Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 903: cultivation technique heritage

[Title: King of mercy 903, cultivation technique heritage (third more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to the newest chapter of King Spade Ming 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of “2k fiction”, easy to remember! Nice novel

Strongly recommend: The god-level mechanical hunter of the online game, the master of the holy market, the lord of the snow eagle, the eternal dragon king, the legend, the ancient Godking, the peak of martial arts, the gate of the five elements, the gate of the sky, and the king of the night. Gao cultivation technique?” Lu Shu asked, he thought Zhang Weiyu should know this kind of thing.

Zhang Weiyu raised his eyebrows when he heard the word grabbing, but did not delve into the words.

The so-called ceiling is relatively high, it refers to what grade the upper limit can reach, if cultivation technique can only reach cultivation, then the ceiling is the first grade.

Currently, most of the cultivation technique in the hands of the master slave owners can only reach the fourth rank, while the nobles can mostly reach the second rank. Only the real nobles can reach the first rank, so cultivation technique determines the class and wants to break through This class is difficult to climb.

“Yes, but there are, but they are not appropriate.” Zhang Weiyu glanced at Lu Shu: “There are nobles who are lonely, and although they control the cultivation technique, there is no successor who can support them. That is to say, the aptitude is not enough. This way. In fact, the nobles are not too few, so the noble masters have learned their lessons for the sake of the family forever, so they will definitely find ways to make their sons incense flourish.”

“What about the infertile people? How could this happen?” Lu Shu froze for a while.

Zhang Weiyu is the first time I heard this term, but it is very easy to understand…and Lu Shu knows, in fact, many infertility on the earth is not because of the woman, but because the man is really not good, but he does not want to Do you understand how such a high-level monk still encounters this kind of problem?

Zhang Weiyu thought for a while and said: “After the Lu Universe world has gone through the cultivation era for too long, the reproduction is gradually different from the history. At the beginning, human multiplied, and the new life formed by the combination of powerful individuals is just like ordinary people. Slowly, it is different. I have seen newborn babies have the strength of Rank 6 after they are born, and they are born with infinite power.”

“How do you feel like gestating a monster,” Lu Shu has a weird expression.

“This analogy is unreliable,” Zhang Weiyu rolled his eyes: “But later, although the offspring became stronger and stronger, the number of inexplicable reproductions decreased. Later, many people felt that the problem was with the woman and thought It is the woman’s strength realm that is too low to carry a strong individual life, so now the Big Four and the nobles of King City like to cultivate strong women, and even buy and sell strong female officials, but this matter has not been determined yet.”

Lu Shu thinks this is the same as the earth. I blame my wife for my inability to give birth…

And this human of Lu Universe is afraid that it has opened another evolutionary road? How can a newborn win at the starting line as soon as it comes out… To be honest, now that the evolution of Darwin on the earth has been overthrown, no one can tell exactly what the evolutionary path of human is like.

Originally, Darwin said that human evolved from mammals, and this process started three to five million years ago.

However, the problem is that the evolutionary theory of Darwin later faced many tests. For example, in 1822, explorers discovered the footprints of human more than 300 million years ago, and in 1986 they discovered traces of human from 200 million to 600 million years ago.

Therefore, various arguments have emerged. Some people say that they have evolved, and some people say they are born species. The only result is that human no longer understands some of the issues. It will be clearer to summarize these issues: Who am I, Where am I, where am I from, what am I doing?

“There are also some great nobles because of the war. Before their children have grown up, their parents are already fallen,” Zhang Weiyu added.

“Take it far,” Lu Shu‘s face turned black: “I ask you about cultivation technique.”

“Some nobles have no heirs, but King City has many fallen nobles selling cultivation technique, but can you go to King City now?” Zhang Weiyu asked.

“It’s really too late,” Lu Shu nodded, there are still 12,000 miles away from Southern Metropolis, let alone King City.

Lu Shu found out that Zhang Weiyu actually had something to say, but everyone is now on guard for each other and take your time.


At night, the King Lu Mountain was silent. Lu Shu required all Valiant Guardian Army soldiers, except patrol personnel, to return to the barracks to rest, and no noise was allowed. At first, Valiant Guardian Army was not very comfortable. Everyone used to work and rest freely, but gradually they got used to it.

Zhang Weiyu and others were whispering in the separate barracks arranged for them by Valiant Guardian Army. Not only that, but there were even people guarding the door intently to prevent someone from overhearing.

“Is this kid reliable?” someone asked.

Zhang Weiyu thought for a while: “Little things are unreliable, big things are reliable.”

“How to say?”

“This boy,” Zhang Weiyu recalled a little mixed, “You don’t count on him when you don’t endanger your life. It’s good if you don’t get angry, but he can stand up when something big happens.” /

Someone murmured: “I carefully observed his pace and body weight. stamina should be grade 4, but I still don’t understand how a grade 4 included Valiant Guardian Army. The little girl next to him is a The second grade, the one with the pink scarf is a bit more powerful, maybe the big slave can control the situation.”

Zhang Weiyu shook his head: “You have overlooked a problem. The time between me and him was only about one and a half months, and he had just entered the sixth rank at that time!”

“Wait,” someone exclaimed in a low voice: “You mean he used a month and a half to cultivate from the sixth to the fourth? How long did you use it?”

“I am a year and a half.”

“My year!”

“My six months!”

However, after talking for a long time, no one is younger than half a year. You know, they are already considered geniuses among geniuses!

And they don’t know, Lu Shu wasted almost half of the time in dealing with soap business. If he made a breakthrough, he might be able to complete the leap from rank 6 to rank 4 in less than a month.

Way of the Sword realm is the biggest support of Lu Shu today, and harmony with the world is the foundation of Lu Shu cultivation.

“You it possible for him to reach that height?” Zhang Weiyu whispered.

“You mean…Grandmaster?!” someone asked in surprise.

“Now there are only about ten masters in Lu Universe, do you think he can come? This requires luck and perseverance, and aptitude is indispensable!”

Zhang Weiyu looked at his old friends and said: “Perseverance is the most important thing to me. At that time, I thought he was an ordinary little white-faced slave. As a result, when he was an ordinary person, he insisted on training and abolishing his body. , I didn’t have this perseverance back then. Chance! aptitude! Perseverance! Do you think he lacks?”

“There seems to be no shortage of…”

Old Zhang, what do you want to do directly?” someone said.

“You know that I was a noble child before entering Imperial Dragon Class,” Zhang Weiyu said.

Someone laughed: “Don’t show off your life experience, I’m tired of listening!”

“I mean, after I entered Imperial Dragon Class, although practice was cultivation technique from Old God King, my cultivation technique did not lose, and it was cultivation technique that can be repaired to the first grade,” Zhang Weiyu said.

Old Zhang, can you think clearly, you want to give him such an expensive thing?” Someone was shocked.

“I know you still have someone like me, who didn’t order cultivation technique, but we don’t like it after we have the gift of Old God King,” Zhang Weiyu laughed: “What use are these things in our hands now? ? Even if we can still use cultivation, we won’t be able to use it, so… it’s better to give a personal love and take another big bet that he can help us in the future!”

“If it is sold to him, don’t say he can’t afford it now. Even if he can afford it, he will only treat it as an equivalent exchange in the future and won’t appreciate it.”

“Then give it to him and see what tricks this thin Valiant Guardian Army can make in his hands.”


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