The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 271:

Editor: Tide


Huge thanks to Asekhan and Donate You Wankers for sponsoring 9 chapters of TTITH! (2/9)


At the time of the last Tournament, I had learned that Ahbooboo was directly linked to the God of the Sky . Furthermore, the God of the Sky and Ahbooboo could communicate with each other . It turned out that the God of the Sky tried to find out about me through Ahbooboo . After I found out about it, he spoke to me himself .


It wasn’t very pleasant for me or Ahbooboo, whose friendship had been exploited to collect information on me .   The God of the Sky acknowledged it, and promised to pay a good price . He was a deity that spoke quite well .



[God of the Sky designates his new object, Aubutz, as an apostle . ]


[The result of the vote will be nullified as the God of the Sky has appointed Aubutz as an apostle . ]



In the Tutorial, the apostles covered a very large base . There may be many reasons why this was the case, but I think the primary reason was that apostles were somewhat free from restrictions .


Even the gods of the Temple couldn’t do what they wanted unless they voted . The only exception would be the level of events within one’s new area, as the God of Hope did .


But the apostles who had made a contract with a God were relatively free to move . It was revealed several times through stages . When the gods had to intervene, the challenger was always acting as an apostle, or an actual apostle was summoned .


Perhaps the restrictions were not applied to the gods in their own domain, or to their own believers and their direct subordinates . From a god’s point of view, the apostles were not constrained, and at the same time a lot of power could be deployed anywhere . It was what the gods wanted . They wished for the apostles to intervene in what happened outside their sphere of influence: to eradicate the monster of source, and to collect its core .


So, one of the goals of the Tutorial was to foster the apostles . I’d been looking at the challengers the gods may be using as apostles for a long time .


[Oh, my God! I’ll now be called Apostle Aubutz of the Sky!] Ahbooboo screamed with excitement .


He must be in a good mood . Well, he didn’t seem sincere, but he had positive views on the God of the Sky, the Order, and was quite proud of himself . Even though his appointment as an apostle was a reluctant promotion .


“You know it’s all thanks to me, right?”


[Of course, of course . Do you want me to act cute? Hmm?]


I almost swore out loud, but somehow put up with it . Now that he had just become an apostle, even the God of the Sky was staring at him . It was a bit of a shame to call him a bad name and give a slap on his face .


“Then let’s go on to the next job . ”


At this moment, 200,000 humans were being trampled to death like ants, and half of them were already dead .


The battle between the two native gods, who couldn’t be seen properly, was fierce . I was worried that the world would really collapse . Half of the humans still survived because the gods had no interest in them . If they decided to deal neatly with the humans and keep fighting, it would take less than a minute for all the remaining humans to be wiped out .


[By the way, are you really going to do that? It’s okay to keep it this way . I can assist you . ]


How could that be called an aid? If I just jumped into the battle with the gods, it was obvious I could only aid Ahbooboo and not the other way around .  Could the terms be changed?


[But it’s still a waste . Again, this is a deal . Your arm won’t recover no matter how many times you use elixirs . ]


“It’s alright . ”




“It’s alright . ” I said it was alright repeatedly, but Ahbooboo was hesitant . I was thinking about how to persuade him, when Seregia, who had been silent, stepped up .


[Quick . I don’t want to wait any longer . ]


[But Lady Seregia, this is Warrior’s arm . His arm is important…]


[It’s not my arm, it doesn’t matter . ] Seregia was indifferent, which was a bit disappointing . [And as Warrior said, it’s worth losing an arm . ]


That’s right .


Clearly, Seregia had a similar way of thinking with me . The cost of consumption was high, but the result was more than enough .


Pain? I didn’t care about pain . Inconvenience? It would be withstandable .


[Yes . Well then . ] Ahbooboo hardened his mind, and murmured the spell and paid attention to his words . I didn’t understand yet, but that was the order of the spell . It was a spell I could learn someday .


[Thank you for the meal, then . ]


I was worried about myself, but I didn’t think much . At the end of Ahbooboo’s words, red solid lines like cobwebs spread on my left arm . My arms quickly turned red, followed by the ever-tightening red lines . A force that seemed to consume the flesh inside, followed by hellish pain gradually consumed my arm, which quickly vanished into thin air . My left arm had been sacrificed in a short time that one would take to get a glass of water .


[Thank you for the meal!!]


You’re very excited .


My arm had been cut to the part adjacent to the shoulder . Blood oozed from the cross section, but thanks to the resilience accumulated so far, the bleeding stopped and the flesh healed quickly . My arm did not regenerate, but the wound did not cause further damage .


I once thought that if I grew up like this, I would become a troll . When I was targeting the first and second floors, I kept thinking of rolling and breaking every time . But before I knew it, I had become a monster that was hard to compare with a troll . It was an interesting appreciation .


Ahbooboo’s core, which used to be blue, was now red . In addition to being appointed an apostle, his power had grown beyond comparison, perhaps because of consuming my arm . More importantly, Ahbooboo, I, and the God of the Sky were connected .


A huge shout from the native gods came from afar . I had not seen the native gods before . The aftermath of the power they wielded was the only thing I saw, but now, they were showing themselves .


The images of the two gods were reminiscent of the dragon of the East and the dragon of the West, just with less power and half their size . Now, I could clearly see them fighting .


The native gods were not even interested in me . To them, I was the same as all the other humans that were quickly dying off . Even if I exploded a Zit Pop or turned this area into a sea of fire, there would be no harm to them .


There was that big of a difference between having prestige and being below it . If someone shot me now, I’d be able to stop the bullet without much damage . However, the consumption value was not a complete zero . It was a very small number, about 0 . 001, if you had to quantify it, but it was safe to round it off to zero .


But those gods could make the blow completely zero . They could interfere with bullets and twist the law . Therefore, in order to attack a divine being, it was necessary to achieve the same level first .


[Challenger, the contract has been made . ] the God of the Sky told me through Ahbooboo . Now, I was just waiting for the mana .


Through Ahbooboo, the divine power flowed into my body and I felt overwhelming, unimaginable pleasure .  Power that came from outside; not mine . This had raised my standard to the next level .


At the moment when I felt the power that had flowed in, I forgot what I had to do . Now, I could understand why the sources lost themselves and became monsters as soon as they got their power . This was what real power was . One could put away all the missions, anguish, joy, and sorrow they had before . The curtain of power above one’s head was so beautiful that it made them abandon their previous lives without hesitation .


No matter what, the past was useless .


As such, the past was meant to be abandoned and get eroded into the present . That’s how they were eaten away in the present . They gave up the past and abandoned themselves, and hence, they gave themselves up to power . Strength was always priority . Power, not one’s own strength, becomes one’s self . The sources were monsters that were consumed by such power .


[Don’t confuse purpose and your means . ]


[You shouldn’t be swayed by a weapon if you don’t want to become one . ]


It was the advice of the two gods that I had heard under completely different circumstances . Somehow, however, it sounded like advice considering this situation . The two sentences kept ringing in my head, with the sound of a loud bell ringing in the distance, over and over again .


You must not be tempted by this temptation, you must wake up . This… Did I leave a message in my head in case this happened?


I laughed .  I shouldn’t worry about it .






[You weren’t answering . Are you alright?]


“Of course . ” I didn’t mean to be eaten up by power, and it was not a matter of mental strength . I would consume and throw it away if necessary, no matter how precious, powerful and great the power may be . I was prepared for that . Power was my weapon, and not the opposite . My goal was too precious to be eaten by power .


[Funny, funny! As you said, you will never be eaten by power . You’ve already been eaten up by your goal!] exclaimed the God of the Sky .


Either way, I turned my attention back to the native gods .


The two gods were still fighting each other, but now they acknowledged me because of the sudden emergence of power . I was sure they’d find it embarrassing, but instead of paying attention to me, the two gods were continuing to fight, and I didn’t like it .


[Go, Contractor . The power of the sky is with you . ]


With my right arm, I grabbed the soul sword and swung it sideways . My power spread out along the length of the sword, and it glowed, making a sphere to protect humans from the fighting . The fireballs and ice falling from the sky were blocked . The distortion of space and time that occurred also disappeared .


This time, using a light sword, I threw the sword at the sky . A thin, but extremely hot fire penetrated the sky, landing precisely between the two native gods . The gods finally stopped fighting because of the luminous pillar that stood between them, and glanced at me .


Yeah, that’s right .


This was not a time for them to fight with each other . I made this opportunity for myself at the expense of my arm . The two gods had to come at me with full strength .




[Is it a human?]


[Sounds like one . ]


The two gods spoke in bewildered voices . There was a huge echo, but there was neither dignity nor pressure in their voice .


[Demon, do not use up power unnecessarily . If you hand it over to me, I will give you everything on this continent . ]


[Human, don’t listen to him . He will surely kill you as soon as he gains strength . I’m not the one who can’t be trusted . ]


The native gods began to say something . Somehow, I felt like a lady who was being courted desperately by two people . They treated me as a trophy .   Of course, the courtship of the two gods did not bother me at all .


“Sure . Zit Pop . ” Instead of answering them, I used the technique . Huge light columns pierced the sky, and made everything explode, lighting up the world .


< Tutorial 59th floor (6) > Finished

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