Overgeared Chapter 1039:

After Grid’s party left for the Ruins of the War God, Piaro never slept comfortably .  Being a farmer and warrior, he knew too many of the stories about the War God and his followers . Piaro estimated that the Ruins of the War God was a very dangerous place and was worried about Grid .

He didn’t dare blame Grid for not bringing him as he took off his clothes and put on his armor .  That way, he could run at any time when Grid needed him .  Yet he hoped that Grid wouldn’t need to call him .  During the last month, Piaro wasn’t a farmer or a legend .  He was just an ordinary knight waiting for news of his master .  Finally, he was called by his master and arrived at the historical site .

“ . . . You . ” Piaro gazed at Drunk Duke Diworth who was confronting Grid .  He immediately noticed that Diworth had chased Grid from Reidan to this location, placing Grid in danger .

“A person who dares to go against my king doesn’t deserve to even be used as manure . ” 

When Piaro became a legendary farmer, he was liberated from his obsession with becoming a Sword Saint .  The misunderstanding with Asmophel was lifted, and the pains of the past were relieved .  Since then, Piaro had a relaxed mind .  He delayed his anger, and his peace of mind was slowly recovered .

However, at this moment, he was a vicious demon .  He wondered if he would look like this when he met Empress Marie . The anger he had been suppressing caused him to have a terrifying expression that was completely unbearable . No, it channeled his anger .

Dozens of sparks flew up into the sky that was red from the setting sun .  The nature in the atmosphere was reacting to Piaro’s life and anger .  It was the manifestation of Natural State .

“I never dreamed about reliving the old days . ”

Air currents swept over Piaro, causing the hand plow, sickle, and **** hanging from his waist to rub against his armor .  The weight of the weapons (?) was so light that a loud and clear sound echoed like notes played by a musical instrument .  Piaro swung his hand once, throwing out something as small as a seed and hard to identify with the naked eye .  Dozens or hundreds of the small seed-sized things were scattered across the empty space .

The flustered Diworth moved back .  He used his eyes and senses that transcended the human reality and immediately grasped the identity of the small things pouring toward him .  They were fragments of a strong energy .  It was in the form of fine particles, but the destructive power contained in each one was enough to stir up the heavens and the earth .

No, was it really that? Something felt different .  Strong energy . . . This power was often known as the upper echelons of sword energy and was thrilling to face, but Piaro’s strong energy was very gentle .  No destructive power was felt .  It was as expected .  The strong energy fragments, that failed to hit Diworth and fell to the ground, didn’t exert any power .  They melted like snow and were absorbed into the ground .

‘A trick?’

It forced Diworth to evade .  Would he encounter some type of storm after this? Diworth was prepared for the shock .  Unable to easily guess how Piaro would link an attack, Diworth retreated .  He wasn’t confident about beating Piaro in a fight .  Still, he wanted to believe in his wits . He would boost his alcohol intake and respond in real time to what was happening .  Unfortunately, his determination was useless .

“ . . . ?” 

Piaro was still standing in place .  Unlike Diworth’s expectations, Piaro didn’t link to the next attack .  Diworth was engulfed in doubts .

“Free Farming 2nd Style,” Piaro then recited quietly while pulling out his hand plow, “Super Growth . ”

“ . . . ?!” Diworth’s eyes widened .

Immense chaos surged like a wave, making him dizzy .  They were in a desolate canyon .  Somehow, all types of grains and trees started to grow from this impoverished land that was only sand and dust .  It didn’t take long for the barren land to turn into an abundant field . In fact, it happened in the blink of an eye .

Diworth felt like he was dreaming .

‘Illusion magic?’

No, it wasn’t .  The sight of the fields and the sweet scent coming from the hanging grapes could never be a fantasy .  In the first place, an illusion master wouldn’t allow him to distinguish between fantasy and illusion .

“You’ve learned a weird thing!”

The fragments of energy that Piaro sowed contained life, and Piaro created the environment using techniques that promoted life .  When Diworth quickly grasped this fact, he took a sip of alcohol and spat it out .  The stream of alcohol emitted from his mouth contained powerful magic power .  The lush plants and trees were unable to cope with the terrible alcohol and withered .  At the end of the stream of magic power was Piaro .  

Diworth ran across the withered fields and reached out a hand .  Piaro’s hand plow and Diworth’s attack collided, causing an explosion .  Since the opponent was strong, Diworth didn’t intend to contend with unnecessary skills .  He took out the hidden weapon in his other hand and shot it .  It was covered with an extremely poisonous substance made by an aging white bamboo spider .  The needle, which was filled with a terrible poison that boasted no color or odor, flew silently and struck Piaro’s thigh .

‘He wasn’t alert!’ A smile spread across Diworth’s face .

The Tiphon dukedom was famous for poison .  Even those who had reached the top would become vulnerable in front of Duke Diworth’s poison .  At this moment, Diworth was convinced of his triumph .  He was proud that Piaro, a former pillar of the empire, failed to respond to his hidden weapon .

However, Piaro was fine .  “It is insignificant . ”

“ . . . !?”

Piaro didn’t respond to Diworth’s poison .  Natural State combined with the body of a legend made him unaffected by the poison needle .  Piaro knew it as well .  He let himself be hit to thoroughly shatter Diworth’s self-esteem . It was to sentence him to the worst death .

Piaro’s hand plow flew toward Diworth’s heart .  However, Drunk Duke Diworth wasn’t easily hit because he boasted unpredictable movement paths .  Diworth’s clothes were loosened as he used gentle movements to avoid the hand plow .


Piaro was fine after being poisoned with the hidden weapon…? Diworth was baffled by the appearance of Piaro, who didn’t seem poisoned . He suffered greater confusion and shock from this than when he saw the fields .  Even so, he didn’t lose his concentration .  He drank more alcohol and drove out the confusion and fear .

“You built up a bigger status . . . ” Watching the confrontation, Duke Grenhal was thrilled .  Piaro had lost everything apart from his life and lived as a hermit .  Did he live in pain and anxiety every day? Honestly, Grenhal had been dubious about that .  He had expected Piaro to be weaker, even if he was alive .

Yet what was this? Piaro boasted an excellent shape after being called by Grid .  It was a bit ambiguous to say he was stronger, but based on his resistance to poison, he had definitely built up a stronger status .

‘Why is he sealing the sword?’

Grenhal and Morse became more doubtful .  The Piaro they knew was a great swordsman aiming to be a Sword Saint .  Yet the current Piaro didn’t use a sword at all and was holding farming equipment .  He had a knight’s spirit and armor, but the things he showed throughout the battle were no different from those of a farmer .  Why was he putting constraints on himself? At this rate, he might not be able to win against Diworth .

Then it happened when Grenhal’s and Morses suspicions became stronger .

“Free Farming 4th Style . ”

The hand plow missed Diworth who dodged like a fish, then Piaro pulled out a trident attached to his back . No, he pulled out a rake .

“Plow the Field!”

The soil in the field was turned over .

“ . . . ?”

The ground suddenly turned upside down, and soil rose, causing Diworth’s stance to collapse . Somehow, seeds flew in his vision as he tried to keep his body upright .  It was the effect of Free Farming 5th style, Harvest .  Hundreds of thousands of seeds flooded toward Diworth .

Kuek . . . !

The retreat was blocked .  Diworth became extremely tense as he was surrounded by seeds .  

‘They are just seeds,’ he calmed his mind .

Yes, he was only surrounded by seeds .  There was no problem . A person couldn’t die because of seeds .  Diworth judged and bent his waist .  He planned to fight back and deal a blow while Piaro was harvesting, but that was a huge mistake .

“Free Farming 8th Style, Polishing Rice . ”

“ . . . !?”

There was a huge explosion that shook the entire canyon .  The thousands of seeds harvested by Piaro exploded at once, swallowing up Diworth .

Kuaaaack!” Diworths scream echoed .

He failed to respond to the unexpected attack and was seriously wounded . His body became dull as the alcohol flew away .  Piaro took action without hesitation . He took out his sickle without delay and aimed at Diworth’s heart .  There was no time to avoid it .

[The Saharan Empire’s duke ‘Drunk Duke Diworth’ has been defeated . ]

[It is a great accomplishment that no one has achieved . ]

[Your reputation throughout the continent has increased . You have acquired 2,000 reputation points . ]

[Your level has risen . ]

[The Duke Tiphon Family’s Magic Gourd has been acquired . ]

[The Duke Tiphon Family’s White Dragon Wine has been acquired . ] 

[Your knight ‘Piaro’ has accomplished the achievement of ‘Overwhelming the Seven Dukes’ . ]

[Your article, ‘Piaro’, is progressing!]

It was an unprecedented and vain end for a duke of the empire .  There were complicated emotions in Grenhal, Morse, and Basara’s eyes as they watched Diworth turn to ash .

“No one helped,” Piaro then blamed them, “You haven’t changed at all . ”

That’s right .  Piaro had been aware of the three peoples existence from the very beginning .  However, only Diworth was threatening Grid at that moment, so Piaro had to kill Diworth first .  He calculated that the dukes wouldn’t help Diworth .  The dukes had already turned away from Piaro and his family in the past .

Piaro gritted his teeth .  They were people who he had believed to be his friends .  He couldn’t blame Basara because he had not had many moments of contact with her, but Grenhal and Morse were different .  During his time as chief of the Red Knights, Piaro had a profound connection with the warriors, Grenhal and Morse .  He had respected and trusted the people who served the same imperial family and fought for the same people .

However, it had been a one-sided trust .  They had turned away from him easily .

“Sir Piaro . . . ” Grenhal and Morse felt Piaro’s anger and sadness toward them and lowered their heads .  They didn’t have the courage to face him .  This was despite them having fought for Piaro’s family and prayed for Piaro’s peace of mind .  They had failed help Piaro’s family in the end and hadnt expected to have a reunion with Piaro .

Yet this situation was now suddenly occurring before them .  They understood Piaro’s pain and sorrow, so they couldn’t say anything .  Grenhal and Morse could only let out a sinner’s sigh .

Piaro tried to control his resentment .  “ . . . Now, I won’t blame you anymore . ”

He turned away from Grenhal’s broad shoulders that didn’t save his younger brother .  “The destruction of me and my family was the result of my carelessness . I don’t deserve to blame you . ”

He also turned away from Morse, who usually wasn’t as proud in front of his parents .  “Now I am fighting to protect my king . ”

Piaro wiped his eyes and grabbed his farming equipment .  Thinking that Grenhal, Morse, and Basara were naturally with Diworth, Piaro interpreted them as a threat to Grid .  It was natural .  The Saharan Empire was the enemy of the Overgeared Kingdom .

‘I can’t drag out the fight for too long . ’

Piaro’s Natural State was incomplete .  It couldn’t exert infinite power .  Piaro couldn’t afford a long fight as he had gone all out in his battle with Diworth .  Coldly analyzing the situation, he judged that he had to aim for a swift attack in order to protect Grid from them .  He would use all his secret techniques from the beginning, including Origin True Energy .

‘I must protect him . ’

Piaro’s life wasn’t important .  The life saved by Grid would be used for Grid .  Piaro had just vowed this when a reversal occurred .  Grid suddenly made an absurd proclamation, “Piaro, put away your hand plow . ”

“ . . . ?”

“They are my friends . ”

“ . . . Your Majesty?” Piaro doubted his ears .

“Additionally, these two people struggled to protect your family, although they didn’t succeed in protecting anyone . They have been in pain for almost 20 years,” Basara, who was famous for being wise and impartial, spoke up .  

“I’m ashamed . . . ”

“Shit, I’m sorry . Really . . . I’m really sorry . ”

Grenhal and Morse apologized to Piaro who was standing like a stone statue .  Piaro flopped to the ground and felt something slip out of his body .  He was dizzy and seemed to hear the humming of bees in his ears .

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