Nightfall Chapter 36: Guan Xingan, calm face and face

Chapter Thirty-Six: Passing the Heart and Liver, Calm and Face

The Yulin Army imposed a blockade and martial law on Lin 47 Lane, but the people of Chang’an who were looking around continued to gather more and more, ignoring that the cold rain would wet their bodies. People were nervous or disturbed or excited. Regrettably, he looked at the black-faced man under the wall and wondered what happened.

Ning Que was standing in the rain holding a black umbrella, looking at Zall, who was sitting in the rain, with a calm expression on his face, looking very focused, as if he wanted to engrave that face forever. In my own mind.

When we met in Minshan seven years ago, this face was so dark, why are you so dark? It’s darker than the bottom of the pot, darker than the bottom of the pot, darker than the bottom of the pot, darker than the night, but not seen for seven years, and the little black man turned into a black man. After all, this face is still a bit strange, so he has to be serious at this last moment. Go and see, remember.

Zall, who closed his eyes forever, was carried away from Lin 47 Lane by Sergeant Yulin. The crowd dispersed. Ning Que and Sangsang walked back to the shop under the black umbrella, seemingly calm, but Sangsang I can clearly feel that there is no look in his eyes, like a body that has lost its soul.

The shop door was closed, Ning Que sat in the armchair and was silent for a long time, then whispered: “Eat noodles at night.”

“Okay.” Sangsang replied as quickly as possible, throwing the booklet and powder box aside and entering the back house.

After eating a bowl of noodle soup with three fried eggs specially made by Sangsang, Ning Que’s mood seemed to have returned to normal. Even after putting down the dishes, he even teased her, but the laughter inevitably became a little dry.

In the middle of the night, when the rain stopped, Ning Que walked out of the shop, confirmed that no one was watching in the dark, walked slowly to the gray wall opposite the shop and squatted down. He raised his arm and slowly rubbed the wall, wet. The icy wall has long lost that guy’s body temperature. He doesn’t know what that guy was doing here when he was seriously injured and dying, what he wanted to tell himself, how long he waited in the cold rain, and he thought about it again when he waited. What…

The slender fingers felt a little stiff on a brick. The corners of the brick had very light blood stains and a very small scratch. If you don’t touch it with your fingers, you will never find it with the naked eye.

Walking back to the shop, Ning Que gave Sangsang a few pieces of oil-soaked tissue paper, and asked her to keep it, and then very rarely he burned the pot with boiling water and scalded her feet, and got in with moisture. Cool bedding. Still the same as before, Sangsang slept obediently on the other side of the bed, her whole body curled up like a mouse.

“Seven years ago, I stayed with him for only ten days, and then he was taken away by his dead ghost master, but you don’t remember those things. He followed that dead ghost all these years I haven’t learned it, and I’m just a spy for the military. It’s not good to be mixed up.”

“The letter was indeed passed, but it took seven years to meet again. I don’t know what kind of person he has become now, and how deep the relationship he has with him… it’s too hypocritical. . To say that the relationship between me and him really used each other mostly. More accurately, I used him to know about Xiahou.”

“But he just died like this. It’s very troublesome. I only know about the massacre of their villages. Of course, I didn’t count you in. Wouldn’t it just fall to me? On the head? But now I have a lot of trouble on my back, where can I still have the energy to take care of this?”

Sangsang knew that he just needed to vent or persuade him at this time, and he didn’t need someone to talk to him, so he never spoke, and gradually he seemed to be really asleep.

Ning Que couldn’t sleep. He opened his eyes and looked at the scars formed by the rain in the corner of the house. Suddenly he sat up, put on a single cotton jacket and went to the small courtyard, and drew three old knives from the pile of firewood. , Grind his head down in the eaves of the well.

After sharpening the knife, he still didn’t feel sleepy. He walked to the shop and lit a lamp, poured water and rubbed the ink to moisten the pen, randomly torn a piece of torn paper, splashing ink under the pen like the heavy rain during the day, and scribbled a few lines.

“The chase is so cool, the admiration is devastated, it hurts the heart and the liver, it hurts to help me. I didn’t get the Mercedes-Benz, the sorrow is deep, and I don’t know what to say. .”

Ning Que had no expression on his face, and his eyes were calm, which formed a sharp contrast with the gradually miserable and agitated writing on the paper. I don’t know when, Sangsang got up from the bed, the little maid stood beside him in a single coat, silently looked at the words on the words, then raised her face and looked at him questioningly.

“These words were written by a predecessor, I just copied them.” Ning Que explained: “The predecessor’s ancestral tomb was dug, and although it was immediately repaired, he couldn’t rush back to see it, so he was sad and angry. I wrote a few words.”

Sangsang nodded, but looking at the bewilderment in her eyes, it is probably still not clear. Ning Que smiled without giving more explanation. I copied this famous post at least ten times, only tonight. He probably understands what kind of pain can penetrate his heart and liver, and what kind of things can make people feel choked on paper.

After dawn, the rain stopped.

The sun washed by the spring rain was exceptionally beautiful, shining on Quiet Lin Forty-Seven Lane, coating all the corners of the building and the gray wall with a beautiful color. The door of Lao Bi Zhai opened wide, and Ning Que sat in the armchair holding a scrolling book and looked at it. Occasionally, frowned or smiled by the content of the book, he picked up the teapot and took a sip of tea.

In the middle of that seemingly idle book is a piece of paper soaked with oil. The handwriting that will never be wet by rain appears very clear in the oil paper. He is not reading the book at this time but looking at this one. paper.

This oiled paper was stuffed into the brick wall before Zall died. It recorded the names of Liao and Liao, some information about whereabouts and preferences. Ning Que didn’t know if this piece of paper was related to Zall’s death. Relationship, but he is at least clear about what he should do if he wants to make Zall’s death worthwhile or to be happier after death.

The first name on the oil paper is Zhang Yiqi.

Zhang Yiqi, an official at the Imperial Yushitai, was responsible for picking up a hundred officials and impeaching lawlessness. This Zhang Yushi was in charge of supervising Yushi when he was in charge of assisting in the trial of the case of Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan’s treason. When he was promoted to the master of Yushitai, he was also one of the officials investigating the Yanjing extermination case.

In thirteen years, it has risen from the eighth rank to the lower rank. No matter how you look at it, Ning Que doesn’t care about this. He only cares about the person’s role in the two Chung cases. General Xiahou was able to kill the enemy by accident and escape from the Tucun case. This person obviously played a role that a censer could play.

Then, you die.

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