Overgeared Chapter 253:

Chapter 253

The peak of two billion users, Kraugel .

Hao had met him before .  It was one year ago in Elgad Forest .

Elgads Forest .  At the time, the users in the top 100 rankings had to form a party of at least seven rankers to hunt in the forest .  Kraugel was playing solo there .  He slaughtered the killer spiders and butterflies in Elgads Forest alone, and Hao realized it .

This is a mountain that cant be climbed .

The dimensions they were in were completely different .  The battle sense that perfectly used the terrain, as well as the godly control skills .  Hao couldnt even think I want to be like that .  Kraugel was an awe-inspiring figure and a wall that couldnt be surpassed .

Him .

Hao was praised as a genius, and this was the first time he got a sense of inferiority .


He was in Reidan .  The mysterious farmer fighting Seuron .  He was Kraugel .  Hao could see it .  He had repeated Kraugels moves that he saw one year ago over and over in his head .  He was able to match Kraugels movements to the farmer .

“White Light Sword .

A large-scale attack skill that caused blindness was triggered . Hao stood still as he closed his eyes .  Then he opened his eyes to see Seuron turn into a grey light .

Ha… haha .

Hao could only laugh .  Kraugel easily handled Seuron, who was on the same level as Hao .  Indeed, the sky above the sky .  Kraugel was still strong . No, he became stronger .  His legs trembled as he felt a thrill again .

Run away .  He commanded the guild members .

Invade Reidan? It was impossible .  As long as Kraugel was here, it was an impregnable fortress .

Run away!

The Hades Guild retreated .


“Should we just let them go? Damian asked .

Kraugel replied, Then should we chase them?

Um… There is no need .

There was no reason to pursue those running away .  They were farmers, not Reidans guardian knights .   They just needed to protect the fields .

I dont need to fight .

Thats right .  Reidans defense was left to Grid and the Overgeared Guild, not their problem .  They became involved in the battle in the first place due to Piaro . Reidan was unharmed . It wouldve been big if they hadnt moved .

Anyway, its okay now .

He was also a bit proud at helping protect Grids estate .

By the way, who are you?

Damian was well aware of Seurons fame .  He was evaluated to be stronger than Grid .  Damien wondered about the identity of the farmer who easily defeated him . The straw hat that hadnt been taken off over the past week was especially annoying today .

Kraugel smiled .  “You arent the type of person who will be interested .

Thats right .  Damian didnt deny it .  Damian was only obsessed with Rebeccas Daughters .

Shit! You **** bastards! Theyre running away!

“Lets go!

How rotten! I wont step foot on this land again!

Once the Hades Guild quietly escaped from the farmer, the Golden Guild also started to run away . They knew they werent in a position to defend the guilds honor .  

Bland, who was eating his third rainbow potato, expressed his anxiety .  Isnt dinner time over? Do we have to starve this evening?


Damian and Kraugel felt sorry for Bland .  They heard he was from a prestigious noble family, but the stress of being taken hostage must be quite large .


Box, the Snake Guilds chief of staff .  The first ranked linker was the last survivor of the Snake Guild .

This ability is very interesting . It is really great that you can blend the skills of your colleagues, making them more powerful and efficient .

Piaro complimented, but Box wasnt glad .  Many of his colleagues killed earlier were also highly praised . But they were eventually killed .  In any case, he would die .  Box tried a last hurrah . The linkers ultimate skill, Puppet, was deployed as he tried to control Piaro .

But it was useless .  Piaro had grown further through this battle . He approached before Box could use the skill and overpowered him . Even if the skill was activated, he couldnt be controlled by Box .


The hand plow was covered by a colourless qi and stuck in Boxs forehead .  Dying by a hand plow! It was the moment when the 275th protagonist of the rumor was born .

K… Kuock…!

Box turned into grey light .  Piaros eyes were as deep as the sea as he watched silently .  Piaro had grown steadily since he began his field work in Reidan, and he gained enormous awareness based on todays battle .

Im not Muller .

Thats right . He was Piaro .

Noble of the Saharan Empire, Piaro .

Captain of the Red Knights, Piaro .

Traitor Piaro .

Great Swordsman Piaro .

Farmer Piaro .

Piaro, friend of Grid, the Overgeared Guild, Kraugel, Damian, and Bland .

Yes, he was Piaro .  He was distinctly different from Muller .  There was no need to follow Mullers specter .

I am enough by myself .

Shaaaaaah .

The light from the two moons shining on Piaros body was reminiscent of the Milky Way .  An intense and unsteady energy rose, causing the atmosphere to shake around Piaro .  At this moment, Piaro became a legend .  Was it the sword saint status he had been craving?

No .  Piaro already deemed that a sword wasnt necessary .  He was able to achieve a lot with a whole range of agricultural equipment such as a hand plow, sickle and **** .  There was no need to be obsessed with the title of sword saint .

[A legendary farmer has been born!]

[Every farmer in the world will look up to him and praise him!]

The notification window about the birth of a new legend appeared in front of all the users connected to Satisfy .  It was breaking news in the international media .  On the other hand, Damian and Kraugel saw Piaros evolution directly and were confused .

Why a farmer?

Piaro was a swordsman .  But he became a farmer…

It was shocking .  However, Piaro was happy .  What did it matter if he was a farmer or sword saint? He was already enough .  There was no need to discuss titles .

Pagma… Were you also like me?

The great swordsman who became a legendary blacksmith, Pagma .  Piaro smiled at the thought .  A farmer was supreme .  If he plowed the land, the land would become fertile .  When he wielded the farming equipment, he could destroy hundreds of enemies .

The new legends were a blacksmith and a farmer .


Pant pant… Shit, its hard to move .

The desert at night was cold enough to freeze their bones .  The morale of the surviving Golden Guild was completely low as they crossed the desert .

We were hit by a farmer .

Surely they wont chase us?

The confusion and fear from the unrealistic experience became increasingly heavy .  The endless desert made the Golden Guild nervous .



Giant worms and desert toads constantly appeared .

Shit…! If only Master was here!

The Golden Guild just barely managed to win against a giant worm . For those with an average level below 230, the western monsters were too strong .  They once again realized how strong Seuron was .  What type of monster was that farmer to kill Seuron…?

“Pay attention! Or else we will be wiped out!

The Golden Guild were filled with a desire to live .  They gritted their teeth and fought the monsters continuously .  But there were some things that couldnt be overcome by effort alone .  In the end, there were less than 100 survivors of the Golden Guild remaining . Those who survived had almost all their health, mana and stamina gone .

Where did it go wrong? Why was one of the strongest guilds in Satisfy suffering like this? As all of them fell into deep despair, someone muttered .

We shouldnt touch Grid…


The Golden Guild members hadnt even seen Grid .  But Grid was the cause of all of this .  Grid was expanding his forces, so the seven guilds felt the need to contain him and invaded Reidan .  

The result was this .  They were screwed .  Their fear of Grid grew .  The Golden Guild members were now sick of even seeing the initial G .  They pledged several times that they wouldnt step on Grids shadow in the future .


Something huge was flying in the sky .  A red drake .


The Golden Guild members were exhausted to the limit, and now they were being troubled by a drake .

“Keep your formations!


Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

It lost some of its majesty after the advent of Noe, but the drake was still classified as the strongest pet .   As it shot out fire, the cooled down sand of the desert burned red .  Three men appeared before the Golden Guild, who were screaming in the sea of fire .  They were familiar people to the Golden Guild .

These bastards… Are they already going back after destroying Reidan?

A distraught bald man flushed red .   He was extremely angry as he wielded his axe at the Golden Guild .


The first ranked guardian knight .  A monster that boasted an overwhelming tanking ability and had the same strength as an ogre .  He defended from the attacks of the Golden Guild with a shield, then slaughtered the members with twin axes .

The destructive power of Beast Master Toon was even scarier .

“You guys dare do something to our city! Grids city!

The silver wristblades became **** in an instant . It was the blood of the Golden Guild members .  The Golden Guild members were falsely accused .  They wouldve felt less wronged if they really had shattered Reidan .  But they couldnt even invade properly, let alone shatter Reidan .  They were defeated by farmers and ran away before they could even enter Reidan .  However, the Golden Guild members were slaughtered because it was believed that they destroyed Reidan .

A savior was needed .  The eyes of the Golden Guild rolled back and forth before finding one .  Unlike Vantner and Toon, Huroi was watching the situation with a fairly calm expression .  He seemed to be the only rational person here .

The Golden Guild members asked him for assistance .

Huroi! Please spare us! We didnt do any damage to Reidan!

“We are greatly reflecting! Please calm those two people down!

Huroi stared at them begging and crying before speaking .

“Your parents should live a long and happy life .


There was a line that shouldnt be exceeded .  It was to mention parents .  The Golden Guild members abused by that spiteful tongue realized it .

Huroi was worse than Vantner and Toon .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 254

Genius at fighting Hao .  He was a ranker who represented the Chinese people .  The members of the Hades Guild, who he selected and trained himself, were very strong .  They tended to be evaluated lower because of their small size, but that was just from people who werent aware .

The Hades Guilds presence was assured within the seven guilds .  They had an average level of 253 .  This was overwhelming high, despite their small number .   A perfect unit of individuals .  There was a hierarchical relationship like in the army, and there was excellent teamwork and tactical abilities…

The combat power of the Hades Guild was among the top in the seven guilds .



The moonlight that shone on the night desert .  The Hades Guild marched unceasingly under Haos command .  The cold temperature, sandy terrain and strong desert monsters didnt slow down their march .  

[Your level has risen . ]

“Isnt this place the best hunting ground?

“Its the reason why the levels of the Overgeared members soared .

The desert monsters were over level 300, so they gave a lot of experience .  It was more than imagined . Thanks to this, the level of the Hades Guild members quickly rose .  The Hades Guild wanted to stay here to level up .

Hao prompted them .  “Dont be immersed in battle and speed up your march .

Hao was still nervous . He wondered if pursuers would catch up with them and kept looking back . He was clearly on the edge .  The farmer called Piaro killed Zibal in one shot, but the Hades Guild couldnt understand why their master was afraid of the farmer who took a while to kill Seuron .

The farmer who defeated Seuron is strong, but isnt he less than the one called Piaro? I dont know why youre so afraid of him .

Hao spoke the truth .  The farmer who killed Seuron is the sky above the sky .

Sky above the sky…?

Only one person came to mind .

“Do you meant Kraugel?

Yes . The straw hat hid his identity, but I was able to recognize him .

Kraugel .  He was the only one who Hao admired and was afraid of .  The Hades Guild could understand why their master was so irritated .  The Hades Guild members made a fuss .

This is a serious problem . If Kraugel is Grids subordinate…

Grid was already laying the groundwork to be the best force . If Kraugel was added, the growth rate would be unmatched .  Hao calmed the guild members who were greatly concerned .

Kraugel isnt Grids subordinate . They are just cooperating a while for some reason . ” Kraugel was the sky .  “He is an individual existence who wont be under someone else .


Hao promised, but the Hades Guild members were still worried .  Grid had already absorbed the Tzedakah Guild… They wondered if he really could obtain Kraugel as well .  But they didnt speak these thoughts out loud . It was only a guess and they didnt want to worry Hao .

Hurry .

Yes .

They moved away from Reidan .  They would soon reach the end of the desert and enter the empires territory . Then they would be safe .  The Hades Guilds march accelerated . Nobody seemed able to stop them as they slaughtered the desert monsters while moving forward .

But life was a series of walls .  Once they crossed one wall, a new wall was waiting for them .  This was a story that applied to everyone .

Stop here .  A voice stopped the Hades Guild, as if the person knew they would come here .  “Even if you are leaving, shouldnt you be punished?

The youth with silver hair .  Lauel .  One of the 10 Rookies .  No, it was funny to call him a rookie now .  He had grown at a monstrous rate after joining Overgeared and was now one of the powerhouses in this world .

“The price for stepping on Duke Grids territory with your dirty feet, pay it with your lives .

Lauel spoke coldly while the Overgeared members stared grimly from behind him .  Hao looked at their faces and stiffened .

‘They might have fewer people, but…

There were 28 members in the Overgeared Guild .  However, Grid was in the empire, Ruby and Sexy Schoolgirl were novices, and Jishuka was active in Bairan with three other members .  In addition, Pon, Regas and Euphemina were on separate missions, while Vantners group was engaged with the Golden Guild .  Except for Lauel, there were only 15 people present .

Meanwhile, the Hades Guild had 80 people .  The Hades Guild clearly had the advantage . The difference in numbers was too big .  But battles in Satisfy were more about quality than quantity . Hao was reminded of this truth .

The 15 members of Overgeared were 3rd advancement users, while the 80 members of the Hades Guild were 2nd advancement users .  The Overgeared members victory was obvious .  Hao made a judgment call and ordered the guild members .

{All of you, run away . }

The Hades Guild members were upset by the command .

{Run away?}

{What are you saying?}

{I will stop the enemies . Run away through the gap . }

Once again, the Hades Guild members didnt like the order .  Surviving by sacrificing their master? Their loyalty couldnt allow it .

{Master should escape while we buy some time . }

{We cant pass Master to the enemies . }

Hao scolded the rebelling Hades Guild members .

{The power of the guild will fall rapidly if all of you are wiped out here . Retreat . }

Sacrificing 79 people or sacrificing one person .  Looking at it, the latter was clearly the wiser choice .  The Hades Guild knew this better than anyone else . But Hao was 16th on the unified rankings .  The level difference between the 11th rank and 50th rank was only four levels, so Haos ranking would fall exponentially if he died and lost experience .

{The rankings is a mere symbol, so dont get bogged down with it . Run away . We can plan our revenge later . }

The Hades Guild would eventually get their third advancement classes . Once the gap of power was reduced, it would be possible to crush the Overgeared members . The present disgrace would be paid back at that time .

{…I understand . }

The Hades Guild members backed off as they saw their guild masters determination .

“Where are you going?

The Overgeared members couldnt let them go . No mercy could be shown to the invaders .  They tried to chase after the Hades Guild members running away, but Hao blocked their way . He pulled out an iron bar and drew a line in the sand .


What did this line in the sand mean? The Overgeared members couldnt understand .  Hao let them know the meaning of the line .

“For the next five minutes, you cant cross this line .

Satisfy didnt have a species selection function . When a character was created, users unconditionally started the game with the human species .  If so, did this mean that all two billion users were humans?

That wasnt the case .   It was a minority, but a few users were different .  There were certain quests that would change a users species .  Hao completed one of them .

Jjejeok! Jjejejeok!

The sides of Haos shoulders and back, as well as the skin near the chest and abdomen were split open, revealing the red scales hidden inside .

Flap .

A pair of wings emerged from his back, while the whites and the pupils of his eyes turned gold .  Half draconian .  That was Hao .  The power of a draconian increased his strength, agility, health and resistance by 10% . He also got an incomplete flying ability and fire ability .  The disadvantage was that he couldnt use most of the skills available to humans, but the draconian Hao was less likely to rely on skills .

He had the ultimate physical form, so he relied on this and secondary weapons to win .  The transformation into a draconian maximized his combat power .

{Toban, Laella and Zednos . The three of you, please handle Hao . The remaining personnel will chase after and destroy the enemies . }

Lauel ordered .  Hao was one of the strongest PK users, so three people should be enough to handle him . Lauel judged the situation and issued the command .

Only three? Are you looking down on me?

Hao scoffed as he saw the three people take a triangular formation .


Hao suddenly used a chain and pulled Tobans shield towards him .  It was very fast and delicate control . Toban wasnt prepared and his body leaned heavily forward .  Hao hit the back of his head with the iron bar then aimed at Laella .

The bewildered Laella defended with magic stored in her orb, but her mistake was using non-targeted magic .  It was virtually impossible to hit Hao with non-targeted spells .  This was the reason why the 5th ranked Yura evaluated that she wouldnt win against Hao .



The weapon accurately struck Laellas heart .  She suffered a great deal of damage and sat down . Hao didnt hesitate as he linked a combo to kill her .

Shit! Stop it quickly!

Laella cried out and Ibellin moved .  The blue flamberge that Grid made for him after his third advancement class tore towards Hao .

Newbie .

Hao burst out laughing . Ibellin came at him from the front with such a low level of skill .


A secondary weapon .  They were difficult to control, so most users didnt use them .

Hao had the Secondary Weapons Mastery . He threw a chain and **** Ibellins wrist . Then he used the power of the draconians to blow him away, before aiming his iron rod at Laellas belly again . Laellas body was thrown into the air, then the iron bar rotated and hit Laella slender neck .


Laella groaned as her blood soaked the sand . As a magician, she couldnt bear Haos attack power .  She wouldve died already if it wasnt for Tobans defense buff and Zednos shield .  Hao saw that she was stunned and aimed at Zednos . Zednos didnt have time to cast a spell due to Haos speed, and had to concentrate on defense . Then a shield appeared before him .

Toban had recovered and protected Zednos .


Something unbelievable happened the moment the iron bar collided with the large shield .  The Overgeared Guilds strongest tanker . No, the best ranker in Satisfy, Toban was pushed back two steps .

Toban expressed his displeasure .

This guy!

Hao was able to pinpoint exactly where to hit on Tobans shield to apply great pressure .  Toban felt like he was facing Piaro . Haos skills were truly amazing . At the very least, he was on the level of Pon and Regas .

Hao looked around at the Overgeared members and declared, Four minutes . I can endure for four more minutes .

It was already one minute after his five minute declaration .  The Hades Guild was gradually moving away from this spot .  After four minutes, it would be too difficult to chase them .

Lauel was irritated and changed his order .  “First of all, take him down first!

The Overgeared members aimed all their power at Hao .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 255

Strength was relative .  

The Overgeared Guild was called a group of powerhouses, but it was possible to distinguish between the weak and strong within them .  Based on the Overgeared members, Lauel was part of the weak group .

Grid, Pon, Regas, Jishuka, Faker, Euphemina, Toon and Vantner, all the strongest ones were missing .

But even so…

15 against 1 .  Hao really endured for five minutes . To be exact, it was five minutes and three seconds .  It was something that even Pon or Regas couldnt do .

The two of them wouldve killed almost half of us in three minutes, then they wouldve died .

If it was Grid?

…We would be wiped out in a few minutes .

Grids abilities had grown by leaps and bounds since the doppelganger raid . Lauel didnt want to imagine it .  He clicked his tongue .  Then he analyzed Hao .

Clever .

A person who transformed into a draconian .  Hao fully utilized the characteristics of a half draconian as well as the desert landscape .  Aiming Flame Explosion at the sand constantly caused a sandstorm to appear, obstructing the vision of the Overgeared members . He also used his flying ability to avoid fatal skills .

Rather than killing his enemies, he thoroughly fought in order to buy time .  His persistence and control of the chain that tied down the Overgeared members was enough to cause a thrill .

Kill me .  As Lauel was deep in thought, Hao was caught by Ibellin and spoke proudly .  He didnt fear death .  He was satisfied that he allowed his guild members to retreat safely .

On the other hand, the faces of the Overgeared members were completely twisted .  15 people were **** by one person for more than five minutes, causing their pride to be crushed .  Hao comforted them . It was the attitude of a winner .

“You arent weak . You are stronger than the rumors . However, I am just exceptional .

It wasnt arrogance .  Haos words werent wrong .  The Overgeared members were stronger than in the past due to Piaro, but Hao surpassed them .

Hrmm .

A smile appeared on Lauels face .  In fact, in this battle, Lauel felt a bigger sense of defeat than anyone else .  He was the one who led the group .  He was proud of the tactics that he could carry out .

The chief of staff, Lauel, was unable to cope with Hao properly .  Lauel was tactically defeated by Hao .  But .

I won .

Lauels smile widened .  He told Hao the truth .

The Hades Guilds retreat failed .

“Bah, what benefits are there to lying now?

It isnt a lie . Check the guild chat if you dont believe me .

After a moment .  Haos eyes trembled .

You . . ! What did you do?

Lauel explained .  “I guessed the retreat route of the Hades Guild and left someone there . I also ordered the team wiping out the Golden Guild to head there when they finished .

A separate force .  There was Faker who had recovered from wiping out the Ice Flower Guild .  Currently, the Hades Guild was isolated by Faker and Hurois group at the border between the empire and the western part of the Eternal Kingdom .


Hao was frustrated .  If they were going to die anyway, he shouldve at least taken out one more enemy .  He was feeling regret when Lauel suggested, Are you willing to serve Duke Grid?


The leader of one of the seven guilds, the one in the lead of billions of people, why should he go under someone? In addition, it was under a trivial guy, whose only advantage was his legendary class?

“A dragon cant serve a dog .  Hao refused .

The faces of the Overgeared members turned red as Grid was called a dog .

“Dont bother with anything unnecessary and just kill me!

Ibellin had suffered from being dragged by chains throughout the battle, so he was angrier than anyone else .  Lauel restrained him as he was about to stab his flamberge through Haos heart . Then he asked Hao .

Grid is the sky, not a dog… If he proves this fact, will you serve him?

Lauel coveted Hao .  It wasnt just due to his powerful force .  The noble spirit that sacrificed himself for his subordinates, as well as the appropriate tactical abilities were all coveted by Lauel .  He was a necessary person to the Overgeared Guild, who only tended to focus on individual power .

Hao snorted .  “There is already a sky .

Yes, the sky .  The sky they were talking about was Kraugel .  Grid wasnt a match .  Lauel laughed at Hao .

Okay . I am looking forward to it .


Hao was stunned as Lauel released him .  He couldnt understand the situation as Lauel continued speaking, Im looking forward to the day were reunited . I will let all of your guild members go safely, so please dont worry .

I wont be willing to serve Grid, even if you do this .

“Will you serve Grid if he proves that he is the sky?

Yes, but…

How could a dog or cow become the sky? Lauel grinned triumphantly at Hao .

Watch his path . You will soon know that he is the only sky .

…Hah .  Hao laughed .  Was this the level of a fanatic? It felt like there was a pseudo-religion based on Grid .  “Okay, I understand . I will watch .

Hao wasnt expecting anything .  He accepted the favor and immediately left this place .

Ibellin didnt like it and asked Lauel .

They are the **** who invaded Reidan for no reason! Why are you letting him go? Are you crazy?

“Didnt you hear the report from Huroi? According to the Golden Guilds statement, isnt Reidan safe? You should think more practically, rather than being overcome by petty grudges .

Shit! What will happen if they try to strike again?

“At that time . ” Lauels blue eyes froze over .   “After we kill them, we will trample on their estates .

He wouldnt allow an invasion a second time, and there would be no more forgiveness .


Day arrived .  Reidans fields .  In the early morning, the Overgeared members came to where the farmers were sweating .  Lauel bowed deeply to Piaro .  Thank you for saving Reidan . This great grace, I will spend the rest of my life repaying it .

Piaro laughed .  Its okay . I just acting according to the value of the meals .

Value of the meal…

The price of a meal for a farmer was 73 silver .

Reidan is worth 73 silver…

Lauels feelings were complicated .  Lauel looked around at the vast farming fields .  The harvest was in full swing . Good quality wheat was being produced in large quantities . In the future, the people of Reidan would be able to eat bread, not just potatoes .

This was all due to Piaro .  Not only did he do the work of 100 people alone, he kept finding sources of water and bringing life to the fields .  Despite being a great swordsman, he wasnt arrogant, faithfully carried out his duties, and showed respect .

However… I heard there were a lot of enemies . How did you repel them by yourself?

Lauel heard it from the enemies, but he honestly didnt believe it .  In particular, there were many people with a strong reputation among the enemies, such as Zibal, Seuron and Hao .  Piaro repelled all of them? It was impossible unless Piaro was a legend on the level of Pagma or Muller .

It cant be… He couldnt imagine that the legendary farmer emergence message that appeared last night was referring to Piaro .  Piaro aimed for a sword saint . He wasnt a farmer .  As Lauel was feeling puzzled, Piaro pointed to three farmers .

One was Bland and the other two were wearing straw hats, so he couldnt see who they were .

“They helped me . ”

Is that so?

There were more farmers in Reidan who were great warriors? Lauel approached them .  The two farmers cutting the wheat with a sickle panicked .

I dont want to meet you…

The 1st ranked Kraugel .  He didnt want to let others know that he had been working in the fields for two weeks already . It would be a big nuisance .  So he…

My mother is calling me . I need to go . Logout .


Logging out to a parents intervention .  It was a phenomena that frightened many of Satisfys users .  There were people who were forced to terminate the game during a raid because their mother told them to eat .   In such cases, the users were registered on a blacklist and it would be difficult for them to participate in a raid group again . Anyway, this happened, so Damian was left alone .

Eh? Who was just here?

Lauel was very surprised to see the person he thought was a NPC log out .  A user was working as a farmer in Reidan? He must have a high level, so why was he working as a farmer…? Lauels confusion and doubts poured onto Damian .

Who are you? Why are you doing field work here?


Damian wasnt prepared .  He was embarrassed to reveal that a high ranking paladin was acting as a farmer .  He wanted to log out .  However, he soon changed his mind .

He is the person closest to Grid .

If he explained to Lauel why he had to meet Grid, it would be easier to arrange a meeting with Grid .

Suuk .

Damian took off his straw hat .  The dark blue, purplish hair caught Lauels attention .


Lauels eyes shook as the attractive appearance was revealed .  

Damian .  An exceptional person who rose to become the number two paladin, despite being a paladin of the Rebeccan Church .  But one day, he suddenly disappeared from the rankings list so there were rumors that he obtained a hidden class .  And he was an otaku .  Why was such a famous person doing field work here?

Damian awkwardly greeted the speechless Lauel and Overgeared members .

Hey .



Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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