Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 898: Zhanxian

Qing Sai Army is trying its best to break through, and the oncoming Black Feather Army did not expect to meet the breakthrough Qing Sai Army in this place of Ma Pingchuan. According to the original plan, they should go around to the middle of Liyang Pass and Nangeng City to wait for an ambush, because Black Feather Army The preparation of the commander in chief was originally to prevent Qing Sai Army Xiangliyangguan from converging with Scarlet Flame Army.

Unfortunately, Qing Sai Army doesn’t trust Scarlet Flame Army at all, so there is no plan to go to Liyangguan to the east.

The encounter between the two parties in this plain is the situation of irreconcilable until death. Liu Yizhao is not a weak person. When he sees the way is blocked, he will be relieved: “Follow me to charge, and I will take care of your wives, children, and children, and survive. Drink together!”

Liu Yizhao has been operating in Nangeng City for more than ten years, but he did not expect the arrival of Black Feather Army this time to give up all his efforts. It is said that mercy is not in charge of soldiers, Liu Yizhao understands this, but his Qing Sai Army subordinates, the death of any one made his heart bleed.

This is the end of the matter, and there is no retreat. He Liu Yizhao cannot die yet, he still has his mission!

Liu Yizhao can only be fortunate that he spends his time and effort to train Qing Sai Army on weekdays, and now that he can rush here with not only the elite, but also completely loyal to him!

Qing Sai Army suddenly launched a charge, and the first-grade commander of Black Feather Army rose into the air, and a spear pierced Liu Yizhao straight, drawing a sharp neigh.

As long as he rushes into the battle to kill Liu Yizhao, this Qing Sai Army will naturally collapse without a fight!

But in the next moment he saw that Liu Yizhao was also flying, and the red tasseled gun in his hand flicked, and he saw a white crane flying out of the gun!

Liu Yizhao only had second rank when he was in charge of Nangeng City, but this does not mean that he is still second rank after more than ten years.

He was hiding his clumsy for others to see, but he didn’t expect that he was already so low-key that in the end he would be calculated by others. At this moment of life and death, Liu Yizhao goes all out!

“Where is Zhanxian?” Liu Yizhao roared.

I saw the cronies behind him take out a hollow engraved lotus ball, twist it with all his strength, and see that the lotus suddenly shines, and the fluorescent petals fly from the ball. Then, the target is the commander of Black Feather Army!

The commander in black armor made an unknown premonition in his heart, and he hurriedly flew back in the battle, but it was too late!

Liu Yizhao not only showed his true strength realm, but also showed the housekeeping divine object in order to make a quick decision. Ordinary people in the Lu Universe world once called the flying Yipin expert a fairy, because everyone thinks that a fairy can fly.

And this slashing of immortals is dedicated to slashing gods! This slashing fairy was once thrown by the owner of Sword Cottage to Liu Yizhao, and can only be used once, so Liu Yizhao has kept it until now. If not many people knew that Liu Yizhao had this thing in his hands, he might not be able to sit securely as the lord of Nangeng City. The petals on the orb are carved by the master of Sword Cottage at will, and they have the power to kill the first grade.

The petals fly extremely fast, and Liu Yizhao clings to the commander so hard that they will not allow the other party to get out. The two sides are entangled in the sky like eagles, and the people below cannot get in at all.

As soon as Qing Sai Army and Black Feather Army came into contact, red torrents and black torrents suddenly collided on this plain, as if the newly erupted lava hit a deep river!

The roar on the battlefield and the sound of gold and iron cried, like a burning sound.

In an instant, Liu Yizhao suddenly lifted its feet and kicked on the spear that the commander was holding in front of his chest, and the two were separated by more than ten feet in the sky! Next, the petals of the lotus flower were cut on the black armor of the commander and passed straight through!

Liu Yizhao sighed inwardly, this big killer was still used after all, and the petals and the ball disappeared with the commander’s fallen.

The two armies are fighting, whether there is a coach or not is two concepts. Liu Yizhao led Qing Sai Army to rush forward, and Black Feather Army began to spread!

I have to say that Black Feather Army is also the elite of the elite. Even if the command is defeated, these Black Feather Army soldiers are still fighting desperately, one after another!

After a great battle, no one escaped from Black Feather Army, and the only corpses left in the battlefield!

The three thousand Qing Sai Army that broke through from Nangeng City, only more than one thousand people remain.

Liu Yizhao turned his head and glanced at Nangeng City, which did not exist in his line of sight: “Valiant Guardian Army must be over. Change roads to break through, and abandon horses into the mountains!”

The direction of Black Feather Army is Yun’an City, so Liu Yizhao is sure that Valiant Guardian Army is over. This Black Feather Army is coming from the rear. In order to avoid your retreat from being blocked, you must kill Valiant Guardian Army, otherwise, in case this Black Feather Army wants to retreat from Yun’an City Isn’t it troublesome to bump into Valiant Guardian Army again?

What Liu Yizhao cannot be sure about is whether there is still Black Feather Army stationed in Yun’an City, so abandoning horses into the mountains is the best choice.

For a time, Liu Yizhao only felt embarrassed on all sides, and Yingwu’s face was a bit lonely.

Guardian said: “ We are now lonely ghosts.”

Liu Yizhao smiled: “That must be a group of spooky ghosts! Go!”

Behind, Black Feather Army rages and expands in Nanzhou like a locust. Ten city masters are not too many, I’m afraid they won’t be enough!


The new commander of Valiant Guardian Army took his old, weak, sick and disabled to the depths of the northern mountains. They did not walk in a particularly hurry. The grain they carried was most afraid of being exposed to water and moisture, so Lu Shu asked them to be careful.

Liu Qianzhi said sincerely next to Lu Shu: “The subordinates are really happy to be led by the king.”

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: “I am also happy for you.”

Liu Qianzhi: “???”

distress points from Liu Qianzhi, +99…”

The Lu Xiaoyu next to him smiled, Lu Shu is still the Lu Shu, he may ponder, but he will never be silent…

“Please rest assured, the king, although our stragglers are unbearable, but they are by no means two-faced villains. If that were the case, we would have been collaborating with Ye Xiaoming.” What Liu Qianzhi is most worried about is that Lu Shu does not trust them. Very important.

After traveling for two days, Liu Qianzhi‘s biggest impression of Lu Shu is that although he occasionally gets heart-stirred, he is not the kind of moody master. He found that Li Heitan even dared to make jokes with Lu Shu.

As the saying goes, one leaf knows autumn, if Lu Shu is a high-level person who is not easy to get along with, then Li Heitan would not dare to do so.

In terms of food and supplies, Lu Shu has no interest at all. The food is actually treated as the reserve food of the entire team. If it is replaced by Ye Xiaoming, the dead leader may want to let the soldiers. Let’s start drinking water now, don’t eat.

Liu Qianzhi thinks that it is good to follow this command, everyone can have a meal.

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