Nightfall Chapter 119: A sword (below)

The mottled light and shadow come from the flowers on the window paper.

The door is the passage of the house to the outside world. The window seems to be the same. In fact, the window can only let the eyes through. More often, it represents imprisonment. For example, the small stone window in the secluded pavilion means despair.

The formation is also imprisonment. It came out without warning, and instantly covered the whole body of the alcoholic. From the face to the blue shirt to the pair of cloth shoes on his feet, once the formation was formed, he could no longer go away.

Ning Que is on the other side of the street, holding an iron bow and aiming at him. If he can’t leave the place and is locked by this formation, then the next moment, waiting for him is death, death without accident.

However, just when the formation formed by the mottled light and shadow was formed, the drunkard moved. He took a step back, and the sole of his shoe fell on the bluestone floor with a light crack.

The rain splashed slightly, the light and shadow were separated, and then dispersed, along with the bluestone slabs that he had stepped on to pieces, and then, the stone steps in front of the calligraphy and painting shop collapsed, and the cracks spread quickly.

In the sound of the rattle, several huge gaps appeared on the door of the calligraphy and painting shop. Whether it was the door or the window, it turned into pieces of wood and pieces of paper in an instant, the beams were broken, and the smoke was overwhelming.

The whole shop collapsed in the smoke and dust, just because the drunkard took a step back, and the timing of his step back was very delicate and accurate, just when the formation was born and failed.

It seems that a long time ago, he knew that there were crowds in this calligraphy shop.

Smoke and dust fell slightly, rubble, and a mess. Zhang San and Li Si fell in the corner of the ruins, covered in blood and dust, and they were shocked to the backyard.

The bones of the two young men did not know how many bones were broken. They moved a little, and the pain was unbearable, but they were still unwilling. They stretched out their hands in the broken bricks for a long time and found out two kitchen knives.

The alcoholic turned around. Looking at the two young Tang people, they looked indifferent.

The eyes fell, Zhang San and Li Si vomited blood, and it was difficult to stand up.

“Is this the bureau of the college, or yours?”

The alcoholic looked at Sangsang beside the ruins of the butcher shop dozens of meters away, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he smiled slightly. Because all of this, to him, has now become a joke. Then, he smiled gradually, looked at the little tree standing up from the wall of painting and calligraphy, and said blankly: “You… want to kill me?”

Walk toward the small tree to the broken stone steps. I patted off the dust on my body, tidyed up my clothes, saluted the drunkard calmly, and said, “I am going to the little tree, so naturally I will kill you.”

He is Chao Xiaoshu, Chao Xiaoshu is from the Tang Dynasty, so there are countless reasons for killing alcoholics.

“I. Of course I know that you are Chao Xiaoshu.”

The drinker looked at him indifferently and said: “These years, we have been working as neighbours in the small town, serving friends, you drink tea, I drink, do you really think I don’t know who you are?”

Chao Xiaoshu was silent for a moment and asked: “Since I already know it. Why is it now?”

“Because I’m very curious about what method you or the academy are going to use to kill me. You know, you are now a useless person. Your two helpers are brave and brave. They don’t know how to practice… Yes, for me, my association with you is a game, an interesting game.”

The alcoholic said: “I have lived for a long time. It is inevitable that I will be a little boring. It is rare to meet such an interesting person as you, such an interesting thing. Of course I want to watch more time and see how this game is played.” /

Then he looked at Sangsang and said, “I think you should understand our human feelings very well.”

Sangsang said with no expression on his face: “I don’t understand. I have been with him since I started living. He is a very interesting person, so there is nothing boring about being alive.”

Ning Que is naturally what she said about him.

The drinker was slightly confused, then laughed, shook his head and said with emotion: “Yes, Haotian married and gave birth to a child. This world is so crazy, why is it boring?”

“What about you? What is interesting about this game you prepared for me?”

The drinker looked at Chao Xiaoshu and said calmly: “Just this formation? Then I will be disappointed.”

Chao Xiaoshu said: “It’s really simple, but we all think it should be useful… Your biggest weakness lies in your body. Your body is not much different from ordinary people, and it is even more prone to decay. Me and those two Children are ordinary people, even if you see through our identity, you won’t be vigilant… Just like you said, this is just a game, you will play this game with us, then we may imprison you .”

The drunkard was silent for a moment, and said, “Is it Mr. Big or Mr. Two that can calculate my mind so clearly?”

Ning Que has not spoken, only then did he speak: “It’s the third sister.”

“It really deserves to be 23 years of cicada…I admire it, but I also don’t admire it.”

The alcoholic shook his head and said: “She did find my weakness, both physically and psychologically, you really have plenty of opportunities to take action, because I won’t use the immeasurable realm to alert you at any time, and it takes time for me to move my heart. But she got one thing wrong…this formation is too weak.”

He looked at Ning Que and said, “If it is Fan Cong, or there is some hope.”

Ning Que said: “Even if we were able to invite Dongye Hongyu to take action, the moment she appeared in the town, it was the moment you attacked or drifted away. It didn’t make sense.”

The alcoholic said: “So this is a contradiction, ordinary people can get close to me, but they have no power to kill me.”

Ning Que said: “You are too afraid of death, so you are too vigilant.”

The alcoholic said: “Yes, so in the first days, I never drank tea from the boss, because I was afraid of him poisoning, I was more used to drinking my own wine.”

Ning Que said: “Your habits are actually bad, no wonder you don’t have friends.”

The alcoholic smiled. Chao Xiaoshu didn’t smile. He remembered that the alcoholic had started drinking his own tea in the past two years, thinking about the hidden meanings, and was silent.

The alcoholic smiled gradually, looked at Chao Xiaoshu and said calmly: “Yes, I have no friends. The butcher should be considered a partner. I also want friends… I have heard the story of the rainy night at the Spring Wind Pavilion. I think you feel very good when you go to Lao Bi Zhai to find that little guy. The communication between you is very interesting, so I also want to see if I can become friends with you, drink tea together, and talk about some interesting things. Good.”

The story of Chunfengting and Rainy Night, as Ning Quechao and Xiaoshu became famous in the world, it had already spread. It has even become a legend. Coincidentally, the three parties are here today.

They reunited in the small town where Song Yan’s turn was also for murder.

Ning Que stood in front of Sangsang.

Standing next to the alcoholic toward Xiaoshu.

“It doesn’t matter if you lie to me, but why can’t you keep cheating?”

The drunkard walked up to Chao Xiaoshu, his expression indifferent, with a vague tyrannical mood in his eyes. “Since you can’t lie to me, and you can’t kill me, then what are you still alive for?”

His voice is calm, cold, but actually angry. Except for himself. Few people can understand why he is so angry-countless years of long life is not so easy to endure.

“I am a person who is willing to make friends.” Chao Xiaoshu looked at him quietly and said.

No one can question his words. The whole world knows that Chao Xiaoshu is the best friend, and it is best to make friends. He is sincere and generous. Undoubtedly, he is very unrestrained. Only people like him can be worthy of the Brothers of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and he can pick a brother like Ning Que at random in the painting shop on the roadside.

“If you want, I can also become friends with you. Although your seniority is too high and too old, but friends are things like that. It has nothing to do with the generation age, but only related to similar interests.”

Chao Xiaoshu continued: “I admit that I came to the town to set up a bureau to kill you, but after a few years, that bureau has not become a bureau. You know I am Chao Xiaoshu, don’t I know Do you know that I am Chaoxiaoshu? So although I didn’t say it, I didn’t deceive it. I even wondered if I could convince you that if I could, then it would be best. If not, then I have nothing to owe you. “

“You owe it? No, you don’t owe me anything. I have lived in this world for countless years. I have seen countless sinister and cunning people, experienced countless deceptions, and the ugliest, most deformed, most It’s a perverted thing, so you really thought I would care about the cup of tea in the shop?”

The alcoholic looked at him and said blankly: “Your game is no longer a game to me.”

He is one of the peak practitioners in the history of the spiritual world. At the peak of the small tree, he only knew his fate, and now he can no longer practice and has become an ordinary person. He only needs to look at the little tree, or he will die at the little tree. Ning Que or Sangsang can hardly stop all of this.

Chao Xiaoshu looked back at him calmly and fearlessly, and said, “I said before that this round is no longer a round, but when you want to kill me, this round will reappear.”

The alcoholic said: “What do you mean?”

Chao Xiaoshu said: “I am the game.”

The alcoholic raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chao Xiaoshu said again: “I stay at the time.”



When, is the time.

Ning Que has been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the time when the alcoholic cannot enter Wuyuan. He has waited for two days and one night, but still hasn’t waited.

Chao Xiaoshu is also waiting for an opportunity. He has been waiting for several years, but the time he waited is different from that of Ning Que. He waited for that time to take the initiative to find himself.

The alcoholic didn’t want to listen anymore. Out of the anger that was difficult to explain, and because of the two enemies of Ning Que and Haotian, he decided to kill Chao Xiaoshu.

He patted Chao Xiaoshu’s chest and abdomen.

The big cultivator’s shot, Chao Xiaoshu can’t avoid it.

Chao Xiaoshu didn’t want to avoid it either. He felt the coming of death. Even if he was determined and determined to see through Canghai Coast Flower, he couldn’t help feeling in a trance.

The palm of the alcoholic fell into his chest and abdomen.

With a soft sneer, a sharp point of the sword pierced out of his palm!

That is an invisible sword.

The sword’s edge is cold, and the sword intent is condensed and calm.

Where did this sword come from?

This sword has been in the body of Xiaoshu.

Someone has a ghost in their left eye, someone has a person in the sea of ​​knowledge, someone has a soul in their ring, and someone has a sword in their body. The sword is not hidden in the belly of the fish, but in him In the belly.

No matter where the drunkard’s palm falls, as long as the killing intent comes, the sword will appear.

At this time, the sword broke through his chest and abdomen, and then pierced the palm of the alcoholic!

This is Jian’s self-reaction, this is a burning posture!

The drinker’s face suddenly paled, and he felt great fear.

With a sharp scream, he backed away quickly, and after a few steps back, his figure was already blurred.

However, the sword came faster.

Jianfeng broke open towards Xiaoshu’s chest and abdomen. With blood, the invisible edge was condensed by the blood and the wind, and it was filled with substance, and with a puff, it pierced deeply into the abdomen of the alcoholic!

Drinkers are indeed one of the fastest people in the world.

But when he stood within a foot in front of Chao Xiaoshu, he could never avoid this sword.

The big brother was at the edge of the pool, and he didn’t dare to stand a foot in front of this sword.

What kind of sword is this?

It was a sword that was so ordinary that it didn’t need to be described. But killing intent absolutely.

This sword comes from Jiange of the Southern Jin Dynasty and belongs to the sword sage Liu Bai.

This is a sword borrowed from Chao Xiaoshu to Liu Bai.

This is a bureau of the Academy, a sentence from the Master.

The gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for time to move.

This sentence is used to describe:

But there is also a simpler explanation: A sword is hidden in the body of the tree, waiting for the time when the alcoholic wants to kill him. The sword will move, killing people.

The weapon, the thing, at a certain moment specifically refers to weapons, especially swords.

The device is also courage.

I waited towards Xiaoshu for several years just to stab this sword.

In other words. He has been waiting to die.

This is Dayong.



The alcoholic was in extreme pain, his eyes were shocked, and even a little confused.

The sword came too fast and too steep, and it was inevitable.

He vaguely understood that this is Liu Bai’s sword. Yes, in this world, only Liu Bai’s sword can be so determined. So fast, so no way out.

With this sword, even if he is an alcoholic, he must be seriously injured!

The sword of Chao Xiaoshu cut 90% of his vitality and broke his snow-capped mountains!

The alcoholic turned pale and continued to back away. The figure continues to blur.

He doesn’t want to die.

He wants to escape.

He patted the street with a palm, shaking up countless soot and gravel, blocking Ning Que’s vision.

Zhang San and Li Si crawled out of the ruins of the painting and calligraphy shop. Holding a kitchen knife, it was a violent chop, regardless of whether the chop was a **** or a Buddha. When the two young men chopped, even their eyes were closed.

With two clicks, the kitchen knife chopped off the toe of the alcoholic’s left foot and the heel of his right foot.

The drunkard has a sword in his abdomen, blood is flowing across, his feet are bleeding, his cloth shoes are wet.

He howled angrily, took out seventeen swords from the pot, and stabbed Chao Xiaoshu and Zhang Sanli indiscriminately.

In the night, Sangsang’s voice suddenly sounded, and she said two numbers.

On the other side of the smoke, there was a soft buzz.

A feathered arrow came through the air and hit the alcoholic’s knee accurately.

Blood shoots.

The drunkard shouted in pain, unable to maintain his balance, and sat down on the ground. The seventeen swords drawn out of the pot, like scattered leaves, were scattered on the ground.

With a bang, the smoke broke apart and the night was chaotic.

Ning Que rushed to the field, kicked him to the ground with one foot, and slammed his right foot on his chest.

In the crackling sound, the alcoholic’s breast bones are shattered.

The alcoholic panted, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

He still doesn’t want to die, he wants to live.

He desperately summoned the vitality of heaven and earth, trying to get out of trouble.

Ning Que opened the iron bow to aim. The iron bow was bent like a full moon, and the iron arrow on the string was cold as frost.

In fact, there is no need to aim.

The cold cluster of arrows touched the alcoholic’s brow directly.

No matter who it is, it will not miss.

In the previous battle, the alcoholic told him that if you have the ability, you will shoot me.

Ning Que said at this time: “If you have the ability, you can avoid this arrow.

There is a soft buzz.

The iron arrow flew away, piercing the alcoholic’s brow.

An extremely deep arrow hole appeared on the street of the small town.

The iron arrow hit the ground without a trace.

The head of the drunkard also disappeared without a trace, turning into a piece of blood.



(I like to shoot the sword in the body of Xiaoshu. I like to hit the knee of the alcoholic with an arrow. I like shooting arrows against the eyebrows of the alcoholic. It’s a good job to make up stories, although I’m tired. Please vote for it. )

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