Life Mission Chapter 12:

Life Mission
Volume 1 Chapter 12

While Cha Jun Sung was busy with missions, a site called Lifer World went up . Its base was in English, but it could be translated into any language .

Lifers with a lot of imagination guessed that it was created in America . As time went by, the number of Lifers increased exponentially .

There is no such thing as a secret in this world – especially with the internet where rumors spread fast .

It did not matter whether or not it was created in America . Because no matter what, the reality version of Life Mission was growing its number of “players” .

Cha Jun Sung knew that there would be a siege between countries to identify Lifers within a few months .

The number of Lifers would become the measure of a nation’s power . It was inevitable .

“Let’s be comfortable until then . ”

Cha Jun Sung sat at his computer and looked through the Lifers’ notice board . It was a place to exchange information and trade points .

But that did not mean that hundreds of points were traded . Even 1 point could decide someone’s life – points were extremely valuable . So most exchanges were done in 1 or 2 point increments, and the maximum was 5 .

The market rate of 1 point was the equivalent of $70 to $80 .

So it was better to just save them and buy weapons; it did not make sense to trade them .

“Class E . ”

Hundreds of comments appeared and were erased from the information exchange board each day . 80% of it consisted of class E missions .

[Writer: Anonymous] [Title: Level of Class E Missions] [Content: I am leaving this review after failing twice . The tutorial reward is around 150 points? I hope people who believe it is 100 have some sense and buy it . Anyway, if you complete this mission, you can buy a machine gun with 500 points . But for a beginner to complete it alone? In reality, it’s impossible to complete with a piece of iron unless you are in the Special Forces or an equivalent field . I met a team that I worked well with in the beginning, and succeeded at 5 and failed 2 . Even with 3 people, we had 5 successes and 2 fails . Don’t throw your lives away . Create parties . ]

Mission fails meant death or giving up . In Class E, you could give up with 100 points . But as the difficulty increases, so do the amount of points you have to sacrifice to give up .

There were a lot of similar comments . The subject matter was also pretty much the same . They all recommended refraining from solo missions and changing to party missions .

“It is too hard to keep trying to move forward alone – especially when your life is on the line . ”

Cha Jun Sung was also in agreement . If he did not have the points he had earned in special missions, he would have been suffering right now .

If he had gone into Level 1 against 100 mutants holding just one dagger, it wouldn’t have been a fight . It would have been suicide, plain and simple .

He could expect a safer hunt if he gave up a take-all and joined a group . While slowly going up the ladder, equipment and points would follow . Though slower, it was better than dying .

‘Heh… . . There’s a Lifer who was able to break through 1000 points with a party . ’

Click .

[Writer: Anonymous] [Title: 1000 Point Boundary] [Content: I will say it briefly . Once you get past the boundary, Level 2 mutants appear . We each purchased the equipment that we wanted with the points we gathered over the past month and attacked in the Class-E mission, ‘Red Building’ . The process went smoothly . But in the middle of the mission, the boss Krollion began to lead the dwarves to bother us . Fortunately, we were able to gather our strength and beat them, but it is definitely different than Level 1 . Be careful . ]

Krollion was a humanoid mutant standing at 2 meters . It was a problem if caught in its grips because it had 5 to 6 times the muscular strength of a human . But its shortcoming was that it was ignorant .


Cha Jun Sung turned on the PDA and looked through the Class E list . They were listed in order of points, and a few at 3000 points stuck out .

It was not just any Class E mission, but one that allowed the player to advance to Class D .

Mission success meant a whole slew of points . But, as with every pro, there are cons . There was a high chance of Level 2s swarming out . For this type of mission, a party was absolutely necessary .

There weren’t many of these missions available – just 5 . It seemed they were controlling the numbers . Cha Jun Sung chose the one that he liked best among them .

‘Field of Meat’

Just by looking at the name, he could tell it would reek of blood . The title and scenario seemed much harder than the mission he had completed the day before yesterday, ‘Our Mad Dog’ .

‘It doesn’t mean I’ll attempt a Level D if I get through this, but it can be kind of like a reference level for me . ’

One thing he knew though was he needed to avoid meeting a Level 3 before his 2nd body modification was complete . There was an order to everything! He needed to maintain this order if he wanted to live long .

‘What should I do?’

It would take a long time for the other Lifers to get to his level . But he needed to join a party .

Though he looked through the list, there was no party willing to try a 3000 point mission . It seemed they took these out of the running because they were intimidated just by the number of points .

‘Isn’t there anyone willing to try? Well…at the same time, it’s not good to just go into any party . I have to be selective too . Shit . ’

He needed to test out the people he would work with before going into Field of Meat .

1 plus 1 is 2 .

Math is math . But when you add humans into the equation, you could potentially get a different result .

More people could mean easier battles…but the wrong person could also make things a whole lot worse .

“Odin, search for parties with a level of 1000 points in Korea . ”

[6 parties have resulted . There are 2 in the Seoul region . ]

One needed to write his qualifications in the application for parties . That was the same for the person who was adding people to a party and the person searching for a party .

“They’re all pretty much the same . ”

The first party had 5 people, the second had 7 . All they had was armor that barely protected their vitals and one weapon each .

[Would you like to apply for the Kill-All team?]

“Yeah . ”

[You have applied for the team . Speaking with the team’s helper . ]

Odin was familiar with Cha Jun Sung’s habits now . He did not need to talk too much . Odin would do well if left to it on his own . During this time, he would check his equipment .

‘What a waste . The body modification! Why does it have to be so **** expensive!’

He had gathered a total of 80,000 points . But after the first modification, he had exactly 20,000 left . He wanted to try and stick it out without doing the mods, but his equipment had been ruined in Our Mad Dog .

Since he could not go around with a bare body with mutants abound, he changed his low class impact tights to high, and got plastic armor made of strong plastic .

There was a vision sensor attached to the helmet . Night looked like day and he could detect enemies by body temperature .

In terms of equipment, he was ready to go at any time .

[The conversation has ended . ]

“What did he say?”

[The leader of the Kill-All team cannot believe your qualifications . ]

On party applications, qualifications can be played down but not up .


[He would like to meet you in person . ]

“Picky . We’ll meet in the mission anyway . Arrange an appointment . ”

[Mission confirmed . ]

Odin reserved a place to meet .

Cha Jun Sung hoped it would be a party that looked at the person more than the points .

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