Nightfall Chapter 115: A natural couple (part two)

The green lion looked around and found an empty seat in the deepest part of the Taoist Temple.

Only the most important Taoist hall will have the main hall, and there will be a **** seat-the **** seat is always empty, because it belongs to Haotian-that is the position of Haotian.

It walked to Sangsang’s side, bit her clothes carefully, sent her gently to the **** seat, and then tore off a few curtains and covered her to help her keep warm.

Even a devout believer, seeing Sangsang, who was soaked in blood and waiting to give birth at this time, would not think she would be Haotian, but Qing Shi insisted that she was Haotian and she was the only true Buddha.

For his persistence and loyalty, the Lioness is very satisfied. Thinking of the previous **** horse abandoning his master, he is even more angry with his unfaithfulness and lamenting his incompetence, thinking that if there is a chance afterwards, he has to take a bite.

Sangsang lay tired and weak in the **** seat, her abdomen felt pain after another, her face became paler and more sweaty on her cheeks, and she didn’t even have the strength to raise her hands.

The green lion looked at her, very nervous, and circling around the seat of God anxiously, brushing his tail over the wall from time to time, sweeping the solemn and holy goddess statues on the murals to pieces.

Suddenly there was a clamor outside the temple. I don’t know if the escaped priests and deacons gathered the people to do what they were doing. The Lioness stared at the temple door vigilantly. Regardless of waiting for any orders, he immediately killed those guys.

Too much, the hoof sounds clear!

The **** horse ran into the hall, sitting on the horse’s back was a somewhat fat middle-aged aunt. The aunt’s face was paler than Sangsang. She clutched the saddle tightly with her hands, and seemed to pass out at any time.

The middle-aged aunt is a stable wife.

She never thought that she would be kidnapped by a horse in her life, and she never thought that she would see a green lion half a hall tall. I never thought that one day I would help with children in the Taoist Temple, and I never expected that the woman who gave birth would have a sword in her belly, her whole body was bleeding, and she looked like a devil.

Looking back later. Thanks to her having delivered countless times in this life, she had seen countless bloody, deformed and ugly scenes, otherwise she would have fainted, of course, she would rather faint earlier.



Sangsang lay on the **** seat and took a dose of powder. Energetic a little bit better, opened her eyes, looked at the middle-aged woman busy outside the veil, weakly said: “When will it be born?”

It’s already twilight, and a long time has passed since the beginning of the labor pain. The steady woman shouted slogans beside Sangsang until her throat became hoarse. But it still didn’t give birth.

Sangsang was covered in sweat, and the curtains under him were also wet. His hair was messy on his pale cheeks, looking very pitiful, but fortunately, his eyes did not loosen.

The middle-aged woman walked to the seat of God, looked at the blood sword on her belly, and said with a trembling voice: “This is the first time. You will work harder later, maybe you will come out?”

Sangsang heard the uncertainty in her tone, frowned slightly, a little unhappy, wanted to say something, but found that the strength was quickly disappearing, so he closed his eyes and continued to rest his mind, preparing for the next effort.

Of course, the middle-aged woman wanted to leave, especially if she judged that it was difficult for her to give birth. It is very likely that after the dystocia, half an hour ago, she tried to sneak away once, just looking at the mighty and huge green lion, and biting off the upper part of the back of the three temple knights in one bite. She walked back honestly.



Still not born.

Looking at the pale Sangsang, the middle-aged woman suddenly felt sympathy and leaned to her side and said: “Something has to be done. If it is really difficult to give birth, it will kill two lives.”

Sangsang looked at her and said weakly, “What can I do?”

The middle-aged woman showed a proud luster on her face, and said: “Don’t worry, my way, I don’t know how many big fat boys have been saved, there is absolutely no problem.”

She untied her toolbox from the **** saddle, took out a round-headed pliers, lifted the draperies covering Sangsang’s body, and prepared to look between her legs.

Sangsang said indifferently: “You are not allowed to see.”

The middle-aged woman was stunned, and said with a wry smile: “I said the eldest girl, from the beginning until now you will not let me see… It doesn’t matter how you can give birth to you? They are all women, you are going to be a mother. , Why is it so embarrassing?”

Sangsang looked at her, calmly and undoubtedly said: “You are not allowed to see.”

The middle-aged woman looked at the midwifery forceps in her hand and sighed and said: “It is said that this method was passed from Chang’an City, but even if it is easy to use, it must be seen and used.”

“Don’t use that.”

Sangsang’s gaze shifted from the iron clamp in her hand to the sword in her abdomen.

Looking at the sword, she frowned slightly, was silent for a long time, her chest rose and fell slightly, accumulating all the remaining power in her body to the last moment, and then reached out to hold the hilt.

The sword is a drunkard, a sword in a pot, washed by the strongest wine, clean and dust-free except for her own blood.

She held the hilt of the sword and pulled it down.

With a sneer, the blade broke through the flesh and blood, and the blood spread like a river over a levee.

The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

Sangsang’s face is pale, his voice is intermittently weak, but he is extremely firm: “Don’t faint!”



The cry of babies sounded in the hall, one after another, not very pleasing, a little noisy.

For Sangsang, it’s like this, and it’s the same for Big Black Horse and Green Lion. Her attention, at this time, is mainly on her abdominal wounds. Big Black Horse and Green Lion’s attention are both On her.

As for the middle-aged stable woman, after taking out the baby from the **** wound, and after simple cleaning with extremely strong will, she finally could not bear the madness of life and fainted.

Sangsang wanted to repair the wound in the abdomen, but found that the remaining strength was too weak to do it, so she sutured with a needle first, and then wiped the last spot of firelike light in her palm. The whole process Here, she fainted several times, woke up and continued, the pain was extreme, but still expressionless.

The horrible wound was stitched up, and the final light played a decisive role. When the blood is wiped clean, only the traces of needles and threads can be seen, but the appearance of the wound is not visible.

Sangsang was very tired, somewhat satisfied, and felt that he was doing very well.

Of course. It is very good as a human being.

Suddenly, she thought of a very small thing many years ago.

At that time, before going from Weicheng to Chang’an, she felt that her female celebrity was not good, at least it was incomparable with the little ladies in Chang’an. Ning Que seemed to think so too.

She thought, he can’t say that in the future.

Think of little things and old things. After distracting her mind and alleviating the pain and exhaustion, she remembered that she seemed to have forgotten something, and when she looked to her side, she frowned.

She seemed bored or displeased. In fact, it’s a little confused.

Just beside her, very close, lay two babies.

The two babies closed their eyes, they were very clean, and they couldn’t describe them.

The question is, how can there be two?

She is the omniscient Haotian, how could she not know that she is pregnant with twins?

Ning Que asked her in the snowy wooden house. She said she didn’t know if it was a male or a female, because she was very resistant to the fact that she was pregnant, so she never felt it.

Giving birth to a child, this incident has made her feel confused enough to give birth to two at once, even more so.

What should I do next?

She was a little pale and her eyes panicked.

She looked under the **** seat and found that the middle-aged wife had already fainted. In other words, I slept to death, and I was still snoring at this time. My heart was really big.

She lifted the legs of two babies, looked at it, and confirmed that one was a boy. One is a girl.

She was a little clumsy, even a little rude.

The green lion lowered his head and was embarrassed to look at it. The **** horse reluctantly stepped on its front hooves lightly, tore off a piece of drape with his mouth, placed it on the **** seat, and covered the two babies.

After the fat aunt gave birth that year, she did pack the baby very tightly. Maybe she was afraid of the cold when she was born?

Sangsang struggled to prop up his body and sit down, and wrapped the two babies with drapes, but the package was messy, not like a child, but more like a bag, such as a powder box.

She held the children in her arms one by one, her posture inevitably looked a little awkward.

At this moment, the baby boy suddenly opened his mouth and cried loudly, as if infected, and the baby girl she was holding with her right hand also cried, just like at the beginning, one after another.

She frowned slightly, a little unhappy, a little irritable.

“Don’t cry.”

She looked at the two babies in her arms and said blankly.

She doesn’t have any supernatural powers now, she is still superb and majestic in words and descriptions.

But where is the majesty of a newborn baby?

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and children born from Haotian are naturally fearless.

The cry of babies resounded in the temple.

Sangsang was a little annoyed and panicked.

Suddenly she closed her eyes, her eyebrows wrinkled tightly, the frowns were tight and tight, very hard, trying to remember some memories from a long time ago in this way.

Finally, she successfully remembered.

At that time, it finally rained in Hebei Province. She was still a baby, lying quietly in Ning Que’s arms. At that time, his arms were still very thin, but lying in it was comfortable.

Recalling the way Ning Que hugged herself back then, her arms gradually became less rigid and softened a lot, slightly bent, and the two babies obviously felt a lot more comfortable, and the crying gradually became lower.

There are still some things to do.

She remembered that at that time, Ning Que got the rice cereal from nowhere, and fed it to herself bit by bit.

Baby needs to eat rice cereal. If there is no rice cereal, then they must eat milk, or vice versa.

She opened her eyes, unwrapped the blood-stained clothes, and began to breastfeed the baby.

The **** horse and the green lion have already avoided, quietly guarding at the gate of the temple.



(Today’s report, there are four things, one more than usual.

One, the official account of a certain letter will hold a lottery draw after the book is finished. Everyone is welcome to pay attention, and then give advice on the prize in advance, see if you want a book or something, and repeat it again, the number is: maoni1118.

Second, in the chapter about shooting the subject in a sea of ​​flowers the day before yesterday, the position numbers are 1989 and 0309 respectively. That is a little hobby of my own. If you know it, you will know it. Just like today’s chapter, it is also my hobby. I’ve been thinking about whether to write this chapter or not, but then I think it’s the best to write this chapter. It really is the best. It’s very good. I made a couple. Not only did she give birth to a couple, but also she and Ning. Que, I always think that they are a natural pair, Ning Que did not appear in this chapter? No, he is the protagonist of this scene. Whether it is his blood or the memory of that old year, I give myself a compliment.

Third, I recommend the novel by my old friend Lin Ma, called “The Doomsday: No One Lives Forever”, which is being updated enthusiastically at the starting point. The old author has a credibility guarantee. Please support me.

Fourth, the last thing that everyone loves to hear and see… It’s a pity, there will be something tomorrow, it will not break out, and it may even be interrupted. This will be said in advance, but the day after tomorrow, there will be many, good night. )

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