same posture as before fainting. He lay down like a cold stiff wood, lying down like a dead man. Only at this moment did he truly understand how deep Meng Fuyao’s hatred was. He thought he was a palace Those things are commonplace in China. He originally thought that Meng Fuyao might not have the memories before the age of five. He originally thought that a supreme throne would be enough to soothe such grief and hatred, but he still thought of Meng Fuyao too simple. .

He also thinks too simply about the human nature, grievances, pain, and darkness in the world.

He didn’t know that for him, the most important thing in the world is imperial power, but for some people, the most important thing is always their heart.

It is those laughter and tears written in past experiences, those memories that are most vivid and in need of salvation in life.

“…Aren’t you afraid of being cursed…” Seeing that Fengjia Jiangshan, who had worked hard for thousands of years, was buried by himself, and his ancestors were thrown into a dirty shelf by those craftsmen. Entering the garbage dump, seeing that he will become a sinner for generations to come, and he will have no face to die. Seeing the ancestors of the Feng family, Feng Xuan desperately struggled with his last bit of strength, trying to use that vicious oath to bind the one in front of him that he thought he could control, but he couldn’t control it at all. Woman.

“I waited for you until now to tell you,” Meng Fuyao knelt down, leaning close to him, his black and white eyes gleaming faintly in the darkness, “…that oath has nothing to do with me.”

She smiled and whispered in Feng Xuan’s ear: “The daughter of you and Xu Wan, Feng Fuyao, was a stillborn child when she was born, and I…I’m just Meng Fuyao.”

Feng Xuan shook in shock.

“Feng Fuyao is loyal to the Feng family. Feng Fuyao never killed the Xuanji royal family. Feng Fuyao will never take an oath because she only lived for half an hour.” Meng Fuyao smiled calmly and desolately, “Feng Xuan, still remember Is my vow? It was made by Feng Fuyao, not me.”

Feng Xuan suddenly twitched silently. He stared at Meng Fuyao’s eyes, those bright eyes that were as bright as autumn water. At this time, the light was deep, so strange and indifferent, sticking to his eyes, like The extremely dark iron wall trapped him in the abyss of eternal darkness.

He twitched in the dark palace of night, twitched in Meng Fuyao’s steely, unmoving eyes, and heard the sound of his musculoskeletal heart folding and breaking every inch, and there was something in the depths of his body that was so “With a sound, there was a sharp golden pain, and then it collapsed and cracked, turning into blue smoke, scattered in the world.

That’s… your own soul, right?

It turns out that the death of the emperor… is so simple.

Manipulating this map of the world and manipulating the competition in the whole life, in the end…is indulged by others.

Retribution is so, retribution… so.


On May 18th of the first year of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor Xuanji changed her country name to Wan and changed her reign to longevity. At this time, everyone understood that the reign was only “short-lived.”

Except for the nine emperors who were a monk, the Xuanji imperial family abolished the rest.

On May 19th of the first year of Changsheng, Emperor Tiancheng collapsed in phoenix and was buried in Anling. On that day, Anling was closed and the tomb was large. He was alone. It is said that he was buried under a yellow scarf before his death to show his clan Sinner, see the underground ancestor without face, the empress agreed to his request.

An Ling has since become the last emperor tomb of the Xuanji royal family.

However, there is another lucky person in the Xuanji royal family, the fifth prince Feng. He is the only prince in the royal family who has not been abolished, and was appointed by the female emperor as the new prime minister, in charge of the affairs of Dawan.

As for the action of the empress, the officials were puzzled. The empress only said indifferently: “I gave everyone a chance, but only he won.”

At the beginning, all the Xuanji royal family was confined for investigation.

On the first day of political discussion, seven people, including Fengwu, were very good, so leave it for review.

The next day is hungry, the steamed buns are sent in and mixed together. If you know how to eat, leave it for review. However, Feng Wu, who was also hungry for three days, gave the steamed buns to his nephew. In this round, the first two Only three people were left.

On the third day, Ji Yu talked separately and informed His Majesty that he intends to choose promising ministers among the princes and princes for reuse, and pointed out the list of the acquiescence of His Majesty’s Sacred Heart. Two of the three who passed the test were overjoyed and attacked each other privately. Only Fengwu, no joy, as calm as one.

So far, Fengwu has passed.

Excellent political theory is to be able; to sell steamed buns for benevolence; not to be fooled by bait, but to be cautious.

In this way, Meng Fuyao selected the ministers he wanted to serve.

Originally, she could choose slowly across the country, but she didn’t have time. She could only find talent from the Xuanji royal family with the most political experience.

She still has an idea. If she leaves in the future, let Feng Wu succeed to the throne and include Dawan in Wuji or Dahan. With the grandson Wuji or Zhan Beiye, even if Feng Wu comes to the throne, she will never think about it again. Call Xuanji back.

In that way, she can be considered worthy of the people of this innocent country, and at least find a good manager for them.


On the night of May 21st, the first year of the longevity, the lights in the Yongchang Hall were heavy, and Meng Fuyao turned around behind the tent, grinning at Ji Yu for a while and said: “Well, this puppet is very similar to me, you remember Help me look up.”

Ji Yu nodded silently, and said: “Really going?”

“Of course.” Meng Fuyao cleared up his baggage, “You are not allowed to tell you the master, you are all mine now, and I will fire you after eating and crawling.”

Ji Yu stepped back silently.

The night is deep and the stars are extinguished. After a while, a figure sneaks out of the Yongchang Hall.

Just a few steps, suddenly a white shadow flashed by, a ball rushed into the shadow’s arms, and a fierce boy stopped moving.

Master Yuan Bao plunged his head into Meng Fuyao’s arms.

I know you go to Fufeng, take me there! I will find that King Kong revenge!


Happy holidays, dears. I’m really sorry for the delay, because I have something to delay, and I want to end the Xuanji scroll tonight, it will delay everyone’s time, sorry again.

Fufengjuan, the old rules, beautiful men still have to follow the drip…Want to see how beautiful men warm up the frozen state? Do you want to see the long-lost lovely Zhuzhu? Do you want to see the waves of Fufeng’s three weird tribes due to the arrival of some ox-headed people? Do you want to see the silent and nonsense Feiyan’s plans for Meng Fuyao… All in Fufeng Volume…

This long change, count as my holiday gift haha

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