Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 1211: Dark image and Celestial Chart

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While the dream of nothingness is still deducing, someone is watching everything in the dream. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

“Do you have a dark picture,” the mysterious young Miao Miao said to Lu Xiaoyu in nothingness.

“Why should I tell you,” Lu Xiaoyu asked calmly. She was surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, Cheng Qiuqiao was nowhere to be found, but she was trapped in nothingness and unable to move.

“If you tell me a secret, I will tell you a secret,” Miao Miao said.

“Tell me first, who are you?” Lu Xiaoyu stared at Miao Miao firmly.

“My nickname is Miao Miao, Huo Miao’s Miao used to be a fire in his heart and a creature above Sixth Nebula, whose real name is Filth Removal!” Miao Miao said, no, to be precise, he should be called him Filth Removal.

Lu Xiaoyu was stunned. He knew that there was a white flame in Lu Shu‘s heart that had been half-dead. Didn’t he expect that the mysterious young man in front of him was the main body of the white flame?

Filth Removal laughed and said: “I was ordered to come here a long time ago just to wait for today. I hold the heart tribulation, which can cause the tribulation or the tribulation. He is experiencing the heart tribulation now, and I will remove it for him. The filth in my heart.”

This time Lu Xiaoyu really hesitated: “Is it the heart disaster he prepared for himself?”

“Yes,” Filth Removal said: “He has never experienced a real ordinary life in his entire life. He has been a decisive person for a lifetime, but he is finally trapped by a choice. He is not reconciled.”

What the choice is, Filth Removal did not say.

Lu Xiaoyu was silent for a long time: “I have a dark picture on me.”

“Do you remember your last life?” Filth Removal said.

“Think of it, this life is this life,” Lu Xiaoyu said categorically: “Lu Xiaoyu is Lu Xiaoyu, not the one before!”

“What if he remembered,” Filth Removal asked.

“That is his freedom,” Lu Xiaoyu said.

“Do you know the fate of the dark map?” Filth Removal said calmly.

“Fate?” Lu Xiaoyu was puzzled.

Filth Removal sighed: “You gave up everything to pay him for it, but you don’t know happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate, lust. This seventh layer can only be opened by the owner of the dark map, and the dark map will eventually die.”

Lu Xiaoyu was stunned, it seemed that this was the first time she heard such words.

Filth Removal stood quietly in the void and waited, wondering how Lu Xiaoyu would answer.

However, at this moment Lu Xiaoyu whispered: “I just want to be with him. I didn’t even think about what you guessed, but even if I just want to be with him, I don’t think about it. These things can be with him forever in this way, right? They exist in his Celestial Chart.”

“What did you say?” Filth Removal looked at Xiaoyu in surprise, he had never expected such a reply.

After Filth Removal was speechless for a long time, he turned and stepped into the heart of Lu Shu.


“Who are you?” the old Lu Shu asked from the hospital bed.

“Does it matter who I am?” Filth Removal asked.

“Yes,” Lu Shu was stunned: “It’s not important, I’m going to die, what else is important.”

At this moment, Lu Shu felt that the sun outside the ward was shining on the back of his hands, and he could no longer feel the temperature.

His 90 years of life also began to show slides, one by one, as a good brother said, helping him recall his words.

But there is always a sentence echoing in my mind, do you understand what you want?

Lu Shu remembered the summer when she was 18 years old, and the girl shyly said to herself if she could socialize.

Lu Shu remembered standing at a loss in the heavy rain when he was 21 years old.

Lu Shu I remembered that my good brother said to himself that the ultimate destination of most people in this world is not the one he loves the most, and you must eventually become you.

Lu Shu remembered that he was just waiting for someone, but was recorded as a paranoid.

In the end, the world reached the end from the beginning, and the person such as Lu Shu did not appear after all.

At this time, he thought of his good brother and asked him if he didn’t wait in the end.

Lu Shu can’t remember what he answered at the time. Lu Shu held his head in the hospital bed and recalled painfully, what exactly he answered! ?

By the way, he said at that time, then wait for a lifetime.

But, he has waited all his life!

Lu Shu stood on a cross street and saw the people around him coming and going. The body was dark, and the world was dark.

People have suffered too much in this life, and those who are suffering have forgotten how suffering they are.

So most people compromise with life and the world…but Lu Shu doesn’t.

Because the world is already suffering enough, he is looking for the last beam of light. After that, if no one else can walk with him, he is the only light.

There are so many compromised people in this world. When they are old, they write down and think that it is a sad story, but it is really not sad, but cowardice.

Lu Shu, I just want a different story. In this story, the light is still there. Whether it is 15, 18, or 90 years old, the people in the story tell themselves firmly, without complaint or regret. !

Filth Removal sighed: “Is my life going to end and I will not let it go?”

Lu Shu‘s voice came: “If I can’t wait for the first life, I will wait for the next life, if I can’t wait for the next life, then I will live forever!”

At this moment, Lu Shu seems to have seen the sword hidden in Celestial Chart again. The sword says that she doesn’t want anything for this world scenery, just people.

Filth Removal thought about it for a long time: “Have you ever thought about the final destiny? If in the end you will turn your heads into enemies.”

“Why did you turn against each other?”

“Because the dark picture exists to complete Celestial Chart, only she can turn on Seventh Nebula, allowing you to escape from the higher realm and fight for eternity,” Filth Removal said.

“Fuck your mother, then I will never open the seventh floor!” Lu Shu‘s voice became angry, and the sea of ​​clouds outside the old city began to surge wildly!

Filth Removal stared blankly at Lu One is willing to give up on himself, the other is willing to never open Seventh Nebula?

Lu Shu slowly sat up from the bed, his gray hair gradually turned black, and his appearance was young again. He stared at the mysterious young man and took off his oxygen mask: “Lao Tzu’s fate, Lao Tzu chooses himself , I just ask you, where is Lao Tzu’s Xiaoyu, where did you tie her up!”

The whole world lit up a white flame, Lu Shu was lying on the hospital bed, his oxygen tube, the curtains of his hospital room, and everything around him began to burn.

Lu Shu burned everything out, and saw that he pulled out the handle of Seizing Thief from the void, but the orange-red flame that was originally burning on Seizing Thief also turned white, just like the original color of stars.

Filth Removal suddenly panicked.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu whispered in the void: “How do I think he is waiting for more than one person, he has not opened the seventh floor before.”


There is one more update, the next one is even more likely to be dawn

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