Overgeared Chapter 770:

Chapter 770

[You have dealt 1,430 . . . ]

[The black flame explosion . . . ]



『 P-Player Grid is continuing the onslaught!! 』

『 Player Grid’s attack power is completely overwhelming Player Kraugel!! 』

『 100,000 Army Massacre Sword . . . ! I now understand why it has such a name! It has tremendous power!! 』

『 It’s worth noting that the black flames are intermittently exploding . It’s applied at the same time as other skills so it might be a passive skill . . . 』

『 Huh? Is that so? 』

The sight of Bunhelier being bombarded 30 times with 100,000 Army Massacre Sword was shocking . Bunlier’s scales, which completely neutralized Sword Saint Kraugel’s attacks, received damage . It was the moment when the hidden skill ‘Absolute Defense (SSS) was overwhelmed by Grid’s dignity .

Flinch .

Bunhelier’s 30 meter long body was finely shaking . The spectators and viewers watching wondered if Grid might succeed in raiding Bunhelier .  But reality was terrible .  It was like an ordinary person scratching the paint of a luxury sedan only for it to emerge unscathed . Even if slight scratches were made with human fingernails, it was just like dirt from the road blowing .  It meant that the wounds on Bunhelier’s scales were very minor after being hit by 100,000 Army Massacre Sword .

Bunhelier had an ill-natured personality .  It had a health recovery speed that made a damage of 10,000 or 100,000 meaningless .  After being hit by 100,000 Army Massacre Sword, the grey scales that were finely scratched healed in an instant . Grid’s attacks couldn’t keep up with their resilience .

“Ah . . . !”

The spectators and viewers were dazzled by the colourful effects and noticed late . Bunhelier’s health hadn’t decreased at all despite being hit by Grid dozens of times .

‘Does it have 10 billion health?’

It was estimated that Great Demon Belial had 2 billion health .  It wasn’t strange that a dragon, which overwhelmed even the 1st Great Demon Baal, possessed at least 10 billion health .  Given the defense and resilience, it was impossible to raid Bunhelier, even if he used 100,000 Army Massacre Sword endlessly . Grid didn’t even know about the One Million Army Massacre Sword .

“ . . . I-I’m sorry . ”

Kung! As Kraugel hit Bunhelier’s snout and turned the giant eyes to him, Kraugel apologized to Grid .  He had no choice but to bow his head .  Dragon .  Kraugel felt awe towards the world’s strongest creature .


The ground shook . Grid couldn’t maintain his balance and fell down .  It wasn’t an earthquake .  It was a wave created by Bunhelier’s ‘one step’ as it tried to trample Kraugel on the ground .  For a dragon, the small and feeble human was like an ant .  Grid who penetrated the defense and left small scratches on the scales? From Bunhelier’s point of view, he was no different from Kraugel . It felt a little annoyed and wasn’t inspired at all .  He had no special interest in the ants that were biting at his nails .


Bunhelier blew out a breath .  Grid and Kraugel had no way to withstand the powerful attack that swept through the ruins of the old castle . People were upset when Grid and Kraugel turned to grey at the same time .

” . . . Even Grid and Kraugel can’t match a dragon . ”

“The range of the breath is a scam . Who can endure that? Even if all the players are gathered together, they will be wiped out in 10 minutes .

“By the way, what’s this? Why did a dragon suddenly appear in PvP?”

“ . . . ”

The crowd and viewers belatedly detected the abnormality . They recovered from the dragon’s presence that had overwhelmed them . People were angry because the confrontation that had waited 1 year and 3 months for came to a futile end .

“Is this a joke?”

“I want my admission fee back!”

“Boo! Boooooo!”

The crowd was convinced that this incident was due to the organizers and criticisms poured out .  They were no longer concerned with Bunhelier . They couldn’t have any interest because it was an existence in another world . The public wanted a target that was in reach .

After Grid and Kraugel’s deaths .  Bunhelier stood alone on the PvP area where everything was destroyed . It was the moment when the worst existence, that should’ve terrorized the world along with Insane Dragon Nevartan, felt a sense of uncertainty due to an unfamiliar situation .

At this time .

“Ah! Look there!”

“What? Was it staged?”

The screen was switched .  The PvP stage had changed .  It was a space large enough to make humans look like dust . A little while ago, Bunhelier had suddenly showed up . Now there was a huge place that looked like there was room for it, even with its two wings wide open .

“Is this a dragon lair?”

As soon as they noticed, they guessed it was the new PvP stage . Then Grid and Kraugel, who had been resurrected, checked the notifications in front of them .


[You were killed by Bunhelier . The evil dragon’s venom has penetrated deep into your lungs . Until you die again, all types of health recovery are reduced by 60% . ]


“ . . . ”

It was a terrible curse that could only be solved with death .  Kraugel was silent as a bitter expression appeared on his face . For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of great helplessness .

In reality and in Satisfy .  Every time he met an opponent better than himself, he had a belief that he could jump over the opponent one day .  For him, dragons were unfamiliar presences that couldn’t be reached even if he tried for the rest of his life . Kraugel didn’t want to meet a dragon again and it was deeply engraved in his heart .

Grid was different from him .

“Ah, **** . . . !”

Grid was jumping around while huffing and puffing .  An opponent he couldn’t catch up with in his life? Unlike Kraugel, Grid had experienced it countless times .  He had learned how to grow using the feelings of helplessness and frustration as nutrients . His attitude was in contrast to Kraugel .

“This **** lizard scum! Not even apologizing after killing someone? Ah, bastard! The next time we meet, I will be sure to get revenge! Kill it at all cost . . . No, subtract half blood! Yes! I will make an item to counter a dragon!”

“ . . . ”

Kraugel was surprised at Grid’s burning desire . Grid’s eyes presented Kraugel with an unexpected future .

“This lizard, I will summon it again for you later . ”


“At that time, you and I will be armed with dragon slayer items and cut off his layer of scales . And . . . huhuhu! Make armor out of the scales . How about it? Aren’t you happy just imagining it?

“ . . . ”

Kraugel became aware that Grid was a great person . But he didn’t expect it to be this much .

‘His vessel fills my vessel . ’

With a complicated expression, Kraugel returned to reality .

“Then what about this?”

Grid noticed the cameras reopening and noticed that the PvP match would resume . He was affected by the evil dragon’s curse .  The recovery abilities of Doran’s Ring, Elfin Stone’s Ring, and Cray’s Power had become ineffective .  The situation was the same with Kraugel . It was a deadly curse for Kraugel, who had the ability to recover with the Troll King’s Curse, Bitter Grief Spear, and the Red Sword .

Of course, the S . A . Group didn’t overlook this . The organizers released the curse on the two people by borrowing the name of a **** .


[Goddess Rebecca has healed you of the evil dragon’s extreme poisoning . ]


At the same time .

『 Did you enjoy the emergence of the evil dragon Bunhelier, which made the PvP finals more colorful? From now on, the second round of the finals will begin on a new stage! This stage is a dragon lair! It’s the nest of the evil dragon Bunhelier! 』

The host received a notice and shouted in a loud voice .

Grid and Kraugel laughed as they discovered the situation .

“The host is also suffering . ”

“I agree . ”

“Let’s finish this quickly . Fighting, fighting, and fighting again . I’m exhausted . ”

“A sea of hope . ”

No further words were necessary . The resources such as health and skill cooldown time were restored to what they were before Bunhelier appeared . The two people rushed towards each other .


Grid’s attack power was high now that fighting energy exceeded 50, making it difficult for Kraugel . He started to be pushed on the defensive in the sword exchange . He evaded and then launched a large number of swords with Control Sword . The swords moved in every direction so that Grid couldn’t avoid them .

Grid didn’t find a way to escape, but he wasn’t afraid . When he looked with a Blacksmith’s Eyes, the swords had a rating from unique~ legendary . Then what about Grid’s defense? Grid judged that it would be hard for the weapons to penetrate his armor unless Kraugel wielded them directly .

Puk! Puuoook!

Grid’s battle style was exchanging flesh and blood! He tried to counterattack against Kraugel every time he was hit by a sword . Then he suddenly stopped . Some of the swords fired by Kraugel pierced his right elbow . Grid was unable to swing his arms because the physical conditions prevented the rotation of his joints .

‘Crazy . . . !’

It was guided?

‘What is this . . . ?’

The moment that Grid was feeling irritation and excitement .

“Condemnation Sword . ”

Pajik! Paijijik!

A silver sword was raised . It was the skill that was blocked by Bunhelier’s emergence . Now it appeared again as a threat to Grid .


It was too late to move the hand holding his sword . Grid judged and raised his left hand, summoning Iyarugt from his inventory .  Kraugel expected Grid to fight back with Revolve . But Grid’s choice was different .

“100,000 Army Massacre Sword!”

‘At this timing?’

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!

The strongest skill that penetrated even a dragon’s scales washed over Kraugel . He was swallowed up as a silver light flashed from the tip of his sword .

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