The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 237:

I sighed while watching the people gathered beneath the tower give me their enthusiastic support . Unconsciously, I raised my hand to hide my face .   If possible, I’d like to go back .

“You **** lizard…” I muttered grimly . I told it about the situation I wanted to avoid, and yet, it chose the stage that had everything I didn’t want . I was devastated but decided to focus on the stage rather than sulk . The only way to get out of this place was to clear the stage .

I checked my current situation . I was standing atop a high tower with crowds of people swarming the open fields beneath . People fascinatedly looked up at me as if they were watching a fireworks display .

Damn it .


It didn’t seem necessary to answer their desperate shouts, so I decided to ignore their screams for a moment . Just by my presence, people seemed to be moved to tears . I decided to check my notification window rather than deal with the situation at hand .

[Stage Mission: Understanding the sect]

Description: There are five-story stone pagodas hosting more than 900 humans . Challenger should open a basic sect and raise its religious level . Stone pagodas are located in open plains, making them very vulnerable to attacks . Every night, monsters will attack, and over time, increasingly powerful assailants will come .

If you are a challenger who is not familiar with faith, buy a notation of faith from the store .

[Clear Condition]

Raising sects


Securing Faith: 500

The explanation window slightly differed from the usual . Typically, it wouldn’t give any relevant information, but now, it was filled with essential details . As the notification advised, I went to the shop window and looked for notations of faith .

[Confidence notation]

Description: Measures and indicates the level of faith in your religion or sect .

It had a rather basic task, but the prize was beyond imagination . I estimated that with the same amount of money, I could buy a few bottles of Elixir .

[Life force notation]

Description: Measures and marks the buyer’s current life force .

[ Mana notation]

Description: Measures and marks the current mana of the buyer .

These were notations that functioned similarly to RPG game windows that showed stamina and mana . However, among the windows, the life force notation was generally considered useless . During combat, having a vital point usually resulted in instant death or damage equivalent to immediate death, so the life force notation wasn’t able to accurately describe your sustainability . Still, several challengers felt reassured by being able to see their amount of health, so they still purchased the life notation .

On the other hand, the mana notation window was incredibly useful . When using skills, challengers always consumed a certain amount of mana . The presence of mana notation helped challengers preserve and allocate mana .

The Order of Vigilante recommended buying and using only the mana notification window, especially for challengers who frequently used mana . They were expensive but worth it .

When I was clearing the lower floors, I thought it would have been convenient to have such windows, but they were only available for purchase once the challenger entered the 30th floor . People typically bought it right as they hit the 30th floor, but by the time I’d realized such windows existed, I didn’t have a purpose for them . I was familiar with my strength and mana without having to measure it, so I didn’t bother to invest money in the windows .  

However, whenever I look at the windows, I wondered what it would’ve been like if I’d joined the tutorial later; I would’ve started with a notation window or basic items from the top challengers . It would’ve been convenient if information about the Hell’s Difficulty Stage was already known by the time I joined . Maybe, I wouldn’t be in such risky situations as often . It’s certainly dangerous to challenge Hell’s difficulty without any information, but the rewards of the task were always proportional to the difficulty .

I went back to thinking about the religious portion of the task . Lately, my thoughts have become mixed . Perhaps it’s because I’ve had too much spare time that I often recalled what happened in the past .

I rechecked the faith notation and bought it . Immediately, I opened a window to see my faith .

[Faith: 0]

It was empty . Perhaps the reason for the indictment of zero was because I hadn’t started a sect . But first of all, how would you begin a cult?

[Warrior?] Ahbooboo called .

“Yeah?” I stopped thinking for a moment to look back at him . He pointed at the people under the tower by moving the handkerchief tied to his core . All the people were staring at me . For a moment, I was unresponsive and then got embarrassed . Was something wrong?

“Let’s go down for now . ”

For now, we’d start with crowd control .

* * * * * *

I’d spent a large portion of my time laughing with people, shaking hands, and hugging . Before I knew it, the sun was about to set, and the sky was a deep red . As soon as they saw the setting sun, people panicked and rushed into the tower .  

As the stage description stated, monsters would appear at night . Fortunately, the tower had a narrow entrance and a long passageway, which served as a natural barrier to monsters . Above all, the main gate was broad and durable, so if supported well, it could prevent the monsters from entering .

The first floor of the tower exuded a shrine-like atmosphere . There were also spaces and other symbols that could be used to pray or perform ancestral rites . Some people took seats on the first floor, came down to rest, or began to guard the entrance . The guard post rotated amongst different individuals, and in case the gatekeepers were pushed back, others would also come to push against the door to stop the imposing monsters .

Until now, it seemed as though they’d been able to keep the monsters in check . But, the monsters were going to become more powerful by the day, and it would become harder for these people to stop the monsters alone .

I told everyone to go up to the second and third floors to rest or sleep while I’d protect the entrance . People were delighted by the news . Some wanted to stay on the first floor to aid me, but I refused their offers . I wanted to be alone for a moment .

[The first floor is nicely decorated . We can use this place as a new gathering spot . From now on, come down to the first floor in case of troubles . ] Ahbooboo said .

“Okay . ”

It was fortunate that I had Ahbooboo by my side since he was well-versed on religion . I asked Abu about the making of a sect, which was currently my biggest obstacle .

[How to create a sect?]

“En . They want us to open a sect . Do we have to catch some beasts and hold a memorial service?”

[Well, I’m not sure about that either . Don’t you know how to create it?]

“I don’t . It’s not like shouting, ‘Create a sect!’ will be able to get me anywhere . ”

[Created a new sect . ]

What the fuck? It worked?

[Measuring target entitlement requirements . The stage mission has met all conditions for creating a sect . ]

[You can choose the religion that will be the focus of the sect . ]

After reading the explanation, a list of selectable religions, some of which worshiped pre-vaccine deities, appeared . Before I chose one, I asked Ahbooboo for advice .

[If that’s the case, you’d better choose one that can bring about the established doctrines of other religions . It would be easier to expand a religion that already has a reputation . ]

As Ahbooboo said, a popular religion would be easier to work with . If so, which religion should I choose?

[I recommend the God of the Sky . ]

“God of the Sky?”

[Yes, I’m not saying this because I’m biased . ]

Is that so? 

[Really not!]

“Sure . Explain first . ”

[First of all, the God of the Sky values relationships, so he’ll be thrilled to open a lower sect . This alone is a considerable advantage . ]

That was true . Some gods didn’t care whether you made a lower sect or not, and some, such as the God of Adventure or the God of Light, didn’t even authorize one to establish an inferior sect .

[The God of Adventure is disappointed . ] The God of Adventure expressed his disappointment .

The God of Chaos, the God of Death, the God of Sowing, and the other evil deities wouldn’t be good choices . But, that only left one god, the God of Hope, but I refused to choose him .

[In addition, the teaching of the God of the Sky is suitable for governance . Many countries on the continent, including the empire, believe in the God of Sky, and worship their lower sect . ]

[Lastly, I know the doctrines of the Sky . ]

“Okay . Let’s go with that one,” I said and chose the God of the Sky .

[Faith Window]

Species name: Unknown

The founder of the sect: Unknown

Sect symbol : –

Sectarian tendencies : –

Sect doctrine existence: –

Number of believers: 890

Headquarter Position: Unknown

Degree of faith: 3

Mainstream Religion: God of the Sky

Description: It is a newly established sect, and the indigenous people know little about it . The 890 believers are forced to follow the words of the sect’s founder to live, but have no sincerity about the sect . Believers are very distrustful of the founder of the sect, who hasn’t even disclosed his name yet . They’re fearful that he will suddenly disappear, which will increase the danger of the night .  

The religious faith of the sect is so weak that it is impossible to use divine orders . Due to the poor finances of the sect, they cannot provide any support to the believers . Only with a sect’s outstanding strength can the founder be able to keep his promise to ensure the safety of his followers without difficulty .

As soon as the sect had been created, I read the long passage of text . There were still many shortcomings, but I liked that the details were explained in great detail . Looking at the status window, I thought I could clear the stage without difficulty if I fill in each of the deficiencies .

First, I decided to fill in what was marked as deficient at the top of the status window . The doctrines of the sect are something I can deal with right away .

“Ahbooboo, first of all, I think we need to write down some of the doctrines . ”

[Yes . Can I write it on the poster over there?]

“Go ahead . ” I took out a pen from my inventory and handed it over to Ahbooboo . Although he lacked limbs to hold it correctly, he could still use magic to write .

The next step was to find a symbol . I decided to put down Ahbooboo without much thought . He’s the Holy Sword; he’s colorful, magical, divine, and likes to be noticed . He would’ve been the perfect symbol if it wasn’t for the fact he was currently tied with a handkerchief and not a sword .

I looked at what I had, wondering if there was anything suitable .

“Call . ”


“Yes . Nice to see you, frog . ”

For now, we needed a **** who would be the symbol of the sect . I     didn’t know whether a frog would be able to fill the role, but why not?

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