Life Mission Chapter 14:

Life Mission
Volume 1 Chapter 14

Zephyrus hit his head . He was being stupid . He had said that he would catch everything but had forgotten the mission while lost in this conversation .

Zephyrus put the rectangular case in his left hand and plastic box in his right on the floor . His attire was exceedingly casual .

‘He doesn’t have any accoutrements . Is it a state of relaxation from this being his 10th turn? I’ll see how he does . ’

It seemed the case was his weapon . All he wore were low class tights and partial protectors . He appeared to have gathered a fair amount of points .

‘His equipment is weak . From the way he speaks, he isn’t the type to waste his points . Either he gathered them or… . . had he used all of them on that case?’

The case opened . Inside was a 3-level stair-like structure .

Each level was immaculately organized with 3 components . They were separated into parts – crossbow, sniper rifle, a variety of bombs .

‘Terrorist? Sniper?’

Terrorist bomber .

Shooter sniper .

Cha Jun Sung thought Zephyrus’ job to be one of two things . It couldn’t be both because that would be inefficient .

Cha Jun Sung thought of blader .

With the virtual version’s qualifications, he would need millions of points . He could not waste points in this situation . Other Lifers were the same . They needed to choose one thing and focus all their points on that . It didn’t do to spread your points thin .

He was extremely quick in putting the crossbow together . It was not an ordinary crossbow . It was an automatic crossbow capable of 20 shots .

“I finally bought this . ”

As Zephyrus admired it when he finished its assembly, he pulled the sniper rifle on .

Cha Jun Sung’s gaze went to the sniper rifle . He had seen it while looking at firearms . He could remember it being worth more than 3000 points .

It was shorter than a normal sniper rifle . It was a semi-automatic sniper rifle .

“This is a set item . I used 20,000 points to buy it . ”

“Ho **** . ”

Cha Jun Sun laughed in disbelief . 20,000 for a case and a few weapons? It was ridiculously expensive, but there must have been a reason why Zephyrus bought it .

“If you buy this case, every day you automatically get 10 arrows, 50 bullets, and 2 bombs of your choice . There’s a benefit in the long term . ”

That meant a saving of the cost of daily ammunition for low level missions .

“Wait here . ”


Zephyrus took the crossbow and box and went forward 20m . It was in the sewers, but there was no problem with vision because light seeped in from many places .

‘What is he trying to do?’

Cha Jun Sung observed him . His hunting method was the opposite of his .

Can it be said that he uses his head to hunt rather than his body? His profession leaned toward the sniper side . A terrorist is called a life destroyer .

Zephyrus had a fever bomb in his hand .

He then opened his box and took something else out . It was raw meat dripping with bright red blood . It was a fever shot .

“These guys go crazy over blood . After a minute, they’ll come in hordes . ”

“It’s a double-edged sword . ”

“Exactly . ”

He did not go around killing them, but made them all gather in one place . If something went wrong, it could turn into a concentrated attack instead of a lure .

Their shadows appeared first because of the angle of the light . They were not walking towards them, they were crawling . They wriggled like maggots . The number was unclear .

“Blood-sucking insects?”

“The mission is complete once you catch about 150 of them . ”

A white lump the size of a human head with hair growing out of it was crawling .

It was impossible to differentiate between the head and the rear . A strange liquid was dripping from the hair . Paralysis toxin . He was certain it was a blood-sucking insect .

‘Could it be?’

Cha Jun Sung quickly looked around him . Blood-sucking insects were scary . They became stronger as they matured . The ones in front of them were just newborn babies .

One could not underestimate them just because they were babies, however . It was still among the top five of the strongest in Level 1 . Though they seemed slow, they became as fast as lightning once they detected food .

“The evil blood-suckers aren’t here . ”

“Have you seen the evil blood-suckers? How far is their home?”

“You don’t have to worry about them as long as you don’t go too far in . ”

Zephyrus’ explanation was succinct . It was a silent indication that he would not say more .

Cha Jun Sung believed that the information this boy had said he earned from this place, the Underpass, had to do with his approach of the blood-sucking insects . Whatever way it was .

His eyes squinted . The fact that evil blood-suckers were here meant that there were creatures of a higher level . Just the evil blood-sucker alone was a Level 3 . Getting caught meant death .

They could only abandon the mission with a bow . He could not understand what kind of place this was . Judging by the forages, it seemed to be linked to a special mission like the Closed Area mission .

Slurp slurp .

The blood-sucking insect had attached themselves to the raw meat and were sucking the blood . Some took pieces of it and chewed on it . It was grotesque .

A rough guess was that there were 35 to 40 of them . Zephyrus waited until they gathered, press the button on the fever bomb, and threw it into the center of the insects .



As the fever bomb went off, the blood-sucking insects melted . Smoke filled the underpass . The cost of the bombs are expensive, but this much was worth it .

“I got like this after playing Life Mission for half a year . How about you, Odin?”

“It’s been 10 years since I started with beta . I know the blood-sucking insects well . Can we speak a little after the mission is over? Should I say to exchange information?”

“We’ll see . ”

Zephyrus pretended to be indifferent, but showed a positive attitude . He would have turned down the offer if he had just been asking for information, but he would be interested in an exchange .

Click .

Zephyrus stood in position with his sniper rifle and waiting for the blood-sucking insects to re-emerge . He had no anxiety . There was a sense of calm in his actions .


Immature blood-sucking insects only have a developed sense of the smell, and the rest was degenerate . The reason why he lured them as a strategy was that they had the advantage of the terrain .

He meant to fight without worrying about variables . They came out as long as there was an odor . Going around finding them one by one was unnecessary in many ways .

Kwajik .

The blood-sucking insects that had appeared in hordes ate the burnt pieces . Their sizes expanded as they ate .

If it becomes as big as a person like that, it advances to a Level 3 evil blood-sucker .


Zephyrus’ sniper rifle hit a blood-sucking insect . That was when he showed the power of a semi-automatic . Even as the blood-sucking insects were being attacked, they focused on eating .


He shot and shot . Zephyrus did not use a grenade . He only focused at the distance with his eye on the scope . He had great aim .

He might have shot for too long, because the blood-sucking insects reacted to the smell of gunpowder . They could differentiate between smells coming from near and far .


The insects that had been busy eating the meat began screaming in Zephyrus’ direction . They were poised for attack, recognizing an enemy .

They went from the speed of a person walking to an almost run .

Dozens of muckworms came in like a wave . It was truly detestable . Some rode the walls and some the ceiling . The attention was dispersed in all directions .


“We’ll kill them as we escape . ”

“Okay . ”

Tangtang .

Each time Zephyrus took a step back, an insect died . Beyond his age, it was an amazing skill .


Cha Jun Sung held his red fire in a desperate gesture . The insects riding the walls sprang off with their teeth bared .

The distance was not more than a few meters . Within seconds, it was right in front of Zephyrus’ face .


A surprising incident arose . Zephyrus took out his crossbow and fired at the insect . It pierced through its mouth and hit the ceiling, breaking in half .

He kicked the dead insect and continued on .


Cha Jun Sung was truly in awe . Even if this was his 10th time in the mission, that could not be attributed to a familiarity with the mutants and terrain .

That was talent . He could not yet know a lot about Zephyrus, but he was showing great talent as a sniper .

-[Congratulations . You have cleared Class E mission Underpass . ]

-[You have earned 500 points . ]

At some point, they had reached completion of the mission . He had received a free 500 points just while observing .

Other Lifers would have asked for a distribution of the points instead of a sweep, but Cha Jun Sung was honestly at peace . He did not care if they did this a few more times .

“You said you wanted to talk? Since it’s a hassle to speak through our helpers or speak outside, follow me . We have to move quickly . ”

Zephyrus rushed to gather his equipment and directed Cha Jun Sung . He went along obediently since it did not seem he had bad intentions .

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