Taming Master Chapter 21:

Chapter 21: The Very First Evolution (1)

TL: Haku

Editor: Stealth

Sponsor: Anonymous (2), Manpapper and Yanle

To get to Saumur Canyon, you needed to pass through Saumur Forest .

Saumur Forest was a map that had lower level monsters appear than the Canyon but they were still a level that Ian could behave carelessly .

The monsters that appeared were a predatory monster named ‘Corkun’ .

It was around late lv 30s and it wasn’t much bigger than a Half-Moon Bear but because it had a habit of moving in a large group, it was classified as a much more dangerous monster than the Half-Moon Bear .

If you were to compare a real animal to how the Corkun looked, it felt like a Jaguar that had a rusty-coloured integument .

‘If I caught a Corkun and raised it, I’d look cool . To look cool with this Ly is a little…’

Ian glanced slightly at Ly, who followed his back . He was showing fearful potential and growth to the point it was impossible to think that he was a Wolf but truthfully, his appearance was shabby . His appearance was just as a Wolf, a low-level hunting ground field monster, anyways .

However, just then, Ly, who was following him, suddenly stopped and stood .

At that, Ian was startled on the inside .

‘It’s, it’s not like our thoughts were shared by any chance, right…?’

Ian, who felt sorry in vain, spoke as he petted Ly .

“This Ly, you know that this bro fiercely likes you, right?”

Ian, who was very worried that the Affinity he difficultly raised would drop .

However, Ly didn’t move an inch and stood still .

Just when Ian was questioning him, a faint light began to gather around Ly’s surrounding .

“What, what’s this?”

Ian, who was taken aback, opened Ly’s stat window . And shortly after, he was enlightened on the situation .




The information that was always written as Evolution possible on Ly’s stat window had changed to ‘Evolving’ and was blinking a red light .

‘Finally! You’re finally evolving!’

Dozens of times, whenever he opened Ly’s stat window, the ‘Evolution possible’ information always caught Ian’s eyes . He uttered yells of delight as he had secretly anticipated when the evolution would happen .

‘But why is he suddenly evolving? What exactly is the condition to evolve?’

Ian attentively searched Ly’s stat window . And shortly after, he was able to find the related answer .

‘Potential! His Potential reached 100!’

Ian, who wouldn’t have wasted travelling time as expected, continuously rotated the Intermediate-level Training skill periodically and through that, Ly was able to reach 100 Potential and evolve .

Ian wanted to dance joyfully .

‘If he evolves, his appearance will definitely change, right? I wish his build got a little bigger… so I can go around riding him…’

Separately from Ian, who was grinning from ear to ear, Ly’s evolution was still progressing .

The light that gathered from Ly’s surrounding had become so bright that it was dazzling and it wrapped around his whole body . And Ly’s appearance began to slowly change .


Ian just let go of his spirit and watched that figure .


Ly’s body, which was wrapped in the white light, grew almost twice his previous size before stopping his growth .

And shortly after the light began to clear, a system message that made Ian feel good popped up .

Ring- .

Wolf ‘Ly’ has evolved into a Blood-Red Maned Wolf .

Blood-Red Maned Wolf .

The title of the newly evolved monster exactly sniped Ian’s taste . An exclamation naturally flowed out of Ian’s mouth .


And this wasn’t the end of the messages .

As the Familiar successfully evolved, the proficiency of ‘Intermediate-level Training’ has increased .
‘Intermediate-level Training’ skill has increased to Lv 2 (45 . 7% until the next level) .
You have successfully evolved your Familiar for the first time . Your fame has increased by 1000 and your Taming Ability and Leadership has increased by 30 .
You have summoned a Blood-Red Maned Wolf for the first time . Your fame has increased by 1500 .

System messages that popped up consecutively!

Each and every message was a notification that was equally exciting news but the point that was making Ian the happiest was that the individual that Ly evolved into was a unique monster that he hadn’t seen until now .


Ian burst out in laughter .

A full, red mane that shone extremely and on top of that, a build that wouldn’t fall back even when compared to a relative opponent .

Ian, who was positively thrilled, hugged Ly .

“Argh, Ly, this bro fiercely loves you . ”

As if looking at a happy Ian put Ly in a good mood, he licked his cheek and rubbed his body against him .

As the excitement died down, Ian opened Ly’s information window .



Lv: 20

Classification: Predatory Animal

Rank: Rare

Personality: Valiant (용맹함)

Evolution possible

Offensive Power: 235

Defensive Power: 97

Agility: 215

Intellect: 135

Vitality: 790/790

Inherent Ability

15% of the damage dealt on the opponent will be absorbed as its own health and if fatal damage is dealt, 50% of that damage will be absorbed as its own health .
If fatal damage is dealt on the opponent, it will make the opponent go into ‘Bleeding’ state . When the opponent is in Bleeding state, fixed damage equal to 20% damage per second will be dealt for 10 seconds .

A ferocious wolf with a mysterious, red mane . It has an incredibly aggressive tendency .


Ly’s information window were simply showing surprises one after another . His Offensive Power and Agility were higher than Ian who had a full set of equipment and inherent abilities such as health absorption and Bleeding were newly developed .

His Defensive Power and Health were comparably low but he decided that his high Offensive Power and health absorption could cover for it sufficiently .

‘His rank also changed from Common to Rare…’

Since his rank went up, he consumed more Leadership but for these stats, the consumed Leadership was nothing . Since he got 30 more Leadership points as a bonus for his first evolution, it seemed he wouldn’t be lacking in extra Leadership .

And if useless, high-level field monsters were common items, he considered Ly almost as a Unique-ranking item .

On top of that…

‘He’s still able to evolve?’

It meant that Ly still had available potential .

‘If he evolves once more, will he become a Unique-rank?’

Even just thinking about it was a happy thought!

To be more exact, Ian’s hidden class, ‘Taming Master’, was more of a fraud than the Summoner .

Of course, Ian’s talent was incredible as he was able to find Ly within a ton of normal Wolves… But if it wasn’t for the Taming Master’s own skill ‘Intermediate-level Training’, it was certain that Ly’s evolution would still be far-off .

Anyways, thanks to that, Ian’s footsteps towards Saumur Canyon had lightened considerably .

Ian, who watched the Corkuns hang around in groups far away, rebuked himself for momentarily being envious of the appearance of Corkuns .

‘Pfft, Corkuns . Even if you gave me a million trucks worth of them, I wouldn’t need them . My Ly is the best, of course!’

Ian approached Ly .

“Ly, do you think you can give me a ride and move?”

Grrr- .

At Ian’s words, Ly lowered his stance and sat down as if to say for him to climb on .

Ian gave a bright smile before immediately climbing onto Ly’s back .

“Wow, Ly, run!”

Ian, who was excited about climbing onto Ly’s back, shouted ‘run’ but shortly after, he couldn’t help but regret it . This was because Ly shot forward in an instant and he was flung onto the ground in an unedifying form .

As if Ly felt sorry, he approached Ian, who was knocked over and licked his arm .

“Err… Do I at least need a saddle? If I put something like a saddle on, it doesn’t look good . ”

Ian climbed onto Ly’s back again . It wasn’t like Ian to give up after tumbling down once . Ian had already felt a need of his image riding Ly greater than any narcissism .

“Try to move, Ly . A little slower . ”

At those words, Ly began to move cautiously and Ian slowly adjusted to Ly’s back .

“Good, good . ”

Ly slowly increased his speed with Ian on his back . Thanks to that, they were able to arrive at Saumur Canyon faster than Ian thought he would .



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