Hail the King: 1195, Century Meeting

continent suddenly heard the news that Holy Church‘s Acting Supreme Pontiff Platini, already had fallen completely in the battle with Northern Region Human Emperor long ago, three or four months ago.

When the news came out, the world was shocked.

At first, also people were skeptical.

But with a lot of evidence, and Platini has never appeared, people gradually began to accept this statement.

Next, the Continental Martial Saint Maradona, which has been Divine Dragon Sees The Head But Not The Tail, has also appeared rarely, and has personally acknowledged the truth of the news, and has also revealed a terrible fact that everyone cannot imagine-

The Southern Region Goblin chaos turned out to be the already‘s fall to Acting Supreme Pontiff.

A stone stirs up thousands of waves!

This news is really too appalling. Goblin disrupted time for more than a year, slaughtered the entire Human Race of Southern Region continent, and committed an unforgivable heinous crime. Such a crime turned out to represent justice and Glory. What does Holy Church‘s Acting Supreme Pontiff do?

If this sentence is not spoken from a reputable giant like Continental Martial Saint Maradona, no one will believe it.

Moreover, Maradona also came up with exact evidence this time.

A piece of Emperor Preservation Crystal, which recorded the entire process of World War I of Goblin World and Platini and Northern Region Human Emperor, was circulated in continent‘s giant figures middle. It was finally determined that there was no fraudulent component, and in the joint name of Great Empire, The content was announced to the entire continent.

Holy Church, this Former(ly) represents Light and justice organizations, and there is an instant trend of Blackened.

Faith, was overthrown.

Countless churchs were smashed, and countless clergymen were expelled from each Great Empire.

The entire continent has fallen into a controversy over Holy Church, a posture pushed down by the wall.

In contrast, Northern Region Human Emperor was used as the emperor to save Southern Region creatures in the city. His strength is unparalleled and his positive image has always made him a new idol of worship.

[Black Clothed Temple] doctrine of Northern Region Empire began to spread unstoppably in continent, and became more and more many people-both the upper Noble and the bottom people, began to lean towards Northern Region Empire, the people’s hearts are available, and Sun Fei continues to harvest Faith.

Facing such an unprecedented situation, Holy Church did not make any excuses and took no counter-attack.

On the surface, it seems that Holy Church is still in the inside, and there is no time to take care of these foreign affairs.

In this atmosphere, time spent another month quickly.

The Southern Region continent, which was restored, has been barren and overexploited by the Goblin family.

However, a large number of land without owners also attracted an innumerable population movement. Northern Region Empire and other major Empires occupying the territory in Southern Region have adopted a very enlightened population policy and provided various preferential policies and Convenient, making Southern Region continent soon Restoration has some vitality.

At this time, the Holy Church, which has remained silent, finally announced an unexpected news to the outside world.

Holy Church‘s Supreme Pontiff Your Excellency publicly announced to the entire continent that after ten days, Northern Region Human Emperor will be invited to a meeting in the Metropolis of Former(ly) Blue-Black Empire to discuss the relationship between Holy Church and Northern Region Empire, and Continental Martial Saint Maradona as a witness.

When this news came out, it immediately caught the attention of countless people.

The meeting of Supreme Pontiff and Northern Region Human Emperor is equal to Holy Church, the Overlord of continent for thousands of years, and finally began to recognize that Northern Region Empire is a opponent that can sit on an equal footing with itself? This also means that from now on, continent will enter a situation where the two strong sides face off?

People are waiting for answers from Northern Region Human Emperor and Continental Martial Saint Maradona.

Once the two giants end the current confrontational situation, perhaps the entire continent, really hopes to enter a relatively peaceful new era of Human Race.

And the wait did not last too long time.

After three days, Northern Region Human Emperor gave a reply ——

“Well, I will be on time for the appointment in Meazza.”

Continental Martial Saint Maradona, which is almost in the same time, gladly promised that it would show up at that time.

time passes quickly.

The entire continent is looking forward to the meeting between the two Giants, waiting calmly for the result of this meeting. Once the talk collapses, everyone will face boundless fire and chaos.

Meiacha is located in Central Region continent, 100,000 kilometers away from Gulf of Naples, which is exactly where Northern Region Empire army and Holy Church confronted the in the center zone. Whether it is [Golden Lion] Miscellaneous Troop of Lampard, or [Cross Army of Church], both sides cannot temporarily change Giant City, included in its own control range.

This is a giant city in a blank area.

It’s perfect for the two giants to meet again.

Before the date of the meeting, both sides made some preparations.

In addition to sending expert Expert(s) to Meacha City to survey the terrain and prevent the opponent Bureau outside, both sides‘s spy reporters even fought openly and secretly, but they still maintained good restraint. In addition, outside, both sides Chen Bing along the Meacha line Millions, dispatched a large number of Expert(s), staring at each other.

Countless people are waiting.

Countless people are predicting.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the meeting comes.

For a thousand years, Azeroth Continent has never been as nervous as it is today.

For a thousand years, the middle-five domains in the southeast, northwest, and northwest have never been as calm as they are today.

In the sky around Meiacha, besides Expert(s) outside of Northern Region Empire and Church, also expert Expert(s) from a large number of continent forces, staying in the distance, closely watching the progress of things.

Sun rises from the east and is getting higher and higher.

time flows like a turtle crawling.

The giant city of Meacha is drawing the eyes of the entire continent.

At the countdown of countless people, noon finally arrived.

On the southwestern side of the giant city of Meacha, a huge wave of transparent ripples, as if the sky has collapsed, Space instantly turned into a water wave, a small castle floating in the air, slowly The ground emerged through the ripples of the water, and the powerful Light Holy Energy, which was indescribable, suddenly filled the entire Space, just like Hao Ri, and envelop was thousands of miles away.

“It’s Holy Church!”

“The Flying Temple of Church is said to be the dedicated travel divine tool of Supreme Pontiff, which has rarely appeared in hundreds of years.”

“Unfortunately, Supreme Pontiff‘s true body is not yet visible.”

“Are all experts in Church dispatched? I don’t know Supreme Pontiff Burat, what Realm has it reached now? Is it opponent of Northern Region Human Emperor?”

“Don’t worry, just keep watching understood, Northern Region Human Emperor and Continental Martial Saint, and almost also appeared.”

The hidden Expert(s) in the Void on all sides talked a lot. In fact, at this time, they don’t need to hide their body. They appear directly and look away. No one wants to miss this. It can definitely be loaded into continent A grand event in history-

I can only change one today, and I’ll make up later.

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