Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 18: Love and hate like dew

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The one who screamed was the ten emperors who had just been awake and ignorantly looking down from the bed.


At the same time, screaming is the Queen Xuanji, who is screaming at He Yuheng.

The ten emperors sat upright on the bed, staring blankly at her dignity and noble queen underneath the other men naked, huddling and rolling like a beast on the ground, if it weren’t for that face that was too familiar, she I almost thought it was another woman wearing a queen mask.

For so, she still couldn’t believe it, she put her finger in her mouth in a daze, and the sharp pain made her make a short “ah” again, and then she knew that this was really not a nightmare, it was the least acceptable to her in the world fact.

She yelled, grabbed the bedding on the bed, put a lid on her head, shrank into the bed and stopped moving.

Queen Xuanji has stiffened into a dead fish with a white belly, hardened into a thousand-year-old corpse. She lay stiffly on the thick and warm carpet, with her toes curled up with excitement just now. Now the webs are spreading straight and straight, the blue veins on the legs suddenly appear, twitching under the jade skin.

She suddenly fell from the clouds of *and excitement, and planted in the cold and cold abyss of reality.

What did she do? What did she do?

She was here, in her daughter’s room, under her daughter’s bed, in front of her daughter and other men!

She is crazy! She must be crazy!

She actually regards herself as a wandering warbler in the streets, a DANG woman who can do her best! She even forgot that she was the queen of Xuanji, the most noble female in the world!

How can she be like an ordinary long-term middle-aged woman, she lost her heart, lost her soul, and committed the most unforgivable and most shameless sin when she met the life of a man*!

She is the queen! Queen!

Meng Fuyao sneered and leaned over, looking at her unhuman face in an instant, he smiled unstoppably, and suddenly a whip slammed against the wall!

With a bang, the entire wall collapsed, and the wall was ruined in an instant.

There was a drizzle outside the wall, and many people stood in the drizzle.

The men, women and children of the Ten Imperial Women’s Mansion, starting from the cohort, to the most inferior servants in the Imperial Women’s Mansion, never fall.

They were all forced with swords by the intrepid Dahan guards and Infinite Hidden Guards, standing in the mid-afternoon spring rain, waiting to see the most fragrant, exciting, and most worthy living **** palace on the continent of the continent.

The wall collapsed, and before the naked men and women embracing on the carpet were exposed, all of them opened their mouths in an instant and gave out silent exclaims. They opened their mouths that could not be closed for a while, like fishes about to suffocate in shallow water.

The eyes are full of sight, and the adultery is shown to the public.

I can’t bear it personally.

Not to mention the Queen Xuanji, who has always been a queen with pride and pride.

Those open mouths are holes that devour souls, and those dodge and shiny eyes are arrogant arrows. She fell into that hole, and then was broken into thousands of pieces by those arrows.

Queen Xuanji raised her head and let out a heart-piercing scream again: “Ah–“

She fainted immediately, very powerful and worry-free, and collapsed softly in the arms of the man.

A woman who is extremely proud and therefore extremely violent, after her pride is destroyed and her dignity stepped on to the dust, her reaction is just a puddle of stinking mud.

Yu Heng has always been calm.

Everything happened in an instant. Meng Fuyao stepped forward to awaken the ten emperors. The queen was still immersed in the moment when the peak of * was not awakened. He did not pull away from himself, but was not in a hurry. Only the last step* is done.

For the first and last time in his life, he didn’t treat himself badly.

The moment Meng Fuyao smashed the wall to show their adultery, he hugged the fainted Queen Xuanji and flew up, swept in mid-air and rolled on the bed, and this roll rolled the sheets on both of them. , The ten emperors rolled off.

Immediately after he turned around, all the clothes scattered on the ground were somehow worn on him. He carefully wrapped the queen in a bed sheet and stuffed it under the bed.

If this series of things were done well, he turned around to face Meng Fuyao in a hurry.

When he turned around, there was a slight smile on his face.

Meng Fuyao looked at this man a little admiringly, the true calmness of the Taishan collapse in front of him, the scene just now was a terrible insult to the Queen Xuanji, why not the top ten respected by the world? ? However, he was so calm and worthy of his identity as a master of the top ten.

Seeing that he treats the villain of Queen Xuanji sincerely, although I don’t understand how he thinks of that woman, Meng Fuyao respects all sincere and pure feelings.

Yes, pure.

Being with that woman for more than ten years, she is many times stronger than her, and there are too many opportunities to get her, but he has never interfered with her. If today is not the combination of a few of them, he must be dead. They protect her cleanly.

Spiritual Plato, most men can’t do it, especially powerful men.

Because he loves her, he does everything for her, regardless of good or evil, as long as she likes it, as long as it is beneficial to her—for example, intending to separate the grandson Wuji and Meng Fuyao.

At this moment, Meng Fuyao suddenly understood that night on the boat. He obviously had time to take possession of her, but he wasted a lot of time on appreciation. He didn’t intend to defile Meng Fuyao at all, all he wanted to do was to make the two of them distrust and betray each other. , To achieve the effect of dividing them.

He did those things not because he hated anyone and wanted to hurt someone, but just because of Queen Xuanji.

Meng Fuyao was suddenly in a trance.

She thought, Meng Fuyao could be regarded as killing people, and the men around her were helping her kill people for what she wanted to do. As long as she needed them, they would do it. Thinking like this, she felt, In fact, it is the same.

From their respective standpoints, Yuheng is not wrong.

Meng Fuyao sighed softly, flicked the golden whip in his hand, and said indifferently: “Master Yuheng, you leave here, don’t care about Xuanji in the future, our business will be cancelled.”

Yu Heng was silent, standing in the oily rain, without saying a word, his slender eyes gleaming like this spring rain, he suddenly smiled strangely for a while, and said: “Why should I go?”

Meng Fuyao looked at him, but in just a short moment, his solid and plump skin had begun to slowly collapse, and the wrinkles around his eyes spread out like a spider web with a smile, the boy’s skill was broken, and his skill was put under water, he naturally Unable to maintain his beauty-preserving technique, Yuheng now would no longer be her opponent.

“If I want to go, I will take her away.” Yu Heng tilted his head to look at Queen Xuanji under the bed.

“Sorry, that’s impossible.” Meng Fuyao said coldly, “In fact, even if I kill you, I should be.”

“What else did you say?” Yu Heng smiled, “Meng Fuyao, don’t think you are among the top ten, thinking that I have lost all my virtuosity and I have a chance to win. The real strong can fly like a broken wing. “

“Then fly for a lifetime.” Meng Fuyao smiled, “No need to come down anymore.”

The golden light flashed before the voice was over!

She is above the golden light!

The golden whip is like a golden electric light, piercing the air straight and fiercely, while Meng Fuyao stepped on the golden whip, his figure is also a sharper electric light.

She stood on the whip, raised her toes in mid-air, and the whip unscrewed the fan-like golden light curtain, turning around and turning out the whistling wind. From the whip to the whip handle, she split her head and face to Yuheng’s upper body at several contact points. Under the big cave cover!

Yuheng just twisted his body.

He twisted his body, and suddenly twisted himself into a twist shape, a soft and extremely elastic twist, then the extremely delicate slight twist in the electric flint, all those sharp holes fell through.

The moment he missed, his fingers flicked out of his sleeves and gently touched the whip, like a snake hitting seven inches, and the whip immediately fell softly.

Immediately after he grabbed his finger, he grabbed the whip in his hand.

These tricks are as fast as electricity, the transformation and change are like clouds and flowing water, antelope horns are invisible, and no trace of real power is needed. It is a skill of four or two strokes, but it is even more advanced.

In this moment, Meng Fuyao finally understood the meaning of “there is a huge gap between the top five and the bottom five of the top ten, and the top five of the top ten is also a huge gap between each of the top five.” The fourth Yuheng, who lost all the most important true powers of the martial artist, did not show up in front of her, who was named as the top ten!

She has a victorious heart. Yuheng’s exquisite moves have only been seen in the world. In a hearty fight with him, she will definitely be able to go to the next level!

She hooked her finger and made a fist into a “phoenix peck” trend. Instead of grabbing the whip, she took Yuheng’s vein.

Yu Heng’s complexion changed. Now that he has no real power, he can no longer fight Meng Fuyao as if he is in a real fight. He retreats like a flowing water, as light as Hongyu, it seems that he can make light work, but Meng Fuyao knew that it was probably just Yuheng’s martial arts. He had practiced lightly for many years, otherwise he would not be able to pretend to be a person who was sacrificed by a cat gang to sacrifice a child when he was on the boat. Tiecheng held him in his hand at the beginning. But I didn’t notice it at all.

The night on the ship, I turned around to find out who the suspect was, but finally landed on the child-the guard who sent him back lost his whereabouts on the way.

Yu Heng’s light body means that the light work is still there, and supplemented by subtle moves, as long as it does not fight internal strength with Meng Fuyao, it can still support a long time. Meng Fuyao raised her eyes to see the sky. She didn’t want to waste too much time here. She has to go to the palace.

She also floated suddenly.

Swing horizontally like a piece of paper, to the soles of Yuheng’s feet, raising his hand to “kill the sky” and the black light flashed, and he pierced the soles of his feet. Yuheng could only let him go. He just floated and will not land yet. When landing, Meng Fuyao swung over again, still in exactly the same posture and position, deliberately not letting Yuheng land.

The body is drifting in mid-air, and after a long time, she can only rely on real power to support her. With Meng Fuyao’s real power, she can float in mid-air for a long time without landing, but now Yuheng is not, every time she will not fall. Being forced to jump up again, unable to breathe, he was still hanging in a stale breath, gradually rising, and the collision made him dizzy.

His eyes flashed, his eyes were slightly angry, and he coldly snorted, “Really the tiger fell into the Pingyang and was bullied by the dog!” Suddenly he stopped letting him go, and moved straight, a cyan light rushed towards Meng Fuyao.

Meng Fuyao sneered: “If a dog can deceive you, aren’t you inferior to a dog?” “Slaying the sky” raised, the black light cracked, and the two instantly twisted together.

There was a cry of crying between heaven and earth!

The black light is like a broad axe, sweeping the world, dragging a huge black tail like a comet, ramming in a small interior that broke a wall, but the blue light is slender and continuous, as if it is constantly outside the window. The drizzle generally involves endless, tangled filaments around the black awns, black and blue colors are paired with each other, like a wave playing in the water and a reed crossing the river, shooting in the room like flying cats. The dignified and magnificent light, and the golden whip that Yuheng snatched from it, flashed. The three colors of black, green and yellow were intertwined. It was really a beautiful battle.

Yu Heng’s body is always in the bed where the Queen Xuanji is hidden. It is obviously better for him to move outside to fight, but he still chooses to fight against Meng Fuyao indoors. His moves are light and complicated, unlike Meng Fuyao. Swinging wide open and great weather, I prefer to work hard in small places, in that blue-gold light and shadow, one hand is like the most dexterous piano player in the world, with his fingers flying, pressing the murderous point. The raiding is beautiful and innocent, and his knuckles can even use five different moves, each attacking in a completely different direction.

One hundred and thirty-seventh strokes, Meng Fuyao uttered a clear call, and the sky was filled with her fierce sword shadows, densely woven into a net to Yuheng as the hood, the claw shadows were connected to each other. There is no gap between them. It is the essence of the seventh and third level “Ruyi”. It is integrated and omnipresent. No matter how good Yuheng is, he cannot find a hole in such a golden offensive, and the sky is bright and white. Here, Meng Fuyao sneered and approached.

Yu Heng also smiled suddenly.

His slender eyes are lingering like a spring rain, and his body is as soft as a spring rain. When he turns around his waist, he does not know when he has an extra golden claw in his hand, but his fingertips are usually pointed, round, like Four fingers, very peculiar shape.

He stroked his finger on the golden claw, squinted his eyes and said with a sigh: “I haven’t used weapons for many years…” The golden claw that somehow flicked with his finger suddenly turned away, and he shook his finger, extremely precise. He found Meng Fuyao’s palm in the sky full of claw shadows, flicked his rounded claw tip, flicked his “middle finger”, and shot directly at the Laogong acupoint in Meng Fuyao’s palm.

Meng Fu shook his hand and shrank. Before shrinking, he felt a burst of energy flying. It happened to be the node where her true energy flowed, and he was shocked. He didn’t expect Yuheng to have such a powerful weapon. It seems that he can automatically adjust the attack direction according to the flow of the opponent’s true energy, blocking the opponent’s true power flow, especially to break the fierce martial arts. It seems that Yuheng is a meticulous person, knowing that although his boy skills are strong, once he breaks the ring, he will be completely. Without any support, this complementary weapon was specially developed.

The golden claw flew, Yuheng held it with one hand, and smiled at the corner of his eyes: “Can force me to take out the weapon…”

“Come on, you top ten, don’t make such a memorable sentence every time you take out a weapon,” Meng Fuyao quickly cut off, and said: “I’m tired of listening.”

Yu Heng said indifferently: “It’s boring to die under this golden claw, because there are too many.” He flicked his finger horizontally and the golden hook took the first shot.

The black, cyan and gold light tossed around within the area of ​​the big bed that was no more than six feet square. The gauze tent on the bed was destroyed by Zhen Qi long ago, and the bed flew like a butterfly with broken feathers, bearing the dust down on the dust. , Disappeared in an instant from ten feet away, and was ground into powder invisible to the naked eye by the huge real power. The spring rain never stopped, but not a single trace of it could enter this narrow space, as if it were in another world.

Meng Fuyao struggled again this time, and found it difficult. Under the pressure of Yuheng’s weird weapon, the four-finger-wheel bullet, her true energy flow was constantly intercepted and reversed, and she needed constant change, no matter how martial arts. Restricted and afraid to use real power, she is in the same situation as Yuheng, and can only do tricks, but the martial arts tempering exquisite Yuheng is above her; the most important is because the real energy keeps changing the direction of flow. If you accidentally go wrong, you will get confused, and by then, she will die miserably.

The rounded claw tips kept flying, following Meng Fuyao’s momentum like lightning, every time she passed Meng Fuyao’s big cave, she would force her to breathe, just as before Meng Fuyao forced Yuheng to not fall to the ground, now Meng Fuyao is jade Heng is too hard to flow her true energy as she wants, her figure is like electricity shuttles back and forth, but no matter how many postures she changes, the weapon seems to have a natural suction to follow closely, the faster she turns, the faster it follows, and it flies. Meng Fuyao, who was so forced that Zhenli couldn’t use it smoothly, gradually bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Not far away, there was the sound of the wind, and the purple shadow and the black shadow swept over. It was the grandson Wou-ki and Zong Yue, who was wearing a dark charm mask. They saw the problem at a glance and both wanted to take action. , Meng Fuyao immediately said: “No need!”

Starting from today, she will solve these things by herself.

What’s more, in this state, when she meets, Changsun Wuji and Zong Yue will also meet them. Even the higher the martial arts, the more they will be restrained. Why bother to drag them to face danger?

Naturally, she couldn’t express her thoughts now. The two of them only heard her stern refusal, and they stopped silently. Zong Yue took a step back and reached into his arms to get something, but Changsun Wuji suddenly agreed. Stopped and said: “Let her come.”

Only by constantly facing up to the difficulties, can I have the opportunity to gain more important insights. The experience of playing against the top ten is a rare experience in a lifetime, and Changsun Wuji has always chosen to let Meng Fuyao face it as much as possible.

Meng Fuyao listened in his ears, silently, Changsun Wuji looked at Yuheng for a while and suddenly said: “Doing nothing wins, extremely soft and strong, the breeze is blowing on the hills, and the moon is over the river.” /

Meng Fuyao’s eyes flashed.

The thought in her heart that had been hesitating but dare not try coincided with Changsun Wuji’s words, and her eyes lit up faintly.

Then she immediately retreated.

Reject the wild and innocent hurricane-like moves, and change to the simplest and simplest common tricks. The breeze and the bright moon, sweeping the hills, simple moves, the distribution of the true power of the whole body will be more generous, and the speed will slow down , The disturbing frequency of the infuriating energy will be reduced. She slowly uses solemn and vigorous tricks to gradually build her own true power field, driving Yuheng who has lost her true power and cannot control the overall situation. Step in slowly.

The fighting style of the two changed again and again. After three stages, they finally played slowly. Once they played slowly, Yuheng’s lack of true power became more obvious. The flow of purely using moves was limited, and he couldn’t smooth it anymore. Taking advantage of Meng Fuyao’s momentum to take advantage of her, Meng Fuyao smiled, flicking his fingers, darts out the knife, flicking his sleeves, and kicking, stirring up the wind and rain to turn his true energy, leading his golden claws to cut all over his body in the direction he wanted.

Then she suddenly reversed her anger!

She slowly gathered the real power of her whole body in the slow and powerful moves, suddenly she leaned back, kicked the purple golden crown and stood up, and the real power of her whole body was flowing backward in an instant!

In an instant, her face turned red and white, and the light and shadow flashed, and her whole body seemed to be suddenly jerky.

The adversarial line is a well-known martial arts taboo. For thousands of years, no one has dared to try it, because the adversarial line is generally used to rush through, but because the sudden reversal is too impactful, the consequences are often Death due to broken meridians is really an adventure that is too dangerous to outweigh the loss.

But for Meng Fuyao at this moment, reversal has another meaning.

She was on the seventh floor and the third floor, one step away from the eighth floor, but it happened to be the unpredictable martial arts Yuheng. His pulse-cutting weapon was to continuously interfere with the flow of true power and destroy The original flow direction of true power was already reversing Meng Fuyao’s true power, so instead of letting him interfere with the reversal of chaos, it is better to just use the power of his strange weapon to reverse the pulse!

Afterwards, Meng Fuyao deliberately guided him to reverse so many times, tapping all over his body, all meridians have formed a habit and buffer against the reverse flow, and slowly solidified in constant confrontation. Then, the impact when he was fully reversed Not so scary again!

A once-in-a-lifetime experience, kill two birds with one stone!

It’s just that, even if you know this truth, how many people can think of it in the battle? How many people dared to take advantage of Yu Heng’s face to venture through the barrier?

Zong Yue, who was grazing the formation, saw his eyebrows beating, wondering whether he was surprised or admired and murmured: “Fuyao!”

A slight smile appeared in the eyes of Changsun Wuji. He looked up at the rainy sky, as if seeing Luanfeng soaring in his palm, soaring and spreading his wings in the sky, just crossing the mountain and passing by thousands of miles. Will she fly back next year?

Meng Fuyao reversed the meridians instantly, only to feel that there was a bang in the dantian, and the meridians immediately creaked and spread out, and the whole body made a slight shooting sound because of this sudden burst. Fortunately, the meridians were because of the previous Yuheng. The function of the pulse weapon has formed a default signal for the reversal. It is so slightly supported, and when it is about to split, it will stop for life.

In an instant, the meridians widened, and the true energy was like a river rushing forward, turning forward and reverse, forming a huge vortex in the body. The waves of flying and surging waves hit the shore, stimulating people to fly, Meng Fuyao’s eyes brightened, haha ​​smiled , Lifting his hand, a faint cloud-like vortex was born between the five fingers.

The eighth floor of “Broken Nine Heavens”, Tian Ni!

The golden light flashed, and Yuheng’s golden claws came in, still attacking the Laogong acupoint in her palm, Meng Fuyao grinned, and the moment the golden claws hit the acupuncture points, the qi was reversed, and the golden claws worked and failed, she The finger has already dropped, with a “click”.

The longest “middle finger” break.

Yu Heng’s face changed, waiting to take the golden claw back, Meng Fu shook his finger and drew his true spirit, bringing the golden claw down along with the missile, but he could no longer reverse his true power, like a steel knife. A wave of the sleeve.


The “little finger” is broken.

The golden claws were about to spin in the air, Meng Fu shook his body round and round into a black whirlwind, turning his back to meet the inverted golden claws, Meng Fuyao sneered, **** in the food cruelly pinched!


The “ring finger” breaks!

There is only one finger left in the four-claw gold claws, one and one in the air comically, Meng Fu shook his mouth with a sneer, rose up, punched in the sky, and the dark black fierce wind was swept in the air!


The flexible and exquisite golden claw suddenly turned into an irregular gold nugget, and I couldn’t distinguish clearly.

Meng Fuyao fisted, and the gold claws were beaten into gold ingots.

The faint sound of peeling and cracking spread from the golden claw, and a crack spread slowly, cracking through the claw body, cracking the claw handle, and claw-holding hands. The old skin silently appeared light red marks, and then It grew bigger and redder, the rattling sound continued, and the muscles and bones were gradually breaking apart, exposing white tendons.

Meng Fuyao’s punch not only destroyed the Golden Claw, but also ruined the hand of the Envoy.

There was no sound on all sides, so quiet that you could hear the rustle of flying rain. Everyone in the rain watched the battle between the first five and the last five of the top ten, watching the guardian **** of the Xuanji royal family, the fourth of the top ten, how many For years, a man who has been a **** in the Xuanji royal family, has been scheming, corrupted, and ruined. In the last battle of his life, he still struggled to radiate the light of the gods, but in the end he was defeated by the supreme bravery and wisdom of the girl and was defeated by the muddy spring rain. Among them, will bury the glory of life and martial arts.

Glory will eventually die, on top of the rotten ruins.

The imperial palace with thousands of people is as quiet as no one. Everyone’s eyes shrouded Yu Heng and then retreated, looking at his hands, the expressions in his eyes changed. At that moment, the light in his eyes clutched, and the past decades have been endless years. In an instant, those glory struggles, love, hatred and grievances surging by like a river, and finally the most barren and dry riverbed in life is left.

For a while, he smiled bitterly, but his expression gradually calmed down.

Meng Fuyao stood quietly, no longer flying in the past when he won victory. Every time the “Broken Nine Heavens” enters one level, it is a renewed tempering of martial arts and xinxing, and every battle with peerless powers is The greatest test and improvement of courage and wisdom, she struggled ascending in blood and fire, forged in the most violent burning of the human world from * to soul, to this day, she is finally as cold as rigid and immovable as stone.

Her expression is as deep as water, a pool of water that flows forever and is never swept by storms.

“Master Yuheng, let’s stop here.” Meng Fuyao took a step back, sheathed “Slaying the Sky”, and said calmly, “I still have the previous opinion, you leave.”

“This is how you dealt with your defeated men?” Yuheng did not move, looking up at her, “It seems to be different from the Meng Fuyao I have heard of.”

“You are not my defeated general.” Meng Fuyao said calmly, “If it weren’t for ruining your skill with a trick, I can’t beat you.”

“The way of martial arts, there is no fluke.” Yu Heng said lightly, “You can destroy my skill, it is your ability, not to mention…” He suddenly smiled meaningfully and said: “In time, even if My skill is still there, and it may not be your opponent.”

“Accept your good words.” Meng Fu shook his head. Although she really didn’t like this guy, she was worthy of her respect for her grand master’s manner of insulting him without being defeated and not discouraged.

“The little guy just said a little bit of the essence.” Yu Heng stepped back, sat cross-legged, glanced at Changsun Wuji, and suddenly said, “It’s just a bit short.”

Meng Fuyao’s eyes brightened, listening to Yuheng’s meaning, intentionally point her? The instructions of the top five of the top ten are more precious than fighting, but she was really embarrassed to ask Yuheng, who was ruined by her at this moment in martial arts. Changsun Wuji and Zong Yue didn’t care about it. The two stepped forward together, Zong Yue looked at it. Changsun Wuji glanced at him, thinking that Yuheng was referring to Changsun Wuji, so he had to stand still.

Changsun Wuji stepped forward and leaned slightly in silence. Meng Fuyao looked at him–he didn’t want to deal with Yuheng, right? His hatred of Yu Heng may be heavier than her, but he still stepped forward.

Yu Heng looked at him, and slowly sighed for a long while: “I have no reason to point you, but I have only one disciple in this martial arts discipline so far. Seeing this disciple is afraid…my martial arts cannot be in my hands. Lost… Forget it… Let’s make up for that day…”

He threw a booklet from his arms, and the grandson Wuji took it. Yu Heng said, “Bring her to me.”

Meng Fu raised her eyebrows. At this moment, she understood why Yuheng, who was made like this, promised to point her to her. She knew that he could no longer protect Queen Xuanji, so she could use this as a substitute.

But she would rather not give Yu Heng’s guidance, she would never leave this woman’s life!

All three of them stood still, Chang Sun Wuji looked at Yu Heng’s eyes, and the two of them intersected. After a long while, Chang Sun Wuji suddenly went to the bed and took out Queen Xuanji.

Meng Fuyao looked at him in amazement, his eyes were slightly angry, Changsun Wuji looked back, met her gaze, did not flinch,

His eyes were clear and he was full of persistence. Meng Fuyao frowned and looked at it for a while, but he saw a little guilty conscience, so he had to turn away his eyes first.

This is also the first time that the two of them really met each other after that night, and Meng Fuyao felt that he had lost again. If you lose without reason, you still lose.

No matter what eye tricks they played, Yuheng only silently took over the dazed Queen Xuanji, put her on her lap extremely cherished, and gently stroked her long hair.

The forty-year-old woman has a beautiful face, and she is a little bit less violent in her sleep, she is still beautiful, but her eyebrows are slightly frowned, tied with a slightly sad knot.

This is also an uncommon look on weekdays, but he felt familiar, and looked up to the sky for a moment.

Above the clouds, there was a young and young woman who suddenly appeared in the memory of decades ago. She bowed her face and looked at him with a slight frown.

“Hey, what’s the matter with you? Dead?”

She lifted her foot and kicked him. He nearly shattered his bones and scattered him. He opened his eyes and saw the woman’s bright and bright eyes in the dazzling sunlight shining around.

“Don’t move…Don’t move…”

I really can’t move. Lei Dong’s belligerent is too ruthless. He started to fight like a cannon. He has to smash his opponent and himself. The top five of the top ten sometimes compete with each other, but At any rate, they are all masters of the generation who cherish feathers, and no one will fight like a farmer, only this thunder…the **** thunder.

He moves casually now and will disperse.

The woman stopped moving, turned her head to look at him, and straightened up for a while and said: “How can I stay by your side if men and women are not getting married? I’m gone.”

He doesn’t move, he just walks, he just lay down like this, and he will be healed after a few days in the sun and rain for a few days, leaving at most a small root of disease.

After a while, she came back with someone.

“Can’t move, can’t you?” She squatted, her eyes twinkling in the sun, and said with joy, “I am in a good mood these days, so I decided to save you.”

She ordered people to cut down the trees, built a shed, and covered it with a canopy to make a small house that can be sheltered from wind, rain and sun.

He thanked him, and she went out with her head held high, and said triumphantly: “Care for my people, I want to give birth to the world.”

In the next few days, she sent people to deliver food, sometimes she came by herself, sat beside him, and listened to him talk about some anecdotes. The faint scent of the girl was mixed with the woody fragrance of the surrounding native trees, somehow he recognized it Clear, sometimes intoxicated sniffing, I think there is such a good smell in the world.

He was poor and bullied since he was a child. He has gone through hard work and worshipped the teacher. The teacher has the supreme mentality. Those who are not very qualified cannot learn it, and those who learn must keep the precepts throughout their lives, equivalent to being a monk or The eunuch, there are many qualified people among the teachers, but some people are unwilling to give up the desire of men and women to take the initiative to quit. In the end, he and his brother chose one of them. He knew that he was not as qualified as the brother, so he killed the brother.

I also practiced the boy skills. The master taught that women are like fire, they must burn this skill. Be careful, so for many years, he has no desire to be close to women. The fragrance and beauty of women are separated from him. If you look at the fire on the shore from a distance, you must be on your guard to avoid it.

However, in a duel, he collapsed to the ground and could no longer refuse the approach of a woman, and the fresh scent that had not been touched for decades slowly washed away his calm and indifferent heart for decades.

She has a bad temper. After spending a few days with him, he understood that she often drove the bullock cart and rushed up the mountain. The bulls were driven by her and the bulls stumbled and fell down the cliff with miserable howls. She was sitting in the cart. He laughed, and the probe lowered the cliff: “Squeeze with me and die!”

Sometimes he picked flowers and brought them in with a colorful bouquet. He was just astonished by the beauty of that other person’s beauty, but she suddenly stepped on the bouquet under her feet and stomped it hard until the flowers turned into mud. , I still hate myself and hate it, “What is the most annoying?”

He stared blankly, why is she so angry? But even though she was so angry, she was still beautiful with scorn, dazzling and dazzling, unlike the gentle and quiet women he had seen.

She was very interested in the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and she kept asking questions. He asked her why an aristocratic lady liked these. She held her cheeks at the time and said slowly: “Because I have not seen it before, and I will be more No chance to meet.”

He heard his heart beat and asked her: “Why?”

She straightened up, walked out, and shouted at the valley: “Because I want the world to be the mother!”

He listened, but smiled, where’s the mother-in-law world? This child is really a crazy woman.

But that is true.

Half a month later, he learned about the “Muyi Tianxia”.

The torrential rain that night was downpour, the hut was intolerant of strong rain, the awning was thrown off the whole, and the ground was full of rain. He slowly sat up from the bed and stretched, thinking that it would be better anyway. Why don’t you pretend to be here? It’s time to go.

However, as soon as I walked to the door, I saw a figure in white clothes rushing on the dark mountain road, with long hair scattered, and it was her ghostly floating in the flash of lightning.

She ran up the mountain drenched in the torrential rain, and when she saw him, she gave an exclamation and rushed over.

The young, delicate and youthful female body suddenly rushed into her arms, her body curve was exposed, rubbing his body like a ball of nephrite, the fragrance of the virgin smelled, and his body tightened involuntarily.

Listen to her sobbing in her arms: “What to do…what to do…”

He lifted her face, a rose wet by rain, bright and delicate, such an amazing beauty.

Who destroyed such a flower and made her violent and violent run and cry in the rainy night?

He lightly patted her on the back and said: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, no one can bully you with me.”

She stopped crying immediately.

That night, he hugged her and heard her “grief”—Emperor Xuanji visited her family south, took a fancy to the daughter of the concubine, and decreed to be brought into the palace after returning to Beijing… Your Majesty stayed in her house , I didn’t even like her, but liked her concubine sister. No, the noble lady couldn’t accept such insults, so she killed her sister.

Now your Majesty has picked up my sister, she should go there naturally, but the two people always look different. What should I do if I recognize them?

He listened to her grievances, and there was a tinge of chill in his heart, and the chill came up like that, and he almost pushed her away, but she was in his arms for the first time. In his arms, it was so soft and slippery, trembling.

He turned to a daze and thought, what’s so cold? She killed her sister to take the position of queen, he killed the brother to take the master’s mind, they are the same, the same——

She raised her face in his arms, looked at him dimly with tears, and choked over and over again and asked: “You promised to protect me, you promised.”

He looked at her, looked at this poisonous rose full of thorns, a long time later, he said: “Okay.”

In one word, it will last a lifetime.

Yuheng’s flying and freedom have since been restrained by Xuanji’s gloomy and **** palace.

He still remembers how she looked when she heard the good word, tears were gone, and the little cunning and pride flashed across her eyes.

I didn’t know her careful planning.

It’s not that she doesn’t know that she doesn’t love him.

In her life, she loves power, honor, status, and monopoly.

In this life, he loves the illusion, the blur, the rose in the swamp, and the Manshusha on the ruins.


She trembles in his arms, her eyelashes twinkling, as if to wake up.

Don’t, don’t wake up.

The sufferings of this world are too hard to bear, and you will cry when you open your eyes. Instead of opening your eyes to the shame of heartbreaking, you should close your eyes and walk into the next cycle in your deep sleep.

I know you definitely don’t want to face it.

Then sleep forever.

Yuheng smiled faintly.

For decades, the time has been like electricity, and in the end it has become a phantom. In this life, she has done evil, and he has done evil for her. The accumulated bones in her life will turn into an eternal sleeping bed from now on.

That’s it, it’s great.

He smiled softly, and his fingers stroked the woman’s face with nostalgia. The familiar and alarming outline, the fragrance that has not changed for decades, is deep into the bone.

From the eyes…to the nose…to the lips…finally stayed in her throat.


There was a slight cracking sound, but everyone was struck by lightning.

Yu Heng remained the same, slowly removing his fingers, and the woman’s head drooped softly, folded to one side lifelessly.

Her life was also silently broken in a deep sleep.

Yu Heng gently stroked the soft head, remembering that many years ago, in a fierce quarrel, he said: “If you continue like this, one day you will die without a burial place!”

And she raised her head proudly, “Then please, end me first!”


What you have said in this life, I will help you do it after all.


The drizzle was silent.

Meng Fuyao took a step back, pursing his lips. For Queen Xuanji, this method of death is really cheaper for her. However, all deaths are just death, and there is really no need to talk endlessly.

This woman has been extremely lucky in her **** and dirty life.

Because she has Yuheng.

She sighed slightly and turned to leave. Yuheng suddenly looked up and smiled at her.

He said: “Thank you.”

Meng Fuyao was startled, then he lowered his head when he saw Yuheng silently.

He is dead.

Without any signs, the top ten ranked fourth. After the famous Yuheng ended his lover silently, he also chose to end himself silently.

Maybe he broke his heart, maybe he just died out-he lived for her for the rest of his life, when she died, his vitality would automatically be cut off.

The last sentence in his life was to thank Meng Fuyao for ruining him.

Thank her for fulfilling him in this way.

He stayed by her side in this life, and never thought of getting her, but when he finally got her, he finally felt that this life was worthwhile.

The brilliance that has been respected and admired throughout the life is not worthy of the last brilliance that erupted in the lingering golden light in this spring rain.


Coming out of the Palace of the Tenth Empress, Meng Fuyao ordered his subordinates to bury Queen Xuanji and Yuheng by fire according to the will left on the booklet of Yuheng’s death.

At the door, she met Tang Yizhong who was waiting. He came with Changsun Wuji to control the three thousand guards of the Ten Imperial Women’s Mansion. Changsun Wuji talked to him a few days ago. As for what to talk about, Meng Fuyao didn’t know, but Today’s actions by Tang Xiaogongye have explained everything.

Heard that Queen Xuanji was dead, Tang Yizhong opened his mouth in amazement, and then heard that he was buried with Yuheng, and his jaw dropped.

“You are crazy, aren’t you trying to step on the face of the royal family of Xuanji? She is the queen of Xuanji anyway! She is going to enter Anling!”

“I have stepped on more than one house, so I don’t care if I step on one more.” Meng Fuyao replied lightly.

That can’t let her and Yuheng be buried together,” Tang Yizhong stammered, “Isn’t that perfect for her? “

“You were wrong,” Meng Fuyao said lightly. “That’s Cheng Quan Yuheng, not her. For a woman like her, her dream after death must be to be buried in the Anling Phoenix Coffin and enjoy the incense of the Xuanji Royal Family Temple forever? I will not give it.”

Zong Yue, who has been silent since Queen Xuanji’s death, trembled slightly beside her.

Meng Fuyao’s eyes flashed, did not say anything, but said to Tang Yizhong: “It’s time to see Tuqiongdi, Tang Xiaogong, now please make a choice, or lend you a hundred thousand troops from Beijing I solve the problem, or I will spend a little bit of work, use Dahanjun to solve the problem, you can figure it out.”

“What else is there to say.” Tang Yizhong shrugged, “I will listen to whomever the jade seal is in.”

“Oh?” Meng Fuyao squinted at him, “Where is the imperial edict?”

“The imperial edict?” Tang Yizhong smiled, “the imperial edict has not been covered with a jade seal yet!”

“That’s good, let’s go.” Meng Fuyao got on the horse and left without looking at the two, just follow you.

It’s a good thing that she didn’t rush people. Those two wouldn’t mind her bad attitude.

Enter the palace from the back road of the Palace of the Tenth Empress, the nearest from the north palace gate, and from that palace gate, you must first pass the northwest corner of the palace.

Meng Fuyao had gone straight to the main hall, but suddenly stopped before a fork in the road.

She tilted her head slightly and looked at one of the bushes.

Behind the cluster of trees is a closed flower wall, across the flower wall, is the palace that carries her memory.

Meng Fuyao stood for a long time, remembering how he suddenly discovered this palace that night, and suddenly if he realized something, he said, “Changsun Wuji, you arranged for the shadow that led us to the abandoned palace that night. People?”

Changsun Wuji nodded behind her and said: “Yes.”

Meng Fuyao smiled, thinking he wanted to see how much he remembered, right? However, later he wanted to drag himself away…Zhang Sun Wuji made a decision all his life, but he was also a contradiction in this matter.

She sighed, and suddenly pushed aside the bushes and walked in.

Changsun Wuji followed, but Zong Yue froze in front of the bushes.

Chang Sun Wuji glanced back at him and suddenly said: “Some things will become carbuncle after a long period of time. Whether to cure the sore, or to let it poison your heart, you choose.”

Zong Yue closed his eyes slightly, and silently swept across the bushes.

Meng Fuyao has crossed the flower wall, pushed open the palace gate, and walked across the dusty floor. There are footprints on the dusty dust. They were left by her and Changsun Wuji at night.

The last footprint was under the window of the penthouse, where she glanced at the cabinet and automatically closed the memory.

Meng Fuyao walked over gently, and her footprints coincided with those of the previous day. She stood calmly in front of the window, then walked around the window, opened the door and walked in.

At first glance, I saw the cabinet behind the tent.

Black, old, dusty after fourteen years.

The cabinet is half-hidden behind the curtain, exactly like the second painting by Lao Lu.

Meng Fuyao squatted down in front of the cabinet. The lock on the cabinet was gone. The door of the cabinet was half open. There was a split seam at the top. There were some blackened cotton wool and rags inside, which were made by rats. Nest, exuding an unbearable smell.

Jang Sun Wuji suddenly turned his head away.

Zong Yue leaned against the door frame. The door was really dirty, full of gray and cobwebs, but he didn’t seem to notice it at all. The whole person sank in the gray-yellow light and shadow, mottled and blurred.

Meng Fuyao got into the cabinet suddenly and silently.

She got into the cabinet, shrank her bones to the size of a child, closed the cabinet door gently, and then looked out from the top of the split seam in the cabinet.

She looked at the bed.

Zhang Sun Wuji shook, leaning forward, and he stepped forward as if he wanted to pull her out, but he stopped halfway through his hand, drew an arc in the air, and fell silently and stiffly.

Zong Yue’s face grew whiter and bluer, leaning on the door frame, as if he was about to hand all the weight of his body to the already crumbling door.

Meng Fuyao looked at the bed.

The oil lamp was lit there, shaking.

…She was waiting for his mother in the closet. Old Road had already left. When he touched her, she suddenly remembered that she could move today, so she went down and bit the finger severely. Old Road howled and jumped away. I went to find medicine and cloth.

Then I heard noisy voices. A large group of people suddenly rushed in. There were people standing under the windows and doors. Numerous feet walked up and down in front of her. Then there was silence, and then someone was wearing them. Ding Dong, come here.

The gold and red luxurious skirt was swept across the blue brick floor, as if afraid that the ground would stain the long skirt, two maids bent and led the skirt to follow along.

The skirt stopped in front of the cabinet. She shrank, thinking that the cabinet would be opened for the third time today, but the owner of the skirt snorted and passed.

Immediately, she heard a somewhat sharp female voice, saying: “Bring up that **** Xu Wan!”

She opened her eyes wide in panic, and heard the struggling sound of a whimper. It seemed that people’s mouths were blocked. She was naturally familiar with that voice. She could tell the mother who spoke with her every night, even if she hummed.

She couldn’t see her feet. Those cloth shoes walked around, they were all **** shoes.

Then I heard the sound of people being weighed on to bed again, and the sharp female said: “Take off this bitch, let my palace see what body she uses to charm Your Majesty!”

The sound of fabric tearing, she closed her eyes and bit her lip.

Suddenly there was heat in the air again. Someone clanged and moved the bucket over. It was hot water, and there was a slight sound of iron collision.

“Is this the body?” The female voice slowly smiled, “The rosy skeleton, the beauty and the white bones, now I have taken this skin off for you. I wonder if I can still charm your Majesty?”


The sound of hot water splashing on her heart, she trembled, and then felt a huge cold in the heat, and the sound of struggling on the bed became more and more intense, but the female voice was laughing, and said,” Remove the gag cloth, I want to listen to the groan of this stubborn hoof, is it the same as being on the bed?”

As soon as the cloth was taken away, Xu Wan’s screams erupted like a volcano, and the entire palace seemed to tremble.

“Comb! Give me a comb!” The female voice said fiercely, “Let this shameless **** seduce your Majesty, take a good look at her own rotten meat!”

“Evil woman–” Xu Wan’s skin and flesh have been scalded, staring at her in the flesh and blood, struggling to curse, “You will also die in shame!”

“Really? It’s a pity that you can’t let this palace die in shame, no one can.” The woman sneered, suddenly tilted her head, and said, “This is such a good show, how can you not let anyone who should see it see it? Come on, split the cabinet for me.”

There was a flash of lightning in front of me, and a cut was made on the cabinet, just in time for people to see the seam of the bed.

She trembled.

What’s on the bed…

A lump of blood…a lump of meat…a lump of human frames gradually revealing bones…the iron comb is lifted and dropped…takes up the broken meat…the blood drains and stains the entire mattress until it is soaked in the wood It will never change…Xu Wan’s sorrowful cry is purple and blood red, like a violent wind, and it flies in pain on all sides, crashing into the entire empty and breathless palace…

Flush…Flush…The worst torture I’ve ever heard of in my previous life happened to the woman who gave birth to her, raised her and protected her for five years!

And she was in such darkness, watching this scene happen!

She squatted in the cabinet, with her back leaning on a cold wooden board, like leaning on an iceberg in the sky, so cold and so cold, dark mixed with blood red, swirling and rolling down, hula la wrapped her, The sticky blood plasma entangled her tightly, pulling out her heart, liver and five internal organs, tearing her pieces to pieces…

“Hey…it’s not early, your majesty is probably looking for me.” Under the dim light of the oil lamp, the beaded woman suddenly turned her head and looked in her direction with unexplained expression.

On her side, in a direction that was originally blocked by her body, suddenly turned out of the handsome young man in white. The delicate and shining muscles and bones, the elegant and alienated Queen Xiang Xuanji, bowed slightly and said, “Auntie, give it to I’ve taken care of it.”

“Yeah.” Queen Xuanji patted him, “Yue’er, don’t let that woman die too soon, let me continue her life, let her have a taste, and remember to cut the grass and remove the roots.”

The young man bowed silently.


Meng Fuyao suddenly pushed open the cabinet door vigorously.

She pushed so violently that the cabinet door fell apart with a bang, and the cabinet broke into pieces and fell to the ground cracklingly.

The cabinet that held the darkest memory of her childhood after five years of closing her, finally collapsed after fourteen years.

Meng Fu shook her head without looking back, and went straight to the bed. The bed was already black, because it was soaked with Xu Wan’s blood, decayed and decayed, she lifted the black bedding that was torn apart by the tentacle. Feeling in the seam of the bed for a while.

After a long while, she retracted her hand and found a small cloth bag with words on it. Inside the cloth bag was the little jade lotus flower.

The jade lotus is no longer a jade lotus, it is pale red all over. The jade veins were soaked in blood back then and became a blood lotus.

Meng Fuyao held the little one in his palm, and suddenly shook it coldly. The blood lotus jumped away and rolled a few times on the ground, just rolling to the feet of Zong Yue.

Zong Yue stared at the blood lotus flower. For some reason, his fingers trembled. Meng Fuyao had already walked straight past Zong Yue, squeezing past him without stopping, the door was narrow and rotten. After such a squeeze, the door frame creaked and fell. Zong Yue stretched out his hand to block her, but he fell into ashes, but Meng Fuyao walked over without looking.

She went straight to the outside of the palace gate, kicked the wall, and banged the plaque hanging on the palace gate. It fell and hit the ground. Meng Fuyao stepped forward and wiped the thick dust off the plaque with his feet, two big characters Revealed:

“Smoke Ling”

Yanling Palace.

Meng Fuyao kicked again, this time more fierce and fierce, where the palace wall that has not been repaired for a long time can withstand her so supernatural kick, it fell all over.

The palace wall collapsed, and the dust was filled with smoke. Meng Fuyao couldn’t avoid it, standing in the gray and yellow dust, looking around.

Her eyes suddenly freeze.

Under the palace wall on the left, a corner of a cloth bag is exposed.

Looking at the cloth bag, Meng Fuyao trembled, but she gritted her teeth immediately and strode over.

She squatted down, peeled away the dirt with her hands, and untied the knots of the cloth bag.

A white and miserable skeleton fell into her eyes.

Xu Wan.

Xu Wan buried under the wall of Yanling Palace for 14 years.

Fourteen years later, she saw the sky again and finally met her daughter in this lifetime.

The wind is blowing from far away, and the spring breeze can be so cold, whimpering and whimpering with the **** and dark breath of a nightmare fourteen years ago.

Meng Fuyao hugged the bony remnant and stood foolishly under the half palace wall until the cold bones were in her arms, and the hard and cold bones pressed against her heart. She persisted until now. Her calmness finally broke the embankment slowly. She began to tremble, the more violent and violent the shaking became and the more unstoppable, she slowly knelt down along the palace wall, kneeling in front of the small pit where the cloth bag was buried.

Suddenly, there was a “crash” and tears flowed all over his face.

So many tears, tears that have been frozen in my heart since I learned the truth that night. At this moment, it finally burst through the embankment of my heart like a flood, and she cried unshielded, tearing her heart apart. Lung crying, crying with convulsions, crying in the dark, spring-like tears dripping on the bones in the hands, dyeing the bones thoroughly, and heaved up a bit, pressing heavily on the heart, like sharp broken bones. The poking, the pain that penetrates the heart.

…The wall has been pressed for so many years…I am tired of you…

…The wicked woman was really ashamed and died…Your daughter avenged you…

…I’m fine now…The most noble of the Wuzhou Continent…Wang…

…I’m sorry…I once blamed you for abandoning me and didn’t want to find you…I’m sorry…

…In the next life, stay away from the palace…

The moonlight gradually rises, and a faintly blue afterimage outlines the depth and shallowness of the broken palace wall, and sees the woman in black who kneels and weeps in front of the abandoned palace; sees the famous moving five continents. King Dahanmeng of the country, at this moment the most bleak state of mind in his life.

A long time later, she carefully gathered the cloth bag, held it in her arms, and stood up.

Then she suddenly turned her head.

Staring at Zong Yue.

Staring at Zong Yue, who has been frozen under the dust of the door frame since Xu Wan’s bones were found by Meng Fuyao.

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