Life Mission Chapter 39:

Life Mission
Volume 2 Chapter 39

[TN: Hey guys, not sure if I’ll be able to translate this novel next week because I’ll be busy . If I can’t, sorry ahead of time > . <]

“It’s up . ”

Cha Jun Sung clicked on the recruitment announcement on Hocheon’s homepage .

They had cast their bait 9 days after he made up his mind at Han River .

During that time, other guilds were diligently recruiting Lifers as well . Their standards must have been raised however, because their goal was 6000-7000 points .

It did not seem like there would be a great gap between 5000 points, but they could not ignore the step . Even if it makes them late, it is important to take each step .

If their patience runs low in the first place, they would not have waited 3 months .


-[We are recruiting intrepid Lifers in Hocheon to go into a Level D mission . We will be selecting personnel with a test, so please knock on the door to Hocheon on the given date and time . Thank you . ]

Information like the sponsor and how many people would be recruited were posted, but it meant for them to wait until the test and go to Hocheon .

“The number of people they’re recruiting is 50… . . Since it’s the first, are they saying they’ll go in a controlled orientation?”

Controlling becomes easier as a guild has more people . If it is 50:50, he could guess Hocheon’s intent . It meant that this round is a quest .

Filling a guild to complete a Level D mission is solely for the reward points . They accept bribes to take people with them .

People could say, ‘If they’re going to do that, why follow them . ’ ‘If individuals make a force, they can get rid of point bribes and take-alls . ’

Would all Lifers who went through the advance mission to go on to Level D have outstanding skills? It would have been good if they did, but the reality is in the gutters .

Top Lifers create a party and allow 1 or 2 mediocre Lifers come along in exchange for a bribe of points or money .

Mediocre Lifers could complete the advance mission just by watching from the rear . This is why problems in skill arise .

They only think about getting out of Level E, and do not think about honing their skills .

Since there are Lifers that still struggle with Level D 1000 point solo missions, there is a type that cannot come out alive without the help of a guild .

-[You have applied for the recruitment announcement . ]

Cha Jun Sung applied . Simultaneously, Park Jin Hyuk followed suit and applied .

“We just have to hide our body modification . ”

There is no change in the equipment . It was all the same as when they left Field of Meat .

450,000 points accumulated . Of those, 200,000 points were invested in the 2nd stage of body modifications . He did not buy anything with the 250,000 points and they were being held in his PDA .

The price of each Level D equipment is at least 30,000 to 40,000 and reaches 300,000 . As there is no way to resell them, there could be great regrets with the wrong click .

If there is something that Cha Jun Sung needs to buy, he deals with the most expensive item first . The first thing he wants in the Level D store! The thing that made him fall in love at first sight!

“Wolf blade . ”

It is the best blade to buy from the Level D store . Its weak cutting force is a flaw, but it is understandable because it is a downgraded version .

300,000 points! If he just gathers 50,000 points, the wolf blade is his .

If the body modification and weapon are combined, he could confidently take on the lower half level Level 3 mutants as long as they are not as extreme as Slayers .

Park Jin Hyuk was also aiming for head hunter, a 350,000 point explosive sniper rifle . These are sitting right in front of them . They would come into their possession if they complete a few more missions .

“100 applicants . It’ll be noisy . ”

An annoying situation could arise, but thinking like that before even going is unlucky . It is better to see everything in a positive light .

“I might as well warm up . ”

The test is in 3 days . He does not want to just hang around, so he should just complete a mission .

He wanted to break through a 3000 point mission while he was at it, but it would easily take 5 days alone, but it would be enough to do two 1500 point missions .




“It’s complicated . ”

Park Jin Hyuk and Cha Jun Sung had expressions of disbelief as Lifers came swarming in like bees .

Seuk .

They could feel explicit attention . Everyone was comparing their equipment .

The test is simple . After checking their equipment and mission experience, they just have to go into a 1000 point mission accompanied by observers to complete it alone .

“I can’t tell by looking at them . ”

“I’ll say . ”

Everyone had impressive gear as people making attempts at a Level D mission should .

A 1000 point would be simple to complete if they had gotten here on their sole effort, but those that did not would be filtered out easily .

The difference between an expert and someone who is not shows in the simplest of behaviors .

Only a few users had equipment like Cha Jun Sung and Park Jin Hyuk’s . They would need to keep an eye out but from what they saw so far, there were only three or four people .

There is a relaxed sense to their waiting . Those people are the real deal . They are Lifers who have gotten here on skill .

“There are a lot of pretty women . ”

“So you are a man . ”

“But it’s not like I’m trying to do something about it . I just like seeing women more than I like seeing men .

Cha Jun Sung nodded in agreement . Could it be because the ratio is small? Strangely, he has never been in a party with a female Lifer .

According to the government census, the ratio of men to women is 7:3 . In some ways, it is inevitable that there are more men .

The violence of Life Mission is more attractive to men than it is to women . Since that was reborn into the reality version, what would happen?

Even among the 36 rankers, only 6 are women . Cha Jung Sung had maintained an amicable friendship with one of those women .

“Reminds me of that woman . ”

“Who . ”

“Someone . She’s pretty, cold, and quiet, but makes me feel good when we’re together?”

“Oh oh! Invite her to a party!”

“She’s a foreigner . She can’t come here easily and I don’t know her contact information . ”

With the ability to add friends in the virtual version, they could take actions like meeting up, but they had lost contact when the game switched to a reality version .

She is not a woman to be taken easily, but if it had been possible to contact her, he would have asked her opinion before inviting her to be part of a party with him and Park Jin Hyuk .

“We’ll meet if it’s fate . ”

“What a pity . ”

If they are fated to meet, they would meet . If the trust they had fostered in Life Mission had not come apart, the feeling would not have changed with time .

“Lifers, please gather in the auditorium! We will begin the test . ”

A staff member of Hocheon’s guild yelled through a speaker . He moved the disorderly Lifers into the building auditorium . Cha Jun Sung was mixed in here as well .

When they went into the auditorium, judges were waiting for the Lifers at the end . They are the primary filter .

They could lie about their mission experience, but they could not lie about their equipment .

“I will call you in order by your names . ”

The guild staff member started with last names beginning with K . Cha Jun Sung and Park Jin Hyuk settled into the seats for Lifers with the thought that they would have to wait for a while .

The order passed in order . There were 2 or 3 people eliminated out of every 10 .

Even those who passed were separated by their equipment . People with mediocre equipment and those with distinguished equipment . The guild staff members spoke politely to the latter .

Park Jin Hyuk went out and shortly after, Cha Jun Sung also went out . Both were assessed as the highest level and joined the ranks of Lifers receiving better treatment .

The practice test was also conducted by order of name . Even if a lot of people had been eliminated, it is impossible to observe each mission with just the staff members in one day .

It is safe because the observers are veterans who have gone through 1200 to 1300 point missions . Park Jin Hyuk went on the 2nd day and Cha Jun Sung went on the 3rd .

They were told to stay at a reserved dormitory in Hocheon until their turns came .

“Numbers 1 to 250 will enter the assigned missions . ”

The mission numbers are decided, but another is assigned if one disappears . Even if tens of thousands of people enter, there is not a shortage of missions .

If there were, Life Mission would not have been able to handle the Lifers all around the world .

“Enter . ”

In order to be chosen to enter the group entering Level D, Lifers were making the commitment and throwing themselves into the mission . They just hoped there would be no deaths .

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