Life Mission Chapter 55:

Life Mission
Volume 2 Chapter 55


Early in the morning, a call came from Park Jin Hyuk . He was not sleeping because he called at the right time . There was regret in his voice .

-[Have you opened the lucky box?]

-[You opened yours?]

Cha Jun Sung has not even gone to the briefing room yet . He has not seen the lucky box yet, much less opened it . He had left it alone since it will not run away .

-[There’s nothing . I should have sold it and bought a gaming device . You know what came out?]

-[What is it?]

-[Ramen! Ramen came out!]

Ha ha!

Cha Jun Sung held his stomach . $100,000 was disguised as 1 point . Park Jin Hyuk voiced his anger .

-[I can’t even sell it and it’s weird to open it . ]

-[Enjoy it . ]

There is nothing as naive as dreaming for riches through gamble . Whatever the reward is, it is best without disappointment . There is more disappointment with higher expectations .

-[Anyway, you’re saying you didn’t open yours?]

-[Yeah . ]

-[Hit jackpot on my behalf too . But when do we do our next mission?]

-[How many points are left for Head Hunter?]

-[A lot . ]

-[Focus on solo missions . It’s hard to match our times together every time anyway . ]

Head Hunter is a private item sniper rifle that explodes the target .

It is a weapon specialized in sniping and genocide . Its use becomes different by purpose . If even a level 3 is hit legitimately, it could be killed with one shot .

An explosive bomb is pretty expensive, but its power is comparable to that of a grenade . It is worth the investment and they can handle that amount of points without problem .

Unless it is a difficult mission, the points they earn from solo missions are useful .

-[Alright . I think I just need 10 days . I’ll get the Head Hunter and call you . ]

-[Okay . ]

They ended the radio . It would take around that much time for Cha Jun Sung as well . If he completes 7 or 8 1500 point missions, the Wolf Blade is his .

He is thinking of applying for a piecewise force to see how they perform . A piecewise force is when several parties overlap in one force to go into a mission together .

It is as though the 100 people who enter the mission area are all strangers . It is perfect to go into with Park Jin Hyuk . The disadvantage is that they cannot guarantee safety .

Since there was no focus on matching the members, there was no proportion for the level of skill and gear .

It is a group perfect for mediocre players to linger in . There is a famous rumor that only 2 survivors emerged from a 100-person piecewise force .

Was it mission completion? Of course they had quit . There is a reason why Lifers want to go into forces in large guilds . There is a huge difference in the chance of survival .

Currently, piecewise forces are not very active due to the dangerous aspect . There are places that have fairly strict recruitment, but they are all the same .

“Lucky box, should I open mine too?”

Park Jin Hyuk lifted his vision goggles and he looked full of interest . They will receive energy from the morning sun, open the box, and contribute it to purchasing the Wolf Blade .




It is a rectangular box the size of a person’s head . A gold pattern is splendidly mixed on a white background . It looks to be expensive just by its appearance .

-[The lucky box is disposable and though it is small, the inside follows a principle similar to the space compression bag . Inside, there is an item . ]

“That means if you’re lucky enough, you could even get a tank worths tens of thousands of points?”

-[You must be very lucky . ]

“I can sense emotion in your words . ”

Odin did not respond . He becomes silent if something is not in his favor . He is called artificial intelligence, but he is sly like a fox .

“You’re saying I just need to push this button . ”

When he pressed a slightly raised, half round button, all sides of the box disappeared . There is no tremendous effect . As it opened, the item came out .

“Is it a stick?”

It is a black bar . Poking at it, it is hard . He guessed it is made of iron or an alloy . It is heavy compared to its length and thickness .

-[That is quite a feat . You have received a black iron alloy . It seems you are not a man of misfortune . ]

“Just explain it to me . ”

-[It is a material items sold in the level B store . Its strength and resiliency is a few times that of steel, so it raises the quality of the gear it is mixed into . ]

“Is it expensive?”

-[2 million for 10 tied together . To calculate for 1, it would be 200,000 points . ]


Cha Jun Sung showed his happiness on hitting jackpot . He would need to live in a mission for a month to get 2 million points . He had gotten that much at once by chance .

“Wait . ”

Cha Jun Sung calmed down and thought of the stick’s usage .

Where should he use it? He could not sell it to the store or to a Lifer . He would not even brandish it as a weapon instead of his sword .

-[You can only synthesize or produce items with the black iron alloy . ]

“Make gear with this?”

–[Since the material is B class, you might succeed in creating an item that you can use in level C . Shall I show you a list of items it is possible to synthesize or produce?]

“Show me . ”

A hologram that is clearer and larger than the PDA appeared in front of Cha Jun Sung . There were over hundreds of items on the list, but he only took care of the useless ones .

[I would not recommend that you create armor with the amount that you own . I will recommend strengthening your arms . ]

It is 1 stick . He would have been able to create metal armor if he had 4 more .

Iron armor covers the entire body and can be used until the battle shoot . In the chance that he is hit, it can even block a 7 . 62mm .

“Is it just the sword?”

-[If you use the black iron alloy as a foundation and create a sword, you will be able to create a weapon better than the Wolf Blade . ]

There are 2 ways to purchase the Wolf Blade . Either buy the completed product, or create it with materials . There is a 20% discount on the latter .

Cha Jun Sung is wary of creating goods . If something goes wrong while producing it, it will not live up to the completed product or it malfunctions . That is a waste of points .

“Are you going to make it well for me?”

-[You cannot interfere in the production of items . You will have to put trust in your luck . ]

“You’re just supposed to say you’ll make it well . It’s not like you’re selling something for the first time . ”

Cha Jun Sung contemplated for a short time and purchased the materials that go into production by item . He just hoped that there would not be any malfunctions even if its performance fell short .

Various assembly pieces like the vibration engine and energy core scraped up the 240,000 points that Cha Jun Sung had worked like an ant for a few months to gather .


He took his materials and went into a production room in the briefing room . It looks like a small factory . The machine worktable was set to Wolf Blade .


The machine changes . It is adjusting the deployment status to meet the production of the weapon . There are as many shapes to the machine as there are types of weapons .

-[Please place the suitable material in the position the hologram indicates, and choose the functions that you want . It will take 3 days until completion . ]

Beep beep!

Even when he was active as Overload in the virtual version, he had preferred the sword . It is because regardless of the appearance, weight adjustment is possible as long as he has the materials .

However, weight exists in reality . A sword needs to have a heavy feeling to it .

If he makes it as it appears in the virtual, it would feel as light as cotton with his body modification and increased muscular strength .

“I’ll do this one . ”

The shape he chose is a straight line like a sword . The thickest part of the blade is 1cm, the point is 10cm long, and the length of the entire blade is 1 . 5m . The weight is 30kg .


He decided to mix titanium with the remaining parts to make a dagger . After starting the production, the black iron alloy disappeared .

He finally had his first private weapon . The weapons he had possessed until now are just toys .

The machine does the direct production, but he had to pay close attention to the small details to match his battle style . He will have a stronger attachment to this weapon than anything else .

“I’ll be back in 3 days . ”

He had butterflies in his stomach thinking about the weapon that would be born . He will love it dearly .

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