Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 1087: Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen warehouse

“Where else has this happened except Indian,” Lu Shu asked.

Zhong Yutang sighed and said: “There are a few places that are not very clear, because before you come back, in fact, even if we see this mark, we will only treat it as a tattoo. We used to capture the Black Feather Army prisoners and only interrogated them. The other party’s social system, but there is no time to ask in particular details.”

“At first, we thought that the slavery system was the same as ours in ancient times, but we didn’t expect that the Lu Universe side was more harsh. It was directly controlled by cultivation technique. It is impossible for slaves to turn over,” Zhong Yutang explained Said: “Fortunately you are back.”

The return of Lu Shu this time has filled a large gap in intelligence for Heaven and Earth Net. The so-called information obtained from the enemy is ultimately unstable. You don’t know if what he said is true or not, and you don’t know what he is. I didn’t pretend to be true, but I dug a hole for you.

If Heaven and Earth Net has the Lu Xiaoyu method of torture, it’s also OK, but they don’t.

And Lu Shu will not tell lies to them, and Lu Shu also brought back people like Inner Hall Zhi who are more proficient in Lu Universe affairs.

Zhang Weiyu has not been in class for these two days. I directly cooperated with Heaven and Earth Net to understand the situation of Lu Universe. After learning that Old God King is the porter of poetry, Zhang Weiyu needs busy work to paralyze itself…

Zhong Yutang said: “This situation may also happen in our southwest. The other party has penetrated very quickly. Nie Heavenly Net has personally led the team to the south, hoping to find someone behind the scenes.”

Lu Shu understands Zhong Yutang‘s concerns a bit. The slave mark is really too easy to control a person. Slaves can unilaterally remove the imprint of slaves, but everyone in Lu Universe knows that if you want to do this, you must endure extreme pain.

Many people have tried to remove the imprint of slaves, but they all gave up halfway.

The only limitation is that everyone’s spiritual capacity is limited. This is why Zhang Weiyu and others were surprised when Lu Shu was covenant with more than 5,000 people at the same time.

The burden of the covenant on the spirit is less than the imprint of the slave, but it is not much smaller.

Now it’s up to the opponent’s strength, but if you talk about the first grade of expert, I am afraid that you can complete the slave imprint control of nearly 1,000 people in a week, and it will reach the upper limit around 5,000 people in the future.

But with the current situation where the opponent is more blooming, I am afraid that more than one person will come.

The more serious problem is that if there are Earth cultivators willing to surrender, they can even teach the methods of controlling slave imprints to these Earth cultivator, and then spread it virally.

Lu Shu has never given much hope to humanity. He believes that someone will sell ethereal soul to the devil for profit.

This hand is too surprising, Duanmu Huangqi here fights life and death, and as a result, the Mingxiu plank road darkens Chen Cang there, and even uses Duanmu Huangqi to cover.

At this time, Zhong Yutang‘s mobile phone rang, and he took a look at it and said, “You should also receive this internal push message. Recently, everyone must be careful. There is indeed a slave mark in our southwest!”

Lu Shu was stunned. The other party was really fierce. They reached out to Heaven and Earth Net directly. Are you afraid of death? !

In this way, the people who came to the earth from Lu Universe might be…a lot!

“Is there any way to remove the slave mark,” Zhong Yutang asked.

“Kill the slave owner, the slave mark will naturally be lifted,” Lu Shu said: “Lu Universe regards the slave who lost the slave owner as the vagrant, some of the vagrant will regain the benefits of recognize as master, some people choose freedom, in fact Valiant Guardian Army Most of the soldiers here were stray children, but now they are just like normal people, with no effect.”

“So we still have to kill the slave owner,” Zhong Yutang thought for a while and said: “This method of controlling slaves is too overbearing. When the strength is weak, it is easy to be forcibly imprinted. Although the controlled person is also It is not a threat to us, but we still have to be careful.”

Lu Shu actually thinks that Zhong Yutang is still a little more optimistic: “You can’t condone them to just keep developing slaves, what if the other party has any other players?”

The key to the problem now is that they don’t know what the opponent wants to do, so it’s like playing chess. You have to fight every move and you can’t let the opponent expand the result.

As a result, another piece of information was sent at this time to make Zhong Yutang frowned: “Something went wrong. The other party controlled the loose cultivator slave to kill innocent people wantonly. Although we controlled the loose cultivator slave, we couldn’t find the other party. Where is the slave owner!”

Lu Shu was stunned, what to do? The other party turned out to be such an operation, first controlled the loose cultivator slave, and then hid it himself.

Even if they caught loose cultivator and knew that the other party was involuntarily, but they couldn’t find the slave owner for one day, they couldn’t let this loose cultivator out for one day.

But the slave owner and the slave have a one-way control It’s useless for you to catch the slave!

“Did Nie Ting think of any solution?” Lu Shu asked. It doesn’t matter if this happens overseas. They still don’t have time to manage the life and death of other people, but it is very uncomfortable to happen in the territory of Heaven and Earth Net. It’s so scourge by the other party.

Heaven and Earth Net‘s intelligence network is mainly external, but a little weak internally, which causes them to find the other slave owners for a while.

What’s more, these slave owners hiding in the dark are not necessarily Lu Universe people!

Slaves cannot betray the slave owner, and Heaven and Earth Net can’t even get information from the loose cultivator slave.

Zhong Yutang said: “We can only shrink loose cultivator first to prevent the other party from continuing to force them to stamp them as slaves. Then think of other ways. Nie Heavenly Net is going to come back here tomorrow. Dragon Gate Fortress has established a strong monitoring and mobilization. Ability, I hope to find the clues of the opponent through the analysis ability of Nie Heavenly Net.”

There is a time gap in the middle. You may find the previous culprit tomorrow, but a new perpetrator will appear the day after tomorrow.

Zhong Yutang suddenly looked at Lu Shu: “Do you have any good ideas?”

Lu Shu thought for a while and turned to look at Little Fierce Xu: “Take your rat tide! Give you ten more Washing Marrow Fruits, try to increase the number of c-class and b-class boys in your rat tide, find these The secretive person, and then bring it back.”

Little Fierce Xu suddenly got excited, so important mission fell on him! This is the time to make a big splash!

Little Fierce Xu took out a small notebook and wrote: “I can’t find them, I’ll meet you at Little Fierce Xu!”

Lu Shu‘s face turned black: “Who learned this from!?”

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