Overgeared Chapter 567:

The 33 great demons who ruled **** .  There were countless books and documents on their mighty power .  It was said that every time a great demon appeared on the earth, several kingdoms were destroyed and humanity experienced a large crisis .

King Aslan was well aware of how dangerous great demons were .  But he didn’t have any other choice .  He wanted the throne to revive the kingdom, but he would end up destroying it . It couldn’t happen .

‘I will be too ashamed to face my brother in the underworld . ’

He couldn’t let the kingdom be taken away . He would rather rely on a great demon .  King Aslan was leaning towards this idea when he heard a bizarre voice in his ears .

“Your selfishness, anxiety, regret, despair, fear, and anger . I like all these feelings . Give me pure blood . Invite me to the earth . In return, I will listen to one wish . ”

‘Great demon . . . !’

An old comb that could often be seen .  The voice was coming from the great demon summoning tool that Prince Benoit gave him .  He couldn’t tell if it was male or female, young or old .  Just listening to it caused his legs to shake and dizziness to occur .

King Aslan was afraid . When he felt the great demon whispering in his ears, his human life felt like a rotten rope . It could be broken at any time . However, a great temptation that was proportional to the intense fear dominated King Aslan’s mind .

In return, the great demon would listen to one wish .

‘My wish will be fulfilled?’

The last words of the great demon constantly hovered in his ears . King Aslan gulped and asked for confirmation .

“Definitely . . . You will definitely fulfill my wish?”

“I’m one of the 33 supreme rulers of **** . I have my honor as a supreme ruler . My promises will be absolutely realized in the future . Now, tell me . What do you want? Eternal youth? Infinite riches? Great beauties?”

Everything was wrong .  King Aslan didn’t want youth, riches, or beauties . He had only one wish .

“Make my kingdom the ruler of the continent! I don’t want my descendants to feel the same disgrace that I did! I want my bloodline to be praised as the greatest on the continent!”

” . . . Deep inferiority always produces sweet results . Kukuk, good . I accept your wish . ”

Now he had to pay the price . The sacrifice of 9,999 virgins to bring the great demon to the earth! King Aslan made a firm decision .

“Bring the virgins!”


[The Summoning the Great Demon (Final Part) quest will soon be completed . ]


“Heheh . ”

Black Magician Rose was watching the quest in real time and became very excited .




“It wasn’t a short amount of time . In terms of reincarnation, it’s an eternity . ”

Lauel had followed Grid for two years . In Satisfy time, it was a long six years . In the meantime, Lauel had done many things .  He led Grid to absorb the Tzedakah Guild and built a strong foundation for the Overgeared Guild . Then he took on the overall operation of the Overgeared Guild to expand their forces to the current state .

If it wasn’t for Lauel, the current Grid and Overgeared Guild wouldn’t exist . Lauel was deeply moved .

‘I’m fortunate to be able to serve the lord of my destiny . ’

Lauel decided to serve Grid because of his blacksmithing abilities . Grid would be able to gain many talents, build a huge guild, and earn a lot of profit from his blacksmithing abilities .  But Grid went beyond Lauel’s expectations .   Grid’s talent was unique . He not only improved in blacksmithing, but showed excellent growth in all aspects .

Thanks to that, the Overgeared Guild became stronger more quickly than Lauel expected . It was enough to set a goal to build a kingdom!

‘Now there’s only one step left . ’

Conquer Reinhardt in front of him .  The scale was 1 . 5 times bigger than Reidan and the population was 800,000! It was surrounded by endless walls and moats . The quality of the territory was different . The structure was enough to block even one million troops . But Lauel didn’t shrink back . He knew that the interior of Reinhardt was empty .  Most of Reinhardt’s troops had been sent to invade the Overgeared territories .

‘There are less than 10,000 troops stationed in Reinhardt right now . ’

He estimated that there was likely to be 8,000 troops if he added the security guards and royal knights .  On the other hand, he was only leading 3,000 elite troops wearing Grid’s mass production set .  There was Lauel, Faker, Ibellin, other top talents of Overgeared, and Jude armed with Dainsleif .   In addition, there was the ‘greatest power in a war,’ Great Magician Ashur and his son Bland .  

Was that all?

“The reinforcements from Siren have arrived!”

“W-Water Clan King Maxong has come in person!”

“I have come to repay your grace . ”

Maxong was extremely strong when fighting Grid, despite not being in a perfect state . Now he fully recovered mentally and directly led 500 warriors to join Lauel’s army .

“Piaro has returned!”

“I developed a bean that grows in the sea, but there’s no taste . . . The water clan doesn’t eat it . ”

A legendary farmer .  The ultimate person beyond Grid had also returned . It wasn’t over .

“Reinforcements from the Rebecca Church have arrived!”


“His Holiness himself!!”

“Hi everyone . ”

“Where’s Grid?”

Damian, who joined the ranks of the best players . He had a number of useful wide area buffs and joined with Isabel, one of Rebecca’s Daughters . They would give wings to the elite troops of Overgeared .

“An army has arrived from Pedro!”

“It’s Earl Chris and his subordinates!”

“If we help build Grid’s kingdom, we can request item commissions? Then there’s no reason not to help . ”

There was Damian and Chris, the leader of one of the Seven Guilds . The top players had joined . Lauel looked at them and was convinced .

“Now I can easily conquer Reinhardt, even if I don’t release my sealed power . ”

It was because the members of Overgeared each played an active role in different areas .  Peak Sword on Cork Island, Yura and Pon in Bairan, Katz in Borneo, and Jishuka in Patrian . Each one of them played a much bigger role than Lauel expected . Thanks to this, Eternal lost troops and Reinhardt was empty .

‘Everybody is great . ’

Lauel felt proud and thankful .  There was only one regrettable thing .  It was that Grid’s return to the West Continent was accelerated . He wanted to show that he could do this without Grid, but he ended up relying on Grid in the end .

‘Grid seems to be in a dangerous situation right now . ’

Grid had asked about the situation in Bairan . A day had passed since then with no news . It was likely that he felt a sense of responsibility and invaded Bairan alone .

‘There’s a high possibility that he’s surrounded by 100,000 troops right now . ’

There were too many enemies, even if it was Grid . It was dangerous .  He needed to hurry . He had to conquer Reinhardt and then head to Bairan .  Lauel felt a strong sense of responsibility and shouted, “Full assault!”

“Jude . Go . City wall . Crush . ”

“This is a good land for farming . ”

“Let’s eat this hot potato before it becomes cold . ”

“Why don’t I see Grid?”

“Isabel-chan is beautiful, even when she can’t forget her first love . ”

” . . . How are all these people gathered?”

Chris thought there weren’t many normal people . But they were some of the strongest people on the continent . Their momentum pierced the sky .

Kung! Kung! Kung!

The overwhelming strength of Nyangmong’s super large pets struck Reinhardt’s gates .

“We have to kill those who resist . ”

Earl Ashur used a wide area magic that made the archers unable to shoot their arrows .

“Free Farming 2nd Style, Rapid Growth . ”


Piaro cleansed the fields and planted seeds . A large number of vines grew and shot up the walls .

Sususuk .

As the vines rose, Ibellin and the Overgeared soldiers swiftly climbed them and overpowered the enemies on the walls .

“Jude . Kill . A lot . ”

“Take this greatsword!”

Jude and Chris rotated their big greatswords like windmills .  Pope Damian strengthened everyone with his buffs .  King Maxong and his warriors infiltrated the city by diving into the moats and assassinated the enemy leaders .

-What am I seeing right now? The Overgeared Guild is a players guild, right? What’s this?

-Even the soldiers ㅡㅡ;;

-I’m sorry to break the admiring atmosphere, but what is that NPC doing? ㅋㅋㅋ Why is he farming on a battlefield? ㅋㅋㅋ

-The king of the water clan is crazy .  No spilling a single drop of blood, no matter how many soldiers he faces . . .

-The rumor that Overgeared Guild acquired Siren is true . . .

-Earl Ashur is too much .  One hand gesture will cause death .

-He isn’t one of the continent’s 10 great magicians for nothing .  But how did Grid acquire so many NPCs?

-Forget about the NPCs . Chris is helping Overgeared for some reason .

-Doesn’t Chris have the same weapon as Grid? I’m sure there’s some type of deal between them .

-Damian is shouting God Grid today .

-The pope is a bit . . .

-Rebecca’s Daughter is so pretty .  She’s prettier than everyone apart from Yura and Jishuka .

-Isabel-chan ㅋㅋㅋ

“Perfect! It’s perfect!”

Lauel climbed onto the occupied walls and contemplated the battlefield . He was excited as he watched the strong Overgeared Guild . However, he soon noticed something sinister .


10,000 young women were lined up in front of the palace .  The Overgeared members, who were trying to get into the palace to kill King Aslan, stopped in their place .  The 10,000 women were weeping and their bodies shook from anxiety and fear .  

Everyone except for Jude .

“Jude . King . Catch . ”

Step .

Jude held his blood-soaked greatsword and took one step closer to the palace . King Aslan, who had been sweating and hesitating, eventually closed his eyes tightly and cried out .


At the same time . The knights, loyal to the king under any circumstances, threw torches at the 10,000 terrified women .


Flames rose instantly . The 10,000 women covered in oil started to burn . Terrible screams filled Reinhardt .

“Crazy . . !”

The Overgeared members couldn’t comprehend the cruel sight . Their faces turned white .


[The 32nd great demon Belial has appeared . ]

[You are deceived by Belial’s beautiful appearance .

[Resistance to status conditions has dropped by 50%!]

[Skill and magic casting time have doubled and attack speed is reduced by 20% . ]

[Belial is the queen of fire . The flames surrounding her are very hot . You will receive 2,000 burn damage per second once you get close to her . ]

[Resistance to fire is 0% . ]

[The intense heat will cause 500 burn damage per second . It can’t be resisted . ]

[Belial is the queen of darkness . The demonic energy she emits seduces your mind and stimulates your desire for murder . When attacking Belial, there is a high chance of falling into a confused state and attacking your allies . ]

[Resistance to dark magic is 0% . ]

[Use of black magic is blocked . ]

“ . . . !!”

The advent of an incredible existence! The Overgeared Guild and the entire world were astonished .




An old watchtower on the outskirts of Reinhardt .

Prince Benoit was standing in a spot that nobody noticed . He checked the appearance of the great demon and frowned .

‘It’s a failure . ’

This wasn’t the great demon he wanted . He didn’t expect the great demon that he wanted out of 33 great demons to show up the first time . However, he still couldn’t help feeling disappointed .  He shook off this lingering feeling and left Reinhardt .

His destination was Kesan Canyon . It was the assumed hiding place of the former Red Knights captain, Piaro .  

‘I need the Amethyst Shield . ’

At the same time, in Seoul, South Korea .  

“Kan jajang . . . so much . . . ”     

Shin Youngwoo enjoyed a delicious taste after a long time . His fatigue was completely washed away .

There were two hours left before his Satisfy access restriction was lifted .

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