Overgeared Chapter 311:

Chapter 311

‘Naive… No, a fool . Learn how to be more suspicious and vigilant .

Braham had no intention of taking Grids body from the beginning .  He needed to be resurrected in his own body, not somebody elses .

The reason why he attempted to take Grids body was to make an alarm ring with Grid .  It might seem threatening, but it was intended to do a favor for Grid .


Hes a person who makes me nervous, but hes also the benefactor who achieved my 300 year old wish .

It was his way of expressing his appreciation .  Grid didnt know it .

[Well, we might be enemies when next we meet . ]

Brahams soul started moving .  His destination was the Sword Grave .  It was where Brahams body was sealed .


Reidan was a city that aimed to be the next Talima .  Therefore, Administrator Rabbit invested most of the budget into blacksmithing and alchemy development .

But it was funny .  Currently, the most developed area in Reidan was agriculture .  Fields spread out in all directions around Reidan .

“Now the crops are growing .

Grid returned after completing a quest that he had left alone for a year and a half .  He looked around at the fields .

I think the scale has become bigger…

He didnt know why, but Piaro had a passive skill that had a 100% chance of making the land fertile .  Thanks to this, Reidan always enjoyed the pleasure of a  good harvest, no matter what crops were grown .  The agricultural products accounted for the largest portion of the items that Reidan exported .

‘It is rumored that this is an agricultural city .

A city with a legendary blacksmith had become an agricultural city? It was indeed ironic . Honestly, Grid didnt like it .


The agricultural section of Reidan was growing despite not having a big budget invested in it! He didnt know if he should be glad or sad .  The confused Grid stopped in place at the rice fields .  It was because a scene captured his gaze .

You can do it! A newcomer will arrive in one hour!

Okay! Heok? Dammit! We have been waiting for a new guy!

Heave ho, heave **** .

Farmers were working hard, using various farming equipment .  Users were mixed in among them?


The desert ecosystem had stabilized thanks to the activities of the Overgeared members, but the barrier of entry was still high .  It was unthinkable to step foot in this place unless they were level 260+ users .  In Reidan, it was difficult to find users other than the Overgeared members, and the residents were NPCs .  In such a situation, why were users farming?

As Grid was feeling doubts .  Piaro, leader of Overgeared Knights Division and commander in chief of Reidan appeared in the fields .  He started to lecture the hard working users in the field .

It isnt about the quality of the hand plow . More wrist…

“Isnt the ground too fine? This isnt the only way to plant seedlings . Brownie trees grow better in rough soil .


[A legendary farmer has been born!]

He recalled the phrase he witnessed a few months ago .  Grid was blank with shock for a moment, before shaking his head .

“No . Piaro dreams of being a sword saint, so he cant be a farmer . My Piaro isnt a farmer .

He decided, but he couldnt bring himself to check Piaros details using the Great Lord’s Sword .

I should ask about the Amethyst Shield next time…

He didnt want to talk to Piaro while he was wearing a straw hat .

Trudge trudge .

Grids footsteps were heavy as he ignored Piaro and moved away from the fields .  On the other hand, 21 users were working in the fields under Piaros direction .

Dammit… A 55th ranked magician has to be farming .

I have to swing a hand plow instead of a sword…

The 21 users caught by Piaro had a high level . Most of them were in the late 200s .  They came to Reidan to join Overgeared, but unfortunately couldnt join the guild .  It was because they were caught by a crazy farmer .

The crazy farmer was naturally Piaro .

In the past when he dreamed of  becoming a sword saint, he enjoyed fighting with strong users and caught the ankles of high level users . After becoming a legendary farmer, he caught the users ankles for another reason .

I will develop Reidan into the best agricultural city .

The problem was that Administrator Rabbit didnt increase their budget .  In particular, he was lacking manpower .  Insufficient manpower? He had to make up the difference .

“Uhuh! That isn’t how you use a hand plow!

…Hah .

The users caught by Piaro could only sigh .  However, the reason they stayed in the fields was because of the reward of the quest .

[Fun and Enjoyable Training!]

Hidden Quest

Live with the farmer Piaro in Reidan . If you join him, you can grow significantly .

Quest Clear Conditions: Live together with Piaro for three weeks .

Quest Clear Rewards: All stats +10 . The skill Farming will be obtained .

The reward was low compared to the hidden quest that Kraugel and Damian received . However, that was just a story for the two people . From a general point of view, the reward of +10 to all stats was tremendous .

There is a crazy farmer in Reidan . He will fight you and knock you down . Dont run away . Thats right . If you can endure the trials that will follow, you will be able to taste sweet fruit .

A strange rumor started to circulate on the Internet .  Most people thought it was a ghost story, but the seven guilds were different .

Crazy farmer…!

Reidan was still being guarded by him? The 2nd ranked Zibal grabbed his forehead .  His forehead was still sore .


The first person Grid looked for when he arrived in Reidan wasnt Irene or Khan . It wasnt Lauel or Rabbit either .

Eh? Grid?

Laella .  A beautiful British woman who was a world class idol .  

Grid was once her fan . Rather than her excellent vocal ability or appearance, Grid liked her because her body suited his tastes . Her **** were very large . It was enough to be reminiscent of fruit .


What did you find me for?

Grid stared at her **** as always .  Laellas face turned red with embarrassment and she hurriedly asked .  Grid regained his spirit at her reaction and explained his purpose .

“Hum hum, this time I learned magic . I want to accurately test its power .

Laella was in charge of the magicians at Reidan .  There was a facility for measuring magic power in the mage barracks that she was in charge of, and Grid wanted to use it .


Laellas eyes widened .  The blacksmith Grid could use magic?

How can you use magic…? Ah! You did a quest related to Braham . Did you learn a spell from Braham? What spell did he teach you?

Grid replied to Laella without hiding anything .

“Magic Missile . ”

…Ah, yes .

Indeed, it would be hard to teach a blacksmith proper magic .  Laella couldnt hide her disappointment and led Grid to the training ground behind the barracks .


Ice Arrow!

It was the Ul Clan, who Grid had saved from destruction .  They were gifted in magic and were training on one side of the training ground .  Laella pointed to a silver scarecrow as Grid was observing the Ul Clan with a proud expression .

The scarecrow was produced by Reidans alchemy facility . It was a type of magic sandbag that could set the magic resistance from 0 to 5,000 .

First, set the magic resistance to zero .

Grid stood in front of the scarecrow and Laella said to him .

I have set it up .

Okay! Magic Missile!

Grid aimed at the scarecrow and shouted .  Then a white flash struck the scarecrow .

[You have dealt 2,894 damage to the target . ]

The effects of various titles, Malacus Cloak and the Black Quartz Earrings meant that he currently had 1,048 intelligence .  The resulting magic power was 1,258 .  The buff on the pavranium increased magic power by 15%, so Grids final magic power was 1,447 .

The expected maximum damage of Magic Missile (Enhanced) was 2,894, and this was the result that emerged .  Laella was startled .

Isnt this surprisingly powerful? Is he wearing items that amplify magic power?

A blacksmith didnt invest points in the intelligence stat .  Laella thought that Grid had 400 intelligence at most .  The damage that users could exercise with a Lv . 1 Magic Missile and 400 magic power was very small .

Grids Magic Missile was remarkably powerful .  Grid spoke to the stunned Laella .

“Increase the scarecrows magic resistance to the maximum .

The maximum was 5,000 .  Even most boss monsters didnt have this much magic resistance . Magic Missile would be completely ineffective against it .

There will be no damage .

Grid just urged Laella .

“Hurry .

‘Its a pointless experiment .

Laella thought that Grid was so excited about magic that rational judgment was impossible .  She imagined Grids look of disappointment as she set the scarecrows magic resistance to 5,000 .  Then after a while .

[You have dealt 2,894 damage to the target . ]


Laella was astonished .  Grids Magic Missile ignored 100% of the targets magic resistance .  In short, it was a scam .  Laella hiccuped with surprise, while Grid made a satisfied expression .

It isnt very efficient in hunting or raids .

It was great against users whose maximum health was only 10,000 .  The activation time was one second and the cooldown time was five seconds .  It was a spell that would be very useful in PvP .

A dark smile appeared on Grids face .  Then a guest came to see him .  It was a completely unexpected guest .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 312

Following the Magic Missile test, Grid headed to Khans smithy .  Thanks to Grid, Khan was able to achieve Advanced Blacksmithing level 7 .  He was a more capable blacksmith than he was in Winston .

He supervised and taught over 80 young blacksmiths, while producing the supplies that Rabbit and the army commissioned .

Dont you look younger?

Grids face brightened after not seeing Khan for a long time .  Khan looked much better than before .  Khan chuckled .

“Interacting with young people, isnt it natural to become younger and healthier? This is all due to you . Im so happy that I could meet you at the end of my life and enjoy such blessings .

“I’m happy that youre happy .

Grid had known Khan since the days when he was invisible .  Grids affection for Khan was endless, and Khan was the same .

“For the rest of my life, I will always work hard for you . I will raise the blacksmiths of Reidan until I die .

“No, youre still young and healthy, so you have a lot of time left . Dont say that even as a joke . Huh?

Grid belatedly looked around the castle .  The other blacksmiths were watching him nervously .  Work had stopped since the duke came and they were also restless .

You worked hard . Dont mind me and continue what you were doing .


The blacksmiths bowed deeply and returned to their place .  Grid stood next to Khan and observed them .

“There are already two blacksmiths who have risen to the intermediate rank .

It had only been half a year since Reidan started training blacksmiths .  The fact that intermediate blacksmiths were already born was an incredible growth .

“The environment is good . They can often see the work of a legendary blacksmith, so their talent can bloom faster . ”

Thats right .  It was useless to have excellent talent if the environment didnt support them .  The reason why the blacksmiths of Reidan could develop rapidly was because they received teachings from Grid and Khan, and had a good space to work .

“Until the day that they all become craftsmen, please continue to work for a long time Khan .

Khan was the first friend in Grids life, so he was more important than anyone else .  Grid was eager for Khan to live a long time .

“I understand . I will persistently survive and raise 10,000 craftsmen .

It was a joke, but Grid wanted it to be reality .

“Im looking forward to it .

Hah, truly . You want this old man to overdo it .

“You wont grow old . You will still be in full swing even when youre 70 . ”

So I will be in a cage?

Oh, thats a good idea?

Duke Grid and the commoner Khan, it was a strange relationship .  The difference between the two people was greater than the heavens and earth .  Yet they were on such friendly terms…

Indeed, our teacher is great!

The young blacksmiths felt more respect towards Khan and were brimming with enthusiasm .

Ttang! Ttang!

The hammering sounds in Reidan didnt stop today .


Grid confirmed that there were promising and talented blacksmiths .  He was filled with joy as Irene greeted him .

“Dear husband~

Irene ran into Grids arms with a large smile .  As always, she freely expressed her affection towards Grid .  Irenes love was delightful and precious for Grid, who had little experience with being loved by someone .

Im glad you have returned safely . ”

Irene buried her face in Grids wide chest .  A pleasant smell exuded from her soft and clean skin .

I’ve missed you so much .

I also wanted to see you .

Grid kissed Irenes forehead .  The words were great .  It was an an unimaginable appearance for the normal Grid .


Lauel saw Grid and Irene and gave a meaningful smile .  He covered half his face with one hand and sent a provocative gaze towards Grid .

“I saw it on the news, but I am convinced at this moment .


Grid was confused by the words and looked at Lauel in a questioning manner .

Kukuk, Lauels shoulders shook as he laughed .  

You mustve been my only friend and rival in a past life, Angel Sylvanus .


Lauels chunnibyou symptom was in full bloom after witnessing the white haired Grid .  He recognized Grid as similar to himself and included Grid in his delusional worldview .  

When will this sickness be healed…?

Tsk, Grid ignored Lauel and touched Irenes belly .

In the next two months, I can meet Gold .

Huhut, thats right . I wish that day will come quickly .

…Gold? Lauels face was disturbed as he regained his reason .  “Grid, are you planning to call your child Gold?

Surely he wouldnt name his child Gold? It was something that shouldnt happen .  The possibility of it being called Grid II was also too big .

“You have to consider the position of the child when naming it!

Grid looked sharply at Lauel .

What are you saying? Im not crazy enough to call my child Gold? Its just a temporary name .


He was glad .  Grids naming sense was too bad .  Then Lauel asked again .

“What will you name the child when it is born?

Grid replied with a confident expression, I was thinking of Grene after Irene .


Grene .


Was this a joke?

Of course its a joke .

Lauel wanted to believe that .  But Grids proud expression and Irenes reaction were terrible .

“Oh my, dear husband . The name Grene is too pretty . It is a pretty and cute name that will suit a boy or a girl .

What on earth…?

It was scary .  Irene thought any suggestion from Grid was good .  Nobody knew that this absolute love and faith came from Grids dexterity .


Grids office .  Grid called Piaro and asked him .

“What do you know about the 3rd Prince of the Saharan Empire?

“Hes the third son of the deceased Empress Aria and has an introverted personality, unlike his siblings . I only saw him a few times and dont know any details . Why are you suddenly asking about him?

This .

Grid pulled the Amethyst Shield out of his inventory .  Piaros eyes widened with surprise .

“How do you have this…?

“A monster called the Guardian of the Forest dropped it . It was originally an object of honor?

“It is a symbol that has been inherited from generation to generation by the captain of the Red Knights .

Is there anything special about it?

“Yes, it is just a shield with a gorgeous appearance . The performance itself isnt very good .

“Then why is the 3rd Prince looking for this?

“3rd Prince…?

It seems like he is looking for several things .

Hrmm .  Piaro suddenly recalled one fact .  “That reminds me, there was a time when the 3rd Prince was interested in some ritual . His hobby is rituals, so he might be collecting the items necessary for it . ”

Ritual? What ritual?

I dont know . It is just likely that the Amethyst Shield is useful as a tool for the ritual .

Hrmm .

Was it a black magic ritual?

It is a shame .  It might be better not to hand these things over to the 3rd Prince .  But it could be a quest related to an episode, so I cant ignore it completely… Well, Ill look at the situation and act accordingly .

In the first place, it wasnt urgent .  Grid had separate priorities .  At that time, Lauel sent a whisper to Grid .

A guest has come .


The guest wouldnt be normal if they could arrive in Reidan . In particular, the person must be big if Lauel was talking to him about it .


Chris .

Chris? 3rd on the unified rankings?

Yes .

Chris was the head of the Giant Guild, the largest of the seven guilds .  Grid hadnt heard about him since the First National Competition and the Reinhardt golem invasion .

But Chris has a hostile relationship with the Tzedakah Guild .

Why would he take the risk to come here? Grid was interested and immediately rose from his spot .

Bring him to the drawing room .


The Giant Guild lost their territory after the golem invasion and had a hard time for half a year .  In particular, Chris reputation was hit hard because he was defeated by Regas in the National Competition .

But Chris and the Giant Guild didnt get frustrated .  They overcame the trials! Their power became bigger than before .  In particular, Chris obtained a very useful second class . He was several times stronger than before .

However, there was a problem .  He couldnt find a satisfactory weapon .  Despite watching the item trading sites and in-game auction site for 24 hours a day, a suitable weapon didnt show up .  Chris gradually became nervous because he knew how important items were to the game .

Thus, he looked for Grid .

“Make me the strongest weapon .

This was the first time Grid met Chris .  He only saw the 3rd ranking user on the news or from far away .  In the past, the Giant Guild had a conflict with the Tzedakah Guild, but Grid had no personal grudge against Chris .

However, the other members of the Tzedakah Guild were a problem .

“I remember that Jishuka hates you quite a bit . Why should I ignore my guild members to make you an item?

Grid had the advantage .  Grid was currently in a much higher position .  Of course, Grid didnt intend this, but it worked out excellently .  Chris was in a bad position and had to bow to Grid .

“I will give you a lot of money . In addition, the Tzedakah Guild doesnt have a big grudge towards me .

“Then why was there a feud?

It was due to my one-sided competition, and the Tzedakah Guild didnt avoid the fight .

When playing the game called L . T . S . , Chris and the Giant Guild had always been defeated by the Tzedakah Guild .  The grudge was deeply rooted and this sense of competitiveness carried over to Satisfy .

On the other hand, the Tzedakah Guild didnt even look at the Giant Guild .  It was the victim who clung onto the relationship .

I will check it out . In any case, how much will you pay me if I make you an item?

“I will give you something more precious than money .

Chris pulled a potion out of his inventory .  Grids eyes widened as he examined the details .


It was a rare potion that was hard to obtain, even after clearing five vampire cities .  Companies with huge assets and rankers aiming for the top wanted them, but the supply was scarce and the price soared .

Elixirs were also necessary for Grid .  To be precise, it was the agility elixir .  In order for his swordsmanship to become more powerful, it was necessary to make his agility equal to his strength .  Coincidentally, the elixir that Chris presented was the agility elixir .

Grids brain started to rotate quickly .

It is a deal that must be unconditionally accepted . ’

However, there was a problem . Chris might become the enemy of Overgeared .  Obviously, he should avoid the act of making his enemies stronger .

‘But it is too good to decline… Aha .

Ssik .

A wicked smile appeared on Grids face as he contemplated the elixir in front of him .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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