Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 9: The sturdy queen

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In the early morning, most of Yingying and Yanyan in Xuanyuan harem got up.

This early morning, very early—the ugly time is at the end.

There is no way, because the new queen has a decree, she has to get up and exercise at the time of the day. After doing exercises, she will probably take a bath and rest. Most of the time she rests is the usual time. Please peace time, that’s not possible. It’s important, so, damsels, don’t sleep, anyway, when there was no queen before, you would sleep too much.

So the concubines who have always been accustomed to getting up when the sun shines are struggling with great pain. They have to get up when they are ugly, and it takes an hour to dress up, which is equivalent to not sleeping all night.

Of course, just as there is no lack of brain damage and rebellion in any era, Xuanyuan harem naturally has pioneers of the era who reject kitsch.

The pacemaker of this era was the most beloved concubine before entering the palace.

Xian Fei Gao, after the founding minister of Xuanyuan, the daughter of Wang Xipingjun Wang, who was a different surname. This prince was known for his profound righteousness and flexible vision. As a close friend of the original Prince Yi, he mastered all the important affairs of Prince Wen Yi and turned around. It was sold to Xuanyuan Sheng, and then still a cronies.

The regent has a natural grace for the Gao family, and even the concubine Gao Xian is also the lord of the sixth house in the palace. She walks sideways and looks at people with her nose. The palace people around her change it like a stubble of leeks. Those who are either dead, or sent to such hardships as Huanyisi, so that when the palace lady **** heard that he was going to enter the Jingchun Palace, it was like being given a lot of wine, and she hurriedly held hands with her friendly companions to see tears in her eyes. Farewell.

The palace has been bullied by concubines for a long time. When the new queen enters the palace, he naturally inevitably takes the opportunity to blow the air, expecting the new queen, who is said to be very temperamental, to take action. The new queen seems to be sleeping rather than sleeping, and faintly answered: “Oh.”

Everyone was disappointed–it turned out to be a decoration.

The first time I saw the queen, it was supposed to be crawling too. But the concubine Xian sent a maid the day before, saying that she was unwell, so she would like to please her sister another day.

At that time, Meng Fuyao listened, smiled, and said: “Tell you master, you should be treated if you are sick, and go.”

The lady of the palace went back and retelled it as it was. The concubine Gao Xian, who was dressed in beautiful clothes, was standing idle in front of the window to enjoy the flowers. There was a special greenhouse in her palace, which was cultivated daily by top domestic gardeners. Staggered seasonal flowers often bloom in front of her precious window papers in silver and red cicada wing gauze, and compete with a room of splendor. The concubine and empress do not need to get up, and can smell the fragrance of flowers that cannot be seen in the cold winter in the twelfth lunar month.

But she is not in a good mood today-her favorite peony flower, but the gardener couldn’t make it bloom, so she became angry and made the gardener fertilizer and ordered the eunuchs to find another one. The gardener comes. ’

When the maid recounted the empress’s decree, she raised her lips, sneered, stretched out her sapphire armoured finger, and gently pinched a green chrysanthemum that was hard to cultivate.

She slowly tore the precious chrysanthemum in her hand, until she pulled it into a bald stem, and then said lightly: “She knows the current affairs.”

Then she went to bed, and tomorrow morning she was going to get up again at the end of the hour as usual.

At the end of the ugly period, all the concubines in the palace have arrived at Chongxing Palace, the queen’s bedroom, and those above the noble concubine have a seat in the outer hall. Those below the concubine can only kneel in the courtyard. The winter night is heavy and the sky is snowy. Kneeling in the hall against the cold wind, only kneeling a group of pampered harem women into shivering wind grass.

In the outer hall, although the scent of pepper mud and the warm charcoal can’t bear the crime, Meng Fuyao won’t let them relax. He has other sins of his own-the noble women sit stiffly, Yu Feijian Xue was uncomfortable and half lowered her head-her position was arranged very bizarre, with noble concubine Tang Yiguang on the left, concubine Hua Zhirong on the right, her second on the left, and concubine Situ Linyun on the right.

It’s almost…arranged.

According to the order of the four concubines of the Noble Shuxian and the Virtuous Concubine, except for Tang Yiguang’s position, the other three were wrong. She was supposed to be ranked third from the left, but now she is in the position of the Concubine.

This is going to be known to Concubine Gao Xian. It is another storm. Jian Xue said in her heart, who said that Empress Xin is a simple character? Before she appeared, only the seat arranged by the mother had already pushed her and Hua Zhirong on the opposite side of the crowd, and pushed her in front of Concubine Gao Xian.

At this moment, she was shrouded in the strange eyes of the concubines in a palace, and she was fidgeting like long needles. Seeing Hua Zhirong didn’t care about it, Tang Yiguang only sneered at the snacks in her sleeves. She could not help but sneer secretly.

Then I thought of sending supplements to Yuwenzi that day, but afterwards I sneezed inexplicably after the election and missed the position of the queen and the fourth concubine. Isn’t that a coincidence?

Jane Xue couldn’t help but shudder thinking about this.

Suddenly, Concubine Shu on the other side smiled and said, “Is sister Jane cold? It’s freezing in this cold weather.”

Jian Xue reluctantly raised her head and smiled: “Sister Xie Shu cares, sister, please take care of her body.”

Concubine Shu carelessly looked at her delicately maintained nails in front of the light, and said lightly: “This palace is a rough person, and has always been resistant to it. Unlike sister Yu, who is made of real jade, she will be exposed to the cold. No, I heard that my sister caught a cold on the day after the election?”

Jane Xue’s face changed suddenly. Sneezing on the day after the election was a shame for her life. These women really refused to let it go!

“Concubine Yu is really a delicate person. No wonder your majesty is so pitiful. I heard that a snot hit the palm of your majesty, and your majesty was not angry.” The next noble concubine covered his mouth and smiled.

“That’s the jade concubine De Rong’s speech, your majesty loves and has pity, you and me are waiting for you and me, don’t talk about your nose, even if you speak a little, it is impossible.”

“…The snot empress, not everyone deserves…”


Talking and talking, laughing and feasting, harem women have always been the most boring group of creatures in the world. In addition to studying how to make themselves more beautiful, they are studying how to make their opponents more embarrassed, with a gentle tongue, a knife, a sad word, a knife Stabbing, they only pick the softest piece of the enemy and poke hard.

Jian Xue was in the center of the siege. Seeing the ridicule springs overwhelming the sky, she was trembling with anger, and she looked at Hua Zhirong cold-eyed and watched the show. Tang Yiguang was stupidly eating snacks, feeling bitter, and the three fell into the new queen trap at the same time. The two of them didn’t know how to help each other, leaving her alone to fight, why bother!

Look at the enmity around you, and the two who entered the palace at the same time are as stupid as cows and horses, and then think of the queen on the queen’s throne who used one seat to force her into danger, and there is no one in sight. Jian Xue feels cold. , I instantly remembered what my grandmother, who was knowledgeable and profound, said before entering the palace.

“Don’t be stupid and intervene in palace disputes. Xuanyuan’s palace disputes are more sinister than any country’s palace disputes, because it is no longer a woman’s favor, but a country’s imperial power. Now the situation is turbulent, and your Majesty is not as lonely as you think. , The family tied behind each imperial concubine, the glory and loss are instantaneous, and the impermanence, don’t fight, if you are forced to fight, choose the most ruthless one to follow!”

Choose the most ruthless…

In an instant, Jian Xue made a decision in her heart.

She raised her head and said with a smile: “It’s so embarrassing to say that, my sister had a cold that day, she did it on purpose.”


Jian Xue stood up, bowed abruptly to the throne, and said: “Since Jian Xue saw the queen in the primaries, she felt that the queen was graceful and majestic, and she did not dare to compete with the queen, so she voluntarily gave up. “

She spoke solemnly and sincerely, but the concubines all showed contempt and unbelief, ah, ah, I have seen shameless patrons, I have never seen such shameless!

Jian Xue sat down with a smile, her expression still–not for you.

The undercurrents in the outer hall are raging, but there is a different view in the hall. The weather is too cold and there is no energy to play tricks. The concubines knelt for a long time and there was no movement. Those nobles filled Xiuyuan and the beautiful people looked at the courtyard. No one began to move around. They were timid, holding the mat with both hands and changing their legs, and the brave climbed up directly, leaning on the wall, and stomping through the hall.

“This cold weather, toss people!”

“Bake it for a charcoal stove anyway.”

“Come on, you guys want you to kneel and return the charcoal stove!”

“I heard that this master was not favored in Changning Mansion at the beginning? Eighty percent of my children kneeled a lot. Now that Feng Shui turns around, let us have a taste!”

“Sister, you are too polite. Sister, I’m worried. Does this master know the charcoal stove? Don’t you still have not recognized all the supplies in the palace? Hehe…”




The sudden voice suddenly joined their discussion with great interest, and asked: “Charcoal stoves, I heard that the North doesn’t use charcoal stoves. They heat the kang.”

“That’s,” the most active Liu 嫔. Although his father’s position is not high, he is a figure in the real power in the DPRK. He is a servant of the military department arsenal and is in charge of the military treasury. He is regarded as an official of the Regent Nobuyuki. Naturally, Liu 嫔The tide is rising, the boat is rising, and she speaks loudly. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall and rubbed her waist, and said casually, “I heard that the north are all big kangs. When a room is to the side, men and women sleep together and roll all over the floor.”

“Ah…really, there is such a way of sleeping?” the person continued to ask enthusiastically.

“Yes,” Liu Bi curled his lips in disdain, “I don’t know who will be on the bed where our empress is sleeping? Brother? Brother? Grandpa? Haha.”

She laughed happily, but didn’t notice that the surrounding area had gradually calmed down. The chattering just now died out, and the atmosphere was strangely quiet.

“I don’t think it’s okay to sleep with my brother, grandpa is not so good.” The man put forward his opinions sincerely.

“What do you know?” Liu Yan curled his lips, “Grandpa, grandpa is still polite, father-in-law has a daughter-in-law quilt! The third young master of Yuwen family in Changning Prefecture, not because of Is this suicide? Family school origin, haha,” she smiled and put down her waist massaging hand, turned her head and said: “Your sister is so innocent and cute…”

She choked suddenly and slowly opened her eyes.

Behind him, all the concubines in the yard have kneeled back to their place obediently, but there is one person, no powder, simple and high-beamed long hair, wearing a simple and weird short outfit, steaming heat all over his head, smiling with negative hands Looked at her.

Seeing her turning her head, the person smiled and said: “Say, keep talking, why don’t you say it?”

Liu 嫔 was shaking her lips—she could see her identity from the surrounding eyes and the accessories on the waist of the woman in front of her, and just…just now…just now, what did she say when she was teased by the queen?

Slowly rethinking what was said just now, Liu Yu shook like a thunder, and knelt down as soon as his legs were soft, tears streaming down: “Manny… Niang Niang… slave maid ignorant… nonsense… slave maid …The slave slaps her mouth!” She was cruel, raised her hand and slapped herself in the slap. The sound of skin-to-flesh clashes was clear, and the concubines who heard kneeling all leaned down deeper, Liu’s wife trembled and looked up beggingly. With Meng Fuyao.

Meng Fu shook his hand, leaned slightly, looked at her with a smile, and said nothing.

Liu Yu was helpless and had to slap again. Meng Fuyao remained still, smiling, and did not speak. He waited until she slapped her face until her face was blue and swollen, and then slowly said: “Sister Liu is so scared to do? My palace just ran. On a lap, the breath hasn’t been evenly adjusted, and you have slapped before you can speak… Why bother?”


Liu 嫔 was lying on the ground, tears bursting, and the man said heartlessly: “Oh, look at this thin skin and tender flesh, it’s so ugly…”

Liu 嫔 has no strength to cry, lying on the ground, faintly resentful, but dare not show it on her face, hearing the queen’s steps, she seems to be leaving the yard, she can’t help but see the queen leisurely After walking in a circle, he slowly stood down and said: “Oh, I have nothing to do.”

The girls are not knowing why, Meng Fuyao is already asking the female officer beside him: “What is the charge for slandering against the mother of the country?”

The female officer bowed and said: “Go back to your mother, give yourself suicide, and demote your mother.”

She said calmly, and all the concubines were stunned, and Liu Wei looked back abruptly.

Meng Fuyao met her gaze with a smile, and said mildly: “So I said Sister Liu, you are too active, what crime have you committed, and your own French law punishes you, why bother to slap you? Look, didn’t you fight more.”


All the concubines turned pale, and Liu Yu, who never expected a few words to cause him to kill him, raised his head in disbelief, looked up at Meng Fuyao in horror, and came into contact with Meng Fuyao’s calm and cold eyes. , But her heart sank to the bottom in an instant. She opened her mouth, and slowly trembled all over her body, shaking like a sieve, shaking like a flag in the wind, shaking and shaking under Meng Fuyao’s feet.

Meng Fuyao only looked at her with a smile – Liu Shilang heard that he loved this daughter very much, and was reluctant to send her into the palace at the beginning. Now, I don’t know what he thinks?

“No–” Liu Bi finally reacted from the huge blow, and rushed forward, holding Meng Fu’s clothes corner with tears, and banging his head repeatedly: “Manny, empress, The slave and maid convicted, the empress forgive, forgive—”

“Who said you want you to die?” Meng Fuyao said lightly and beat Liu Yan again. The repeated loose and tight kneading made her lose her strength in her heart and soul. She knelt down and listened to the empress. Compassionately said: “Be good, God has the virtue of being good. Although you speak rebelliously and do not humiliate my family, but just a few words will kill you. It’s not good… bad…”

Liu Yan looked up at her blankly, wanting to be happy but not daring—who knows what terrible words will come out of that mouth?

“But your mouth is really bad. It’s not good. I heard that I used to like to make jokes about palace affairs and relatives?” Meng Fuyao didn’t look at her, his eyes trembled at all Ji Lingling. Concubine, “Talking too much, the misfortune comes from the mouth, and sooner or later it will bring you a murderous misfortune, this palace cannot bear that you will come to a dead end, so let’s help you…”

She was lazy and said: “Sew your mouth.”

The whole hall was quiet, and there was a cowardly concubine who began to cry in fright. Liu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at Meng Fuyao, who was smiling. He shook and passed out.

Meng Fuyao kicked her away, glanced away, and beckoned to a woman: “Yang Chongrong, you come.”

The woman who was called was so gray that she didn’t dare to get up, crawled over on her knees, bowed her head and said in a low voice: “Manny…”

“Liu’s mouth, please sew it.” Meng Fuyao said as simple as eating, “Your sisters have a good friendship, so they naturally know the severity, which saves people from having rough hands and feet and hurting sister Liu’s face.”

Yang Chongrong’s face was a bit more ugly than Liu Yan, lying on the ground, and struggling for a long while to come out with an inaudible sentence: “…Yes.”

“Go to the house over there, don’t scare the sisters.” Meng Fuyao nodded in satisfaction and motioned to the **** to take them over. After thinking about it, he said: “The lip film is not easy to sew, it can be branded. Brand and sew.”

She waved her hand, and a **** went in with a hot red soldering iron. The hot red thing flashed in the dark courtyard like bloodthirsty ghost eyes, and all the concubines were biting their lips, as if The horrible thing was pressed on the skin of his lips, burning from the lips to the bottom of my heart, and even my heart was burnt.

They held their breath and watched the **** close the door, and within a short while, there was a scream that changed its voice in the room.

The voice was sobbing blood, tearing the heart and lungs, and the huge pain was like a terrifying black hole. It sucked people’s minds upside down, and there was a faint smell of urine in the air, mixed with light Shallow **** breath.

There was a dead silence, Meng Fuyao did not speak, all the people in Chongxing Palace did not speak, kept absolutely quiet, listening like appreciation, leaving all the blood, suffocation, oppression, and heaviness of this moment to these patrons of the past. No one gave them a trace of embarrassing concubine.

The concubines knelt with pale faces, silent, some of the concubines fainted directly, and some of the concubines gradually blurted out an ambiguous liquid.


The door of the house that screamed and screamed in pain was suddenly knocked open. Yang Chongrong ran out of his bloodshot clothes with disheveled eyes, yelling: “I can’t—I can’t—forgive me—forgive me— —”

She didn’t even salute Meng Fuyao, nor looked at anyone. She ran out wildly with her eyes straight, knocking over the courtyard door, knocking down the flowerpot, hitting the water tank and hitting her nose and face swollen and her whole body hurt. Stumbled unconsciously and just rushed out desperately.

Meng Fu shook his hand and looked at it, and said lightly: “Yang Chongrong is so courageous, send her back. I don’t need to come out anymore.”

All the concubines bury their heads in the dust and listen-the two most powerful and best mates below your noble concubine, the two who have walked with their natal families the most tightly entangled with your majesty, are born today After being resolved by the Queen Empress, what the Empress Empress wanted to express could not be clearer.

Meng Fuyao stood on the steps, looking at Yang Chongrong who was running away, frowned undiscovered-she didn’t intend to be so vicious, let the dark charm scare them depending on the situation, he Didn’t you really do anything terrible?

She stared at the full yard Yingying and Yanyan–really very yingying and Yanyan, they are all stunning, absolutely worthy of the association of the title of imperial concubine, and definitely not like the photo of the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty. Sweet potatoes make people want to destroy the world. When the regent chose the concubine for Xuanyuanmin, the only criterion was beauty. The best beauty was enough to make the emperor indulge in gentleness and spirit. These women are also poor people in the end. They are the family that maintains prosperity. They can’t conceive and have children, and the only joy left is chewing their tongues as spies.

Xuanyuanmin negotiated with her that she should be the fake queen. After all, I just don’t want to get a real queen to tie him up. As for the others, if I can control the legs and mouths of these concubines, they will be everywhere. If the secret agent disappears, it is naturally the best, it doesn’t matter in fact.

He didn’t know the details of King Meng, and did he expect too much of her, but he didn’t know if Meng Fuyao was a good person to use? You use me and I use you to see who is the tumbler in the political arena. Her old man also wants to borrow this queen status to change the political situation of Xuanyuan as much as possible.

Make it mess up, but don’t make it too messy, otherwise it will be a trouble to hand it over to Zong Yue in the future… Meng Jipo frowned very much and thought about it.

She was condescending and lazily said: “Sisters.”

The concubines kowtow.

“The harem girl should be the lower order of the sky and the internal help of your majesty. Before the house was not there, you can relax a little bit. Now you have to set up rules.” Meng Fuyao said: “From then on, my sisters will Come and join the palace, embroider and weave, and hand-craft it yourself to bestow meritorious officials. It is also an extra royal gift.”

Everyone murmured secretly and did the work by themselves? Do it every other day? That’s all about embroidery, weaving? These concubines from the official residences of the Xuanyuan imperial court were all pampered and waited on at home. Have you ever done these rough jobs? However, the Queen’s reasons are fair and honest, not to mention that they can’t defy, even if the regent is here, they can’t talk about the affairs of the harem.

Looking at the conscientious concubines, Meng Fuyao nodded and said: “Let’s go away.” Turning around and heading straight into the inner hall, those few are probably over, right?

Several high-ranking concubines have already seen what happened in the yard, and their faces have been put away with arrogance. They all looked at Meng Fuyao in panic, and were shocked by the queen’s harsh methods, but Meng Fuyao treated them like a spring breeze. Warm, greeting all the way all the way, and suddenly said: “Large man.”

Previously ridiculing Jian Xue’s very proud and luxurious lady, at this moment, the call was shocked, and she hurriedly left her seat and bowed.

“Yesterday, I heard your Majesty say that in the south of the summer, the father is in charge of the household department, and all the affairs of the bank and disaster relief are in order. He is indeed a minister of the country. In order to show his reward, it is time to promote you. “Meng Fuyao smiled, “Promote to the concubine too, give the title to China.”

“Xie Niangniang!” Hua Gui was pleasantly surprised and quickly thanked her.

Meng Fuyao raised his hand and said with a smile: “It is said that the demotion of the imperial concubine is related to the honor and disgrace of the family. In fact, the family has contributed to the country, and the imperial concubine is also honored. After all the empresses are important ministers, there will always be opportunities in the future.”

Everyone should be, Yao Guibi’s face flashed a blue qi——her father is a bachelor, and Huagui’s father has always been incompatible political opponents, now Huagui’s concubine has been promoted, but she Still succumbing to the position of concubine, how can I swallow this breath?

Concubine Hua was promoted to the throne, and the faces of the concubines were different. The Xuanyuan dynasty was originally complicated. The regent was in charge of the overall situation, and he played the balance of the emperor. The two factions in the dynasty each attacked each other. In this way, the two factions are tightly controlled in their own hands, and the daughters and granddaughters of these courtiers enter the palace. Naturally, they are quite distinct.

Meng Fuyao just did not see him, drank tea leisurely, and suddenly said in surprise: “Why didn’t the concubine Xian come here?”

The concubines are stunned…Didn’t the concubine Xian take a leave of absence from you? Why did you forget so quickly?

Someone was about to speak, but Jian Xue immediately took Meng Fuyao’s words and looked around, saying: “Yes, how did my sister think that there is one missing person? It turns out that Concubine Xian didn’t come, probably… Forgot?”

Meng Fuyao glanced at her, “Oh”, said nothing, continued to drink tea, and then set aside the cup.

The concubines all got up and retired with interest. Jian Xue drew away at the end. Meng Fuyao sat on the seat and drank tea slowly, not looking at her. When the crowd cleared, Jian Xue suddenly turned around and threw herself on Meng Fu’s knees. before.

Meng Fuyao lowered his eyes and looked at her.

For a while, smiled.


The new harem enters the palace, some action.

Liu 嫔 and Yang Chongrong were both punished. Liu 嫔 has not come out in Chongxing Palace so far, and Yang Chongrong is unconscious.

Promoted luxurious men.

The concubines are going to work in Chongxing Palace the next day.

Several jewellery for the famous concubine Gao’s medicine.

This action naturally entered the eyes of the regent. Xuanyuan Sheng listened to it and thought for a while and said: “It’s really a vicious woman.”

The staff around him said: “The harem is fighting for favor.”

Xuanyuansheng thought for a while, and felt that it was the same. I can’t see what the new queen is going to do. Let’s say she is going to fix the sixth house. She just let go of the most beautiful concubine, saying she wants Let’s fight for favor with power. Huagui has been promoted again. Xuanyuan Sheng is not a weak player in politics, but he doesn’t know much about women. He smiled and said, “Why the prince should be worried, Empress Yuwen said he is your clan. Su Ri is also polite, besides, she is weak in the palace, what can she do?”

Xuanyuansheng smiled, and then left it away. Yeah, in this court palace, he belongs to his world. For more than ten years, the strength of management is intertwined. How can a little woman move?

What’s more, there is something wrong with Yuwen Ziruo… He has one last thing ready to kill, waiting for her.


When Meng Fuyao cleaned up those long-mouthed ladies in Xuanyuan Palace, Xiao Qi was holding the slip and knocked on the door of the palace in Tiejia Hutong near the palace gate.

The yawning little **** opened the door and cursed: “It’s annoying so early…” Seeing Xiao Qi was startled, and a strange color drifted across his eyes.

Xiao Qi handed over the list. The little **** was even more surprised. He looked up and down Xiao Qi’s clothes, and looked at the black fox cloak of War North Wild, which he was wearing, and then looked at the bottom of the precious cloak. Dressed in ragged clothes, Shanzi shook his face and smiled: “Oh, I’m going to do handyman in the palace? It’s not easy to get this job, it’s hard to get into the palace.”

Xiao Qi raised her head to see his gaze looking at the cloak. After thinking about it, he took off the cloak in silence and stuffed it into the hands of the eunuch.

The **** took it with a beaming eyebrow, stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiao Qi, and said: “Brother, you are good-looking, you’ll be in love with you in the future.” Xiao Qi opened his hand, the **** was not angry, and turned up. Lanhua pointed out: “I’ll tell you to go.”

After a while, he came over and said, “Gong Li is calling you.” He said to a side door: “Knife, get up, there is work to be done.”

Little Qi followed him into the yard in silence. Grandpa Li was happy to see him here, and took his hand and said, “Come on, sign the name here.”

Xiao Qi shrinks her hands, pursing her lips and said: “I can’t write.” Draw a circle casually: “I always draw circles.”

When he was a general, all documents were indeed circled.

Grandpa Li didn’t mind, he received the paperwork and asked Xiao Qi to take a bath. After the shower, he gave out a broad robe. Xiao Qi also wore it. Just after he was put on, the king knife came in with a bunch of things. Come, Sui Xiaoqi glanced at him and said: “Follow me.”

Looking at him carrying white cloth, wood, ash, bottles, bottles, cans and boxes, thinking that he was going to work, he followed him silently, followed him into a room, empty on all sides, and the windows were so tightly papered that there was no wind. Through, there is a narrow bed in the middle, and some ropes are scattered.

The king knife handed over a bowl of soup and said: “Drink first.”

The soup was dark and smelly. Xiao Qi had been wandering for a long time and became a little wary. He had a silver needle in his sleeve. No matter how poor he was, he didn’t sell it. He took it out and tried it carefully.

Wang Daozi laughed loudly: “Ha! There are also people who use silver needles to test cannabis soup!”

It’s not poisonous, Xiao Qi is also a little thirsty, and slurps down.

The soup is hot, and it has a strange taste, like nausea but not like it, but the body gradually becomes lighter, Xiao Qi suddenly feels very dizzy and heavy with eyelids.

He loosened his hand, the soup bowl fell to the ground, and was skillfully caught by the king’s knife. Then he heard the door open. A few people came in. The king knife took out a shiny machete from the bag and placed it in the candlelight. It’s grilling, saying: “Take his clothes off and get him on the bed…”

Then he didn’t know anything.


The door of the palace secretary opened with a creak.

A little **** came out sneakingly, wrapped a bulging bag with cloth under his armpit, and the gap revealed a shimmering big cloak tip.

He touched the big cloak with satisfaction, and he was very proud that he made a big pen today. When he becomes a pawnshop, he can take a gamble after changing his money.

On winter mornings, there are few pedestrians, and the ground is covered with shallow ice. The little **** walked along the outer palace wall, carefully avoiding the frozen places. However, his double-beam cotton shoes were worn for a long time, and the bottom It was thin and slippery, and still “bang” as I walked.

The burden flew out, scattered, and the cloak rolled out. The little **** was anxious and went to pick it up, but suddenly a person came over and picked up the cloak quickly.

The little **** yelled: “That man, that belongs to our family!”

“Yours?” The other party raised his head, with a straight nose and a straight face with a strange expression, “Yours?”

“Of course!”

As soon as the man stretched out his hand, he banged his head with a fist: “Say it’s yours again!”

The punch was slammed down like a hammer, and the little eunuch’s head buzzed, and he felt that his head had been knocked into his neck. All the stars he saw last night flew in front of him.


“Bang!” Another punch.

“Do you kind of say it again?”

The little **** is howling…We don’t mean to say “mine.” We mean to say “I won’t say anymore” ah…

The man looked at the big cloak again and again, kicking him impatiently: “Quickly tell me where it came from.”

The little **** was tearful, shrinking his neck, and pointed to the man behind him: “A kid who is going to be a handyman **** to honor me…”

“Nonsense!” The man shouted so shocked that the little **** **** out, “What is his identity, and honor you?”

“What status?” The little **** was shocked, “A poor boy, what status?”

“Poor boy?” The man asked in surprise: “What does it look like?”

The little **** choked and said, the man’s face became heavier as he listened, and he muttered for a long while: “Little Qi?”

He raised his head and looked at the palace wall behind him-he was thrown by his **** unscrupulous master, and spent a long time in the regent’s mansion. Only yesterday did he get the message left by the master and went to the palace to do it. The queen is now, he is thinking about entering the palace. He doesn’t want to see the Greatcloak of Zhan Beiye here. The clothes of Zhan Beiye are different from others. Most of his clothes have flame-shaped dragon totems on the inside. No one can copy them. In the hands of a little **** Seeing Zhan Beiye’s clothes, it was really weird, so I naturally wanted to ask. I didn’t want to ask about it. I actually asked the horrible news-Xiao Qi was going to be an eunuch?

Tiecheng made a “buzz” in his mind. He naturally knew that Xiao Qi was expelled. Now he can guess why Xiao Qi wants to enter the palace, but he really wants to give him this way. Entering the palace, the consequences are really too tragic. He doesn’t care about the battle of Beiye, at least his master, that is definitely a nightmare for a lifetime.

Silly Xiaoqi! You are not an atonement, you are a harm!

Tiecheng grabbed the little **** as his chest.

“Where is he? Take me to find him!”


The time was pulled back to ten days ago, when the Vanilla flowers were floating and sinking on the remote mountain surrounded by clouds. Three more days and nights passed after the conversation between the master and the apprentice.

The Jiuqu Corridor is foggy, and the twists and turns are deep and I don’t know where it came from or where it went, and the plain-clothed figure knelt silently among the smoke and light, indifferent.

The figure of Fen Tuan Tuan suddenly flashed and appeared on the eaves beam above the kneeling man. With a flick of her finger, Tai Yan struck her back with a little red light, and shouted: “Punished person, what sleep It’s a blasphemy against the will of the uncle!”

The grandson Wuji shook and raised her head. Just as she was about to say something, Taeyeon suddenly turned around and disappeared. At the same time, she appeared silently in the mist and clouds.

Changsun Wuji lowered his head.

“Wou-Ki, you still haven’t figured it out?” The old man with a high crown had an ancient face in the fog, and his expression still couldn’t see the sadness and joy.

The long-term Sun Wuji remained motionless, silent, his long clothes spread out, there was snow under his knees, and fine frost accumulated between his eyebrows.

The old man stared at him in silence, sighed silently for a while, and said: “I used to like your temperament, now…” He turned around and said: “Get up.”

Changsun Wuji leaned over: “Thank you, Master.” But he didn’t get up immediately. The old man didn’t look back, but knew that he was actually unable to get up temporarily.

At the top of Jade Mountain, the world was extremely cold. I knelt down for three days and three nights, and ordinary people died early.

With a flick of his sleeves and a surge of air currents, Changsun Wuji used his fingertips to slowly stand up, supporting the pillar behind him.

“Why?” The old man’s tone was slightly tired.

“Father is not in good health.” Long Sun Wuji said indifferently: “Those who are sons of man must serve the side of his father’s sick bed.”

“The elders have already made concessions to you and allow you to go in and out of the mortal world, but if you take this position, it will not prevent you from fulfilling your filial piety. In the future, if you will become an emperor and will not interfere with you, what else will you do?”

“Master is still healthy in spring and autumn, Promise does not dare to overstep.”

“I have reached the realm of the immortal earth. After the last catastrophe of the red dust, the endless realm is the place I should go. If it weren’t for your uncle’s uncle Taiyan’s line of fighting forever, it would have been The biography is in you, and now I have managed to convince the elders, but you are so stubborn, Promise, you…you can’t fulfill your master and take over in advance?”

The grandson Wuji fell silent and said for a while: “Master, this is not Wuji to bear.”

The old man’s fingers trembled slightly, turned around, and the golden light in his eyes flashed brightly, and the sun rose again like a sea of ​​clouds in an instant, the radiance seemed to shoot into the bottom of Changsun Wuji’s heart: “Wuji… are you afraid? What?”

The eldest son Wuji didn’t change his expression and replied: “Wuji is afraid that because of himself, he will cause evil, split the door, get up and down, and cost the sinner through the ages.”

“Really…” The old man looked at him deeply, and sighed for a long while, “I was so easy to leave. I wanted to solve this problem, but I was disturbed by you…nothing…you Let’s go.”

He stopped paying attention to Sun Wuji, and sat down cross-legs, brushing his five fingers, and numerous transparent air currents protruded from his palms. The clouds of mist and the Brahma flowers seemed to be attracted by the true power rising from his palms, and clusters of clusters rotated towards him. The five fingers approached, and finally turned into a huge portal.

The heaven and the earth are the curtain, the sea of ​​clouds is the barrier, the door is deep, and there is no fairy.

He closed again.

Changsun Wuji sighed silently, his body softened and fell back.

Someone behind him held him with some cold fingers, and that person also sighed in relief but faintly helpless.

Jiangsun Wuji took the hands that held him, turned his head with difficulty, and looked at a remote place under the lonely mountain in Yucheng.



I almost forgot to declare that the plot in the article about the heating of Kang in the north is required for the plot, and there is no regional bias. Please don’t mind the readers in the north. I actually like the north. The south is too wet.

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