The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 9:

Tampering with evidence


The hooded men who snuck into the Iphelleta House .

None of them could move a muscle any longer ; this was due to the mysterious stranger who just spoke to them .


‘Just then . . . ‘


It was more than enough to shock them when the stranger managed to detect, listen in and intercept their Mental Message* .


*Mental Message, previously known as ‘Jeone Um’ .

TLN: After further interpretation, we would like to clarify that Jeone Um allows a person to speak and make it so that what is said can only be heard to whom the speaker wishes . Like telepathy . We couldn’t quite decide on what to go with for the previous chapter but from now on we will translate it as “Mental Message” . Thanks FudgeNouget!


‘How . . . ‘


Not to mention he had managed to send the message to every single one, who were all hidden meticulously .

It was understandable that all of them were stunned .


‘ . . . And where?’


The leader of the hooded men, Tes quickly turned his eyes around .

No matter where he looked, he couldn’t find the Mental Message’s point of origin .

Which meant there was a clear difference in ability between them and the stranger .


‘The Iphelleta House had someone who could hide his presence this well?’


As far as Tes knew, the Iphelleta House did not consider assassins as equals .

In fact, the house was a congregation of people who despised and wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of them if they ever saw one .


‘It’s as if . . . ‘


Tes gulped nervously .

Considering the skill of the Mental Message, the stranger was at least as skilled and powerful as himself .

It was not easy to remove such a powerful presence .

But . . . he couldn’t sense him at all .


‘I’m seeing a ghost . . . ‘


Presence, or mana .

Or anything else .

Along with such power, there are distinct features which get left behind . They can be used to distinguish them immediately from the rest .

But even those features could not be found, as if it really was a ghost .

This was a feat only the most skilled assassins could accomplish .


‘Tsk . ‘


Underneath the mask, Tes frowned .

He did not like it .

The situation he was in .

The fact his daughter was cornered, that he flinched against some random stranger .


‘I don’t know who’s joke this is, but there must be something holding him back if he decides to hide like this . ‘


Otherwise there is no reason for him to remain in the shadows .

If he wanted to continue threatening them, he should of kept sending that killing intent at them .

That’s what Tes believed .


‘Don’t . . . annoy me?’


Tes clutched his dagger as he remembered those words .

He had no intent on annoying him .

In fact, he hated such situations .

All he needed was his colleague’s body and the dagger .

Quietly .

Then, all their business in the house would be done .


<We are moving . >


He had come all the way here to help his troubled daughter .

They had to move now, otherwise the mission would be impossible to complete before they began .

The warning from the previous Mental Message hadn’t come back since then .

There was no time to waste .


<I will go to the ‘son’s office’ where the dagger is . >


Tes jumped out of the bush he was hiding in .

As he slips into the mansion like the wind, his subordinates gain heart and follow behind him .

The hooded figures begin slipping into nooks and crannies of the mansion like rats .


<No . 2 to 10 will take the body . >


Tes ordered though Mental Message .


<The rest will make some noise to gain the mansion’s attention . If in danger, remove all evidence through suicide . >



As soon as his second order was given, an explosion occurred somewhere in the mansion .

It seems the fight had already begun .



“You sons of bitches!”


The old man shouted .

He was wearing butler’s clothes and held a straight sword in one hand .

It was a normal sword, but it was made of good steel and boasted superior hardness .

The old man swung his blade .





How could a man well into his 50s have so much strength?

With but a single strike two hooded men were knocked back .


“Where do you think this is!”


The old man swung at them once more .

The blade suddenly glowed blue and showed its power despite the gap between them .


” . . . !”


The aura blade .

The blue light was shot from the blade and cut through the hooded men along with their daggers .


“Hm! Were they just grunts?”


The old man shook his arm and turned around .





Sera .

She was one of the maids serving in the mansion .

It seemed the chat for reunion will be cut short, as the sword she held also had blood on it .


“I will take care of Lady Iris’ room . Ian-nim should go protect Young Master!”


It meant to find and bring Riley back from the garden .

Ian understood and nodded in agreement . He moved immediately .


“Alright, don’t push yourself! I’ll be right back!”


It would only take 10 seconds for Ian to reach the gardens from Lady Iris’s room .

If there weren’t any obstacles .


‘Young master, please . . . ‘


Riley would often play ‘hide and seek’ in times of danger .

Ian ran through the corridor .

Praying that Riley would once again show that ability and get himself to safety .


‘Please be safe!’


1 second . . .

5 seconds . . .

7 seconds in, Ian met with an obstacle .




Ian’s facial expression crumbled .

From his presence, one could tell this was not your run-of-the-mill fighter .

It would likely take some time .

Time that could determine Riley’s life or death at any moment .

This wasn’t what Ian wanted .


“I do not like to run my mouth too much, but I’ll let you live if you leave now . “


Ian threatened the hooded man .

His sword glowing blue with killing intent .


” . . . “


Even so, the hooded man stayed silent .

He simply tucked his chin, and pulled his dagger .

He didn’t know Ian’s intention, but he wasn’t letting him pass .


“You **** . “


From the reaction of his eyes, the hooded man was not deaf .

Ian grinded his teeth in anger as the man ignored his warning .


“I have no time-…”


Ian stopped mid sentence and charged toward the man, and the sword and dagger met .


Sparks flew and Ian’s arm engaged with the hooded man’s .


” . . . -to play with you!”


Ian shouted as he twisted his body .

Just when some distance was made between them, Ian’s and the hooded man’s weapons swung at different angles .

Aiming for each other’s lives .




Was it due to the fact that two blades imbued with mana clashed?

The two mana blades’ trajectories faded slowly .

Afterwards, Ian’s shoes could be heard sliding on the carpet .




Ian swore as he was pushed back .

The match was a draw .

In strength, of all things .


‘What power from such an old man . . . ‘


The same was the case for the hooded man .

He was just as surprised as Ian .

As one of the 5 strongest people in the guild, he didn’t expect to be pushed back like this .

Thankfully the mask was hiding his emotions right now .


“Move you lil’ bitch!”

” . . . “


Ian had been watching his tongue since he began working as a butler, but his habit from his mercenary days was starting to show .


“Move it . . . no move your mute **** out of here! Just **** off!”


At this point he was swearing like in the old days .

His face turned red like the face of a demon .

That’s how desperate he was .

Any more time wasted, and there was no telling what might happen to Riley .


‘I can’t . . . let this man pass . ‘


The hooded man cracked his wrist which was still shaking from the strike before, and fixed his stance .

He believed this old man was nothing short of extraordinary .


‘That **** . . . ‘


Ian tucked his chin in .

If he could kill a man by glaring, the hooded man would of died a hundred times over .

Sadly, he didn’t have such powers .

The hooded man was quite the adversary .


‘Young master! Wait for me . . . just hold on a little longer!”


Ian grinded his teeth .


‘These old bones will come and get you . ‘

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