Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 303: God’s Gathering

Lu Shu sat in the position and watched. Lu Xiaoyu was next to obediently, lying on the armrest of the Lu Shu single sofa with his chin under his arm, Little Fierce Xu lying on Lu Xiaoyu’s head, just saw those who were completely When it can’t understand the text, it feels desperate. You won’t have to learn other languages ​​in the future, right? !

“So much content,” Lu Shu said with emotion. The interface of Dark Kingdom was opened with an exquisite news page.

There are two lines of small characters under the name of Dark Kingdom. The first line: Please don’t worry that Dark Kingdom will leak your information unless we die.

The second line: You should walk towards the dark, lest light comes to you, and enjoy yourself.

The words in this second line in the impression of Lu Shu seem to be from the Bible. The original text should be ‘Walk toward the light, lest darkness fall on you’, but this Dark Kingdom did the opposite.

However, Lu Shu does not believe in the so-called will not reveal identity information. Believing in others is better than believing in himself. Today, he took Xiaoyu to see what is magical about this website. I am afraid that I will not log in again if conditions permit. Now, of course, there is still a protective umbrella. His login identity is Anthony, not his Lu Shu.

The updates on the news are very close to the present. The first news is the end of the Salt Lake Ruins this afternoon, but the information inside is very rough, only that the ruins are over, and the strength of Chen Baili has broken through again, even what The breakthrough is not clear.

Then if you want to see more in-depth information, you have to pay, 300,000 US dollars.

Lu Shu took a breath, sending a news is worth so much money? ! And this Dark Kingdom is a bit magical, right? The news is so timely?

But Lu Shu also knows very well that he only killed a spy during this visit to the ruins, and there must be others.

At the time of the Beimang Ruins, there were 9 spies out of Yu Province‘s 300 million population base. Now Qingzhou Shao said there are more than one, right?

If there are spies selling intelligence, it’s not uncommon, or it’s not impossible for someone inside Heaven and Earth Net’s cultivator to sell intelligence. It’s just that Lu Shu doesn’t have the spare money to go in and see how much the other party knows about Chen Baili’s information, or for To what extent is the situation in the salt lake ruins understood.

Speaking of this kind of website, Heaven and Earth Net must be aware of its existence, right? There is no reason to not know, so this kind of thing is not my turn to worry about.

He continued to follow the news, only looking at the title and introduction, not the content.

Faith Theory Department adds a B Rank strong.” Lu Shu knows that Heaven and Earth Net has been popularized in class Dao Origin, and Faith Theory Department is the predecessor of the Inquisition.

“The Huotian people appeared, and it has been determined that they do not belong to the cultivation sequence.” Lu Shu also knows about the Huodian people, the collective name of the three Indian tribes on Tierra del Fuego in the southern tip of South America. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were about 10,000 people, but now there are few left. Distributed in the northeast, the language belongs to the Chang language family of the Indian language family.

They are accustomed to smoking a lot of drugs or drugs like narcotics, and then giving them treatments and cures after they are overwhelmed. Lu Shu thinks this way is very wild. First use drugs to drive themselves crazy. Then let others believe that they have the ability to cast laws and cure diseases…This is not something that ordinary people can do.

Lu Shu suddenly discovered that the homepage of this Dark Kingdom is like a paid enhanced version of Golden Foundation forum, with more comprehensive information and more elitist forum than Golden Foundation forum.

Golden Foundation forum is open to the whole world, and this Dark Kingdom seems to be open only to Awakener and cultivator.

As long as you have money, you can know more things.

This is the power of money…

However, this is only a basic function of Dark Kingdom. Lu Shu clicked on a module called Employment, which turned out to be full of information about bidding to hire Awakener and cultivator to do things. Each message was marked with the access level limit. Lu Shu looked at it. A glance at the level of the Anthony account, B Rank.

It seems that this level is linked to strength. The higher the strength, the higher the mission you can receive.

Lu Shu also found one thing. For mission marked D Rank and below, the remuneration is basically commission, while C Rank and above are more exchanged with item.

He clicked on the personal center of Anthony and found a record: God’s Gathering hired B Rank expert to behead Chen Baili, the release time was very short, and Anthony immediately took it.

Later, there was also a list of personnel entering the ruins and their strength form provided by the other party after the salt lake ruins were opened, but Lu Shu found out that he and Lu Xiaoyu and Chen Zu’an were not among them.

Remuneration, deep sea white sand, the deposit is half of the amount, deposited on the Dark Kingdom side, self-collected.

In other words, the remuneration of these people is paid through Dark Kingdom, so the power of this Dark Kingdom also looks very large, otherwise, how can there be so much manpower and material resources?

God’s Gathering? This name is so strange, Lu Shu has no idea which cultivator organization is called by this name.

No, there seems to be a clue. In the myth and legend of Japan, the heavenly world where the gods live is called Of course, Lu Shu thinks this is quite nonsense. Anyway, everyone knows that Japan is so big…

According to legend, once a major incident occurs in Takama-ga-hara, the gods will gather on the paddy fields of Tianzhigao City and Tianzhi’an River to hold a meeting called “God’s Gathering” to discuss countermeasures.

What’s the violation here? Yes, it’s the paddy field… You are in the kingdom of God, and you still grow rice… What about the gods rolling up their trouser legs and planting rice seedlings? It’s so spicy.

So, Lu Shu suspects that this God’s Gathering is cultivator organization from Japan, right? He doesn’t quite know this, so let Heaven and Earth Net worry about it.

On this page of employment, Lu Shu also sees a series of options such as strength rating, credit rating and so on.

Some missions show the status of being connected, while some missions have not been answered for half a year. The most conspicuous ones are the three missions, killing Nie Ting, killing Li Yixiao, and killing Feng Yeming. These three mission targets are all The three domestic Heavenly Nets have not been accepted so far.

This can also be seen in disguised form of the influence of Heaven and Earth Net at this time. Anthony took a big risk and ran to the salt lake ruins to kill Chen Baili, but his own death was terrible…

So, did you kill the mission of Anthony? After watching Lu Shu for a long time, I found no…

At this time, Lu Shu suddenly saw the item trading option in Dark Kingdom, and his eyes lit up. Although it is unlikely that he will sell things through this thing, it is not bad to see how to add money!


Three shifts have been issued, eat a meal, and there is a chapter for the leader of a potato flower.

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