The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 68:

[Can’t you tell me about this first?]

[Ugh . I understand weapons and armors, but I should have packed some undergarments… If it is going to last a month, I’ll have period to deal with too…]

* * *

[Round 15, Day 0, 00:15]

The first thing I did when I entered the waiting room was check my newly acquired skills .

[Poison Energy (Lv . 1)]
Description: Endows materialized mana with poison; a status ailment effect .

It was a simple skill, but it was also a good skill . Very good, in fact .

Regardless of what I swing, let it be my hand or a weapon, as long as it is wrapped in mana, it is going to apply poison .
Isn’t this too useful?

Its performance will vary depending on the poison’s effectiveness, but… Wait, I bet the poison’s effectiveness will increase with skill level .

There are so many ways to utilize this .

My greatest strength is my speed .
I have so many skills related to speed and my agility stats were on the high side .
Speed means being able to strike preemptively . Plus, with Blink and the Wind Spirit’s Blessing, I can always run away from a fight .

Unless several hundred or thousand enemies surround me in a large formation like the 12th Floor’s orangutans, catching me is almost impossible .
If poison is added to the mix of skills…
I just need to poison the enemy and run .
If the enemy does not have a way to eliminate the poison, the enemy will die from the poison .
Even if the enemy does not die, I should be able to kill it easily after the poison weakens the enemy .

Aren’t the uses of this skill practically limitless?
Increasingly petty and conniving ideas kept on forming in my mind .

“Keruk . It would be good for you to not rely on such methods . ”
“What are you talking about? It’s all good as long as I win . ”
“You are strong enough without having have to resort to such methods . ”

I get what you are saying, but…
Honestly, these underhanded methods and tactics really suit me .

I am like that when it comes to battles at least .
I was always like this since my days as a professional gamer .
Instead of a heavy-handed frontal duel against the opponent, I always preferred exposing a gap in the opponent’s defense and shaking their mentality .
Instead of ending the game with a blazing and glorious battle, I liked winning safely even if it was through underhanded methods .
Of course, when I had the upper hand in strength, I would engage in an upfront fight .
Doing so had fewer variables .

“Keruk . Captain, if you correct that devious side of you in battles, you would really be perfect . ”

Hey, like I said before, being devious is not a bad thing .

I think that’s enough of checking skills . Let’s think about what to do from now on .
Normally, failing to clear the stage gives you something like a small amount of points or ordinary items .

However, I received Poison Energy, a new skill, after failing to clear the 12th Floor .
It meant that as far as the play records are concerned, I practically cleared it .
It might actually mean my play record was even better .

I went beyond just surviving in the jungle . I established a clear territory for myself and perfectly secured shelter and food .
I spent the remaining time on improving myself, so this could be considered as having exceeded floor’s objective .

If that is the case, will I be able to obtain more skills easily from each round by repeating the 12th Floor?
Skills I get as additional rewards are usually handy .
Most of the power skills I have are from additional rewards .

This is an intriguing possibility .
If I can gain ten useful skills from the 12th Floor, I don’t think I’d be having hard time clearing future floors .

Moreover, I really liked the lifestyle of 12th Floor stage .
The place was optimized for focusing on growth . Also, the foods that Idy cooked were delicious .
The cave was comfortable to stay in, and it was far better than staying inside the desolate confine of the waiting room .

I could lead a refreshing lifestyle; even better, I could even comfortably obtain skills while at it .
Isn’t that just perfect?

“Keruk . Captain . Do not forget the time limit on the Dead Summon . ”

Um… Certainly, Idy does disappear when the time limit is up .
Also, I only have three more chances left for the Dead Summoning .

Without Idy, I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my comfortable lifestyle at the 12th Floor .
My bones ache at the thought of it .

Still, it is fortunate that the Dead Summon’s duration is quite long .
At minimum, the summoning will last through the next round, guaranteeing a smooth clear of the 12th Floor .
Let’s just try it out first . Read Tutorial Is Too Hard first on Lightnovelbastion . com (If you’re reading this elsewhere, it has been stolen!)

I have to try hunting the bogus dragons anyway .
It does not matter if I don’t acquire any more useful skills from this .
Making a place to stay at the 12th Floor and comfortably spending time on development is more than good enough on its own .

“Keruk . As for me, there is nothing bad worth complaining about . I even have a home on the 12th Floor . ”

When we go there again, that home will no longer be there .
The cave will still be there, but it will just be a cave where that weasel monster lives .

“It does not matter . I just need to create another one . ”

That’s true .
It looked like Idy really liked that home .

Now, well then .
I don’t have anything in particular to do until the waiting time expires, so let’s try the poison skill .
It’s been a while since I inflicted self-harm .

* * *

“Captain, you really are insane . ”
“You aren’t hesitant about saying that . Others would be hurt from hearing that kind of words . ”
“Still, it is the truth, Keruk . ”

It hurts even more because it is the truth .
Violence through facts… Don’t you know?

“I don’t know . Keruk . ”

During the nine days of the waiting period, I tried many experiments .
How to apply poison energy on mana…
How to use the poison energy afterwards…Read Tutorial Is Too Hard first on Lightnovelbastion . com (If you’re reading this elsewhere, it has been stolen!)

After completing experiments on how to use the energy, I tested its power .
Well, this is obvious, but the subject was my own body .

Because of the Great Poison Resistance skill and the waiting room’s auto healing effect, I struggled through the experiment .
The Poison Energy’s skill was at level 1 . Using it to break through the poison resistance skill and the waiting room’s healing effects to cause harm on my body was no easy task .

I tried to find a way, but I couldn’t think of a good idea .
So, I went on grinding as usual .

Throughout the day, I used mana wrapped with poison energy to poke at my palm as I sat down .
I had the Focused Effort skill, which increased the growth rate of the skill, allowing the Poison Energy skill to grow quickly .

[You acquired Poison Energy Lv . 4]
[You acquired Great Poison Resistance Lv . 3]

These definitely were significant results .
It was not like I was inside a stage that accelerated the skill growth . I got this kind of result from inside the waiting room .
Although I had been very diligent about harming myself, this result would have been absolutely impossible without the Focused Effort skill .

After the period of three days in the waiting room ended, as I got to spend time at the bonfire, the growth rate increased exponentially .
As I thought, the growth rate at the waiting room is noticeably slower .
The growth rate at the bonfire room is also by far lacking in comparison to being inside a stage .
Anyway, dear God of Slowness, you are the best .

[God of Adventure is disappointed . ]

It seemed someone was complaining somewhere . However, I ignored it and stretched as I yawned .

I feel satisfied .
As I thought, a human being needs to live diligently and productively .
I should test the level 4 Poison Energy skill’s power when I enter the 12th Floor’s stage .

“Keruk . Inside the 12th Floor stage, there will be plenty of prey you could catch and experiment on . It will be easy to test its power . ”

What are you talking about? Experiments should be done on my body .

“Keruk… Captain, are you really insane?”
“I need to grow the Great Poison Resistance Skill too . It is like killing two birds with one stone . ”
“You will really die if you keep this up, Captain . Keruk . ”
“I won’t die . You think I have been doing self-harm only for a day or two?”

Having heard what I said, Idy raised both of her arms and double face palmed .
She sighed deeply . I grabbed her arm and pulled as I got on the portal .

Now, shall we get going?

[Round 15, Day 6, 03:30]

* * *


Two giant monsters the size of huge buildings, were jumbled up in a struggle .
The two monsters that appeared immediately after we entered the stage…

This is the same timing at the same exact spot .
Idy and I were already hiding at a place far away from the battle and watching their fight .

“Captain . ”
“Yeah? What is it?”
“The bogus dragons that you told me about before, are you talking about those?”
“Yes, that’s right . ”
“They are size of mountains . How do you plan to hunt them?”


Destructive sound echoed through the area, shaking the surroundings .
One of the monster used its fire breath .

Last time, I was so busy running away, I didn’t get to see it well . Now that I see it, it really is powerful .
We are very far away . From this distance, it looks like just a flame that’s coming out of the mouth, but to see that such shockwave is emanates from it…

“Captain . ”
“It’s all right . I won’t pick on them during this round . I’m thinking about hunting them during the next round . ”
“To me, you sound like you are going to purposely get yourself killed during the next round . Keruk . ”

It’s all right . I won’t die .
I am going to run away if it looks like I’m going to die .

Idy still looked very anxious as she looked at me . I decided to bring up something that would cheer her up .

“Let’s go home first . ”
“Keruk . ”

As I expected, she quickly wiped away her anxiousness and smiled . She looked happy .

* * *

We found the cave that we used as our primary residence last time . From that point and on, we started our life at the 12th Floor for the second time .

The first thing to do was checking the Poison Energy Skill’s power, which had become level 4 .
I had antidote potion ready and started experimenting on myself with the mana wrapped with poison energy .

After a few repeats, I felt symptoms of poison infection that I had not felt before .
The Poison Energy Skill finally broke through the Great Poison Resistance . It was finally having an effect of noticeable pain .

I could feel sharp and stiff pain at the site of the wound .
Um… The poison is spreading a little slowly .
Oh, good .
It’s hurting my stomach too .

After a while, my respiratory track started to swell, making breathing difficult .
I could feel a strong headache . It was getting difficult to maintain clear vision .

It looks like my lung is still fine .
Now, the wound area is paralyzed . My senses are dulled there .

It’s not bad .
There are quite a few symptoms happening .
It’s just that the poison is spreading slowly .
Also, it is lacking in lethality .

There are many symptoms, including paralysis on the wound area, but this is not enough to cause death .
It’s only to the extent of being in extreme pain for a few days before recovering little by little .

Of course, I have the Great Poison Resistance . Still, even with that under consideration, I am a little disappointed .
When it comes to poison, nerve poison seems to be the most effective .
That is from the personal experience of having been afflicted by it many times in the past .

After confirming the Poison Energy Skill’s power, I handled the hunting all by myself .
It was to develop the Detection and Poison Energy Skills by utilizing them in the hunting .
Idy, who had to recreate the home from scratch, gladly agreed to this idea .

Around the time Idy almost completed remodeling the cave, I completed my work .
My Poison Energy Skill became level 5 .
Now, the Poison Energy Skill acquired a certain degree of lethality .

Next, I focused on Tracking Skill .  Read Tutorial Is Too Hard first on Lightnovelbastion . com (If you’re reading this elsewhere, it has been stolen!)

To lean back and chase after the prey that was infected by the poison, I needed tracking-type skill .
I thought my Detection Skill will cover this, but Idy said that it will be lacking in efficiency . Heeding to her advice, I acquired Tracking Skill and developed it .

Tracking Skill was not like the Detection Skill where it was all about operating the mana .
I pursued the prey by noticing its trace, footprints, excrements, hair, smell and etc . as clues to predict the path .
Idy said that mana operation will be required when the Tracking Skill’s level increased . However, I was not there yet .

I released a prey that was wounded and infected by the poison and tracked the prey afterwards .
Like that, I caught the prey and released it again .
As I repeated the process, my Tracking Skill developed quickly .

My skill’s mastery increased, but I also gained experience . With them, I gained a bit of confidence in hunting and tracking inside the jungle .

Like that, I spent the days diligently focusing on developing my skills . Before I realized, the preys around home were all gone .

It was not a problem in particular .
I already had plenty of food .
Not having any prey around home halted my growth, but I already more than succeeded in achieving the desired skill growths that I planned in the beginning .  

Now, let’s put aside developments for a moment and really try making a move .

Let’s see . It’s been 11 days since I entered the 12th Floor stage .
Rain… won’t fall for an entire week .
As for the wind, it will be consistent until the rainfall a week later .

I could be certain because I thoroughly memorized the daily weather from the last time .
Kuuu . I’m so diligent about preparing .

“Idy . Starting tomorrow, I’m going to try going to farther places . ”
“Keruk . Are you going to hunt further away?”
“Yes . I probably will have to go this far . ”

I opened the 12th Floor stage Ihaoi Continent’s map that I got from Lee Jun-suk and explained the location to Idy .

“Keruk . Isn’t that too far? It will take over nine days just to get there . ”
“I need to go that far . I plan to go for some serious hunting this time . ”
“Serious hunting?”
“Yes . First, I plan to set fire on this jungle with this . ”

From the dimensional space backpack, I brought out a large bag of heat stones and explained .
I was aware that the inventory becomes inaccessible at the 12th Floor, so I placed all of necessary items in the large capacity dimensional space backpack beforehand .

I had 800 heat stones . Tossing in just one was enough to sustain a fire for an entire day .
They were enough to burn down the entire jungle .

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