Nightfall Chapter 182: The deserted people’s feet are on the grassland (down)

Volume One, The Empire in the Early Morning, Chapter 182, The Wild People’s Foot Steps on the Grassland (Part 2)

The sky is gloomy, and the grasslands are turning into lush.

No matter how powerful the deserted warrior is, once he can’t run at high speed and lasting like the wolves on the shore of Atami, he loses his most important ability. In the eyes of the prairie cavalry wandering around and drawing a bow, he suddenly becomes an immovable arrow. target. No matter how strong they have close defensive power, they are shot by countless feather arrows, but they can only die in the end.

Of course, I want to use feather arrows to remotely shoot and kill these deserted warriors, even if the opponent does not dodge, but also needs extremely scary feather arrows. If it is a battle in a normal situation, No cavalry can carry so many feather arrows. However, in the days when Huangren went south, dozens of large tribes in the left tent king’s court were defeated in a row. The steppeans continued to learn lessons from their failures, and finally decided today’s strategy. , Wang Ting dispatched one of the seven great wizards and also dispatched the elite cavalry directly under him. How could it be possible that the arrows were ineffective?

The horse walks like the wind, the arrow falls like the rain, the prairie knight screams, kicks the horse belly with his legs, and accurately draws the bow and shoots arrows with his exquisite archery skills. Surrounded in the very center, the deserted warrior on the prairie ground like a swamp pulls out his legs from the mud, moving his legs hard, and trudges desperately to the outside.

However, the second step I took was also deep in the mud. With those precise and terrifying feather arrows, Huangren broke through very slowly. The most powerful warrior ignored the feather arrows, brave He stepped through the thick mud and rushed to a place less than twenty steps away from the prairie cavalry. As a result, he hit an arrow in his knee and fell down in despair with a snorting.

Suddenly encountered such a weird ambush, the old veteran of the desolate warrior group had already noticed the weird carriage and the weird people in the carriage behind the prairie cavalry. He guessed that the sudden change of the prairie must be related to that The carriage was related, and only a few words were heard from the old man, and then a desolate warrior with extremely strong arms came over with difficulty and stood in front of him.

The elder Huangren pressed his palm to the soldier’s back and snorted, his face gradually turned pale, and an unexplainable huge force passed into the soldier’s body through his palm.

The arm of the desolate warrior was thickened again, as if something had entered his body. He forcibly endured the sharp pain coming from his skin, ignoring the blood from the corner of his eye, staring at it. Looking at the carriage in the distance, he suddenly let out a beast-like roar, drew a big axe from his waist, and hurled it there!

With the sound of scoffing and breaking through the sky, under the blessing of immense power, this big axe was like a bolt of lightning, and it had to travel hundreds of meters away, and slashed at the old wizard in the golden robe on the car!

Seeing the sharp axe whizzing, the two royal warriors who have been standing silent beside the old wizard, at the most critical moment, raised the huge shield beside their feet, and stood in front of the wizard!

The tip of the axe collided violently with the giant metal shield, and there was a loud and clear sound!

The prairie soldier next to the car kneeled to the ground, covering his ears.

The gorgeous carriage only shuddered slightly, and then calmed down.

In the carriage, the old wizard sitting on the metal plate is still expressionless, chanting the spell quickly, the wrinkles on his face are getting deeper and deeper, the vitality of the world around his body enters the metal disk with his spell, and then goes Those runes with complex star-like lines entered the grassland underground, and then were released through another metal disc buried in the ground in front of the palace in advance, making the grassland above it wetter and softer.

The last hope of the deserted people has disappeared. They are holding heavy long knives and desperately breaking through the damp mud. Dozens of arrows continue to flow down like thorns. , The whistle in the mouth of the prairie cavalry who wandered around and archery became more and more severe, and their hideous faces were full of revenge pleasure.

Wet grass, blood mud, and running horses constitute a cruel and desperate picture.



The prairie world suddenly became quiet and clear.

The cruel arrow killing continued, but in addition to the buzzing of strings and the sound of feather arrows breaking through the air, there was also the screaming whistle of the prairie cavalry. No sound was heard anymore, and the wild people stopped for some reason. Steps, try to bury your body in the grass, silently defend, and no longer try to break through.

Then the buzzing strings, the scoffing arrows and the squeaky whistles of the prairie people disappeared, and the battlefield that should have been noisy became extremely quiet. Quiet is actually a relative term. In fact, the reason why these noisy sounds have all disappeared is because people on the battlefield can only hear one sound now.

It was the low humming sound of a heavy object crashing into the air at high speed. It was definitely not an arrow. It was also a flying sword used by the people of the Central Plains. It sounded more like a huge stone, thrown down from the cloud by Haotian. It is accelerating.

The desert soldiers who buried their bodies in the mud of grass raised their heads with difficulty and looked up to the sky. They were already prepared to see death as home. Their eyes had become extremely calm before, but at this time Suddenly, it was occupied by searing heat and admiration.

The prairie cavalry wandering around the battlefield in the center of the prairie felt a panic of fear in their hearts for some unknown reason. They subconsciously slowed down the speed of drawing their bows and looked up in amazement.

Everyone on both sides raised their heads.

Look at the terrifying sound in the sky.

Clouds obscure the sun and cast shadows.

In the shadows under the clouds.

A man fell from the sky.

He cut through the sky, carrying a **** flame on his body, falling from a height of tens of meters, as if he was jumping from a cloud, shaking the air around his body at a terrifying speed, and spreading out a semi-spherical ball. The water mist on the back of the legs did not know if it was due to the violent friction, spraying a blood-like flame.

This man is like a meteorite hitting the ground.

The place where the meteorite fell was the magnificent carriage of the King’s Court of the Left Account on the Grassland.

The two most powerful warriors of the royal court on the carriage roared and raised their heavy shields to block the heads of the old wizards.

The old wizard trembled violently with his hands trembling violently, and the thought force in the sea of ​​consciousness burst out, mobilizing the vitality around the world to gather quickly, then he raised his head, his horrified eyes passed through the gap between the shields, and he saw a foot.

I was wearing an ordinary leather boot on that foot. The leather boots are a bit old and the soles are a bit dirty. I don’t know which grasslands, Gobi, sewage, mountains and rivers have been stepped on.

The moment he saw this foot, the old wizard Wang Ting understood a truth.

Death is here.



The man who fell like a meteor stepped on the hard metal shield.

The soles of the old boots couldn’t withstand this huge force at all, and they broke every inch.

However, the huge hard metal shield also broke every inch!

The two king court powerhouses holding up their huge shields were too late to even snorted. Their sturdy arms turned into silky fleshy muscles directly under the powerful and terrifying power. The bare bones instantly turned into powder, and the two blood spurted out like arrows from their noses, eyes and ears.

The foot without the sole of the boot, stepped through the huge shield, and continued downward among the flying metal fragments, easily stepping through the condensed vitality shield of the old wizard, and stepped on his head.

The old wizard stared at the head of the godless eyes, and was stepped directly into the neck cavity by this foot. Then the foot continued to go down and stepped on his body. The old wizard’s body suddenly sank and became flat. Until it becomes a pool of fleshy.

The foot in the leather boot is still going down.

Step on the flesh of the old wizard.

Step on the hard metal disc.

Step on the car plate.

A loud bang!

Smoke dust and flesh and blood powder splashed everywhere, smoke and dust flew around, the gorgeous carriage turned into a pile of rubbish, and the sharp metal fragments shot down dozens of prairie soldiers standing around the carriage to the ground!

This foot that pierced through the clouds and cracked the sky finally stepped on the grassland that the barbarians had occupied for nearly a thousand years!

The middle-aged man in a leather robe stood in the middle of the ruins with a huge **** knife on his back, looking blankly at the surrounding prairie barbarians like statues that shocked the wood.

The desolate warriors trapped in the prairie mud, looked at the powerful man in the distance, and finally broke the silence and let out a crazy roar. Some young desolate even shed tears with excitement.



Somewhere in the south, there is a Taoist temple in Lao Cong, deep in the mountains. It looks very simple and simple in appearance. Because the ground is so remote, no tourists and believers have ever come here, naturally there is no incense. Taoists in Guanzhong didn’t like incense. They felt that the taste was extremely vulgar, even different from ordinary Haotian Taoists. The Taoists living in this old temple didn’t even care about incense money.

In the depths of the Taoist temple, there are seven thatched houses built by the quiet lake, which is different from the most simple and even shabby feeling of the Taoist temple here. Although the eaves of the seven rooms are covered with thatch, they give people a kind of The feeling of luxury and solemnity to the extreme, the thatch roots are as yellow and white as golden jade, but they are still fresh after many years of wind and rain.

In the first thatched room, a large and thick book is quietly placed on the agarwood table by the window. The cover is black as blood clotting, and it looks like a black blood stone that can be formed hundreds of millions of years. Written with a Japanese character.

The classics have been opened, and the tip of the pen, which is full of ink, moved slowly, smoothly to the right and wrote a stroke.

The middle-aged Taoist rested the pen for a moment and nodded with satisfaction.

There are two words written on that blank paper, that is someone’s name.

“Ning Que”

The breeze is illiterate, but it can help condense the ink and keep the text on the paper. After a while, a breeze blows out of the window, turning the pages of the book and turning it forward. I don’t know how many pages have been turned. This classic book with Japanese characters written on its cover finally turned from the page where Ning Que was written to the front.

The front page of the classics is completely blank, like snow.

On the next page, there are several names. At the top is Liu Bai. Not far away, you can see the word Jun. There is a person with a unique name on the paper, far away from all the names, thus appearing extremely lonely, but extremely powerful, as if he is unwilling to stand with these powerful people in the Central Plains.

Because he is a demon sect walking around the world.

He is the number one player in the Northern Wilderness.

His name is Tang.



(When I was designing the night, I told many people that I want to write the cool text in my mind, like this foot today, that’s why I am so cool, writing this is really easy and cool. I hope you guys are happy too. It’s after twelve o’clock. Call for a recommendation ticket. As for ***, hey, I will definitely open the chapter tomorrow. At that time, everyone is happy to see it, so you can vote for me when you double tomorrow. Good night.)

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