Life Mission Chapter 99:

Life Mission
Volume 4 Chapter 99

Hercules had the booster on, but lowered its speed as it approached the corner, drifted and accelerated . It is rushing to the engine room .

The map to get there is saved in its artificial intelligence hardware . He had left to get there upon Lim Si Hyun’s command to get to the engine room in the shortest time possible .

It did not go below 60-70km/hour and destroyed any obstacles in front . Like this, it was able to go a distance in a short amount of time when it would have normally taken half a day .

-[Enemy appearance! Battle mode!]


Hercules changed the vibrating weapon to a buster as it was running . It is more effective to crush a parasite than to cut it .

The left hand is the buster and the right is a flame thrower . The flame thrower must be used carefully . If the engine room catches fire, the ark will be in danger .

The front is blocked by a large door . Heat seeps out of it, contrary to the freezing sleeping room . It can clearly sense something inside .


Hercules turned the buster on the door as he approached it . Its body hit the place where a deep depression was made .

As soon as it destroyed the door, the infection pocket was inside as if it had been waiting for Hercules to come .

Just as cyborgs have sensors, mutants also have senses .

-[Kill the enemy!]

When Hercules tried to lift the buster, a thick tentacle swiped at its chest . Hercules went flying back at the tremendous impact .

Bang bang bang!

Being thrown out of the room was faster than the time it had taken to go in through the doors . Hercules rolled back like a can and stopped when it hit a wall .

The infection pocket comes out of the room . It likes warmth, but it had become too hot when the engine had been activated . It needs to find a new habitat .

Hercules gets up . The impact was like that of being hit by a Destroyer . It had fallen to a surprise attack, but it can just be careful from now on .

The buster fired in shots . There was a shockwave and the air **** . The infection pocket’s stretched flesh crumples like waves .

It has hundreds of tentacles . The thickness vary with thick ones and thin ones . The thick ones generally attacked while the thinner ones were used to move the body alone .

-[Calculating the attack pattern… . . Calculation complete . Tentacle-oriented monotonous attacks . ]

-[Odds for battle 99 . 9%!]

The infection pocket’s body is not suitable for battle . It was born for the purpose of breeding parasites, not to fight .

Hercules used florid movements like a boxer to avoid the tentacles . It has controlled its movements to the least .

The infection pocket produces infestors . It felt that it cannot win this way and is trying to infect Hercules, but it is of no use .

Hercules left the flame thrower on the jet function and sprayed the fire in a wide space . The fire power is low, but it is enough to burn insects to a crisp .


The buster changed into a fist and drove a nuclear punch into the infection pocket . It has enough power to go through steel . It ripped mercilessly through the flesh .

While embedded in the infection pocket, the fist became the buster again . If it cannot provide shock from the outside, it is using the judgement to dig inside .

Shots? Rather that a few shots here and there, it is time to make it throw up blood with one good hit . It is the quick fix for ones with vitality .



The infection pocket’s body expanded like a balloon and came back down . The shockwave had forced it to expand . If that much had happened to the skin, there is no need for words with the guts .

Bang bang!

Tentacles are thumping all over Hercules’ body . The metal armor looks like scrap metal, but it was not able to create much impact on the body itself .

Its vitality is as long as its body is large . It only screamed with a few shots, and did not show signs of dying . If that is the case, Hercules can fire dozens of shots .


The infection pocket’s roar of pain became a soundwave and spread far . It had been making the sounds already, but it was different this time .

It holds its fear that it really might die like this and its wishes for its children to hurry up and return .




Lim Si Hyun’s group had been moving endlessly when they stopped at a faint sound . It is the sound of Hercules fighting with the infection pocket .

If they want to provide Hercules with an unimpeded environment for battle, they need to find a good place to wait for the infection hosts . The amount that they can take on is 2 .

There would have been a lot of damage if they had not known that they were coming, but they can reduce that damage because they know where the hosts will be coming from . They could even get rid of any damages all together .

“The party will set up a booby trap . There’s no time . Finish it up within 5 minutes . ”


Lim Si Hyuk set up in a spot approximately 300 meters from the engine room . The hosts’ route overlapped with theirs . If they wait, the hosts will pass by .

Claymores are a basic and they also had grenades and fever shots . One of the parties consumed a fair amount of the bombs in setting up just one booby trap .

“Um . If all of these go off, an entire part of the ark will be destroyed . ”

A commander of the ark soldiers swallowed a moan . He knows that parasites are dangerous, but this is excessive preparation to catch 2 of them .

“Even the best need to be alive to do anything . There’s no use if we’re dead . ”

Once the parasites are taken care of, the ark can be repaired at any time with the enormous amount of materials on the ark . There is enough to construct a small town .

In a situation where they might die, they cannot neglect their preparations against the enemy just because a part of the ark might be destroyed . With everything, they need to be alive to act .


Something breaking? Cracking? The sound generated from inside is getting closer . Following that, the unpleasant sound of the infection hosts’ breathing also grew louder .


The party members line up . The Lieutenant also held up an SMG as a soldier .

Flame throwers are effective against parasites, but the distance is short . If they want to cause damage from afar, a gun is best .

The infection hosts that are close to 4m tall, are the essence of fear .

The party members were scared, but the Lieutenant who had experienced the nightmare 4 years ago was worse . It would not be a trauma if it were easily forgotten .


Pew pew pew pew!

More than 40 guns fire bullets . Regardless of penetration, the force that pushed them back was impressive . If they had been humans, they would have become sludge .


The infection hosts cover their faces and rush in . The bullets do embed, but it is not to the point where they cannot see . No matter how much they fired, they only left minor wounds .

“Set it off!”

Bang bang bang bang!

The party members got down on the ground . It is a narrow, open area, so they do not have enough cover . That is why they had set up the booby trap in a place a bit higher up .

The radius of a fever shot’s heat is set to 15m, but they always need to be careful because fragments from grenades and Claymores can go dozens of meters .

As long as they do not get hit from too close, the metal armor would protect them .


Even if they are level 4s, the damage must have been pretty severe since the bombs were fired in a small area . They were covered by fire and smoke, but it felt like they had suffered a lot of damages .

“Throw concussive shell from the head . ”


As the concussive shell went off, the fire and smoke cleared . One of the level 4s is on the ground . The other one… on the ceiling .


The infection host on the ceiling spits out infestors . Lim Si Hyuk took the automatic pistol and revolver from either side of his hips and aimed at the infestor .

Lim Si Hyuk takes position . He is Ghost Gun, who keeps the enemy in check with the automatic pistol’s rate of firing while using a big hit from the revolver to kill the enemy .


The host fell to the ground and started mutating . The infestor that came out of its brain grew to almost 1m and vomited hundreds of infestors .

“Party 1 and 2, infestors! Party 3 and 4, we’re taking on the host!”

The party split . There is no reason to overdo it . If they just hold out until Hercules kills the infection pocket, these guys are also dead .

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