Life Mission Chapter 77:

Life Mission
Volume 3 Chapter 77

It is a static space . 3 Lifers are waiting in a comfortable spot for the time they had promised to meet . It is not long now .

No one spoke first . They will bring it up once everyone has gathered .


A summons gate appears with a resonance . A Lifer in black and a Lifer wearing a red sword appeared .

“You’re here . Dark Side, Hell Sword . ”


Bloodshot welcomes them . They are on time .

“How about Tyrant?”

“He said he’s busy . 5 people are it . ”

Death Spear responded to Dark Side’s question on Tyrant’s behalf .

“It’s not bad for a first start . ”

Blood King is the one who had gathered them all together . Since those that are alike play together, these 6 people helped each other even in the virtual version .

They spent their time with PK . And they are doing the same thing in reality . What could they do? Hunting people is more fun than hunting mutants .

“Bloodshot, you said you met Glare Fire?”

“I told him a few things to get information on the world federation . It’s just what it sounds like . I didn’t get much out of him, so I just grazed the surface . ”

Blood King and Dark Side, Hell Sword and Death Spear, Bloodshot and Tyrant who is not there, they fall short as a power compared to the world federation .

However, it is bigger and stronger than any large guild . They have already gathered guild members over the past few months . All they have to do now is to get together .

If it all works out well, they will reach over hundreds of thousands . Like Blood King said, it was not bad for a start . They can build up their influence with time .

“If the individual is going to fight with the group, all that’s left is skill . ”

“I’m sick of the little guys . I want to hunt those guys as soon as possible . ”

By those guys, he meant the other 36 rankers . There is nothing better than killing someone similar to experience bliss . There is as much joy as there is risk .

They are confident that they would not lose against most of them in a one-on-one fight .

“The world federation will have gotten past 10,000 point missions . Let’s slowly get to it as well . ”

“That’s why we got together . ”

The 5 people got together to discuss certain issues, but they also mean to get over the 10,000 wall . It is enough even if Tyrant is absent .

“They slowly started to move . ”


“Overload, Weapon Master, Nine Tails, Empress Light . ”

“I saw that Overload was operating a bus . Ha ha ha! Does he not have enough points?”

“He got a middle class cyborg . If we only look at the gear, it’ll be top class . ”

4 people spoke while Blood King watched and waited for them to stop . Bloodshot must have been bored because he cut them off .

“Are you watching?”

“Keep talking . ”

“You met with Overload . You have to tell us what happened . Did you lose to him again?”

When Bloodshot held his stomach and laughed, Blood King’s eyes slanted into a glare . He looked like his glare could kill, but Bloodshot did not back down .

“It’s true . You’re going to fight me too?”

“No . I’m thinking if I should kill you . But I’ll hold back . I’m against splitting . ”

Bloodshot smiled when Blood King spoke . He does not fall behind in murder or PK . He wants to reestablish an order .

“Stop . ”

Death Spear was watching them when he stopped them . They did not meet to do this .

“The atmosphere is overheating for no reason . If you have the strength to fight each other, we should go ahead and complete a mission . Since we have a grasp of each guild’s system, let’s stop and go . ”

Hell Sword stood up . Everyone seems to be antsy . It is a waste to fight amongst themselves . They will just have to spend their efforts on killing mutants .

Blood King and Bloodshot stopped facing off and left .



-[Congratulations . You have cleared the ruins collapsed in a level D mission . ]

Cha Jun Sung was lying on his back among the rubble . He is exhausted and without strength .

A few meters away, there are 3 monsters resembling moles that are dead and ripped into pieces . Hercules was also sitting against a wall .

“We broke it . ”

He completed a 7000 point mission solo . 5 level 3 mutants came out, but he and Hercules took them all without anyone’s help .

How could this be possible? The answer is time . 2 months had passed since he met with Lim Si Hyun and Han Chang Jin . He evolved to develop .

Points are important, but his experience is in a halfway state . Rather than wasting time here and there, he decided to focus on one thing .

Lim Si Hyun thought it a pity that he had rejected, but respected his decision and did not push it further . Instead, Cha Jun Sung promised to help with the advance mission .

He needs to complete the advance mission even if it is for the Koharu sisters . It will be much easier if Seven Stars and the government combine their strength .

They had to sacrifice dozens of people, but it meant completing 10,000 points . They intend to rest for a few months and then make an attempt at an advance mission .

Cha Jun Sung brushed off the dust covered his body and went to Hercules . It is still leaning against the wall and does not stir . The aftermath of the battle must be severe .

“Get up . ”

“54 . 3% of parts damaged . Of these, 39 . 5% is focused on the lower body . Self repairing! In 5 minutes, 12% will be repaired and movement will be possible . ”

Hercules is reporting its own damage situation . It is lacking a lot of things, but it achieved the intellect of a higher cyborg because of a C class artificial intelligence function .

Outside of that, it was given basic arms and a D class energy core, restoring the Wolf Kill to Cha Jun Sung .

How many points had he used? 2 million? Regardless, he had invested a tremendous amount .

If he can just replace Hercules’ D class energy core with one that is C class, it will be completely worth its 5 million points . He is excluding arms because they are additional options .

Cha Jun Sung cleared away the wreckage that was pressing Hercules down . He is lifting rocks that weigh over hundreds of kgs with ease . It is the muscular strength of the 3rd stage of body modifications .

He cannot invest all of his points solely on Hercules . He as the Lifer needs to become the subject of the missions . He stopped at a reasonable level .

“1 . 2 million for the 4th stage, 2 million for a C class energy core . That’s 3 . 2 million combined . ”

That consumes 640,000 achievement points . Calculating it, it will take a little less than 3 months . When that time comes, it will be much easier to purchase the battle shoot .

He is the one who had made Hercules perfect and gone through the 4th stage of body modifications . A 20,000 point mission gives around 40 to 450,000? He can put his focus there .

Around then, Lim Si Hyun will be in contact regarding the advance mission .

“You made the moles into rags . Hey, 5 minutes are up . ”

They ripped at its metal armor and shell . Since its defense crumbled, it had been inevitable that it was attacked .

Its synthetic skin is hanging off of it . Hercules’ mechanical legs are visible . If it had been human, it was so severely damaged that its limbs would have had to be amputated .

Parts were repaired through medical treatment within minutes . An advanced cyborg starts to store a small medical robot and auxiliary parts in its body .

Since this could present a shortcoming by itself, Cha Jun Sung also kept a few things in his space compression bag . If he buys something, there is always somewhere to use it . He never buys anything unless there is a purpose for it .

“Repair complete . ”

Hercules used its arm as a support to stand up . Its walking is somewhat unstable . The mutants they fought this time played cheap .

They were weak for level 3, but they only attacked from underground without showing themselves . They were limited in ways to attack the mutants, so it took a lot of effort to kill them .

They need to be visible to attack, but the mutants would hide for a while if they felt the situation was not beneficial to them . Guns are of no use, and bombs did not work either .

If Hercules had not acted as bait, they would have run away .

“Let’s go get the parts . ”


On their way here, he had discovered a couple computer shops and car centers . He stopped in a few of them, and there were quite a lot of useful parts .

A special mission to take everything appeared as it had at the Biology Institute, but he had left it . The mission does not go away . There is plenty of time to complete the mission and go back .

Cha Jun Sung upgraded his space compression bag one step . It had been the size of a small pond until yesterday, but it was now like the bathroom of a normal family home .

-[You worked hard!]

-[Thank you!]

-[I will return now!]

The bus riders in his force went back . He is operating his bus right now . The day that all of Hercules’ flaws are gone is when the operation will be shut down .

“Let’s put these in . ”

He wants to take everything, but it is multiple times the space compression bag’s allowance . He will put in as much as he can fit . Calculating by points, it will come out to about 2000 .

Whenever these special missions occurred, Cha Jun Sung went back and took the bonus without hesitation . Even this turns out to be rewarding if he keeps at it .

“Even if I gather millions of points, I use all of them . ”

His points do not last when he buys this and that . Because of his continued efforts, the end was near . All he has to do is get over a few more mountains .

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