Overgeared Chapter 614:

Chapter 614


A Dungeon Maker wasn’t a tamer . He couldn’t control monsters .  Then how could a Dungeon Maker place monsters in the dungeon? The first method was a contract .  

Dungeon Maker Dark didn’t fulfill the monsters’ demands . He hired them as guards of the dungeon . It was a framework for mutual cooperation .  Of course, this was only allowed if the monster’s intelligence reached a certain level . He couldn’t form a contract with monsters of low intelligence .

Dark had to block the enemy’s intrusion by strategically placing monsters of various characteristics, so he found a solution .  The monsters with low intelligence were faithful to their instincts .  For example, if he wanted to place a griffin in a specific area of the dungeon, he would obtain the griffin’s favorite orc meat and place it in the dungeon .  The griffons who smelled the orc meat after being trapped in the dungeon would naturally turn into monsters belonging to the dungeon .

Of course, there were fatal disadvantages for monsters deployed in this way . They were hostile to intruders and Dark .  It was the reason why Dark was stuck at Zone 5 and couldn’t move to Zone 3 yet .  He had triggered ‘Display Mode’ the moment an intruder occurred .

Once all the monsters in his dungeon woke up, there was a big restriction to Dark’s movements .  Moving secretly to avoid the monsters in each area inevitably slowed down his movements . As a result, Dark’s worst fear occured .


[Zone 3 of the Beware Dogs dungeon is completely destroyed!]



The first three zones were completely destroyed .  It was a deadly wound . It would take at least a month for the dungeon to recover . He also needed huge funding .

“D-Damn **** . . . !”

He was so angry that tears poured out . Dark’s eyes were bloodshot .

Shake shake!

Dark shivered with fury as a new notification window appeared in front of him .


[An intruder has appeared in Zone 4 of the ‘Beware Dogs’ dungeon . ]


At that moment .

” . . . Kuk, taste **** . ”

Dark’s anger was quickly relieved . Dark even smiled .

“You were able to break through three zones without any obstacles, but you’ll lose your senses in the next section . I don’t know who the intruder is, but he will be trampled on by the evil eyes and regret his sins . “

The evil eyes .  The inherent strength of the demonkin was unreasonable . The evil eyes were supreme predators born with absolute strength .

‘There are dozens of types of evil eyes . ’

It was impossible to fight against a large number of evil eyes because they showed different traits .  Among them, those with the power to look into the future for a few seconds were the best .  How could he place such powerful evil eyes in the Beware Dogs dungeon? 

It was because Dark had unexpected good luck .  Dark built the Beware Dogs dungeon to protect ‘it,’ which the evil eyes desired to hatch . Their goal was the same . Therefore, Dark and the evil eyes were the best partners to trust each other .




“This is amazing speed!”

The God Hands and Randy’s pickaxes moved quickly, maximizing their efficiency . Minor was surprised as Randy and the God Hands demolished the walls in an instant, extracting the minerals .

“But it isn’t as good as me . Huhut . ”

‘He isn’t pretending . This guy, he’s really great . ’

Minor’s speed was overwhelming enough that Grid could admit it .  The four God Hands combined were slower than Minor .  Minor’s talent for mining was truly the best . Grid acknowledged it, but he still didn’t intend to make Minor a miner .

‘No matter how good, you’re still a minerals detector . ’

There were many excellent miners in the world, but only Minor could detect minerals . Minor was a unique minerals detector .

“Your Majesty, there’s a door to the next section . Should we go?”

“Of course . ”

Grid’s goal was to collect all the minerals growing here . It was natural to go through all the areas .

‘It’s a pity that there was only the insane dragon iron in the first three sections . Well, there’s no need to be nervous because there’s nothing dangerous . ’

The insane dragon Nevartan stayed here, so he knew it wasn’t an ordinary mine .  Grid entered Zone 4 without any major crisis awareness . Then he realized that this wasn’t an ordinary mine .


[You have entered Zone 4 of the Beware Dogs dungeon . ]

[The traps have been activated . ]



“ . . . !!”

The moment they stepped into Zone 4, Grid and Minor’s eyes widened . A huge rock was rolling from the end of a straight, narrow passage .

‘Can I avoid it?’

No . The passage was too narrow . The way they came was blocked .

“D-Death . . . ”

Minor muttered with despair . He closed his eyes tightly and grabbed his head . He imagined himself being crushed by that massive rock . Then Grid’s voice was heard .

“Open your eyes and raise your head . Show a confident charm . “

“Your Majesty . . . ?”

Why was he so calm despite stepping into an unexpected trap and being on the verge of death? Minor reflexively looked up .

“Pagma’s Swordsmanship . ”

Grid pulled out a blue greatsword from beneath Lantier’s Cloak and started a sword dance . Then he struck the sword against the huge rock .

“Kill . ”


“Pant . . . ”

The power of weight was overwhelming .  But Satisfy was a game .  The rolling rock that weighed dozens of tons? It was just mere tofu in front of the legendary blacksmith wielding a greatsword made of blue orichalcum .

“Y-Your Majesty, jackpot!”

The centre was pierced by Grid’s sword and the rock split in two .  Minor was hit by a piece of falling rock and bleeding, but he still raised a thumb . On the other hand, Grid was completely covered with Lantier’s Cloak and blocked the rock fragments .

“When did you learn that word?”

“Your Majesty often uses it . . . ”

Minor wanted to be like Grid .  Due to this aspiration, Minor watched Grid and was influenced by the small habits . Grid laughed at him .

‘This isn’t a usual mine . ’

Yes, he shouldn’t forget that this was a dragon lair .  It wasn’t strange that there were traps . Maybe strong monsters were sleeping at the end . Grid didn’t shrink back . Rather, he enjoyed it .

‘This is interesting . ’

He could acquire minerals, level, and loot! Also .

‘The reason there are traps is because they have something to protect . ’

It was likely to be treasure .  A treasure that a dragon prized! Grid hastened his pace . Numerous traps appeared along the way, but it was impossible to threaten him .  Mere blades and flames couldn’t do any harm to Grid . On the other hand, Minor almost died many times, only to be helped by Noe and Randy . The potions from Reidan’s alchemy facility were also a big help .

“This should be good . ”

After the narrow passage, Grid arrived at a big space and took out a pickaxe again .  Zone 4 was several times larger than the first three . Minor was overwhelmed by the size of the complex labyrinth, but Grid just recognized it as a bigger mine .

Teong! Teong!

Grid, Minor, the God Hands, Noe, and Randy started to break down the wall with their pickaxes .

“It’s an unpleasant noise . ”

A voice was heard from behind the party .

‘A person?’

He expected a monster, but it was a person? Grid turned his head and was even more surprised .

“ . . . Child?”

Yes, the owner of the voice was a little boy .  His round face was charming and his large eyes was strangely harmonious .   The eyepatch over one eye was reminiscent of Lauel .

“Why is a kid like you here? Ah . ”

Grid asked before realizing how foolish his question was . The name ‘evil eye’ in red was floating above the boy’s head .

‘Monsters . ’

Humanoid monsters .  There was a high probability that it was a high level monster .  He shouldn’t be fooled by the young and cute appearance . The nervous Grid hid Minor behind his back .

“Kukukuk . . . A mere human has invaded the territory of the evil eyes . Looking at the past and present, it’s rare that such a crime like today would happen . ”

“ . . . ”

The evil eye boy spoke a chunni phrase and lifted the eye patch .  A blue iris with three black pupils could be seen . The eye facing Grid looked mysterious rather than grotesque .

“I, an ordinary resident of the evil eye clan, command this uncivilized human . Look into my ‘ice’ and be bound for all eternity . ”

Jjejeok .


The ground where Grid was standing froze in an instant . The intense cold tried to freeze Grid’s legs, waist and heart . But .


[You have made eye contact with an evil eye . ]

[You have fallen into the ‘frozen’ state!]

[You have resisted . ]

[Due to the effect of the ‘First King’ title, ‘Great King’s Majesty’ is activated . ]

[You have counterattacked against the abnormal status . ]




“W-What . . . ?” A mere human can threaten me . . . !”

The evil eye boy paled .  The freezing curse that he invoked came back to him, causing him to feel fear .  As the boy’s feet was frozen, Grid’s pickaxe hit him in the forehead .  Based on the name, the evil eye seemed like a magic mob so Grid was confident he could do damage with his pickaxe .

That’s right . Grid didn’t want to waste mining time by switching between weapons .

“I’m nervous . ”

Grid started mining again after hitting the evil eye boy .

“ . . . ”

Minor stared with a wide open mouth, like a carp .  The evil eyes .  According to the rumors from when he travelled all over the continent, they were incredibly powerful demonkin .  Usually a human couldn’t resist when meeting an evil eye and would lose their lives .

Yet Grid casually took care of such a powerful enemy with a pickaxe? He also started mining again straight away!

“Hrmm . . . It’s a small fry mob, so it doesn’t give items . ”

Grid muttered with disappointment and Minor shouted to him .

“The evil eyes aren’t a small fry mob!”

The evil eyes had a slim chance of dropping their skin when they died . Many people were greedy for this .  However, the evil eyes were very powerful . Realistically, it was impossible to hunt the evil eyes .  The evil eyes were huge . It happened before Minor could explain .

“Hoh, this is astonishing . A mere human dares to kill an evil eye? A human has overcome their natural limitations?”

“Huhuhut, humans have always produced heroes . It is a species that can’t be denied . But in the end, you’re trivial in front of our evil eyes . ”

New evil eyes appeared .  There were three cute little boys with eyepatches .  They were excited, rather than angry about their own kin being killed . They recognized Grid as prey and raised their eyepatches .

“Ignite . ”

“Blindness . “

“Silence . “


[You have resisted . ]

[You have resisted . ]

[You have resisted . ]

[Due to the effect of the ‘First King’ title, ‘Great King’s Majesty’ is activated . ]

[You have counterattacked against the abnormal status . ]


“K-Kuack . . . ? Is my body burning hot evidence that my heart is warm?”

“All of a sudden, the world is dark . My brilliant presence has darkened everything except me . ”

“Oof oof . ”

“Phew, really noisy . ”

Was this mob hunting or minerals gathering? Grid’s pickaxe became busier and Minor stopped thinking .

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