Battle Through the Heavens Chapter 2133: Route

Next, the arks one after another sank into the giant wormhole. Here, there are no rules and no one has jurisdiction. Once they enter the giant wormhole, everyone’s eyes will become scarlet. There is no friendliness, only competition.

Only the winner can survive!

It’s Fearless Ark, Ding Yue controls the Ark slowly, and behind the Fearless Ark, countless pairs look at the shabby Fearless Ark with irony and ridicule. In their eyes, Xiao Yan they are nothing but Cannon fodder.

“It’s hard to have Expert in such a shabby ark, and it looks like it’s also a killer.”

“Well … the fear is written on the ark. I heard about it in Qian Xingcheng some time ago. The Shark Gang was said to have been killed by a group of people who claimed to be fearless. Their home is also famous for its cruelty. Shark Wu, who can get fifty queuing numbers, I am afraid that can’t be underestimated. “

“Come on, you can wipe out the Shark Gang and worry about not having the money to buy a decent ark? If this three-level ark encounters a turbulent stream, it will be shredded and shattered without human intervention. . “


The noisy words made Xiao Yan feel very upset, but as the ark entered the giant wormhole, all the voices stopped abruptly at this moment.

After entering the giant wormhole, the jade card in Xiao Yan‘s hand is also turned into a light spot, engraved on the ark, a word of fifty.

Xiao Yan was a little startled, and he squeezed his chin and murmured: “Although it looks like there are no rules, in fact it is not. Since there is a number, there is always a powerful force that everyone cannot touch. Power is overtaking all of this. “

The eyes of everyone are paying attention to the scene inside the giant wormhole, but to everyone’s disappointment, after entering the giant wormhole, the surroundings are completely dark, without even the slightest light. I thought there would be any unique scenery. The crowd was a little stunned for a while, obviously a little disappointed.

At this time, Ding Yue came out, holding the star chart, and summoned everyone.

“There are several routes to Hongmeng Star. The giant wormhole is not just a single passage. In fact, it is also an independent space, but the space is small. We must pass at least two space stations on the way, because we must Know the direction of the turbulent flow, otherwise it would be easy to encounter a powerful turbulent flow through the giant wormhole, and the fearless ark is difficult to withstand the impact of the turbulent flow. “Ding Yue said clearly and planned a route for everyone.

“How many space stations are there?” Xiao Yan asked.

“There are hundreds of space stations, so we have to confirm now. Which two space stations to take? I have chosen a route that is relatively Safely. The first route is to pass through the waves and valleys. The sea valley formed by turbulent streams, although this path looks dangerous, it is not, because the sea valley will have a rest period. As long as you seize this opportunity, you will be able to pass safely. The first is the fastest. “

Ding Yue showed you on the Xinghai chart.

“The second one, there is a remains during the period, I am afraid that many people will want to go to this remains to seek for the creation. The danger is not turbulent flow, but everyone who will meet will become an enemy.”

Everyone hissed coldly, it seems that both routes don’t look very good Safely.

“Third, this route was secretly learned by chance at my Dingjia auction house. It is said that there will also be an remains here, but the route is very vague, very few people may even know it, but at the same time The status of this route is also a mystery, because the information received is very scarce, but if remains is true existence, it may be a good thing, and if it goes well, the speed will be faster than the first route! “

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