The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 30:

[Becareful . You’ll die if you fall off]


[You’ll die if you fall]


[Welcome to Tutorial Floor 3 Waiting Room]

[Round 2, Day 23, 23:22]

[Blink Emblem ((Lv . Max)]
Description: God of Slowness, one who loves the enduring and the patient, has gifted some of her powers to her possible apostle . If the one gifted with her powers were to turn away from her, she may become displeased greatly .
As the God of Slowness hates to move with haste, she moves objects within space and time controlled by her in a blink of an eye .
You can jump distances upto 5 times .
Once all jumps are used, it will go into 5 minute cooldown .
As this skill uses the divine powers of the God of Slowness, it does not require any mana, spirit or holy power from the user .

It’s a movement skill .
I mean, how can a power from the God of Slowness be a movement skill .
There seems to be some contrast compared to her name .

I think the usefulness of the skill depends on the distance and the speed of the ‘jump’ .
I will have to test the function of the jump, but having a movement skill itself was quite a merit .
Movement skills are associated with survivability, and in combat aswell .
One of the great advantage here was that it does not require any power from myself to be used .
Plus, I can use it upto 5 times .
It’s containing all the specs it needs to be op .

Now, let’s test this skill .


Um . . . how do I say it?

Imba? OP?
It’s not in the realm of just an OP skill .
this skill can ruin the balance of the difficulty, even if I consider the difficulty Hell presents here .
If a game had a skill like this, I’m sure all the players would of raged and demanded a nerf .

Ofcourse, I’m not mad because it’s so good .
It’s good! I’m happy!
I mean, for such good luck to happen on someone so misfortunate like me .
It feels like I’m being properly rewarded for the struggles until now .


With one use, I moved 3 to 4 metres forward .
I could control the distance somewhat aswell .
It’s not just a dash, but more of a teleport .
I am literally, moved in a blink of an eye .
It’s quite similar to a certain skill of a certain character of a certain watch game . (OW)

I’m starting to wonder if I’m reaching the speed of light at this point .
Plus, I don’t have to worry about the momentum from the blink .
All momentum disappears once I arrive at the location, and I can land softly .
There are infinite ways to use this .
If I use this while running, or falling,
I will lose all momentum my body holds, and arrive at location .
I won’t have to worry about falls anymore .

What happens if there’s an object between me and the target location?

As soon as I thought that question, I moved the bed in the corner of the room to the centre .
And used blink beyond the bed .

Bang! Badadadump!

I’ve hit my leg onto the bed, and rolled beyond for a few metres .
Seems like I’ve hit my head on the floor, as I felt lightheaded .
And the leg . . .
Well, I can see crushed bone popping out .

It healed quickly as I was inside the Waiting Room, but it was a shocking sight nonetheless .
I should not use it so freely when there are obstructs in the way .
The calves were aching from the pain that remained behind .

Maybe, I could use the speed to attack enemies,
but let’s seal that idea for now .
It’s not in my realm of control yet .

I’ve went through alot of things in Tutorial, but this is the first time facing such a fictional, unscientific skill .
I think I’ll need some practice to use it comfortably .

Let’s put familiarising use of blink as top priority of Floor 3 .

I also looked at another skill Kirikiri promised for explanation, the Wind Spirit’s Blessings .

[Wind Spirit’s Blessings Lv . 1]
Description: A newly born windspirit’s blessings are with you .
Dexterity + 10
Stage 1: Once reaching a certain speed, you gain the blessings of the forest .
Stage 2: Once reaching a certain speed, you gain the effect of acceleration .
Stage 3: ???

It’s so easy to understand, when it’s listed like this .
Blessing of the forest is what makes my body light and swift, while acceleration means literally acceleration .
I’ve also found out that there’s stage 3 too .

It was a great idea to ask Kirikiri to explain it for me .

[Round 2, Day 24, 00:10]

it’s time to sleep now .
I should take rest for now, and get used to using the Blink skill while progressing through Floor 3 tomorrow .


[Lee Ho Jae, Floor 3: I’m serious . Are you guys taking responsibility if everyone dies because they didn’t listen to me like last time?]

[Lee Ho Jae, Floor 3: No, **** . How can I, prove it to anyone you retards . There’s just me in Hell Difficulty]

There are still several people who don’t believe in my words, and treat me like a liar .
It’s not that I don’t understand them, but if I don’t sort this out, the people from next round won’t believe my information aswell .

[Kim Sang Shik, Floor 4: Tbh he’s the only one to survive among the 10 who entered, so it’s somewhat believable]

[Lee Gee Jun, Floor 3: Well, if he bullshits, then everyone ends up dying **** of it]

[Kim Sang Shik, Floor 4: Well that’s why noone can prove if he’s saying the truth aswell .

[Lee Myung Sun, Floor 2: Doesn’t Hell Difficulty sound scary? Why is Hell after Hard . Wouldn’t it normally be Extreme or something?]

[Lee Jin Suk, Floor 1: I think it’s ok to believe him . Everyone, except him, died at the start of Floor 1 in Hell . I know because I have the Community on all the time except sleeping . I’m sure they all died on the first trap]

And once again, a debate is happening on the Community .
Well, atleast there are more people on my side compared to the first time .
Since nobody survived Hell difficulty other than me, it seemed to be convincing the others that what I informed about the traps are true .

Meanwhile, someone sent a 1:1 message to me .

[Invitation to the Representative Confederation]
Hello, Lee Ho Jae . We are astonished by your accomplishments within the Hell Difficulty, and sending this message .
If you wish, I would like to explain to you the reason and goal of the Confederation .
I sincerely wish that you will join us on our endeaver .
We will wait for your reply .

Lee Chang Suk .

What is this .
Representative Confederation .

There has been significant activities in the Community recently, and I’ve started to feel something like society or factions are developing within .
But I didn’t they were THIS active .
Is it a gathering for the Top challengers?

Lee Chang Suk, huh .
I don’t remember that name from the Top Challengers .
It could just be a Top Challenger who doesn’t reveal himself in the Community .
Hm . . .

Well I’ll leave it for now .
If that confederation gains support from people, I may be able to improve my position in the Community, but I have no idea  where or what that Confederation is for .
Never head of it too .
And, since I’m left all alone in Hell Difficulty, I really have no chance to meet anyone .
Let’s just leave it .

I take out a cup from inventory, dip it in the Healing Fountain, and have a sip .
Now, what to do . . .

[Round 2, Day 25 . 14:35]

After 2 days of progressing through the Floor 3, I managed to get to the Healing Fountain without any injuries .
Twice .

Yesterday, when I got the the Healing Fountain for the first time, I was so posessed by the greatness of the Blink skill, that I praised the Lord that is the God of Slowness .

[The God of Adventures feel disheartened]

I don’t care about certain someone feeling depressed, I’m happy .
Anyway, I have decided that I won’t grow anymore if I continue like this, so I decided to progress through the Floor without using Blink .

And, I succeeded at getting to the Fountain, unscathed, once again .
Ofcourse, I didn’t get any level ups during the progress .

The theme of Floor 3’s traps were tricks .
Hiding a trick within a pattern, to put the Challenger in danger .

Tricking through sound, or sight .
Showing a certain pattern, then striking when they are offguard, expecting the pattern to continue .

For example, the trap I’ve just passed was like this .
There are black and white stones arranged like a chess board .
And  the trap springs when stepping on the black stone, with poison arrows literally covering the entire room .
It’s fine if you step on the white stone .
But, on the last row, the trap springs whether you step on the black or white stone .
In the end, the Challenger must break through the arrow trap .

I too, paniced when the arrows came out despite stepping on the white stone .
And managed to break through, using Battle Focus and Blink to dodge the arrows .
On the second try, I didn’t use blink, but since I remembered the order and the angles of the arrows, I could dodge them .

Even if you fall for the trick, if you can get out of the trap that follows it, there is no significant danger, and that is Floor 3 .

There was a reason why Kirikiri said there’s no real helpful advices for Floor 3 .

But even so, it’s feeling alittle too easy .
Was it a throwaway stage?

I was hoping I could get some utility skills like Identify or Detect Trap, Remove Trap .
Adventure or dungeon skills given to Thieves or Adventurers in an RPG game .
But, despite my varying efforts to get that mystery skill, it failed .
I have not gained any skills .
It’s just a waste of time at this point .

There was only one thing left .
The third floor’s Boss Room .

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