Nightfall Chapter 53: I want to see the sun

It was quiet. At this moment, regardless of whether Haotian was laughing or not, the people in the square who heard this sentence were lost in thought. These words contained a lot of information, and these words were inexplicably addictive.

The words that Ye Su said were a prophecy before, but in the end he was overjoyed. He mentioned the legendary Yong Ye and made some hopeful comments on Yong Ye. People puzzled.

What is Yongye? In the ancient legends of the spiritual world, it was the catastrophe brought about by the invasion of Pluto. With Sangsang’s coming to the world, Ning Que flees with her back on his back. The master cut the golden dragon with a sword in the wasteland. The legend has long been determined to be a fake. There is no Pluto, and there is no underworld, so is there Evernight?

There will be Eternal Night, and there will be Eternal Night, and people who have experienced Eternal Night are still alive today, but that has nothing to do with Pluto, but Haotian farms in this world in spring and autumn and rests in winter.

For most humans, the long eternal night is very cold and cruel. For Haotian, it is just the basic law of the operation of this world. If this world is to live forever, eternal night is a must means.

In essence, the Protestant religion is to compete with Haotian for belief, destroying the root of Haotian’s existence, and a tomb-digger of Daomen, so why does Ye Su expect Yongye to come?

“What exactly is your… Yongye?” Long Qing asked, looking at Ye Su.

Ye Su Jingjing looked at him and said: “Yongye is Yongye.”

Long Qing said: “Eternal night is darkness.”

Ye Su said: “Only in the eternal night can people really open their eyes and see the pictures that Haotian has never let them see. Those are real, and I am naturally happy for them.”

Long Qing thought for a while and said: “The truth is objective, and it doesn’t change according to his own heart.”

Ye Su pointed to the red sunrise on the horizon behind him. Said: “The sun hangs in the sky every day and will rise again after it sets. Is it objective?”

Long Qing said: “The sun is naturally objective.”

Ye Su smiled and asked: “Then have you seen it?”

Long Qing was about to answer, and suddenly frowned. After thinking about it, he understood the true meaning of this question. People living on the ground can see the sun every day, but who has actually seen it?

Everyone has watched the sun and glanced at the backyard after getting up. At noon, he covered his forehead with his hands and squinted his eyes and sighed for his horror. In the evening, sitting in the pavilion facing the river breeze, watching the sunset chanting poems.

But what does it look like? It is red in the morning and evening. It is white at noon. What color is it? Besides bright light, can there be patterns on it? if there is not. How to describe it?

If you can’t describe it, how about reading it?

He suddenly remembered the pictures he had seen in the dream of climbing on the second floor of the academy. In those pictures there were Ye Hongyu, Ye Su, and light. When he followed the light and swept the world, even after Ye Hongyu and Ye Su were killed, only light was left in the whole world.

It’s like the morning sun.

Absolute light is absolute darkness, and he realized this in the fantasy world. So afterwards on the wasteland, he put his last courage in the dark world of the north.

What about the sun? Where is Haotian? Yes, it’s the same truth, too bright, too dazzling, you can’t look directly, you can’t see the details, you can’t see everything, there is no truth-as Ye Su said, there is only the one where Eternal Night comes. One day, after the sun goes out, it will be seen by humans.

Long Qing understood the meaning of Ye Su’s words, but did not understand the meaning of this prophecy. He squinted his eyes, looked at the rising sun in the sky, was silent for a while, and then shook his head.

There is no need to think too much about things that are meaningless. What he has to do now is to kill Ye Su. As for whether that passage is a prophecy of a saint or a lunatic gibberish, it is also meaningless.

“You will die right away. Even if one day, you won’t see what the sun looks like. Similarly, people who hear your words will die in the following days, and they will be ugly. To.”

Long Qing looked at Ye Su expressionlessly and said, along with his voice, there was a thunderstorm of violent hooves, and the two thousand Xiling Temple guard cavalry who came in from outside the city finally arrived at the square. .

Clearly, countless piercing grinding sounds sounded, and the sharp long knives were held in the hands of the cavalry. The snow-like blades reflected the fearful faces of the Protestant believers.

Long Qing raised his right hand. Following his movements, the cavalry at the periphery of the crowd raised their long knives. The cold knives are like the grass in the field, messy but terrifying, and will tear all the flesh and blood they encounter.

The sound of hoofs revived, and the heavy horses rushed away the crowd in front of them. In the dull clash, there were many Protestant believers, their bones torn apart, and there were screams everywhere in the square.

Blood is flowing everywhere like a flood, and death is like snow everywhere. The believers fled in horror. The ordinary people who came to the square were unfortunately dragged into this tragedy.

No one can prevent the tragedy from happening.

Ye Su looked at this scene, raised his arm, and wanted people to get away, but no one could see. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn’t make a sound. Even if he could, No one can hear it.

Chen Pipi supported him, his face extremely pale.

More than a dozen disciples of the sword pavilion have been washed away and merged into the crowd, fighting arduously with the number of enemies far exceeding their own, like a reef resisting a torrent. Although strong, how can they turn the tide?

Long Qing stood under the stage, and he only had to walk ten more steps forward to get to Ye Su, but he did nothing but looked at Ye Su in silence, letting Ye Su look at these pictures in silence. .

Today may not be the beginning of the demise of Protestantism, but it must be Ye Su’s death. Just as Ning Que told Guanzhu, Long Qing wanted to see how Ye Su became holy.

Ye Su stood in the morning sun, the light around him refracted, with a sacred meaning, when the last stroke of his travel notes fell, he embarked on the road to sanctification, and the world has changed color.

Long Qing wants to see how the world can change color.

At this moment, the world really changed color.

There is snow in the streets and alleys. The houses are covered with black eaves and black and white. Together with those leaves that are not completely withered, they are the three basic colors of the city. The square is no exception.

It’s just that from yesterday to this morning, the Daomen slaughtered twice, and there was a lot of blood on the ground.

However, at this time, those colors are gone. The white remnant snow, black eaves, green-yellow leaves, and red blood stains have all turned into monotonous yellow, and the yellow sand is full.

Longqing’s expression changed slightly.

Because the discoloration of the world this time has nothing to do with Ye Su-Ye Su, the snowy mountains and the sea are dead. The meaning of the sage lies in the pen and the teachings of Protestantism, and cannot affect the real battle.

It is another force that turns all the blood stains of the winter trees into yellow sand.



(That’s all for today, because there seems to be some problems in the writing later, you have to fix it carefully, and then you have to pull it out again, and try to tighten it.)

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