I am the Monarch Chapter 271:

It was as expected .

They had made it as expected .

The strategies against the Church with the Administrator Swift Clock and the Strategist Ian Phillips in the centre had begun . The pope Beldrica quickly attempted to send holy letters to gather the Crusaders but their feet had been dragged by Estia Empire’s damping .

Edwin Voisa who had been seeking asylum had put the safety of his son, Mills Voisa who was in custody of the Amaranth Kingdom as a reason to persuade the emperor and powerful nobles of the empire .

Estia Empire against the Church .

An invisible fight between the two massive parties had begun . Adding on to this, the unlucky merchant Clyde followed Roan’s request/command to invest into all his connections to create trouble and the situation grew beyond control .

As Swift and Ian had predicted, it became impossible to gather the crusaders .

During that time, the Amaranth Kingdom began to build on their foundation a strong body . Everyone was trying their hardest at their given position .

It was the same for Roan .

“I’m planning to look around the entirety of the kingdom with Amaranth Taemusas . ”

The first time he threw those words out, there naturally were multiple disagreements . Things like it is not something a monarch of a country should do were most of those but Roan had his reasons .

‘I must gather the people that led others through the Great Warring Period . ’

The heroes that had fought for Rinse Kingdom in the previous life along with Pierce and Ian . He planned on finding those still-budding heroes to form a strong root in the kingdom .


There weren’t many things that could be done inside the palace, or rather, there was nothing much to do .

‘The most I could do is look over and see if everything is going alright . ’

But that was something that Swift, Onil and Ian were plenty capable of . Roan was in search of the things that only he could do, and there was one more reason for him making such a decision .

‘Aily’s not here either…’

Aily who should be enjoying the newly-wed days had to follow the elves’ request and rules to stay within the elves’ habitat in the Grain Mountain Range for a while . Thus, Roan had no real reason to stay inside the palace . In the end of a long persuasion, various officials also had to follow Roan’s decisions .

“Perhaps it’s not a bad idea to go for a round of incognito inspection during this time . ”

Lots of them nodded to Swift’s words . Without even considering the Church, the Amaranth Kingdom was a newly built country that had beaten the Rinse Kingdom . And on top of that, there was the enmity with the Church .

From the outside it might appear to be gradually stabling but there were in fact lots of unclear hazards present .

‘There will be some lords and ones with power who hide behind the confusion to rob the people . ’


‘There are still several areas where the security doesn’t reach . ’

Swift’s suggestion of incognito inspection was a good solution, a good supplement to the plan .

‘Catching two birds with one stone . ’

He accepted Swift’s suggestion .

Asking the Magic Tower of Leno, Roan asked for magical tools that could disguise him . There was almost zero chance for citizens outside of Castle Mediasis to recognise Roan but the nobles were different .

A solid disguise was needed to avoid their eyes .

The preparations required for Roan’s incognito round of inspection and personnel search was quickly finished .

“I’ll be back . ”

He smiled lightly and waved his hand . His masculine tough face had changed to a soft, innocent face . With his rough unkempt hair and yellowish travel clothes unlike his usual red suits, he appeared just like a wandering merchant with a large bag on his back .

“Amaranth Taemusas have all finished their disguise . ”

Roan nodded in response to Ian’s words . This travel also had inspection as one of its purposes so the Taemusas had to properly hide their identities as well . They were guarding Roan at places that couldn’t be seen .

“Have a safe trip . ”

Several officials including Ian and Swift all bowed from the shadows . They did oppose it when they first heard him say it but in fact, they weren’t too worried .

‘Not just our kingdom…’
‘But from the entire continent…’
‘There’s no-one who could do anything to his majesty . ’

Besides, more than a thousand Taemusas were secretly guarding his surroundings . There was nothing to worry about .

“Now, let us focus **** our tasks before us . ”

They made bitter smiles in response to Swift’s encouragement, because in the first place, the ones they were worried about the most were themselves .

1 year .

In the remaining time, they will have to move without the time to blink an eye .

Because time would wait for no-one .


“It seems we have been late again . ”

A young general, Romils Hotten shook his head with a frown . There was a scene of extreme horridness spanning before their eyes . The previously isolated and beautiful village had turned into ashes . There was smoke breaking from every direction with burnt-black corpses reflected in their eyes wherever they faced .

“Do we still not know who is behind all this?”

A young man passed by Romils and stood in front of the crumbled village entrance . The armoured young man looked around the village with his cold sunken eyes . It could be seen that he was trying his hardest to suppress his rage .

Romils lowered his head with a terrible expression .

“I have no words . Prince Manus . ”

Prince Manus .

The young man was surprisingly the second prince of Pershion Kingdom… no, now the only prince of the kingdom, Manus Pershion .

“I know it is not your fault . ”

He shook his head with a bitter smile . Ten days ago, he had received news that a region on the north coast of Pershion Kingdom was being attacked by an unidentified group and quickly prepared a troop .


‘In just 10 days, dozens of large and small villages were destroyed . ’

Most of the citizens lost their lives . More importantly, however,

‘We still don’t know who the opponent is . ’

They had no idea who the opponent they were supposed to fight and destroy were . According to the news from the survivors of the village, the number of enemies was merely 200 . They all wore black robes covering their heads and their identities were hard to tell .

A difficult situation .

Manus raised his head and looked towards the North .

‘I just wish my guesses are wrong . ’

A deep sigh left through his lips .

It was then .

“Prince Manus!”

A horse escaped through the black smoke and quickly approached . When the horseman approached close enough he rapidly jumped down and kneeled on one knee, with a rushed expression .

“There has been contact from Teloi Island . ”

Manus quietly waited for the next words . The horseman sunk his head down and continued his words in a trembling voice .

“The guards were all killed with Sir Reitas’ appearance or corpse nowhere to be seen . It is likely that he has left the island . ”

“Hmm . ”

Manus let out a little murmur .

‘I had wished my guess to be wrong but…’

He waved his hand with a short sigh .

“Good work . ”
“Yes sir!”

The horseman got back on the horse after a salute and disappeared along with the horse . Manus grasped his fist and bit down hard .

‘Brother, is this really your doing? Really?’

He didn’t want to believe it . Although Reitas did have great ambitions, he wasn’t a cruel and unemotional person that would massacre the kingdom’s people like this .

‘What in the world happened?’

Reitas had clearly known of the cruelty of authority .

[Manus, if I’m alive, the nobles following me will look for other chances . Kill me . That is the duty of the victor and the fate of the defeated . ]

Those were the words Reitas had left when the assassination on Manus had failed . And naturally, Manus had blatantly refused . At that time Manus had said that even if the noble had been supporting Reitas, if their skills and personalities were excellent, they would be given their rightful location .

That he would gather them not into Manus faction nor Reitas faction but to the Pershion faction .

‘I said they will become one under the name of Pershion . ’

He had indeed said that .

In fact, after Reitas had been sent to Teloi Island on exile, Manus did allocate the skilled nobles that had been following Reitas into important roles and duties . Of course, there had been some discontent and disbelief at the beginning, but after some time, Manus’ honesty had been relayed and Pershion Kingdom was much stronger and tougher than the previous .

‘I thought everything was going well…’

Perhaps that was not the case .

‘If all of this was related to Brother Reitas, he wouldn’t have been the only one involved . ’

It meant that there were helpers . He bit down hard .

Romils who had been watching from the side rushed to approach and spoke in a small voice .

“Sir Prince, isn’t it better for you to return to the capital?”

There was no need for more words . If Reitas had indeed escaped the island, it was important to quickly return to Capital Altus and strengthen his side of officials . Otherwise with one mistake, Reitas’ old subordinates that had been placed at important positions might have other thoughts .

He reflected on it before slowly nodding his head .

“Romils . You stay behind and stabilise the north regions . I will return to the Capital . ”
“Yes, do not worry . ”

Romils lowered his head with a tough expression and Manus got on his horse after staring at him for a while .

Dududududu .

Soon, a portion of the cavalry headed towards Capital Altus along with the sound of horse hooves . It was as fast, no, faster, than wind .

But unfortunately, there was someone ever so slightly faster than Manus .

“Congratulations on your return . ”
“Congratulations . ”

Dozens of nobles lowered their heads in respect . A young man stood before them with a bright smile . His eyes reflected the tall walls standing below the moonlight and nodded .

“It has truly been a long time . ”

As if embracing the castle, the youth opened his arms wide .

“Capital City of Altus . I have returned . ”

A small yet powerful voice .

“I, Reitas Pershion have returned . ”

The youth .

His name was Reitas .


“Fu, what a great weather . ”

The innocent-looking young man hung a large luggage on his back and slowly carried his feet across . The narrow roads were well-maintained so it wasn’t really difficult walking .

‘But there will be a need to widen the roads for large scale military movements . ’

The youth with strange thoughts was Roan Lancephil who had departed on his incognito inspection . He left Castle Mediasis and walked on and on diligently until finally reaching the western end of Lancephil area .

‘Indeed, areas that are one district away from Capital Castle have become stable without an issue . ’

The officials both military and government as well as the nobles dared not to persecute or rob the citizens and focused on their own tasks .

‘It would be nice if other areas were the same…’

With some excitement and expectation, Roan had crossed the borders of the Lancephil area and faced further west . The sun that had been above his head was now almost covered by the faraway hills .

‘I guess I need to stay at a nearby village for the day . ’

Fortunately, the place where the first person he was looking for was in was not too far away from here . After walking for who knows how long, a village appeared on the end of the road . It was quite a large village with fences and a little watchtower .

Roan quickened his feet with a happy heart .

But when he arrived at the front of the entrance, he was stiffened like a statue . It was because the sun had yet to fall but the village entrance had been closed tight .

“Hello . ”

Roan stood in front of the entrance and used his politest voice to seek for a person . Soon, a presence could be felt from within .

“Who is it?”

A voice filled with caution . Roan smiled widely and scratched the back of his head .

“I’m a wandering merchant . The sun was about to fall so I wanted to stay…”

When his words reached around that point .

“Walk a little bit more South West and there will be a village called Burk . Eat and rest there . ”

Roan was baffled . He had received cold treatment countless times, but not even being allowed into the village and being chased away was a new experience even with his previous life in the equation…

“Did you not hear? Our village is not a place for accommodation so leave immediately . ”

He was trying to chase him away but there was worry evident in his voice .

‘There’s something here . ’

Roan’s two eyes shone brightly with light . He began to act in a crying voice .

“Aigo . I couldn’t even rest today and continued walking all day . The legs are sore and my feet hurt as if they’re being stabbed . I won’t make trouble and will leave after one night so please take me in . ”

It was a natural act enough to make others believe that he was truly in pain . A loud commotion could be heard from the inside . They were definitely thinking about something, but .

“Even so, what’s impossible is impossible . Burk village isn’t far from here so walk diligently and you should arrive before the sun sets . So leave quickly, now!”

Towards the end he even shouted, but it was a made-up shout and Roan’s doubts deepened .

“Aigo, how cruel…”

He made a crying sound and stepped back . Glancing at the watchtowers, he found two men with worries on their face .

‘They’re definitely not bad people . ’

Albeit being confused on the inside, Roan collapsed down on the side of the road . He then took out a dirty rag from his bag .

“Aigo, whatever . ”

He made a loud noise on purpose and lied down . The cloth covering up to his neck showed that he was about to sleep outside in that manner . When he did, an urgent voice escaped from the watchtowers .

“Hey, there . What are you doing!”
“Quickly go to Burk Village! Quick!”

But Roan wore an expression of laziness and waved his hand before turning his body around .

“Aiya . ”

Lost voices could be heard from the towers until finally .

Screak .

Along with the creaking noise of wood, the village entrance that was shut tight was opened slightly with utmost care . From within, a middle-aged man pointed his head out .

“Hey, there! Wandering merchant! Quickly come in! Quick!”

A loud voice and a waving hand . Roan slightly raised his head to look at that before quickly packing up his luggage and rushing over .

“Aigo, thank you . Thank you . ”

He nodded his head several times and squeezed his body through the small gap between the gates . Finally the inside of the village that couldn’t be seen even with Kalian’s Tears was laid bare .

“Mhmm . ”

Suddenly, a low murmur escaped through his lips, and his face turned rigid .

“That’s why we told you to go to Burk village . ”

The people let out sighs before shaking their heads . Roan couldn’t reply and silently stared at the village .

‘Don’t tell me they’re…’

His eyelids trembled slightly .

‘In the middle of a battle?’

<Incognito (1)> End .

Translator: Lunargrasp
Proofreader: Deathwing

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