Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 106:

Chapter 106: The Ability of a Senior Military Adviser (1)

Then Kajel said again in an urgent voice,

“Keirun! Sovereign Zenith is coming . There seems to be a golem that looks like an advanced lord . ”

Kajel used his clone to show the situation through a 3D map in front of Keirun .

There was a huge golem . . .

And behind him was Zenith leading 3,000 troops toward the Yugang building . Next to Zenith was a dark mage wearing a red robe .

Keirun frowned as he saw them .

‘Two advanced lords and two lower lords as well as 5,000 troops . ’

It would be a one-sided dominance if it was only Hardis’ troops . However, it could now become quite a melee .

Of course, he still had the overwhelming advantage in general troops .

Heksia and her 5,000 advanced **** lycanthrope warriors had joined Kang-jun’s household!

Even a portion of them could wipe out Hardis’ orcs and Zenith’s snakemen .

The power of the advanced **** lycanthrope warriors could process them .

However, they weren’t the only ones .

The 200 vampire mages had powerful fire magic that could turn the enemy into ashes .

There were also the advanced **** lycanthrope shamans whose attack power was one level higher than the vampire mages .

There were 300 of these shamans .

Was that all?

For one-on-one strength that was comparable to the advanced **** lycanthrope warriors, there were the 1,000 giant ratian greatsword warriors .

There were also 200 ratian rangers, 100 flying ratians, 100 golem ratigers and 300 giant dark wolves!

Therefore, it was a one-sided victory for them if he didn’t take the lords into account .

However, the problem was the advanced lords . They were scary beings capable of wiping out the general forces .

Fortunately, there were those who could fight against the lords .

In the meantime, Naga Queen Melinad had increased her power steadily .

Keirun was convinced that she had enough power to match the advanced lords .

Additionally, there was the dark mage, Driana .

She had been one of the advanced lords under the Second Demon King and her abilities had also risen .

Moreover, he couldn’t leave out Commander Heksia .

She had yet to deal with any advanced lords with her individual combat power, but her ability to command multiple troops was the best by far .

Particularly, the advanced **** lycanthrope warriors would exert their best combat power when led by Heksia .

There was also a strong, indispensable power .

It was the ogre, Germuz .

Germuz, an ordinary ogre, had his abilities skyrocket whenever Kang-jun received compensation for his achievements .

As a result, he now had unimaginable strength and hard skin compared to ordinary ogres . Germuz would no longer be pushed by the presence of lower grade lords .

There was also the cat shaped Rodiam .

This was because the battle power of the minotaur, Rodiam’s transformed shape, was almost equal to Germuz . Additionally, he had recovery magic as well as a variety of support magic, so he was comparable to Germuz .

The last one was Kajel .

He didn’t boast the same brute power as Germuz . However, his true worth was with the spheres that were his clones .

The spherical bodies had the ability to scout and look at the enemy’s situation . Kajel was able to produce up to seven spheres at once .

Keirun had the ability to intuitively but very accurately grasp the individual powers of his allies .

This was an ability only available to advanced military advisers .

Due to Kang-jun’s achievements, Keirun’s abilities had grown rapidly to that of an advanced military adviser .

After a while, at the base headquarters . . .

He gathered Naga Queen Melinad, Dark Mage Driana, Rodiam, Kajel as well was Heksia who was urgently recalled from the Bloody Battlefield .

Keirun said to them,

“Hardis and Zenith have been fooled by the Second Demon King and are on their way here . As a military adviser, I will lead the defense of the base on behalf of Lord . Therefore, I would like everyone to follow my instructions . ”

Melinad nodded easily .

“It is more important to keep Lord’s base than our lives . I will follow your instructions . ”

Heksia and Driana also nodded .

“I’ll follow the instructions of the military adviser . ”

“What should we do now?”

Keirun smiled and said,

“I intend to defend this base while minimizing the sacrifice of our allies . ”

“What about the wards around the base?”

Driana’s eyes lit up . She was a dark magic, so she had a considerable level of knowledge and ability in this field .

Keirun grinned .

“Right . The base of the Yugang building will be the headquarters while each building will form a defense structure independently . I need the cooperation of Melinad and Heksia who have been entrusted to each base . ”

“I will cooperate . ”

“Of course, I will cooperate . “

Defenders could only be deployed in their own territory, not the occupied territories .

Kang-jun currently owned five buildings .

Among them, three of the buildings included the Yugang building that belonged to Keirun and the remaining two that belonged to Melinad and Heksia .

“Then, let’s get started . ”

“Yes . ”

“I’m starting . “

Keirun immediately touched the base crystal and chanted a spell .

Susususu .

At that moment, the space of the Yugang building started to change .

The interior of the headquarters stayed intact, while the outside of the Yugang building changed into a round castle .

That wasn’t all .

The other four buildings, including the Dafeng building, were surrounded by a barrier .

It was an enormous castle consisting of four towers .

The areas surrounding the castle changed into wilderness .

Ratian rangers and giant ratian spearmen were deployed on the walls, while **** lycanthropes were placed in front of the outer gate to wait for orders .

Additionally, advanced succubus healers were placed everywhere .

Vampire mages and **** lycanthrope shamans were deployed throughout the castle to prepare for magic attacks .

All of these things took place at the same time .

Keirun said with a satisfied expression,

“We are now ready to stop the enemy’s general troops . Melinad will take the centaur lord Kurao and Driana will deal with the golem Turbo . ”

“Yes . ”

“I understand . ”

Melinad and Driana weren’t surprised to hear who their opponents were .

Their eyes were filled with confidence that they could win .

At the same time, they were looking at Keirun with favour .

Then Heksia asked,

“What about me?”

“Once the battle between the advanced lords begins, Hardis and Zenith will attack . At that time, Heksia should join in the defense of the castle . Particularly, please block the magic attacks of the enemy dark mages . ”

Keirun continued,

“After that, lead the lycanthrope squads to sweep up the enemy when I give the signal . ”

“Huhut, that is a cool strategy . ”

Heksia smiled with satisfaction at her mission .


At that time, the centaur lord, who was marching toward the Yugang building with Hardis, stopped suddenly and stared at the fog in front of him .

“Kelnia, the wards seem to have been activated . ”

Dark Mage Kelnia’s expression solidified . She had also determined that the thick fog in front of them was unusual .

“They are strong wards . Only an advanced military adviser is capable of this . The resistance will be more challenging than I thought . ”

Kurao laughed,

“The result won’t be any different . None of them will be able to confront me . ”

Kelnia carefully looked at him and said,

“But you should be careful about Naga Queen Melinad and Dark Mage Driana . ”

“Don’t worry about Melinad and it is the same for Driana . I am impervious to magic . ”

Kurao said with a confident expression . He wanted to go in and wipe out all the enemies alone .

However, he had received an order from the Second Demon King to strike with the golem Turbo .

Kung .  Kung .  Kung .

After a while, the ground shook as the giant golem Turbo appeared .

Following behind him were snakemen .

They had the head of a snake and the body of a person .

The monsters consisted of heavy infantry, archers and mages .

The golem Turbo saw Kurao and said,

“This is the place? We will start soon . ”

“Yes . ”

Turbo and Kurao rushed into the zone of fog .

Then Hardis and Zenith stared at each other .

They made a surprised expression as they stared at each other, then laughed wickedly .

“Huhu, we ended up taking the same boat, Zenith . ”

“Keuk! I didn’t think you would become the subordinate of the Second Demon King . ”

Zenith had been nervous about accepting the Second Demon King’s offer .

However, that disappeared once he saw that Hardis was in the same position as him .

It was the same for Hardis .

Having a colleague in the same boat made him feel more assured .

“Then let’s advance . ”

“Yes . ”

Hardis’ orcs and Zenith’s snakemen advanced into the fog .

Sususu .

The moment that they passed through the fog zone, a huge castle appeared .

“Kuhuhuhu! Do you think you can stop me with this sloppy castle?”

The centaur lord Kurao flew in the air and rushed towards the castle .

Then Naga Queen Melinad, who had been waiting, flew and blocked Kurao’s path .

“Stop, Kurao . If you want to enter the castle, you will have to knock me down first . ”

Melinad shot forward with her spear, aiming it at Kurao .

Kurao was shocked .

Of course, he had known about Melinad . Melina had once been a member of the Second Demon King’s Army .

However, the presence coming from Melinad was completely different than before .

‘I will make her lose . ’

Kurao solidified his determination and rushed toward Melinad .


Kurao’s spear rushed through the space!

Melinad didn’t flee and swung her spear as much as possible .


At the same time, her spear divided into countless numbers aimed at Kurao .


Dozens of spears pierced Kurao’s body .


Kurao shrieked . It happened in the blink of an eye .

However, all of Kurao’s injuries recovered immediately .

“Kukuk! Melinad, you are reasonably strong but it is too bad that you are facing me . ”

He charged forward .

There was a flash as he stabbed his spear .


Melinad moved to the side as if she had anticipated it and avoided Kurao’s blow .

“That trick won’t work on me . ”


Kurao’s body became a **** mess .

“Kuaaak! You dare!”

Kurao retreated hastily and recovered from his injuries . At that moment, Melinad clung onto his spear and swung hers .

“I will show you how to use this properly . ”

“Kuoh, good!”

Kurao threw everything into his next blow . He swung his spear carefully, thinking that he would lose if he didn’t use all his power .

Chang! Chaang! Hwi hwi hwi hwik! Kuaang!

While a battle was going on between the centaur lord and the queen naga, the fight between the giant golem, Turbo, and the dark mage, Driana, was starting .

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