Overgeared Chapter 804:

Chapter 804

Gyuratan was forced to defend against a sword that struck like a lightning bolt and a sword that stung like a bee .  Gyuratan’s armor was pierced, and he coughed up blood .  Mercedes didn’t give him time to have a break .  In front of her dual swords, Gyuratan’s hands and feet were **** .

‘To a human . . . !’

“Two Storms . ”



The swords increased in speed .  Mercedes’ unique technique, which took advantage of sword energy, assaulted Gyuratan .  She attacked and then backed away to a distance of three meters before repeating it . As she wielded her swords, her strikes were light enough to be fast and clean .

“Kuk . . . !” A groan emerged from Gyuratan’s mouth as he defended himself against the swords .  It was hard for him to cope with Mercedes’ anomalous attacks where the attack distance changed in real time .  The fight would be up to here .


Things were flowing as everyone expected .  The strength of the Fourth Knight was special since he protected the Red Knights . However, the First Knight was the peak of the Red Knights . The Fourth Knight couldn’t be stronger than the First Knight .  Mercedes’ victory was already decided .

“Ahh . . . ”

“Sir Mercedes . . . !”

The noble knight defended the emperor who had suppressed her in the past, and she also defended the honor of the old hero whom everyone had thought was corrupted .  This image of Mercedes punishing Gyuratan with her **** body was imprinted onto the knights .  Some knights were so inspired that they started crying . They were happy that their object of admiration existed right beside them .

However, this was the reason why . . .


“ . . . !!”

Mercedes’ crash caused a greater impact .

“S-Sir Mercedes!”

Gyuratan discarded swordsmanship .  He was a great demon now, not the Fourth Knight . As such, he started to counterattack, and the screams of the knights filled the hall .  However, Mercedes couldn’t hear anything .  Her world was calm as she was caught in the explosion Gyuratan had created .

‘Ah . . . ’ Mercedes’ time flowed slowly .  Lightning demonic energy rose from Gyuratan’s body like a haze . The hall filled with lightning that it couldn’t endure, and the emperor was shouting with an expression she had never seen before .  Everything was slow . One second was one minute, ten minutes, one hour . . .

The images of the old heroes passed through Mercedes’ mind .  Knights wearing red armor… The big backs, dependable smiles, and warm teachings of those who stood at the forefront of the battlefields came to her mind .  Mercedes was filled with images of the past as Gyuratan’s lightning fist flew toward her .

“Are your eyes bad? How can that be? If you can see through them, feel free to look . There is no darkness or lies in my heart . ”

Mercedes’ innate vision… Piaro had fully accepted the cursed power which sometimes even caused fear in the parents who had given birth to her .  Back then, Mercedes was still young . That’s why Mercedes had been able to keep her eyes straight, and Piaro had been able to look into them without any fear .  Nevertheless . . .

‘I’m so . . . rry . ’ Mercedes hadn’t trusted Piaro . She had given up on him due to the stigma of being a traitor . Everyone had shouted that Piaro was a traitor, and she hadn’t doubted it .  ‘I was the traitor . ’


Mercedes smiled bitterly as she fell to the floor .  Simultaneously, lightning demonic energy exploded around her body .

“Sir Mercedes!”

“You evil bastard! Stop right now!”

The knights ran to assist Mercedes .  Their eyes blazed as they poured out all types of sword techniques .  However, Gyuratan’s true power was much stronger than the Gyuratan of their memories .

“It is insulting that humans can even breathe in front of me for a moment . ”

Every time this happened, the **** face of Sword Saint Muller popped up .  Gyuratan started to concentrate his lightning .  Then . . .

“W-What is this . . . ?”

The knights’ swords and armor—their whole bodies were drawn to the lightning . Resistance was futile . Just like magnets with different electrodes, Gyuratan’s lightning emitted an attraction force that the surrounding metals couldn’t deny .  This was why he had suddenly won the battle against Mercedes .

‘The situation is bad . ’ Bain’s duty was to only protect the emperor . So, he protected the emperor while thinking about why the great demon had appeared in the middle of the palace . ‘It will be difficult for even me to handle him . ‘

Great Demon Astaroth… From the time that the thunder stone appeared 15 years ago, the empire had already predicted his emergence .  However, it was strange .  The longer the survival period of the great demon, the greater and more powerful the thunder stone became .  This meant it was due to sheer greed that they were facing this current situation . However, it was also unexpected that Astaroth would be in the imperial palace .

Bain thought for a while before urging the emperor, “Leave this place while the knights buy time . ”

The seven dukes had to govern their respective lands, and their period of stay in the palace was extremely short . They had gathered for the visit of the Overgeared King but returned to their respective estates .  Currently, only the Five Pillars could be relied on . However, Bain judged that the rest of them weren’t needed .  

It might be difficult for him to deal with Astaroth, but he thought that Goldhit could easily overpower the weakened Astaroth .  The emperor thought the same .  Great demon? The Overgeared King had managed to hunt one in a complete state . The Overgeared Kingdom was no match for the empire, so it was natural that the powerful empire should be able to easily hunt the weakened great demon .

However, this situation was a problem .  The emperor hesitated to leave .  It was because he saw Mercedes’ collapsed form .  Could she survive until Goldhit arrived? It would be tough .  The emperor wanted to know the truth regarding 12 years ago and gave an order, “Bain . ”

“Yes . ”

“Save Mercedes . ”

Bain’s eyes narrowed . He didn’t know why the emperor wanted to save Mercedes when he already hated the existence of the Red Knights .  However, it wasn’t Bain’s role to comment on the decision . He just needed to follow orders .

“I understand . ”


Bain disappeared from the emperor’s right side .  The point where he appeared was behind Gyuratan and next to Mercedes .  

“Bain . . . !” Gyuratan cried out as he was handling the knights that were dragged over by the lightning .  Bain’s presence was so great that it made him wary .  However, Bain pulled the ragged Mercedes into his arms and shook his head .

“I don’t care about you,” he said briefly before trying to leave .

“But I am interested!” Gyuratan obstructed Bain’s way .  He picked up the knights like they were a ball and threw them toward Bain .  Gyuratan couldn’t forgive Mercedes .  His 15 years of hardships were wasted, and Mercedes was the best target to resolve his anger .

“N . . . no . . . ” 

“Tch . ”

Bain had been about to cut at the flying ball of knights only to be stopped by Mercedes .  He looked at Mercedes holding onto his wrist and took evasive action .  However, the moment he was going to disappear and reappear by the emperor’s side, Gyuratan’s sword came flying .

The sword was aiming for Mercedes in Bain’s arms .  Bain moved, so he was struck in the shoulder instead as he stabbed back at Gyuratan .  It was a counterattack that aimed at Gyuratan’s exposed abdomen .  However, it didn’t reach .  This was due to the lightning demonic energy around Gyuratan’s body . The demonic energy which had been previously pulling the metal was now pushing it away .

Thanks to this, Bain’s sword lost momentum and stopped in the air . Bain clicked his tongue while Gyuratan wielded his sword again .

A fierce battle raged on .  Gyuratan’s swings gradually accelerated while Bain’s movements were gorgeous enough to be considered acrobatics as he used the small shields attached to his shoulders and wrists to block .  Both the emperor and Bain were surprised .  Astaroth was too strong to be called a weakened great demon .

‘Was he a high-ranking great demon before?’

It was likely .  The great demon that Grid and his allies hunted had been the lowest of the great demons .  If Astaroth was a high-level great demon, then he would be stronger than Belial, despite having lost his body .

‘Furthermore . . . ’ 

The emperor noted that as more time passed, the thunder stone became stronger .  Perhaps the growth of the thunder stone meant the growth of the great demon? He thought this far .

“Isn’t Goldhit here yet?”

The emperor was nervous .  Then . . .

‘Am I too late?’ Bain felt Mercedes’ body gradually cooling down . The shadow called death was covering her .  At that moment . . .

Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

A meteorite fell through the ceiling of the great hall .  It was Meteor Strike, a spell from the current strongest magician among humans—Goldhit .  The spell was lacking compared to Meteor which summoned ‘multiple’ meteorites . Due to the level of the magic, Meteor Strike only summoned a small meteorite .

However, the only magician who was able to use the full Meteor in human history had been Braham .  Meteor was the symbol representing the great demons .  It was already great for a human to be able to use Meteor Strike, and the spell was powerful enough to break through the impregnable wall .

“Sorry, I’m late .  Yohoho . . . ” Beyond the collapsed ceiling, a girl descended from the stormy sky . Her hair fluttered as she attracted everyone’s attention . “Tsk tsk, foolish great demon . I wish you had continued living like you were . ”

It was a pity for the thunder stone .  Goldhit reached toward Gyuratan who had been hit by the meteorite . Magic power that exceeded the category of a human gathered at her fingertips .  However, it was useless unless the magic manifested .  A black lightning strike fell from the sky and struck Goldhit . She collapsed without even being able to scream .

Goldhit exited the moment she arrived .  A lightning storm was raging, and Astaroth was gradually getting stronger .  The pouring rain brought with it despair .  

Simultaneously, in the Tower of Eternity . . .

“What is this . . . ?”

The breakthrough was ridiculously quick compared to the Behen Archipelago . Grid soon arrived at the 79th floor and faced a huge kennel .  There were young girls and boys waiting for food like they were livestock, and dirty straw was scattered all over the ground .

“Crazy **** . . . !” Grid realized why he felt strangely discomforted during his conversation with Goldhit .  Yes, Goldhit hadn’t become younger . She had snatched it away .


How long had this taboo been happening? The horrible scene made Grid feel disgusted and nauseous .  He pitied the girls and boys who looked at him with expressions that knew nothing, and he developed a hatred for Goldhit .

There was no reason for him to hesitate now .  Grid immediately moved to the next floor—the 80th floor .  The glass ceiling where the thunder stone was located on the Tower of Eternity attracted Grid’s gaze .

“Discovery . ”

“Intruder . ”

“Discovery . ”

“Repel . Repel . Repel . ”

The five lightning gods started operating .  Goldhit believed the five lightning gods were the strongest weapons that could defend the thunder stone .  However . . .

“Divinity . ”


[Show off the virtues of a blacksmith who deserves to be praised as a **** . The casting time and cooldown time of all blacksmithing skills will be removed . It is applicable up to two times whenever the skill is used . ]


“Item Combination . ”

It wasn’t enough to prevent Grid from opening the power he obtained from producing three myth rated items .

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